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Nature vs Nurture

To begin with, nature is the genes that we inherit from our parents which influence
the way we look, think, feel or behave. For instance, the reason my eyes are blue is
because I inherited this eye colour from my mother. I also inherited flatfeet from my
father, which can explain why we walk similarly. According to science, all humans
carry some form of MAOA gene. Everyone either has a high or low-activity form of
MAOA gene, both of which are congenital. Because of this particular gene an
enzyme called monoamine oxidase A is produced. Which breaks down
neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine.
Ensuring proper neuronal communication. These neurotransmitters regulate mood,
emotion, sleep, appetite, and body’s response to stress. In the case of, Monoamine
oxidase A deficiency, meaning there are not enough enzymes responsible for
breaking down neurotransmitters, which causes a neurotransmitter build up in the
brain. Resulting in aggressive and violent behaviour in early childhood.
On the other hand, nurture is the surrounding environment which shapes our
individual characteristics. My family taught me love, self-esteem, empathy, modesty,
and faith. They showed me how to be humble and help those in need. Swimming
also played an important role in shaping who I am today. By pushing myself during
tough sets, by looking up to my exemplary teammates and by learning from my
mistakes in order to overcome difficulties, I transformed into a completely different
person. I went from being careless and apathetic to becoming a disciplined, diligent,
ambitious and goal driven person. Now back to science. About a third of people in
Western populations have the low-activity form of MAOA gene. One study, which
examined interaction between genes and environment, findings suggest that men,
who had the low-activity MAOA gene and also experienced abuse or had been
neglected during their childhood, were more prone to aggressive behaviour later on
in their life.
All in all, I think that nature and nurture are both equally important and go hand in
hand, because genes and the environment have an interactive relationship, which
means some genes cannot be activated without certain environmental inputs. In
addition, many scientists support the idea that nature and nurture influences on
human character are indissociable, based on their research.

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