Formative & Summative

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- is conducted as an ON-GOING PROCESS, while SUMMATIVE

ASSESSMENT is conducted at the end of a term.
- This process is continuous and can be either formally or informally
implemented in determining pupil’s level of performance
- To assess the effectiveness of the teacher’s teaching method
- Carried out by teachers to gain immediate feedback on their pupils
learning process and provide them with the necessary information so that
they can make changes in their teaching.
- is carried out during the teaching and learning process. pupil’s
achievement levels are recorded and reported every quarterly.
- Various method of assessment can be used to document the attainment of
the Learning Standards :
 checklists,
 observations,
 oral presentations,
 quizzes, questions and answer,
 task sheets or written assignment
- this process assist teachers to build a profile of their pupil’s language
development through on-going assessment.

- to assess the pupil’s achievement
- to aim at determining whether and to what degree pupils have learnt what
they are expected to learn at the end of an instructional period
- can be utilise as part of school improvement efforts to help teachers
determine whether pupils are making adequate academic progress or
- the assessment elements has been incorporated in DSKP together with the
Content and Learning Standard.
- Teachers need to refer to Performance Standard to help them ascertain the
level of their pupil's understanding and acquisition of the skills taught.
- teachers can change their approach or strategy to help their pupils master

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