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i. Maeander: Running ornament in the form of fret or key
ii. Makara: A type of stone console-shaped balustrade.
iii. Maksura: The sanctuary in an early mosque enclosed by a
wooden latticed screen or piered stone.
iv. Manadapa: The hall usually pillared.
v. Mansard roof: A roof with steep lower slope & flatter upper
vi. Marquise: A projecting canopy over an entrance door.
vii. Masons: The treatment in masonary and sometimes in joinary
for mouldings meeting at right angle.
viii. Mastaba: A ancient Egyptian, rectangular, flat tapped, covering
a burial chamber below ground.
ix. Mathemetical tiles: Brick tiles design to imitate facing bricks.
x. Maydan: Open square or space.
xi. Meander fret: An uncomfort feel.
xii. Mediaeval: A tern taken to comprehend the Romanesque &
gothic periods of architectural development.
xiii. Megaron: The principal rooms of an early Anatolian house.
xiv. Merlon: The upstanding part of an embattled parapet.
xv. Metope: The space between doric triglyphs.
xvi. Mezzanine: An intermediate floor formed within a lofty story.
xvii. Mihrab: Niche oriented towards Mecca.
xviii. Minabar: The pulpit of a mosque.
xix. Minaret: A slender tower rising above.
xx. Misericord: A hinged seat, made to turn up to afford support
to standing person.
xxi. Mitre: The term specially in joinary.
xxii. Module: A measure of proportion, by which the parts of a
classical order or building are regulated.
xxiii. Monopteral: A temple, usually circular, consisting of columns
xxiv. Mosaic: Decorative surface formed by small cubes of stones
(glass or marble).
xxv. Motte: A courtyard or ward.
xxvi. Mouldings: The contours given to project.
xxvii. Mudejar: A Spanish moslem under Christian rule.
xxviii. Mutules: Projecting inclined blocks in doric cornics. Drived
from end of wooden beams.
xxix. Mushroom construction: A system of reinforced concrete
construction without beams.
xxx. Mushrabiyah: Window with lotic -work screen.
xxxi. Multirallate: Having more then one wall or rampart.
xxxii. Mullions: Vertical members dividing windows into different
number of lights.
xxxiii. Mulaprasada: Main shrine of nagara temple.
xxxiv. Metal lath: An expanded metal mesh used as base for applying
xxxv. Millwork: wood building products used for furnish work.
xxxvi. Muntin: Thin divider trim that separates panes of glass in a
window assembly.
xxxvii. Mantel: Decorative trim piece or member around a fireplace
xxxviii. Masonry: Material of brick, stone, concrete, blocks, & burned
clay (such as ceramic tile).
xxxix. Mail box: To collet messages from outside of home.
xl. Mobile home: A movable home.
xli. Mesonite: A kind of hardboard made of pressed wood or fiber.
xlii. Monument: A decorative or historical structure.
xliii. Movie house: Cinema house.
xliv. Museum: A building in which objects of historical, scientific,
artistic, or culture interests are exhibited.
xlv. Minbar: Mosque pulpit.
xlvi. Metropolitan: Related to or donating to metropolis or large
xlvii. Macro: Being large, thick, or exceptionally prominent.
xlviii. Micro: Very small.
xlix. Mesopotamia: Land between Tigris & Euphrates.
l. Manipulation: Cutting or joining of different shapes.
li. Millennium: A span of 1000 years.
lii. Mainstream: The prevailing current of thoughts.
liii. Modernism: Practice typical of contemporary life or thoughts.
liv. Modern concept: Style or way of thinking that is new &
lv. Machine: A mechanical or electrical device that transmits
lvi. Mere: On the difference between the ideas of architecture &
mere construction.
lvii. Merge: To combine, blend or unite.
lviii. Metal: Material used in architecture.
lix. Main drainage: A way of wastage water.
lx. Meter: Of gas, water, electricity.
lxi. Multi story: Building more than one floor.
lxii. Mega structure: A very large multistory building.
lxiii. Multi purpose: Having several purposes or functions.
lxiv. Medium: A specific way.
lxv. Marriage stone: A stone lintel, usually carved with a marriage
lxvi. Mascaron: A mascaron ornament is a face, usually human,
sometimes frightening, used as decorative element.
lxvii. Meander: Decorative border made by a repeated linear motif.
lxviii. Modillion: Enriched block or horizontal bracket generally
found under the cornice.
lxix. Mutule: Rectangular block under the soffit.
lxx. Monotiglyph: Interval of the intercolumniation of doric
lxxi. Morph: Cause to change shape in a computer animation.
lxxii. Medieval: Relating to or belonging to the middle age.
lxxiii. Mass production: The production of large quantities of a
standardized article.
lxxiv. Methodology: The techniques followed in a particular
lxxv. Michelangelo: Florentine sculptor & painter and architect.
lxxvi. Middle class: The social class between the lower & upper
lxxvii. Mural: A wall painting, fresco is type of mural techniques.
lxxviii. Multistory frame: A building framework of more than one
story .
lxxix. Multiple dwelling: A building for residential use that houses
several separates family units.
lxxx. Multipane window; Having more than one window.
lxxxi. Multifoil: Composed or of ornamented with many foils.
lxxxii. Mycenaean: Relating to late bronze age civilization.
lxxxiii. Murcutt: The cottage by the fen.
lxxxiv. Mulch: Material such as decaying leaves, bark.
lxxxv. Mozarabic: Relating to Christian inhabitant of spain.
lxxxvi. Mouchette: A daggerlike form, especially in tracery, created by
a segmental & ogee curve.
lxxxvii. Maltese cross: A cross that is formed by for equal triangles or
arrowheads joined at their points.
lxxxviii. Main beam: One of the principal beams which transmit loads.
lxxxix. Main rafter: A roof member extending at right angles from the
plates to the ridge.
xc. Manor house: The most important house in a country or

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