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Determiner the equation of the lin function given

y=f ( x )
f ( 0 )=8 f ( 7 )=14
( x 1 , y 1 ) =( 0 , 8 ) ( x 2 , y 2 )=(7 , 14)

y 2− y 1
x 2−x 1
y=mx+b y=6/7 x+ 8
y−8=6 /7(x−0)

2 f ( t+h )−f (t)

2. if f ( t )=2 t−t +3 , what is
2(t +h)−¿ ¿
2 t+2 h ¿−¿

2t +2 h−t 2−2 th−h2 +3−2t +t 2−3


+2 h−2th−h + ¿ =¿¿

¿ 2−2 t−h

3. Find all solution to the equation −4 cos x=−si n2 x +1 write your answer in radians in
terms of π
−4 cos x +si n x−1=0
The formula for sin 2 x is sin 2 x = 1 - cos ² x so sin 2 x – 1= - cos ² x

−4 cos x−cos ² x =0
cos x=0
x=π / 2 and 3 π /2 in interval [0 . 2π]
so x=π /2+ π k k is integer
4. Sketch the graph of y=3 x+2 +5 .Find the domain, range, and

horizontal asymptote. Include the horizontal asymptote in your graph.

the function has no undefined points or domain constraints and has the

form of

f ( x)=nax+b +k .
This means the domain is : (−∞ ,+∞ )

k = 5 so the range is: ( 5 ,+∞ )

The graph has a horizontal asymptote of y=k K=5 which means the

horizontal asymptote is y = 5.

5. Sketch the graph of y=log 3 ( x +2 ) +5, Find the domain, range, and

vertical asymptote. Include the vertical asymptote. Include the vertical asymptote in your graph.

y=log 3 ( x +2 ) +5

x +2>0

x >−2
Domain (−2 ,+∞)

Range (−∞,+ ∞)

Vertical asymptotes: x=−2

6. Find the domain for the function  g(x )= 2
x −81
the domain of definition of this function is as follows

x 2−81 ≠ 0
So x 2−81=0 x 2=81 so x=± √ 81


the domain [-∞ -9[U]-9 +9[U]+9 +∞[

7. From the graph below, find what is f(-15) and for what numbers x is f(x)=0 .

We will have y = 0 when x is in (-15, 17.5, 25)

Therefore, f(-15) = 0

8. Determine whether the graph is that of a function. If it is, use the graph to find its domain and
range, the intercepts, if any, and any symmetry with respect to the x-axis, the y-axis, or the origin.

The domain is (−∞,+ ∞) because the function appears to be repeated

The range is [ −1,1 ]

−π π
At the points (π , 0) , ( , 0), (0,0), ( , 0), (π , 0) are the intercepts.
2 2

each( , 0), wherek is in Z With respect to the X-axis, it is symmetric

9. Determine whether the function is even, odd, or neither.

a) For f ( x )=4 x 3
f (−x )=4 (−x)
f ( x ) ≠ f (−x )

So f ( x )=4 x 3 is odd

b) For f ( x )=−x 3 / (x2 +3)

f (−x )=(−x )3 /¿
f ( x )=f (−x )

The function f ( x )=−x 3 / (x2 +3)is even

For c) f(x) = 3x³ - 5

For c) f(x) = 3x³ - 5
For c) f(x) = 3x³ - 5
c) For f ( x )=3 x 3−5
f (−x )=3(−x) −5

f (−x )=−3 x 3−5

Which means f ( x ) ≠ f (−x )so the function f ( x )=3 x 3−5 is odd

10.   A cellular phone plan had the following schedule of charges: Basic service, including 100
minutes of calls is $20.00/month; 2nd 100 minutes of calls is $0.075/minute; additional
minutes of calls is $0.10/minute.

a. What is the charge for 200 minutes of calls in one month?

b. What is the charge for 250 minutes of calls in one month?

c. Construct a function that relates the monthly charge C for x minutes of calls?

a) $20 cost for the first 100 minutes + a second 100-minute cost of $0.075 = $27.5.
b) First 100 minutes cost $20; the following 100 minutes cost $0.075, and the final 50 minutes
cost $0.10, for a total of $32.5.
c) f ( x )=20 , x ∈ [ 0,100 ]

f ( x )=20+ x ×0.075 , x ∈ [ 100,200 ]

f ( x )=20+ 100× 0.075+ x × 0.10=27.5+ x ×0.10 , x ∈ ¿
d) f(x) = 20, x ∈ [0, 100]
e) f(x) = 20 + x * 0.075, 20, x ∈ (100,
g) f (-x) = (-x)³/((-x)² + 3)
h) f(-x) = f (x)
i) The function f(x) = -x³/(x² + 3) is eve

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