IT Level 5 Theory 1

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1. Workers help their co-workers with problems. The organization can provide training to key 8.

8. Part of normal work and that does not require a special event to occur and alien with a
workers so that they are able to be called upon for informal support (uc 1) sequence of events or project.
A. User support combined with other responsibilities A. Continuous improvement
B. Informal peer support B. Organizational Knowledge.
C. Help desk support C. Breakthrough Improvement.
D. outsourced support D. Relevant Metrics
2. Mr X takes the calls, logs details, may solve simple problems or give general advice for common problems like 9. The recruitment, selection, assignment, training, development, evaluation and
advising on network availability the level of support provided can be categorised under (uc 1)
compensation of staff.
A. Level 2 help desk
A. Organizing
B. Level 3 help desk
B. Staffing
E. Level 1 help desk
C. Leading
C. Level 4 help desk
D. Planning
3. In the IT industry, which of the following are major reasons that businesses fail to develop
10. Which of the following is excluded from activities improving listening?(uc 9)
effective strategies?(u6)
A. minimize distractions
A. allowing corporate politics to dictate priorities
B. observe body language
B. failure to understand the challenges ahead
C. link the fact with emotion
C. failure to see a strategic challenge
D. show you are listening
D. all of the above
11. Which of the following negatively affect customer care? (uc 9)
4. What are the three common ‘descriptors’ that are used in mission statements? (uc6)
A. Make your first impression good
A. purpose, reasons, goals
B. always to be courteous and considerate and greet customers with a smile
F. purpose, business, values C. Talk each and every point to your customer in detail in order to make your customer understand you
B. purpose, procedure, process D. practice active listening skills
C. Purpose, reason, values 12. Why Building relationships with our suppliers is also an important aspect of our ability to
5. Which of the following resources are intangible?(uc6) offer excellent customer service:- (uc 9)
A. employee knowledge, equipment, employee relations A. It can make the relationship between us confidential.
B. managerial talent, cash balance of company, employee knowledge B. We can serve our customers like our suppliers served us
G. ideas, reputation, capacity for innovation C. we're more likely to get better service ourselves, helping us in turn to respond more
C. Equipment, cash balance of company, employee relations effectively to our customers' needs
6. In an IT environment, why would management appreciate assessing the information D. our suppliers can have contact with our customers
collected through the gap analysis process? (uc6) 13. Before a project manager can plan for quality, he must know (UC 7)
A. management have all the information about a number of possible changes to A. what the producer / service provider needs
the information technology system B. What are the quality standards of performing and which quality standards are applicable to the project?
B. management can evaluate all relevant information C. The effect of the quality Plan derived from the expectations
C. implications of each change are presented along with a recommended course of action D. How to plan above the standards and earn more profit
D. All of the above 14. Quality assurance relies on (uc7)
7. Which of the following phase is correct about plan and monitors the system pilot from Final to Initial? A. How the product is judged by the manufacturer / vendor
A. Install Pilot system Monitor implementation of Pilot system  prepare for B. a strict definition of what is acceptable and not acceptable from a product or service
Pilot System Evaluate pilot System C. The amount of product produced in a given time range
B. Monitor implementation of Pilot system Install Pilot system prepare for D. The investment made to produce the product/service and the price set
Pilot System Evaluate pilot System
C. prepare for Pilot System Install Pilot system Monitor implementation of
Pilot system  Evaluate pilot System
D. Evaluate pilot System  Monitor implementation of Pilot system Install
Pilot system prepare for Pilot System.
Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V2 (Oct 2014)
15. Completing quality work increases productivity because: (uc10) 21. Which of the following is not common in conducting an applied research regarding the
A. It maximizes unwanted wastes in the production / service rendering improvement of an ICT infrastructure in an organization?
B. It minimizes the time spent because producing quality products take less time of A. Acknowledge others to communicate with you verbally and non-verbally.
production B. Organizational needs and selection criteria are taken for granted.
C. When work is completed correctly the first time, as expected, the project does not C. Reporting your findings to an appropriate person.
have to spend additional funds to redo the work D. Maintain a positive attitude for your research area.
D. Careless work have to be redone after completing a quality work in production/
service rendering
16. The types of quality management activities that guarantee quality may not be needed for
every project means: (uc 7)
A. It doesn’t matter if we invest on quality management activities even above the value of the product
B. Completing quality work may cost more money than the work is worth
C. Quality is mandatory even more than
D. Delivering a level of quality beyond what is demanded doesn’t cost the project
additional funds
17. In the process of production or service rendering we should exclude gold plating because (uc 10, 8)
A. Working beyond the standard and requests of the customer is appreciated
B. The customer need or want more than what was requested
C. Adding extra features may drive up costs and alter schedules and requests
D. Innovation that can add more features than requested are welcomed
18. Why project managers need benchmarking practice in product / service modification
through adding innovative ideas? (uc 8)
A. Benchmarking can minimize competition from other producers/service providers
B. Benchmarking can be used as a measurement against industry standards, competitors’
pricing, or competitors’ level of performance
C. Benchmarking doesn’t help the project manager and the project team to see what’s
possible and then strive towards that goal
D. Benchmarking is a solution even however it costs more money in designing new product / service
19. One of the following is correct order about risk analysis stages.
A. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider Probability Estimate Loss
consider safeguards Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan.
B. Identify Threats  Identify Assets  consider Probability Estimate Loss
consider safeguards Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan.
C. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider Probability Estimate Loss
consider safeguards Implement Plan  Cost Benefit Analysis
D. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider ProbabilityConsider
safeguards Estimate Loss Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan
20. Which of the following skill is not a management skill for system Analyst?
A. Resource Management
B. Project management
C. Risk management
D. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V2 (Oct 2014)
F___1. Stakeholder A. Group of company producing product
B. Specific activities that enables the strategy to be implemented
B__ 2. Action plan
C. Knowledge and skills of the employee
A___3. Industry D. Knowledge of particular hardware and software
G___4. Strategy E. A contract that legally binds two parties.
C___5. Capabilities F. organization that has an interest in system
G. A plan for action that sets out to achieve a goal
D___6. technical skills
H. contingency plan
E___7. service level agreement I. They are the reason the business exists
H___8. ways of preventing mistakes or defects J. Quality control
J____9. used to verify the quality of the output K. Sabotage
L. Technical Skill
Q___10 User interface
M. The most crucial stakeholder
N___11.Communication skill N. Soft skill
K___12 Data and software are intentionally destroyed O. Organizational culture
M___13 .Sponsor P. Organizational politics
Q. Direct contact with key users
R___14 .Courtesy
I___15. External customers R. Customers like to have their viewpoints and feelings taken into consideration

1 B. Informal peer support

2 C. Level 1 help desk
3 D. All of the above
4 B. purpose, business, values
5 C. ideas, reputation, capacity for innovation
6 D. All of the above
7 D Evaluate pilot System  Monitor implementation of Pilot system Install Pilot system prepare for Pilot System.
8 A. Continuous improvement
9 B. Staffing
10 C. link the fact with emotion
11 C. Talk each and every point to your customer in detail in order to make your customer understand you
12 C. we're more likely to get better service ourselves, helping us in turn to respond more effectively to our customers' needs
13 B. What are the quality standards of performing and which quality standards are applicable to the project?
14 B. a strict definition of what is acceptable and not acceptable from a product or service
15 C. When work is completed correctly the first time, as expected, the project does not have to spend additional funds to redo the work
16 B. Completing quality work may cost more money than the work is worth
17 C. Adding extra features may drive up costs and alter schedules and requests
18 B. Benchmarking can be used as a measurement against industry standards, competitors’ pricing, or competitors’ level of performance
19 E. Identify Assets Identify Threats consider Probability Estimate Loss consider safeguards Cost Benefit Analysis Implement Plan
20 D. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
21 B. Organizational needs and selection criteria are taken for granted.
1 F. organization that has an interest in system
2 B. Specific activities that enables the strategy to be implemented
3 C. Group of company producing product
4 G. A plan for action that sets out to achieve a goal
5 C. Knowledge and skills of the employee
6 D. Knowledge of particular hardware and software
7 E. A contract that legally binds two parties
8 H. contingency plan
9 S. Quality control
10 Q. Direct contact with key users
11 N. Soft skill
12 K. Sabotage
13 M. The most crucial stakeholder
14 R. Customers like to have their viewpoints and feelings taken into consideration
15 I. They are the reason the business exists

Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V2 (Oct 2014)
Knowledge Assessment. Information Technology. Service Mgt_LV_V2 (Oct 2014)

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