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Ulangan Semester Ganjil SMA Datuk Ribandang

Tahun 2019/2020
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : X IPA /IPS

Read the text for numbers 1 to 5 5. Based on the text above, we can coclude
a. The writer’s mother is very tall
My mother is a beautiful. She is in average
b. He loves her family
height. She has curly black hair. Her eyes colors are c. She dislike help others
like honey and her skin color is light brown, and she d. She is slim
has the best smile ever. e. The writer’s mother is diligent

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, The Ka’ba (6)…a semi-cubic building that
friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I Love stand about 15 meters (49 feet) high and 10-
my mom, because she is my role mode,she loves 12 meters (33 to 39 feet ) wide. It is an
singing and dancing too. ancient, simple structure made of granite. The
She always takes care of her family. She likes to inside floor is clad with marble and limestone,
clean and organize house. She doesn’t like messes. and the inside walls are tiles (7)… White
She always gives her best hug and kiss when I am marble up to the halfway point. In the
going to sleep. When the family has a problem she is
southest corner, a black meteorite( the “Black
always be with us solving the problem.
Stone”) is embedded in a silver frame. Stairs
on the north side lead to a door that allows
1. What does paragraph 1 talk about? entry to interior, which is hollow and empty.
a. The physical traits of the writer’s The ka’ba is (8)… with a kiswah, a black silk
mother. cloth which is embroidered in gold with verses
b. The childhood of the writer’s from Qur’an. The kiswah is restored and
replaced once each year.
c. The experience of the writer’s
d. How kind the writer’s mother is
e. The negative behavior of the 6. a. are
writer’s mother. b. was
c. is
2. What is the purpose of the text? d. were
a. To retell about past event. e. has been
b. To describe someone.
c. To tell a story. 7. a. at
d. To entertain the reader about the b. in
story. c. on
e. To tell a funny story. d. and
e. with
3. How does the writer feel about the
mother ? 8. a. developed
a. He hates her. b. covered
b. He loves her very much. c. improved
c. He misses her. d. embarked
d. He dislike her. e. decided
e. He considers her as a good friend.
9. If I … much money, I would buy a new
4. “She is a very kind person.”(Parahraph car.
3) The antonym of the underlined word a. have d. had had
is…. b. has e. has had
a. Rude c. had
b. Gentle
c. Beneficent
d. Tolerant
e. Charitable
10. If I had known you come, I … you.
a. will have meet
b. will had met 15. According to the text ,clients who live
c. would have meet in Bandung can go to main office for
d. would have met consultation at ….
e. will have met a. Jalan kebayoran 5
b Jalan Angsana Timur 456
11. If I… you, I would marry her. c. Jalan Agwijaya 688
a. was d. Jalan Surabaya
b. am e. Semarang
c. is
d. were 16. From the text, we know that…
e. have a. the law firm has six offices
b. the main office is in Bandung
Text is for questions number 12 to 14 ! c. the office has four branch offices
d. they recently opened a branch in
Because of the high demand for electrical
e. They will soon hev five offices in
power due to extremely cold weather, the city is Indonesia
facing a serious power shortage. We are asking
residents to help us avoid this situasion. Please 17. The following are the family matters
reduce your power consumption as much as solved by the law firm,except…
possible. Lower household heat to sixty degrees. a. personal injury divorce
Turn of all unnecessary appliances postpone b. real estate
c. adoption
energy –consuming tasks such as doing the
d. traffic
laundry e. home affairs
12. The announcement is about …
a. a serious power shortage in the 18. These statements are true based on the
city announcement above , except…
b. the high demand for electrical power a. the announcement is written by
c. the extremely cold weather in the city simatupang and partners law firm
d. the need to turn off all unnecessary b. the main office of the law firm is on
appliances Jalan kebayoran 5 Bandung
e. the demand to postpone energy c. the law practice will be opened on
consuming tasks September
d. if you have wills/tust,adoption and
13. The announcement is addressed to... home visits problem to can consult to
a. the residents of the city the last firm
b. the companies in the city e. the office is in five different cities
c. the rich people in the city
d. the officials that work in the city Read the text to answer questions
e. the employees of the electricity
number 19 to 23!
The Hesseltine Corpration is moving 60
14. “Turn of all unnecessary appliances.” technical and management level employess to
The synonym of the underlined word is.. their new manufacturing plant in the western
United States. Before the move, the company will
a. cables prepare employess for the cultural changes they
b. wires
will encounter when moving from urban Europe
c. iron
d. devices to a small town in the American West. The
e. ingredients employess and their families will attend special
seminars on habits of American. They will learn
Text is for number 15 to 18. about the regional vocabulary and the daily life.
Simatupang and partner law Firm is Without this traning, even small culture
pleased to announce that they have differences could cause big misunderstandings.
opened their law practice on September 1,
2017 in 4 different cities (logheed,2004 :357)

New clients are welcome A law firm for

all family matters : Real estate,estate 19. where is the manufacturing plant ?
a. In an urban area
planning & administration,traffic,personal b. In Western Europe
injury c. In the western United States
divorce/custody/support,wills/trust,adopti d. In a large town
on and home visits
Main office : Jalan kebayoran 5 Bandung
e. In the west level of USA and Europe

20. What important part of the moving 24. What is the text purpose?
process it is discussed ? a. To inform readers about tourism in
a. completing the plant kebumen
b. Getting the office furnishings b. To entertain reader about petruk cave.
c. Arranging airlines tickets
d. Teaching cultural differences c. To explain the reader about floors in
e. Misunderstanding trainings. petruk cave.
d. To introduce the local taourism in
21. Who will attend the seminars in kebumen
addition to the employees ? e. To describe Petruk Cave.
a. Their secretaries
b. Their families 25. Why did petruk cave named as on of
c. Their supervisors character in punokawan puppet ?
d. Their staffs a. Because the cave is belong to petruk.
e. The company’s managers and b. Because petruk is the first explorer of
supervisor cave
c. Because petruk is buried at the cave
d. Because the cave’s length is as long
22. What do they learn in the seminars?
as petruk’s nose.
a. How to make travel plans
e. Because the cave’s depth is as deep as
b. Methods of business management
petruk’s hair.
c. Characteristics of America culture
d. Manufacturing techniques
26. Which part of petruk cave which used
e. Lives outside America
for place to put foods for ancestor?
a. In the basic cave
23. “The employees and their families will b. In petruk cave
attend” (line 8 ) c. In Hindu cave.
The underlined word has the similar d. In front of the cave
meaning to word…. e. Inside the cave.
a. employer
b. worker
27. What is stalactites means?
c. assistant
a. A type of formation that hangs from
d. manager
the ceiling of caves.
e. director
b. Types of formation that lay on the
floor of the caves
Text is for number 24 to 28!
c. Types of food given to ancestor.
Petruk cave d. someone who guide the visitor in the
Petruk cave is one of the leading tourist e. kind of animals in the cave.
attractions in kebumen,Central Java. The cave is
located in the ukuh Mandayana Candirenggo 28. What is “led" means in paragraph2?
Village, Ayah distict,kebumen regency. In the a. guided
petruk cave there is no lighting that illuminates the b. taken
c. brough
cave .It is still very natural cave so that petruk cave
d. put
is very dark to be entered. Petruk cave’s name is e. placed
taken from the punokawan of puppet characters
that is petruk . The cave Named petruk cave 29. If I went anywhere,it...New Zealand
because the length of cave is as long as petruk’s a. will be
nose. b. will
In the cave there are 3 floors that are the first is a c. would
d. would be
basic cave, Hindu caves,and petruk cave.The base
e. would been
cave is a short cave which is just 100 meters away.
The cave is used for tourist attractions. Hindu cave 30. If today were Saturday, I …work
is part of the cave that is usually used to put overtime.
offerings to the ancestor. Inside petruk cave there a. will
are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are b. would
really awesome. If you want to explore this cave , c. would have
you must be led by guides wjo are ready to take d. would be
e. will be
you through the cave. After arriving at the end of
the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located
near at the end of the cave.
The dialog is for numbers 31 to 32

Roni : Hi, Nany. I heard you’ve got

(31)…, haven’t you ? Hello! My Name is Linda. I’m Australian. I
Nany : Hi, Ron.Hmm.. you’re right. have got two sisters and five brothers. I live with
I’m happy for it. my parents in Sidney, a beautiful city near the
coast. Our family is quite big. I have got three
Roni : That’s very great! (32)….. grandparents. On my fathe’s side I have only got
one grandmother. She lives in my house. She is
Nany : Thanks. We will have
Mrs.Fitria’s class,right? very old. She is eight-five tears old. Her birthday
is on 11 th July. She has got short wavy while
Roni : Oh yeah. She is a good teacher. hair. I have got four uncles, seven aunts and
She is my favorite teacher. twenty-five cousins. I love our birthdays. We
Nany : Me too. make great parties fo all the family.
Today I am in portugal on holiday. I am here
31. a. a good medal on badminton match with my husband and my two daughters. We
yesterday love Portugal.
b. serious accident yesterday
c. bad score on math test.
d. new cards
e. long and short dress
36. The text is telling about….
32. a. If I were you I would go to school a. Linda’s family d. Linda
b. You ‘re good student b. Sidney e. Linda’s aunts
c. I like your idea c. Linda’s mother
d. I am sad to hear that
e. could you tell me about it ? 37. Linda has holiday in….
a. Indonesia d. America
33. The underlined words express… b. Australia e. Brazil
a. congratulating someone c. Portugal
b. giving intention
c. giving attention 38. The following are true based on the
d. giving compliment text, except….
e. stating agreement a. Linda has two daughters
b. Linda and her family are having
34. What ...(You) do every Saturday holiday in Portugal
night? c. The birthday of Linda’s
a. does you do grandmother is on 11th July
b. do you does d. Linda’s grandma is 75 years old
c. do you do e. Linda has two grandmothers on
d. did you do her father’s side
e. does you does
39. Paragraph 1 tells us about…
35. Tantri : I heard that Tono’s Uncle a. Linda’s physical appearances
passed away last week. b. Linda’s hobby
Reni : ….. c. Linda’s family
a. I am pround to hear that d. Linda’s job
b. I am happy to hear that e. Linda’ character’s traits
c. Good luck
d. What’s a great news 40. “We love Portugal.” (last paragraph)
e. I am sad to hear that The undelined word refers to…
a. Linda and her grandma
b. Linda’s children
c. Linda and his husband
d. Linda, her husband and her two
e. Linda’s husband and my two

1. A 11. D 21.B 31.A

2.B 12.B 22.C 32.B
3.B 13. A 23.B 33.D
4.A 14. D 24.E 34.C
5.E 15. A 25.D 35.E
6.C 16. B 26.D 36.D
7.E 17. E 27.A 37.C
8.B 18. E 28.A 38.E
9.C 19. C 29.D 39.C
10.D 20. D 30.B 40.D

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