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Assault Cannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Incinerator, Gauss Cannon.

Assault Cannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Incinerator, Melta Gun.

Assault Cannon, Missile Launcher, Plasma Gun, Incinerator, Icer.


New Guns
The Incinerator is the Flame Gun from Voyage Beyond. The Heavy Flamer, Heavy Assault Cannon, Hellfire Cannon
and Conversion Beam Projector are from White Dwarf.

Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 5, 7 pattern.

Flamer: 1R+1W Targets a 3x3 area and can target out of sight squares as long as at least one of the nine is in sight.

Icer: 2R Single target in sight misses their next turn if their AV is at least equaled (and are damaged as normal if their
AV is beaten).

Electro-Cannon: 2R Can be fired again if the previous target is destroyed and is in sight of both the previous target
and the shooter.

Gauss Cannon: 1W Single target in sight receives the same damage as the dice score.

Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses one power for each square after the first.

Plasma Cannon: 3R Standard Plasma Gun rules. (Dark Angels)

Rail Gun: 1R+3W Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses one power for each target already attacked. (Eldar)

Scatter Laser: 1R+4W Standard Assault Cannon rules but jams (white dice are ignored) if the red dice is 0. (Eldar)

Avenger Shuriken Catapult: 1R+2W Two shots, range twelve. (Aspect Warrior)

Mandiblaster: 2R Can shoot an adjacent (including diagonally) target once per turn without using an action. (Aspect

Reaper Launcher: 1R+1W The white dice on the surrounding eight squares, two shots, shots can be combined for
2R+2W and the 2W on the surrounding eight squares. (Aspect Warrior)
Firespike Rifle: 2R+1W Standard Fusion Gun rules. (Aspect Warrior)

Las Blaster: 1R+1W Targets a 2x2 area. (Aspect Warrior)

Death Spinner: 2R Fires in a diamond shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 7, 5, 3, 1 pattern. (Aspect Warrior)

Prism Rifle: 1W Attacks with one additional red dice for each AV of the target. (Aspect Warrior)

Grenade Launcher: 1R+1W Total on the target square, the red dice on the eight surrounding squares and the white
dice on the surrounding sixteen. (Squats/Terminators)

Las Gun: 3W Standard Las Cannon rules. (Squats)

Light Icer: 1R+1W Standard Icer rules. (Flesh Tearers/Squats)

Light Plasma Gun: 1R+1W Standard Plasma Gun rules. (Dark Angels/Flesh Tearers/Sisters Of Battle)

Light Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 7 pattern. (Flesh Tearers/Sisters Of

Light Flamer: 2W Targets a 3x3 area and can target out of sight squares as long as at least one of the nine is in sight.
(Flesh Tearers/Sisters Of Battle)

Light Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses two power for each square after the first. (Flesh
Tearers/Sisters Of Battle)

Light Plasma Cannon: 2R Standard Plasma Gun rules but with a range of twelve squares. (Orks)

Heavy Plasma Cannon: 2R+2W Standard Plasma Gun rules but can't move and shoot in the same turn. (Orks)

Heavy Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7 pattern. (Terminators/Sisters
Of Battle)

Heavy Flamer: 2R Targets a 3x3 area and can target out of sight squares as long as at least one of the nine is in sight.
(Terminators/Sisters Of Battle)

Heavy Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses one power for every two squares travelled after the first.
(Terminators/Sisters Of Battle)

Heavy Plasma Gun: 1R+2W The red dice on the two lines next to the target line. (Terminators/Sisters Of Battle)

Heavy Missile Launcher: 3R Total on the target square, lowest two on the surrounding eight and lowest single dice
on the surrounding sixteen. (Terminators)
Heavy Assault Cannon: 2R+1W Standard Assault Cannon rules. (Terminators)

Heavy Icer: 1R+3W Single target in sight misses their next turn if their AV is at least equaled (and are damaged as
normal if their AV is beaten). (Terminators)

Heavy Gauss Cannon: 1R Single target in sight receives the same damage as the dice score. (Terminators)

Conversion Beam Projector: 2R Has to score under the target's AV to cause damage, can't move and shoot during
the same turn. (Terminators)

Cyclone Rocket Launcher: 1R+1W Can fire any number of rockets if you don't move (starts with 12 and can fire
another weapon once as well if an order card allows you to fire twice). Each rocket attacks with 1R+1W dice on the
target square and the red dice on the eight surrounding squares and can be combined or fired separately, so three
combined rockets would attack with 3R+3W on the target square and the total of the three red dice on the eight
surrounding squares. If the terminator is killed a white dice is rolled and on a one or two the eight surrounding squares
are attacked with the total of one red dice for each remaining rocket as they explode. (Terminators)

Hellfire Cannon: 2R Can fire as a Heavy Bolter or as a Missile Launcher. If fired as a Missile Launcher an entire turn
has to be spent reloading before it can fired as a Missile Launcher again. (Salamanders/Scouts)

Plasma Pistol: 2W Standard Plasma Gun rules but with a range of twelve squares, 2W in hand-hand. (Flesh
Tearers/Nova Marines)

Flame Pistol: 2W Targets a 3x3 area and can target out of sight squares as long as at least one of the nine is within
twelve squares and in sight, 2W in hand-hand. (Flesh Tearers/Howling Griffons)

Las Pistol: 2W Targets a 2x2 area with at least one square within twelve squares and in sight and can shoot twice with
1W for each shot, 2W in hand-hand. (Flesh Tearers/White Panthers)

Super Heavy Plasma Gun: 4R, Plasma Gun rules but with the total of the highest plus the lowest dice on the two
lines next to the target line, can't move and shoot. (Flesh Tearers)

Super Heavy Missile Launcher: 4R on the target square, total of the two highest on the eight surrounding squares
and single highest dice on the surrounding sixteen, can't move and shoot. (Flesh Tearers)

Super Heavy Las Cannon: 4R Standard Las Cannon rules but shots can be split up to four ways, can't move and
shoot. (Flesh Tearers)

Guardian Spear: 3W in shooting and hand-hand and can attack diagonally causing the opponent to roll one dice less.
Techxorcism Gun: 2R, 4R against a mechanical target. (Deathwatch)

Atomizer Cannon: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses one power for every three squares travelled including the
first. (Deathwatch)

Frag Cannon: 1R, +1W for each AV of the target, fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, etc pattern and attacks targets that
are both in sight and in the area of effect and has to roll under the target's AV to damage them, roll separately for each
target, a target on the first square is hit with the total of the dice, targets in the second row are hit with one more
power, targets in the third row with two more power, etc. (Deathwatch)

Deathwatch Shotgun: 2R+1W Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, etc pattern and attacks targets that are both in sight and
in the area of effect, roll separately for each target, a target on the first row is hit with the total of the dice, targets in
the second row are hit with one less power, targets in the third row with two less power, etc. (Deathwatch)

Triflame Vambrace: Range of twelve squares and three modes of fire, Burst: Attacks a 3x3 area with 2W,
Concentrated: Attacks a 2x2 area with 1R+1W, Wide: Fires in a cone shape with 2R in a 1, 3, 5 pattern.

Infernus Heavy Bolter: Suspensored combi-weapon that can fire as a Heavy Bolter or as a Heavy Flamer.

Hellfire Flamer: 2R Attacks a 4x4 area and can target out of sight squares as long as at least one of them is in sight, if
any of the targets in the area of effect are a type of tyranid or genstealer then roll 4W and apply the total of the six dice
to those targets. If you're using the weapon progression rules then it has the same progression as a Heavy Flamer but
with the surrounding squares creating an increased area of effect.(Deathwatch)

Weapon Levels
This can be incorporated into the rank system or as a set progression through the campaign or a reward for scoring the
most points in the previous mission, or to make the mission objectives more important level 2 weapons could be a
reward for completing the secondary objective in the previous mission and level 3 weapons for completing the
primary objective and use points to decide who gets the level 2s if the same player completes both missions.

Bolter Weapons
L2: Can fire twice at the same target if you don't move during the same turn.
L3: Can fire twice and at separate targets if you don't move during the same turn.

L2: Extra shot if you don't move during the same turn.
L3: Extra shot (not a second extra shot) if you move no more than half rate during the same turn.
Plasma Gun
L2: Lowest dice on the two lines next to the target line.
L3: Highest dice on the two lines next to the target line.

Missile Launcher
L2: Lowest dice on the sixteen surrounding squares (middle dice if Super Krak Missiles apply).
L3: Roll three red dice, highest + lowest on the target square, highest on the surrounding eight, middle dice on the
surrounding sixteen.

Assault Cannon
L2: Extra white dice and use the highest two.
L3: Another extra white dice and use the highest three.

Fusion Gun
L2: Reroll one 0 if at least two 0s are rolled.
L3: Reroll two 0s if at least two 0s are rolled.

Conversion Beamer
L2: Can fire at any wall square in sight, use the angle of the wall to determine direction if not fired on a straight line.
L3: The squares surrounding the usual surrounding square are attacked with -2 of the total, the squares surrounding
those with -3, etc.

Las Cannon
L2: Can fire before and after moving and +1W for a single combined shot.
L3: Can fire single shots in between movement, 2R+1W for combining two shots and 4R for a single combined shot
(3R for Eldar).

L2: Can fire using a single dice, total still six.
L3: Can fire using any amount of dice, total still six.

L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9 pattern.
L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 11 pattern.

L2: The white dice on the sixteen squares surrounding the nine target squares.
L3: The red dice on the surrounding sixteen squares and the white dice on the surrounding twenty-four.

L2: Total of the dice on a 2x2 area.
L3: Total of the dice on a 3x3 area.
L2: Can shoot any target that's in sight of the shooter or in sight of the last destroyed target.
L3: Can shoot any target that's in sight of the shooter or in sight of the last destroyed target ignoring any blocking
allies or enemies.

Gauss Cannon
L2: Two white dice and causes the same damage as the score of the highest one.
L3: Three white dice and causes the same damage as the total of the highest two.

Melta Gun
L2: Loses one power for every two squares traveled including the first.
L3: Loses one power for every four squares traveled including the first.

Plasma Cannon
L2: Middle dice on the two lines next to the target line, can still fire as level 1.
L3: Highest dice on the two lines next to the target line, can still fire as level 1.

Rail Gun
L2: Can fire at a single target in sight.
L3: Doesn't lose power for multiple targets.

Scatter Laser
L2: Only jams if at least two of the white dice are also 0s.
L3: Only jams if at least three of the white dice are also 0s.

Avenger Shuriken Catapult

L2: Range eighteen and can shoot three times with 1R+1W.
L3: Range twenty-four and can shoot four times with 1R.

L2: Can shoot the same target twice.
L3: Can shoot two different targets.

Reaper Launcher
L2: Red dice on the eight surrounding squares.
L3: White dice on the surrounding sixteen squares.

Firespike Rifle
L2: Extra white dice for each target after the first.
L3: Extra red instead of white dice for each target after the first.

Las Blaster
L2: Can fire twice with two white dice for each shot and can fire before and after moving.
L3: Can fire three times with two white dice for each shot and can fire in between movement.
Death Spinner
L2: Fires in a diamond shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 pattern.
L3: Fires in a diamond shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 pattern.

Prism Rifle
L2: Extra white dice against dreadnoughts and bulkheads.
L3: Extra white dice against any mechanical target and bulkheads (two extra in total against dreadnoughts and

Grenade Launcher
L2: Highest dice on the eight surrounding squares.
L3: Red dice on the surrounding sixteen squares.

Las Gun
L2: Can fire before and after moving and four white dice for combining all three shots.
L3: Can fire single shots in between movement, three white dice for combining two shots and five white dice for
combining all three shots.

Light Icer
L2: Targets up to three directly adjacent squares, all of which must be in sight.
L3: Attacks the target square and the four squares directly adjacent to it, only the target square needs to be in sight.

Light Plasma Gun

L2: White dice on the two lines next to the target line.
L3: Red dice on the two lines next to the target line.

Light Incinerator
L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 pattern.
L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 pattern.

Light Flamer
L2: Average of the dice rounding down on the sixteen squares surrounding the nine target squares.
L3: Average of the dice rounding up on the surrounding sixteen squares and rounding down on the surrounding

Light Melta Gun

L2: Loses two power for every two squares traveled including the first.
L3: Loses two power for every four squares traveled including the first.

Light Plasma Cannon

L2: Range of 18 squares.
L3: Range of 30 squares.

Heavy Plasma Cannon

L2: Total of the two white dice on the two lines next to the target line.
L3: Total of the highest red dice and highest white dice on the two lines next to the target line.
Heavy Incinerator
L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9 pattern.
L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11 pattern.

Heavy Flamer
L2: The highest dice on the sixteen squares surrounding the nine target squares.
L3: The total on the surrounding sixteen squares and the highest dice on the surrounding twenty-four.

Heavy Melta Gun

L2: Loses one power for every three squares traveled after the first.
L3: Loses one power for every six squares traveled after the first.

Heavy Plasma Gun

L2: Highest dice on the two lines next to the target line.
L3: Total of the two highest dice on the two lines next to the target line.

Heavy Missile Launcher

L2: Total of the dice on the target square, highest + lowest on the surrounding eight and the other dice on the
surrounding sixteen.
L3: Total of the dice on the target square, two highest on the surrounding eight and highest single dice on the
surrounding sixteen.

Heavy Assault Cannon

L2: Extra white dice (2R+2W).
L3: Another extra white dice (2R+3W).

Heavy Icer
L2: Attacks the target square and any of the four squares directly adjacent to it that are in sight.
L3: Attacks the target square and the eight squares adjacent to it, only the target square needs to be in sight.

Heavy Gauss Cannon

L2: One red and one white dice, causes the same damage as the total.
L3: One red and three white dice, causes the same damage as the total of the highest two.

Conversion Beam Projector

L2: Can shoot after moving if you move no more than half rate.
L3: No movement penalty for moving and shooting in the same turn.

Cyclone Rocket Launcher

L2: Can shoot without using an action and can fire another weapon twice if an order card allows you to but still can't
move and shoot during the same turn.
L3: Can shoot using L1 rules if you move no more than half rate during the same turn but it counts as action.
Hellfire Cannon
L2: Can move up to three squares, fire and then move up to another three squares.
L3: Can fire freely in between movement.

Plasma Pistol
L2: Range increased to 16 squares and the lowest dice on the two lines next to the target line with a range of eight
L2: Range increased to 20 squares and the highest dice on the two lines next to the target line with a range of ten

Flame Pistol
L2: The lowest dice on the sixteen squares surrounding the nine target squares.
L3: The highest dice on the surrounding sixteen squares and the lowest on the surrounding twenty-four.

Las Pistol
L2: Can shoot three times with 1W.
L3: Can shoot once with 3W.

Super Heavy Weapons

L2: Can move up to half rate and shoot in the same turn.
L3: No movement penalty for moving and shooting in the same turn and can be fitted with a targeter.

Guardian Spear
L2: Can shoot the same target after attacking in hand-hand.
L3: Can shoot and attack in hand-hand during the same turn.

Techxorcism Gun
L2: 4R+2W against a mechanical target.
L3: 4R+4W against a mechanical target.

Atomizer Cannon
L2: Loses one power for every five squares traveled after the first.
L3: Loses one power for every eight squares traveled after the first.

Frag Cannon
L2: Can fire at a single target replacing the red dice with a white dice.
L3: Can fire at a single target without rolling the red dice.

Deathwatch Shotgun
L2: Can fire at a single target with 3R+1W, -1 for each square after the first.
L3: Can fire at a single target with 3R+2W, -1 for each square after the first.

Triflame Vambrace
L2: Can fire two modes and another gun if you don't move during the same turn.
L3: Can fire all three modes and another gun if you don't move during the same turn.
Melee Weapons
Frost, Hellfire, Plasma and Black melee weapons are all power weapons (Hellfire adds one to the amount you win the
combat by).

Power Weapons
L2: If you have a power weapon and your opponent doesn't or you have two power weapons and you opponent has
one then as long as you don't score 0 you win the combat by one if your scores are equal or by two if you have two
power weapons and your opponent doesn't have any. If your opponent has the same number of power weapons then
the highest level wins by one.
L3: If you have a power weapon and your opponent doesn't or you have two power weapons and you opponent has
one then as long as you don't score 0 you win the combat by two if your scores are equal or by three if you have two
power weapons and your opponent doesn't have any. If your opponent has the same number of power weapons then
the highest level wins by two.

Chain Weapons
L2: The opponent rolls one less red dice if they use both (and one less white dice for Scorpion Chanswords) when
attacked diagonally.
L3: The opponent loses an additional white dice if they use any when attacked diagonally.

Thunder Weapons
L2: You can reroll any amount of either the white dice or the red dice once and at the same time when the weapon is
L3: You can reroll any amount dice once at the same time when the weapon is detonated.

Lightning Weapons
L2: One extra white dice for each Lightning weapon when fighting a mechanical enemy.
L3: One extra red dice instead of an extra white dice for each lightning weapon when fighting a mechanical enemy.

Force Weapons
L2: One white dice is replaced with a red dice during your own turn, doesn't apply to both weapons if you have two.
L3: Another white dice is replaced with a red dice during your own turn, doesn't apply to both weapons if you have

Xenophase Weapons
L2: One extra white dice during your own turn.
L3: You always get the extra white dice.
Two Rail Guns and two Scatter Lasers added with two new rune equipment cards for them. The Exarch, four Eldar
Warriors, a maximun of three heavy weapons and a maximum of three Shuriken Catapults can be taken, the Exarch,
nine Eldar Warriors, a maximun of six heavy weapons and a maximum of nine Shuriken Catapults can be taken if
played using Mission Dreadnought.

Rail Gun: 1R+3W Standard Plasma Gun rules but loses one power for each target already attacked.
L2: Can fire at a single target in sight.
L3: Doesn't lose power for multiple targets.

Scatter Laser: 1R+4W Standard Assault Cannon rules but jams (white dice are ignored) if the red dice is 0.
L2: Only jams if at least two of the white dice are also 0s.
L3: Only jams if at least three of the white dice are also 0s.

Missile Launcher
L2: Lowest dice on the sixteen surrounding squares (middle dice if Super Krak Missiles apply).
L3: Roll three red dice, highest + lowest on the target square (total if Super Krak Missiles apply), highest on the
surrounding eight, middle dice on the surrounding sixteen.

Las Cannon
L2: Can fire before and after moving and 2R+1W for a combined shot.
L3: Can fire single shots in between movement, 3R for a combined shot.

L2: Extra shot if you don't move during the same turn.
L3: Extra shot (not a second extra shot) if you move no more than half rate during the same turn.


H-H: 2W unless stated otherwise. Exarch has the same stats and rules as the eldar warrior exarch - Move 7, AV2,
Force Sword for 3W in hand-hand, Shuriken Pistol for two shots with 2W in firing and chooses one exarch card (a
Warlock's card only if it hasn't been used) to give up for each LP lost starting with one LP more than the number of
exarch cards. Choose four different aspect warriors, you get one of each if you're using Mission Dreadnought. Eldar
event cards are used if you use aspect warriors and any event cards that affect either edlar or marines can affect the
squad. Chaos Fog affects all Eldar Las weapons.

Dire Avenger - Move: 7, AV: 2. Dire Sword: 3W, can reroll one dice. Avenger Shuriken Catapult: 1R+2W, two
shots, range twelve.

Howling Banshee - Move: 7, AV: 2. Power Sword: 1R. Shuriken Pistol: 2W, two shots. Banshee Mask: Non
mechanical hand-hand opponents apart from genestealers can't attack you or defend against you.
Striking Scorpion - Move: 5, AV: 3. Scorpion Chain Sword: 1R, treats bulkheads as having AV0 and can attack
diagonally causing the opponent to roll two dice less. Mandiblaster: 2R, can shoot an adjacent (including diagonally)
target once per turn without using an action. Shuriken Pistol: 2W, two shots. Plasma Grenade: 1R+2W on the target
square, the total of the highest two on surrounding eight and the other dice on the surrounding sixteen.

Dark Reaper - Move: 5, AV: 3. Reaper Launcher: 1R+1W with the white dice on the surrounding eight squares, two
shots, shots can be combined for 2R+2W and the 2W on the surrounding eight squares.

Fire Dragon - Move: 5, AV: 3. Firespike Rifle: 2R+1W, standard Fusion Gun rules (Plasma Gun that rolls separately
for each target). Melta Bomb.

Swooping Hawk - Move: 11, AV: 2. Las Blaster: 1R+1W on a 2x2 area. Three of each grenade, can use one grenade
per turn, two if you give up an action and three if you give up both actions and grenades can be used in between
movement. Krak Grenades: Attacks 2x2 area with 2R. Frag Grenades: 2R with standard Missile Launcher rules.
Plasma Grenades: 1R+2W on the target square, the total of the highest two on surrounding eight and the other dice on
surrounding sixteen. Haywire Grenades: 3R, attacks mechanical targets in a 3x3 area separately. Can move through
(over) enemies.

Warp Spider - Move: 5, AV: 3. Death Spinner: 2R, fires in a diamond shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 7,
5, 3, 1 pattern. Jump Generator: Can teleport to any unoccupied square within a range of two squares if you give up
either of your actions.

Shadow Spectre - Move: 11, AV: 2. Prism Rifle: 1W, +1R for each AV of the target. Holo-Field: +2 AV if you don't
move. Can move through (over) enemies.

Avenger - Exarch: 5. Order: 1. Equipment: 4 (0 Aspect Wargear Equipment).

Executioner - Exarch: 6. Order: 1. Equipment: 4 (1 Aspect Wargear Equipment).

Dark Stalker - Exarch: 6. Order: 2. Equipment: 5 (2 Aspect Wargear Equipment).

Nemesis - Exarch: 7. Order: 2. Equipment: 5 (3 Aspect Wargear Equipment).

Avatar - Exarch: 7. Order: 3. Equipment: 6 (4 Aspect Wargear Equipment).

Refraction Field: +1AV from a range of more than twelve squares away.

Exarch Runes: Can reroll one dice when shooting.

Head Shot: Double the score against a humanoid target if you roll a double before any rerolls when shooting.

Running Shot: Can shoot once in between your movement.

Heightened Mobility: Can move four extra squares if you don't attack.

Heightened Strength: Can reroll one dice in hand-hand during your own turn.

Warlock's Breath: Exarch can avoid taking damage after one attack during the mission.

Warlock's Blessing: Exarch can reroll any number of dice of a single roll once during the mission before using any
other rerolls.

Warlock's Defence: Exarch can ignore all white dice used against you during the alien player's next turn once during
the mission.

Warlock's Protection: Exarch can ignore all 3s rolled against you (effectively making them white dice) during the
alien player's next turn once during the mission.

Move!: All Aspect Warriors can move at twice their normal rate.

Shoot!: All Aspect Warriors can fire twice either before or after moving.

Assault!: One Aspect Warrior can either move twice and attack once or fire twice and move once, in any order.

Attack!: Two Aspect Warriors can combine their hand-hand attacks, the oponent choses which one to attack before

Force Wall Generator: Can be used once and is placed on two directly adjacent squares in sight of any squad
member preventing sight through the wall.

Vortex Grenade: Can be used once by any squad member to move a target in sight anywhere on the board.

Warlock's Warning: One Aspect Warrior (not the exarch) can avoid taking damage after one attack during the

Web Of Skulls: Can be used once to prevent a non dreadnought target in sight of any squad member from shooting or
moving during their next turn.

Shimmer Shield: Dire Avenger's AV raised to three and must be beaten in hand-hand during your own turn to cause
damage as if you were being shot.

Sonic Pitch Enhancer: Howling Banshee's Mask affects mechanical targets.

Enhanced Mandiblaster: Striking Scorpion's Mandiblaster has a range of twelve squares.

Torrent Reaper Launcher: Dark Reaper's Launcher can fire three shots if you don't move, any of which can be

Hellfire Spike Rifle: Fire Dragon's Spike Rifle adds one white dice for each target after the first.

Additional Grenade Belt: Swooping Hawk starts with another three of each grenade type, Equipment Malfunction
causes three of each type to be lost.

Jump Generator Booster: Warp Spider's Jump Generator range increased to four squares and you can jump two
squares without loosing an action.

Prism Blaster: Shadow Spectre's Prism Rifle attacks with 1R and +1R for each AV of the target.

If you want a squad of all one type then the exarch has the same weapons and rules as the aspect warriors but with the
LP rules described and the squad gets five extra aspect warriors if played using Mission Dreadnought to compensate
for the lack of squad versatility. The aspect wargear restriction is removed and add another Warlock's Warning so
there's enough equipment cards but the weargear card only affects the exarch. With Head Shot the score of the first
two dice rolled is doubled if the score is the same and Heightened Strength allows a dire avenger exarch to reroll a
second dice on their own turn but they can't reroll the same dice twice.

Weapon Levels
Shuriken Pistol - L2: Extra shot if you don't move during the same turn. L3: Extra shot (not a second extra shot) if
you move no more than half rate during the same turn.

Avenger Shuriken Catapult - L2: Range eighteen and can shoot three times with 1R+1W. L3: Range thirty and can
shoot four times with 1R.

Banshee Mask - L2: Target can't attack back the next time they're attacked during the same turn. L3: Target can't
attack back during the same turn.

Mandiblaster - L2: Can shoot the same target twice. L3: Can shoot two different targets.

Reaper Launcher - L2: Red dice on the eight surrounding squares. L3: White dice on the surrounding sixteen

Firespike Rifle - L2: Extra white dice for each target after the first. L3: Extra red instead of white dice for each target
after the first.

Las Blaster - L2: Can fire twice with two white dice for each shot and can fire before and after moving. L3: Can fire
three times with two white dice for each shot and can fire in between movement.

Death Spinner - L2: Fires in a diamond shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 pattern. L3: Fires in a diamond shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9,
11, 9, 7, 5, 3, 1 pattern.
Prism Rifle - L2: Extra white dice against dreadnoughts. L3: Extra white dice against any mechanical target and
bulkheads (two extra in total against dreadnoughts and bulkheads).

Same stats and number of squad members as marine chapters, two Bolters and two heavy weapons or one Bolter, one
heavy weapon, one extra heavy weapon and one of each Sororitas Combi-Weapon if played with Mission

Celestian (one order), Palatine (two orders), Canoness (three orders), Prioress (four orders), Abbess (orders affect
Sister Superior).

Sister Superior Weapons

Suspensored Heavy Bolt Gun (3R) + Combat Knife (2W).

Light Plasma Gun (1R+1W) + Power Fist (1R+2W).

Light Incinerator (2R) + Power Maul (1R+1W).

Light Flamer (2W) + Power Axe (2R).

Light Melta Gun (4R) + Power Sword (1R).

Light Weapons
Light Plasma Gun: 1R+1W Standard Plasma Gun rules.

Light Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 7 pattern.

Light Flamer: 2W Standard Missile Launcher rules but with the total on all nine squares.

Light Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but looses two power for each square after the first.

Heavy Weapons
Plasma Gun: 2R Standard Plasma Gun rules.

Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 5, 5, 7 pattern.

Flamer: 1R+1W Standard Missile Launcher rules but with the total on all nine squares.

Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but looses one power for each square after the first.
Extra Heavy Weapons
Heavy Plasma Gun: 1R+2W The red dice on the two lines next to the target line.

Heavy Incinerator: 2R Fires in a cone shape with the total of the dice in a 1, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7 pattern.

Heavy Flamer: 2R Standard Missile Launcher rules but with the total on all nine squares.

Heavy Melta Gun: 4R Standard Plasma Gun rules but looses one power for every two squares travelled after the first.

Special Weapons
Light Sororitas Combi-Weapon: Can be fired as a Bolter, Light Plasma Gun, Light Incinerator, Light Flamer or
Light Melta Gun.

Sororitas Combi-Weapon: Can be fired as a Heavy Bolter, Plasma Gun, Incinerator, Flamer or Melta Gun.

Heavy Sororitas Combi-Weapon: Can be fired as a Heavy Bolt Gun, Heavy Plasma Gun, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy
Flamer or Heavy Melta Gun.

Phosphor Grenades: Sisters can throw a grenade without using an action that attacks targets in a 4x4 area separately
with 1R+1W, central + must be in line of sight.

Hellfire Grenades: Sisters can throw a grenade without using an action that attacks with 3W on the target square, the
total of the highest two on the surrounding eight and the other dice on the surrounding sixteen.

Move It, Fire.

Hellfire Combi-Weapons (Flame Cannons): Can fire an Incinerator as a Flamer, a Flamer as an Incinerator, a Heavy
Incinerator as a Heavy Flamer and a Heavy Flamer as a Heavy Incinerator.

Ionised Combi-Weapons (Ion Cannons): Can fire a Plasma Gun as a Melta Gun, a Melta Gun as a Plasma Gun, a
Heavy Plasma Gun as a Heavy Melta Gun and a Heavy Melta Gun as a Heavy Plasma Gun.

Bolt Combi-Weapons: Can fire all heavy weapons as Heavy Bolters and all extra heavy weapons as Heavy Bolt

Bolt Pistols, Blind Grenades, Melta Bomb, x2 Targeters: Can be placed on both the Bolters or on a heavy weapon
but not on an extra heavy weapon or Heavy Sororitas Combi-Weapon.
Weapon Levels
Bolt Weapons L2: Can fire twice at the same target if you don't move during the same turn. L3: Can fire twice and at
separate targets if you don't move during the same turn.

Light Plasma Gun - L2: White dice on the two lines next to the target line. L3: Red dice on the two lines next to the
target line.

Light Incinerator - L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 pattern. L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 pattern.

Light Flamer - L2: Average of the dice rounding down on the surrounding sixteen squares. L3: Average of the dice
rounding up on the surrounding sixteen squares and rounding down on the surrounding twenty-four.

Light Melta Gun - L2: Looses two power for every two squares traveled including the first. L3: Looses two power
for every four squares traveled including the first.

Plasma Gun - L2: Lowest dice on the two lines next to the target line. L3: Highest dice on the two lines next to the
target line.

Incinerator - L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9 pattern. L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 9, 11 pattern.

Flamer - L2: The white dice on the surrounding sixteen squares. L3: The red dice on the surrounding sixteen squares
and the white dice on the surrounding twenty-four.

Melta Gun - L2: Looses one power for every two squares traveled including the first. L3: Looses one power for every
four squares traveled including the first.

Heavy Plasma Gun - L2: Highest dice on the two lines next to the target line. L3: Total of highest two dice on the
two lines next to the target line.

Heavy Incinerator - L2: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 9 pattern. L3: Fires in a cone shape 1, 3, 5, 7, 7, 9, 9, 11

Heavy Flamer - L2: The highest dice on the surrounding sixteen squares. L3: The total on the surrounding sixteen
squares and the highest dice on the surrounding twenty-four.

Heavy Melta Gun - L2: Looses one power for every three squares traveled after the first. L3: Looses one power for
every six squares traveled after the first.

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