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Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843

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Effect of rice husk ash on mechanical properties of concrete containing

crushed seashell as fine aggregate
Kishor Chandra Panda a,⇑, Subhrasweta Behera b, Shradha Jena c
Civil Engineering Department, Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi, Bhawanipatna 766002, Odisha, India
Construction Management Department, Institute of Infrastructure Study and Construction Management, Pune, India
Civil Engineering Department, ITER, SOA (Deemed to be University), Bhubaneswar 751030, Odisha, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study reveals how mechanical properties of concrete containing crushed seashell is influenced by
Received 23 December 2019 use of rice husk ash (RHA). This experimental program comprises of twelve concrete mixes. All the con-
Received in revised form 31 March 2020 crete mixes were created by substituting 0, 10%, 20%, and 30% of fine aggregate with crushed seashells
Accepted 3 April 2020
and by substituting 0, 10%, and 20% of cement with RHA. The M30 grade mix design was chosen for
Available online 27 April 2020
the study. Tests were carried out on fresh samples of different concrete mixes to find out slump and other
properties. Tests also were conducted on hardened samples to ascertain their split tensile, compressive
and flexural strength after 7 days, 28 days and 90 days of curing under water. The experimental observa-
Rice husk ash (RHA)
Crushed seashell (CS)
tions indicate that use of RHA based concrete mixes improves the strength in comparison with that of
Compressive strength crushed seashell based concrete mixes. In seashell based concrete, the strength gradually decreases at
Flexural strength all percentage of replacement of crushed seashells with fine aggregate. Further, it is observed that, partial
Split tensile strength substitution of cement with RHA increases strength in all the concrete mixes. The result indicates higher
compressive, split-tensile and flexural strength at 10% partial replacement of fine aggregate with crushed
seashells and 20% partial substitution of cement with RHA.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Con-
ference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development.

1. Introduction gate and cement. RHA, a super pozzolanic material contains silica
above 90% and size of the particle is 25 mm mostly. This material
21st century has seen exponential growth in infrastructure. is also named as Silpozz. The production of the material is obtained
Concrete is an important part of any kind of infrastructure. Sand by burning rice husk in specially designed furnace in between
and cement, as two main components of concrete, scarcity of these 600 °C and 700 °C. The furnace temperature is controlled by the
materials is causing major hinderance to the progress of infrastruc- air volume let inside the furnace. The furnace is also designed
ture. This places an urgent requirement to find out ecofriendly and not to exceed temperatures above 700 °C. Several studies have
efficient replacements of these materials in concrete. Now a days, been done by earlier researchers who have partially substituted
concrete mixed with various by products of reactions are widely fine aggregate and coarse aggregate by crushed seashell. Experi-
being used to provide mechanical strength and longer self life per- mental investigation was conducted by partially substituting
iod to concrete infrastructures. Some waste products having size crushed seashell with cement and found that at 4% replacement
larger than cement can also be used to improve quality of concrete. achieved the optimum compressive strength. Lower modulus of
This paper lists different kind of waste products like RHA and sea- elasticity and compressive strength of seashell concrete in compar-
shell, which can aid in such use. Seashell is obtained near the sea- ison to OPC concrete is observed [1]. Two types of local seashell
shore area as the result of disintegration of dead animals. By were taken for cement replacement in concrete. The author con-
product of marine like crushed seashell probably employed in cluded that the tensile strength, density and setting time of OPC
the concrete as partial substitution of fine aggregate, coarse aggre- cockle concrete was lesser in comparison to OPC concrete [2]. For
making pervious concrete, Seashell was taken as an aggregate
and observed that pervious concrete which were made by using
⇑ corresponding author.
crushed shells had lower strength than the control concrete (pervi-
E-mail address: kishoriit@gmail.com (K.C. Panda).

2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable
K.C. Panda et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843 839

ous) without using the shells and also showed that the concrete
durability having shell is less than the control concrete (pervious)
[3]. Use of seashell aggregate reduces the physical and mechanical
properties of concrete. Up to 50% partial replacement of seashell
aggregate can produce normal weight concrete for non-structural
functions [4]. From the previous research it is summarized that
seashell powder reduces the workability and strength of concrete.
Also, seashell waste could be utilized as a partial replacement of
aggregate up to 20% replacement for the non-structural and insu-
lation applications [5]. Early age compressive strength of concrete
reduces by incorporating seashell ash, however the strength
increases with age due to hydration of calcium oxide but at high
percentage of replacements, it was less than the control specimen
[6]. Also, observed that the optimum percentage of substitution of
cement with seashell is 5–10%. At low substitution (5–25%) of fine
aggregate with crushed seashell, slightly increase the workability Fig. 2. Particle size gradation curve of Crushed seashell.

of some mixtures [7]. The present experimental investigation is

focused on the waste utilization of crushed seashell and to boost
the strength performance of concrete by using super pozzolanic
material such as RHA in different proportions. The main focus of
this study is to examine the mechanical properties of crushed sea-
shell concrete by partial substitution of crushed seashell with fine
aggregate and partial replacement of RHA with cement.

2. Experimental study

2.1. Materials

OPC-43 grade [8], Natural fine aggregate belongs to zone-III

having fineness modulus and water absorption 3.13, 0.8 respec-
tively and Natural coarse aggregate having specific gravity 2.86,
water absorption 0.3, Crushed seashells and RHA were used. In this
study, Scallop seashell is collected from Puri, Odisha. Crushed sea-
shell was prepared in the laboratory by sieving analysis. The
crushed seashell passing through 4.75 mm sieve having specific
gravity 2.58 and water absorption 3.54 was used in the experimen- Fig. 3. RHA samples.
tal study. The water absorption of seashell aggregate is found
higher than the water absorption of normal aggregate. This might
be due to the porous nature and irregular shape and surface of sea-
shells. Most seashells also have similar or slightly lower specific Table 1
gravity and bulk density as compared to normal aggregate concrete Physical characteristics and chemical composition of RHA (Silpozz).
[4]. The seashells and crushed seashells below 4.75 mm size are Physical characteristics Chemical composition
displayed in Fig. 1. The particle size gradations of crushed seashells
Bulk Density 0.58 g/cc Silica (SiO2) ˃ 90.0%
are shown in Fig. 2. M30 grade concrete is designed and water bin- Physical state Solid-Non Hazardous Carbon < 2.0%
der ratio (w/b) kept 0.45. Appearance Very fine Powder Moisture < 2.0%
In this study, RHA having the commercial name as Silpozz sup- Colour Grey LOI < 4.0%
plied by N K Enterprises has been used. It is produced by burning Odour Odorless Water soluble < 6.0%
Specific gravity 2.3 nil nil
Rice Husk in controlled temperature below 700°c. The silica con- Particle size 25 mm-mean nil nil
tent of this super pozzolanic material is above 90% and the particle
size is 25 mm [9]. Sample of RHA is displayed in Fig. 3. The physical

Fig. 1. (a) Seashell samples; (b) Seashell after 4.75 mm sieve passing.
840 K.C. Panda et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843

Table 2
Concrete mix details (C) with mix identity.

Concrete mix proportions Mix Identity

Cement (100%) + NFA (100%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (0%) + RHA (0%) CQS0S0
Cement (100%) + NFA (90%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (10%) + RHA (0%) CQS10S0
Cement (100%) + NFA (80%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (20%) + RHA (0%) CQS20S0
Cement (100%) + NFA (70%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (30%) + RHA (0%) CQS30S0
Cement (90%) + NFA (100%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (0%) + RHA (10%) CQS0S10
Cement (90%) + NFA (90%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (10%) + RHA (10%) CQS10S10
Cement (90%) + NFA (80%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (20%) + RHA (10%) CQS20S10
Cement (90%) + NFA (70%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (30%) + RHA (10%) CQS30S10
Cement (80%) + NFA (100%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (0%) + RHA (20%) CQS0S20
Cement (80%) + NFA (90%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (10%) + RHA (20%) CQS10S20
Cement (80%) + NFA (80%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (20%) + RHA (20%) CQS20S20
Cement (80%) + NFA (70%) + NCA (100%) + Crushed Seashells (30%) + RHA (20%) CQS30S20

characteristics and chemical constitution of RHA is presented in after the samples were cured under tap water for specified curing
Table 1. period. (150  150  150) mm size cubes were used to measure
the compressive strength of concrete, 100 mm diameter  200 mm
2.2. Mix proportions height cylinders were used to measure split tensile strength of con-
crete and (100  100  500) mm size prisms were used to measure
Mix proportion obtained from the M30 mix design is 1: 1.583: the flexural strength of concrete.
3.319 as per Indian standard code IS: 10262–2009 [10]. Twelve
concrete mixes were studied. First four mixes were made by 3. Discussion
replacing 0, 10, 20, and 30% of fine aggregate with crushed sea-
shells and 0% of cement with RHA, Second four mixes were pre- The experimental observations of various properties of concrete
pared by replacing 0, 10, 20, and 30% of fine aggregate with are provided under this section. Slump test was accomplished to
crushed Seashells and 10% of cement with RHA and third four govern the concrete workability. The value of slump was observed
mixes were prepared by replacing 0, 10, 20, and 30% of fine aggre- in between 25 and 40 mm for all concrete mixes and is presented
gate with crushed seashells and 20% of cement with RHA. w/b ratio in Table 3. It may be observed that as partial replacement of fine
used was 0.45 for all the twelve mixes. CQS0S0 indicate 0% crushed aggregate with crushed seashell increases in the concrete, the
seashells, 100% cement, 100% NFA, 100% CA and 0% RHA, CQS10S10 slump value decreases. It indicates that the workability of seashell
indicates 90% cement, 90% NFA, 10% crushed seashell and 10% RHA. based concrete decreases [5]. Also, observed that as partial replace-
The details of concrete mix percentage and their mix identity is ment of cement with RHA increases with or without crushed sea-
represented in Table 2. Table 3 shows quantities of mix as per shell, the slump value decreases. It is concluded that by partial
mix design. replacement of fine aggregate with crushed seashell and partial
replacement of cement with RHA increases, the workability of con-
2.3. Mixing, casting and curing crete decreases. The reduction in workability is mainly due to the
higher specific surface area, irregular texture, flaky and angular
Details of the materials are presented in Table 3, after proper shape of the seashells [7].
weighing, mixed in the concrete mixer in dry condition until the
mix becomes homogeneous. The mixing procedure is same for all 3.1. Compressive strength
concrete mixes. Water is added in respective concrete mix accord-
ing to mix design. To obtain the fresh concrete’s workability, slump The test results obtained from the compressive strength for all
test was carried out. Table vibrator was used for compaction of test concrete mixes are represented graphically in Fig. 4. Compressive
specimens. In the respective steel mould, all the concrete samples strength of CQS0S0 after 7, 28, 90 days are 39.80 MPa, 52.46 MPa
were cast and remoulding of samples were done after 24 h. There- and 68.22 MPa respectively. From the graph, it is perceived that

Table 3
Mix (C) quantities of concrete.

Mix Identity Filler Cementious materials per m3 NFA (Kg) NCA (Kg) Water (Kg) Seashell (Kg) Slump (mm)
of concrete
Cement (Kg) RHA (Kg)
CQS0S0 0% 391 0 619 1298 176 0 40
CQS10S0 10% 391 0 557.1 1298 176 61.9 36
CQS20S0 20% 391 0 495.2 1298 176 123.8 30
CQS30S0 30% 391 0 433.3 1298 176 185.7 28
CQS0S10 10% 351.9 39.1 619 1298 176 0 38
CQS10S10 10% 351.9 39.1 557.1 1298 176 61.9 34
CQS20S10 20% 351.9 39.1 495.2 1298 176 123.8 28
CQS30S10 30% 351.9 39.1 433.3 1298 176 185.7 26
CQS0S20 20% 312.8 78.2 619 1298 176 0 33
CQS10S20 10% 312.8 78.2 557.1 1298 176 61.9 30
CQS20S20 20% 312.8 78.2 495.2 1298 176 123.8 26
CQS30S20 30% 312.8 78.2 433.3 1298 176 185.7 25
K.C. Panda et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843 841

Fig. 4. Compressive Strength versus Concrete mixes. Fig. 5. Flexural Strength versus Concrete mixes.

as partial substitution of crushed seashell with fine aggregate

increases from 10% to 30% in the concrete, there is decrement in the graph, it is perceived that as partial substitution of crushed sea-
compressive strength [5]. The compressive strength after 7, 28 shell with fine aggregate increases from 10% to 30% in the concrete,
and 90 days for specimen CQS10S0 is 31 MPa, 46.43 MPa and the flexural strength decreases. The flexural strength after 7, 28
64.55 MPa respectively, for specimen CQS20S0 is 28.25 MPa, and 90 days for specimen CQS10S0 is 5.85 MPa, 6.95 MPa and
42.82 MP and 57.83 MPa respectively and for specimen CQS30S0 7.85 MPa respectively, for specimen CQS20S0 is 5.75 MPa,
is 23.80 MPa, 38.70 MPa and 54.25 MPa respectively. The decrease 6.65 MPa and 7.70 MPa respectively and for specimen CQS30S0 is
in strength for 30% replacement of fine aggregate by crushed sea- 5.62 MPa, 6.37 MPa and 7.55 MPa respectively. The decrease in
shell after 7, 28 and 90 days is 40.20%, 26.22% and 20.15% respec- strength for 30% replacement of fine aggregate by crushed seashell
tively. The decrease in strength is mainly due to the increased after 7, 28 and 90 days is 8.60%, 10.90% and 8.48% respectively. As
surface area of seashell aggregate, which resulted in lesser cement the flexural strength is related to compressive strength of concrete,
paste coating and also poor bonding between the crushed sea shell the inclusion of crushed sea shell on the flexural strength of con-
and cement paste [4]. Crushed seashell has a higher water absorp- crete follows a similar trend to the compressive strength. It is con-
tion capacity than natural fine aggregate, the heterogeneous water cluded that the flaky shape of the material and higher water
absorption capacity of the materials also leads to decrease the absorption capacity could be responsible for the decrease of the
compressive strength as the concrete mix weaken the bonding flexural strength. As cement is partially replaced by RHA material
between the cement paste and aggregates. As the cement partially in the seashell based concrete, the flexural strength of the concrete
replaced by RHA in the sea shell based concrete, the compressive increases. As seashell and 10% RHA both concerned, there is
strength increases. It is perceived that, there is increment in com- increase in the flexural strength when partial replacement of 0%
pressive strength with partial replacement of 0% and 10% fine and 10% of fine aggregate by crushed seashell and partial substitu-
aggregate by crushed seashell and partial substitution of 10% tion of 10% of cement by RHA is done. Thereafter decrease in the
cement by RHA, thereafter the compressive strength decreases flexural strength for 20% and 30% substitution of fine aggregate
for replacement of 20% fine aggregate by crushed seashell and by crushed seashell and 10% of cement by RHA. As seashell and
replacement 10% of cement by RHA. It is also observed that the 20% of RHA both concerned, increment in the flexural strength is
compressive strength increases when partial replacement of 0%, noticed when 0%, 10%, 20% and 30% of fine aggregate is substituted
10% and 20% of fine aggregate by seashell and partial substitution by crushed seashell and 20% of cement is partially substituted by
of 20% of cement by RHA is done. Also decreases for substitution of RHA. The optimum flexural strength is noticed at 10% substitution
30% of seashell with fine aggregate and substitution of cement of crushed seashell with fine aggregate and partially replacement
with 20% of RHA. As both combination of crushed seashell and of 20% RHA with cement i.e. for CQS10S20 concrete mix. The fine
RHA concerned, the highest strength is noticed at 10% substitution crushed sea shell powder facilitates the pozzolanic reactions with
of seashell with fine aggregate and substitution of 20% RHA with RHA as calcium hydroxide concentration is increased.
cement. The enhancement of strength mainly depends on the rate
of hydration of OPC and reaction between higher amounts of silica 3.3. Split tensile strength
present in the RHA and calcium hydroxide Ca(OH)2.
The test results obtained from the split tensile strength for all
3.2. Flexural strength concrete mixes are represented graphically in Fig. 6. The split ten-
sile strength of CQS0S0 after 7, 28, 90 days are 3.40 MPa, 4.24 MPa
The test results obtained from the flexural strength for all con- and 4.75 MPa respectively. From the graph, decrease in the split
crete mixes are represented graphically in Fig. 5. The flexural tensile strength in comparison with control specimen is observed
strength test results of control specimen CQS0S0 after 7, 28, as percentage of replacement of crushed seashell with fine aggre-
90 days are 6.15 MPa, 7.15 MPa and 8.25 MPa respectively. From gate increases. The split tensile strength after 7, 28 and 90 days
842 K.C. Panda et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843

Fig. 7. Compressive Strength versus Flexural Strength.

Fig. 6. Split Tensile Strength versus Concrete Mixes.

for specimen CQS10S0 is 2.74 MPa, 3.55 MPa and 4.44 MPa respec-
tively and for specimen CQS20S0 is 2.30 MPa, 3.17 MPa and
4.02 MPa respectively and for specimen CQS30S0 is 1.85 MPa,
2.85 MPa and 3.75 MPa respectively. The decrease in split tensile
strength for 30% replacement of fine aggregate by crushed seashell
after 7, 28 and 90 days is 45.58%, 32.78% and 21.05% respectively.
As the split tensile strength is related to flexural strength and com-
pressive strength of concrete, the inclusion of crushed sea shell on
the split tensile strength of concrete follows a similar trend to the
flexural strength. The reason for the decrease in split tensile
strength, similar to those discussed for compressive strength. As
crushed seashell and 10% of RHA both concerned, split tensile
strength increases for partial replacement of 0% and 10% of fine
aggregate by crushed seashell and 10% of cement by RHA. There-
after the strength decreases for 20% and 30% substitution of fine
aggregate by crushed seashell and 10% cement by RHA. As crushed
seashell and 20% of RHA both used in the mix, the split tensile
strength increases for partial replacement of 0%, 10%, 20% and Fig. 8. Compressive Strength versus Split Tensile Strength.
30% fine aggregate by crushed seashell and 20% of cement by
RHA. Highest split tensile strength is noticed at 10% replacement
of crushed seashell with fine aggregate and 20% RHA with cement
sive strength and split tensile strength in the form of fs = 3.1475
i.e. for CQS10S20 concrete mix. By addition of RHA, the split tensile
+ 0.22628fck-0.00153f2ck, where fs = split tensile strength, MPa. This
strength increases, the similar trend is observed as in flexural and
model can be used to predict the split tensile strength from the
compressive strength. The increase in strength is mainly due to the
compressive strength.
proper bonding and pozzolanic reaction between the crushed sea
shell and higher amount of silica content present in the RHA.
4. Conclusions

3.4. Relation between compressive strength, flexural strength and split  The compressive, split tensile and flexural strength of concrete
tensile strength containing crushed seashell as a partial replacement of fine
aggregate increase with curing period and decrease with
The relationship between compressive strength of the crushed increasing content of crushed seashells.
seashell and RHA based concrete with flexural strength is illus-  The workability of seashell based concrete decreases as per-
trated in Fig. 7 and the relationship between compressive strength centage of seashell increases.
of the crushed seashell and RHA based concrete with split tensile  As the partial replacement of fine aggregate with crushed sea-
strength is illustrated in Fig. 8. Fig. 7 indicates the regression model shell and partial replacement of cement with RHA increases,
between compressive strength and flexural strength in the form the workability of concrete decreases.
ff = 2.94057 + 0.11363fck-5.1034E-4fck. Where ff = flexural strength,  As both crushed seashell and 10% RHA is concerned, the com-
MPa and fcr = Compressive strength, MPa. This model can be used pressive, split tensile and flexural strength increases upto 10%
to predict the flexural strength of concrete from the compressive replacement of fine aggregate by crushed seashell and 10% of
strength. Fig. 8 indicates the regression model between compres- cement by RHA.
K.C. Panda et al. / Materials Today: Proceedings 32 (2020) 838–843 843

 As both crushed seashell and 20% RHA is concerned, the com- Acknowledgements
pressive, split tensile and flexural strength increases upto 10%
replacement of fine aggregate by crushed seashell and 20% of The authors gratefully acknowledge to N K Enterprises for sup-
cement by RHA. ply of the RHA (Silpozz) material for the experiment.
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10% and 20% of cement by RHA, higher split tensile strength References
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