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evidence 1
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Prof. María Eugenia Ramírez Vadillo

a. How can you relate the movie with the Reading: “Globalization and food” from your New Interactions platform? The main
benefit of globalisation however, is the sharing of agricultural and production practice and consequently of efficiency across
borders. Child malnourishment is at an all time low and still in decline which might be attributed to a global modernisation of
agriculture and food production. While this modernisation process undoubtedly differs disproportionately according to
continent and country and its respective wealth, the overall positive benefit is a global one which is one of the important and
main themes of the movie we saw in class

a. How can globalization help people like William? free trade and globalization have contributed to the concentration of wealth in
the hands of the rich few; they have increased the poverty of the majority of the world's population; and they maintain
unsustainable patterns of production and consumption, areas that would have been of great help to people in the same
situation as william.

1. Write a short summary about the movie. Include your own opinion.

This film shows us the difficult situation that some communities go through, and how through perseverance it is possible to achieve
the things we set out to do.
In addition, they also mention the importance of reading, and family and social relationships, for me.
William is an impressive example of how to overcome problems and despite the fact that no one believes in him, he saved his people
from famine.
It also teaches us how energy works and that it is a dynamo with a happy ending.

1. How do you feel about racism? Well, first of all the Racism comprises a practice of limitations that surround man based on a skin
tone, which we can also express that extends to ethnic groups, facial features and even aversions or physical differences. Something
that has happened for as long as there is record, or knowledge, where even those who were victims of racism were oppressed in
such a way as to become slaves to those who consider themselves better. Although this is still valid today, they are situations that
are still repeated and continue to plague the development of man. However, compared to the past this has decreased a lot, a
greater respect has been developed for these people, although the existence of this type of abuse due to color, tastes or nationality
should really be null, it breaks my soul that people have to suffer for these issues around the world.

1. How can you do about famish at your own country?

Support food aid. Although it does not solve the problem at the base, it can reduce its consequences. You can donate food to charitable
causes promoted by NGOs to send it where it is most needed.
Collaborate with science. Science walks hand in hand to fight against malnutrition and studies novel treatments that can help in critical
Promote education. When children's access to education is enhanced, one more step is taken to move them away from poverty and,
therefore, from hunger. Collaborate with NGOs so that all boys and girls can go to school.
Take care of the environment. The effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures or extreme weather events, damage crops
and livestock, causing hunger. It is in our hands to take measures to take care of our environment with simple changes in habits such as
using ecological means of transport or reducing energy consumption.
Help raise awareness of the problem. Another way to fight world hunger is to help make others aware of the importance of taking
immediate action to avoid the consequences of hunger. Participate in talks, events and other activities that give visibility to the problem.

The end
Part 1

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