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“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

Lesson Plan in Science

For Grade 7
Prepared by: Kirsten Nicca O. Toroba

I. Objectives:
At the end of 45-minute period the students will be able to:
a) define what scientific method;
b) describe the components of scientific method; and
c) give the importance of scientific method in solving problems.

II. Subject Matter:

a) Topic Title: Doing Scientific Investigation
b) Reference/s: Rodriguez, C. (2020). Science 7 Learner’s Materials. Scientific
Investigation (1st ed.). Published by the Department of Education.
c) Materials: visual aids; pictures; chart; flash cards
d) Skills: observing; defining; guessing; categorizing; communication
e) Values integration: cooperation; honesty; obedience

III. Methods:
a) Pre-Lesson Activity
i. Prayer
ii. Greetings
iii. Prepare the classroom
iv. Check the attendance of the students
v. Review the previous topic:
1. Ask the students to complete the chart which shows the four states of matter.


2. Correct the student’s answers.

“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

vi. Motivation
1) Identification
• Situational pictures show the processes of scientific

2) Ask students to describe what each picture shows.

3) Ask the students what are the situation of each picture all about.
4) Introduce the topic as well as the objectives of the class.

b.) Lesson Proper

i. Discuss the following concepts with the class:
1. Scientific investigation - is also known as scientific inquiry. It is a complete
approach to learn science through practical works.
“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

2.The Scientific Method - a process for scientific investigations. It is the process

of objectively establishing facts through testing and experimentation.
3. Steps in Scientific Method
➢ Observe - making an observation
➢ Problem - stating the problem
➢ Hypothesis - states your predictions about what your research will find
➢ Experiment - testing a stated hypothesis
➢ Analyze - interpret the results
➢ Conclude – draw conclusions about the hypothesis
➢ Share – communicate results
ii. Activities
1. Group the class into 2 and give them 5 minutes to work on their groups.

Group 1:
The group will analyze and identify the scientific methods the character/s applied,
from the story entitled “Jack and the Sitao Bean Plant.”

Once upon a time there was a boy called Jack. He lived with his loving mother
and father in a farm house. One morning, Jack’s mother told Jack to help his father
in the backyard garden.

In the garden, Jack saw lots of vegetables. But he is more curious of the green
vine climbing up the bamboo trellis. Jack said, “Father! Look! The plant climbs up
this bamboo ladder. What are they?” The father said, “They are sitao bean plants,
my child”.

Jack looked closely at the plants. He is surprised and said, “Father! The plants are
fruiting! Wow! I see lots of long green strings of green sitao beans. How did you
do that?” The father replied, “I watered them early in the morning with the rice
washings that your mother saved when she cooks rice”.

Jack wondered and asked, “Oh! Rice washings? Why? What do rice washings
have that help the sitao beans grow healthy? Mother came in and said, “That is
true my child. We tried it for quite some time and it works! I wondered too. Come
on Jack! Let us find out”.

And so, Jack and his mother begin to do testing and search for more information
about rice washings. They found out that rice washings contain nitrogen,
phosphorous, and potassium that are beneficial for the plants to grow.

Since then, Jack and his parents continue to apply rice washings to improve the
growth of their sitao beans and other vegetables. They also share it to their
neighbors for its positive effect. And they lived happily ever after.
“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

Group 2
The group will analyze and identify the scientific methods the character/s

Ana is the only child of her mother, and they have only had each other since her
father left them. They live in a mountainside area. One day, her mother is sick,
and they do not have money to buy medicine, as well as the pharmacy is a
hundred kilometers away. She noticed that there was a lot of spinach and
malunggay in their neighborhood. She realizes that her mother always told her
that spinach and malunggay could cure diseases.

Without hesitation, she gathered information and conducted research about

spinach and malunggay as medicine. She found out that malunggay (Moringa
oelifera), is rich in vitamins and minerals and can be used as a treatment for a
variety of illnesses, including arthritis, anemia, ovarian cancer, heart issues,
kidney issues, asthma, and digestive issues. A rich source of vitamin A, beta-
carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, carbs, dietary
fiber, fat, protein, and calcium. And spinach (Spinacia oleracea) is regarded as a
herb high in iron. It is well known for helping diabetics maintain stable blood sugar
levels. It functions as an antioxidant and a cancer preventative. It helps to create
the blood component needed for blood clotting and prevents atherosclerosis, or
the thickening and hardening of arteries. Ana harvests as much spinach and
malunggay as she can, dries it and makes it powdery.

She mixed the powder with the warm water, then served it to her sick mother and
told her to drink it. After 2 days of continued drinking of the spinach and malunggay
medicine, her mother is free from sickness. Ana concludes that indeed, it is an
effective medicine. And she shares with the people in their town that malunggay
and spinach are effective alternative medicines.
“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

c.) Post-lesson Activity

i. Generalization
1. Flow Chart


2. Making sure that there are no queries and clarification from the class before
“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

iii. Evaluation
I. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Scientists study about the events of our physical universe by using

A. Law of Nature
B. Scientific Method
C. Big Bang Theory
D. World Timetables
2. The method of gathering information by using your senses in a scientific inquiry is
A. Observation
B. Experiment
C. Conclusion
D. Prediction
3. After experiment, Timothea accepts her hypothesis that an increase in the amount
of cow manure fertilizer dissolved in water will mean an increase in the acidity of
the soil mixture. Which component of a scientific investigation is being described?
A. Interpreting data
B. Making a conclusion
C. Writing an observation
D. Defining a problem
4. After conducting a scientific investigation on sinaw-sinaw plant extract as an
effective treatment to control the growth of E.coli, Carl Joseph headed the group
participation in a Regional Science Fair to tell about their findings. This scenario
describes which component of a scientific investigation?
A. Formulating a generalization
B. Stating a problem
C. Communicating with others
D. Drafting a hypothesis
5. Which of the following is not considered as a step of the scientific method?
A. Stating the problem
B. Drawing a conclusion
C. Predicting outcomes
D. Changing Results
“A university of excellence, innovation, and inclusion”

II. Essay
▪ Explain the importance of scientific method. (10 points)
5 – Very Good 3 - Good 2 - Poor
Quality of Piece was written in Piece was written in Piece had little style
Writing an extraordinary an interesting style or voice
style and voice and voice
Gives some new
Very informative and Somewhat information but
well-organized informative and poorly organized
Grammar, Virtually no spelling, Few spelling and A number of
Usage & punctuation or punctuation errors, spelling, punctuation
Mechanics grammatical errors minor grammatical or grammatical
errors errors

IV. Assignment

In a bond paper, write about a real-life experience in which you used scientific

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