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This horoscope is about you- your life. That is It's not like the simple sun-sign astrology
something to take seriously. The Astral Portrait found in newspapers. It's more complex. It's
by Para Research provides an in-depth psycho­ personal. It's one-of-a-kind. As no two
logical_approach to astrology. Not light reading. people are alike, no two Astral Portraits are alike.
It won't provide easy answers to your problems.

But it will serve as a guide to a better life. All this is yours for only $10. A better
value than ever before. New improved,
It's the only horoscope to make a 300 word expanded text. Despite increasing
comparison of your Sun and Moon signs: production costs it's still the same low price.
the relationship between your conscious

drives and your unconscious feelings.

It's America's foremost computer horoscope.
Written by the best professional astrologers.
Other horoscopes often omit the ascendent Programmed by expert technicians. Devel­
because it requires the exact ·time of birth. It oped by Para Research, the fastest growing com­
tells a lot about how you approach life. It is pany in computer astrology. Recommended and
an important part of your Astral Portrait because it sold by the nation's major astrological associations.
includes the position of your first house and the

interpretation and placement of the ruling planet. Your Astral Portrait comes with a money
back guarantee. If not satisfied, just return
It's the only horoscope to give you a house­ the horoscope for a full refund.
by-house analysis. Your outlook on life. © 1974 Para Research Inc.
Sex. Friends. Relatives. Responsibilities.
Attitudes. How to communicate. How you work.

It's the only horoscope with 300 words or

more on each planetary aspect. Not just
favorable or unfavorable ones, but each
and every conjunction, sextile, square, trine,
inconjunct and opposition. These aspects are
character traits determined by the angular
relationship between planets at your birth.

6 It's bigger and better than ever. 15,000

words in over 35 pages. Besides the above Please fill out this order form clearly and accurately.
you get lists of each planet in its sign, each Mail to: Para Research, Box 70J Lanesville, Ma. 01930
aspect, famous people with the same Sun sign 0 I enclose $10 for my personal Astral Portrait
as yourself. Also explanatory text on how to read

and understand your horoscope. Mr./Ms.

You get precise calculations that only a com­ Address

puter can provide without error. From exact
time, date and place of birth our IBM 370-155

sorts out 24,000,000 bits of astrological informa­

State Zip
tion objectively, and without bias.
Birthdate: Mo. Day Yr.

No waiting. No searching for good astrolo­

Birthplace:. City
gers. No appointments to make. Processing
begins the day we receive your order. It is State Country
personally prepared and checked for accuracy.
Within ten days it is mailed to you first class. Birthtime (within an hour) AM/PM
publill&er/editor 12 Bodey Rectory's Last Haunting Mystery W.P. Schramm
Your Left Hand . . /my Lopiparo
. . . •

14 . . . . . . . .
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

16 Secret City ot The Ancient Incas B.B. Benton

TOOl, Toy or Trap·? !
. . • . . . • . . . . • •
20 Howard Burgess. • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • •

ANTHONYJ.DEROOO 24 The Curse of the Mummy Exposed George Waaner

Magister L. D. Seago
. • . • • • • •

KATHY GINGER 26 Psychic Hazards of Black Magic .

M. Hodgltinsf)n
. . .. . .

editoritrl assilta'lft8 29 Are Spirits People?

Patrick Mahony
. . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . .

30 Human Bloodhounds
Irwin Rout Ph. D.
• . . • • • . • . . • . . . • • . . . ·

SAUL GOLDSTEIN 32 The Amazing World of Twins

Psychic Powers of the Dust Devils Ben TO'Wn8e1Ul
• • • . • . • . . •

�editor 36 . • • • • • • • • •

38 The Poplar Ridge Enigma Richard C. Redmond

Glenn Claihnonte
. . . . . • . . • . .

LYDIA BELIL 43 Mark Twain's Propbic Dream

David lr. Craig·
• . . • . . • . • •
reseorcl& editor
46 Haunted House of Henniker . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

weat coateditor

AARON BEN SAMUEL 35 Report From Japan . . Bob Dunham

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

art director Uri Is Not Unique Dougllu DeFtwta

Mildred Velez
. . . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

45 Doomsday City ; . . . . • . . . • • • • . • • . • . . . . • • . .

SAMUELJOSEPH 59 The Romantic Ghost ....................... Guy Pano118 art director 66 A Glimpse of the World Beyond . Chris Roblee . .. . . . . . . . . . ..

gmp/W: deligf&
4 Editorial Harry Belil
The Readers
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . • . • .

AUGUST ROBERTS 6 Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . �• . •

•to/!pAotograpkr 8 Books For Review . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mary Goldstein

10 Strange and Unknown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . Lee Walsh
. . .

RAMONA CORTEZ 50 The New Rosetta Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • Gene Kieffer

. .

production director
CREDITS: Page 12, Leo Summers; pages 17·19, B.B. Benton;
LEE WALSH pages 22�23, Howard Burgess; page 26. Harry Belil; page 32,
MAXTOTH Harry BeliJ; page 38, Ricl\atd C. Redmond; pages 46-47,
GENE KIEFFER David C. Craig.
contn"buting editors
BEYOND REALITY MAGAZINE is published bi-monthly by Beyond Reality
Magazine, Inc., P.O. Box428, Nanuet. New York 10954. Singlecopyprice$1.00,
subscription, $6.00 per year. Add Sl.OO for foreign. No responsibility whatsoever
is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts or photos and, none will be returned unless
accompanied by a stamped, setf�addressed envelope. Second clas$ PQStage paid at
Nanuet, New York. © 1976. No part of this publication may reptoduced in whole
or in part without written permissi()b of'the publisher. Printed in the U.S.A.

hen our editorial staff got together and

decided to compile a special issue on
"Pyramid Power," we had to hold our
breath for awhile because, as �many of
��- you know, in a society as predominantly
technocratic as our own, issues like
"Pyramid Power" just don't get put into
magazines. Well, we took a st�p forward·,
the issue has nearly sold out, and we are still being swamped for copies by-
unfortunate readers who couldn't pick up a copy at their news stand!
This is proof to me of one thing above all else,that people are ridding
themselves of the "blinders" which direct the mind, like an old work horse, in
one direction only. Whether or not "Pyramid Power" works [and believe me,
it does, I tried it!] is not the real point here: it is, rather, the fact that people
are looking into something new and different, opening up their minds to new
and exciting thoughts ...that is the point. And I want to take this opportunity
to thank all you readers who have made this issue so successful, but also in
showing me that your minds ar·e still open to new modes of thought.
Now, all of us are familiar with the "Mummy's Curse"; but, how many
people have looked at the other side of the coin, how many of you are aware of
the strange "blessings" which befall many who come into contact with
MUMMIES? The point is I guess, that if you are looking for evil, then that's
what you are going to find, evil; and if you're looking for good, then you're
going to find it. Personally, I thought this article was good because it
brought into f9cus both sides of the coin and may well point to the folly of
believing in CURSES at all.
Our staff is presently at work researching lost and ancient civilizations and
has come up with extensive information in support of the theory that
thousands of years ago our planet was visited by super-civilized beings from
another planet. There is much evidence purported and documented by some
of the world's leading scientists to support Von Daniken, himseH, in his
thesis that planet Earth was visited by GODS FROM OUTER SPACE. This
proves to be an interesting issue and well-worth watching for.
Another subject of recent interest in the headlines is our friend, BIGFOOT,
that elusive "apeman" known, if only by his footprints, to be active in
Northwestern California and Southern Oregon. And we have new information
forthcoming from one of our staff members who has been out in that area
tracking down BIGF()(Yf for the last few months.
As always, please continue to write since it was your letters that helped us
to find the right direction in the first place-to discover your areas of interest
and, thereby, give you the type of journal you are looking for. And when you
write be sure to include a sell-addressed-stamped-envelope for a prompt
Harry Belil, Editor/Publisher

how to improve the relationship.Even the most difficult planetary
combinations in the composite chart can be turned into positive
for�.With your Astral Composite you will be able to enrich your
relationship to the fullest degree.
Specifically, this is what you get when you order your Astral
Composite at the remarkable introductory price of only $10:
•1hree charts: a natal chart of each person plus the composite.
• An introduction describing the meaning of each planet.
• Planets in the houses: divisions of the horoscope describing
different areas of the relationship. The positions of the Sun and Moon
show the main emphasis of the relationship.
• All major planetary aspects: these are important to under­
standing the dynamics of the relationship. Conjunctions, sextiles,
squares, trines, oppositions are included, as well as aspects to the
• Accurate calculations: an ffiM 370-158 computer is used to
provide accuracy to the nearest minute of arc. (Our accuracy depends
on the accuracy of your birth data. See coupon below.)
•Text by Robert Hand: Mr. Hand is a specialist in the field of
astrology for human relationships. He is the first and only astrologer
to write an extensive work on composite charts.
• Approximately 10,(XX) words and 25 pages in an easy-to-read
It takes more than love to make a relationship work. It takes
understanding.And understanding comes from knowing.Do you
beautifully-bound book format.

really know the one you love?

• Money-back guarantee: the Astral Composite is uncondi­
tionally guaranteed by Para Research. H unsatisfied, simply return the
By combining new astrology techniques with humanistic
horoscope for a full refund.
psychology, scientific analysis, and computer accuracy, Para Reseaicn
has developed_a new way of looking at a relationship.
We would like to ·· ··hasize that this is not just a love horo­
scope. It is a full-dimens1, ). al analysis of a relationship. There is no
Now there is a horoscope for the two of you. It's the Astral
other horoscope in the world that can compare to the Astral Composite.
Composite, the world's first ccmputerized composite horoscope.1his
It represents the most exciting development in astrology since the
10,CXXl-word report takes a look at your relationship by actually cast­
invention of the computer.It is truly unique.
ing a horoscope of the relationship itself.
You are invited to partake in what we feel will be a revealing
Until now astrologers have compared two people's horoscopes
experience for the two of you ... and your relationship.
© 1975 Para Res.earch, Inc.
by superimposing one on the other. Such a ccmparison views the
people as individuals who happen to be involved in a relationship.
1his is helpful to a point, but misleading and incomplete.
The Astral Composite is different from comparison horoscopes. �/ �
As its name implies, it is a composite of the two natal charts.With
this method a third chart is created, a chart of the relationship itself. ASTRAL COMPOSITE
I am sure of the accuracy of the birth time indicated.
When two people come together to form a relationship, something
I enclose $10 for our Astral Composite.
new emerges. They are still the same two people, of course, but
I am not positive about e birth time. I enclose SOt

together they are something else as well. Together they are the rela­
tionship.11ris is what the Astral Composite is all about.
D _
for a booklet and instructlons as to where to wnte

1his method of analyzing h

for accurate birth information.
relationships was developed
about 30 years ago. Today most astrologers still adhere to the old
ccmparison method. One astrologer in particular, Robert Hand,
My Name

has further developed the composite technique for a new kind of

pe. The result of his work is the first complete text on com­
posite horoscopes in any language. It is now available to you as the
City State Zip
Astral Composite fromPara R esear
ch, America's leading producer of
computer horoscopes. My Birth Data:
What does the Astral Composite consist of?
1 +I =3. An Astral Composite is three charts
in one. First the Date: Mo. Day Yr. Time: AM/PM
computer calculates the natal charts of the two people involved.
Next these two charts are combined to form a third chart the chart of
the relationship.This is followed by a reading of the chart describing

the potentialities of the relationship. All the factors.of love, money,

Birth Data of
and friendship are taken into a ccount. This helps point out the kind
of relationship that works best for the two of . You may be great
you Date: Mo. Day Yr. Time: AM/PM
together as lovers, but when it ccmes to a more lasting commitment,
you may be heading for �ble. Better to be prepared than to fall into Place:
a situation unknowingly.
Mail to: Para R esearch; Box 7Q Lanesville, MA 01930
The Astral Canposite not only points out the strengths and
esses in your relationship, it also ofiers astrological advice on � �
Dear Editor, Dear Editor,
I was very interested in an article I caught the last 10 or 15 minutes
entitled "Insights on Space and you your tv program tonight and I
Time" in the March-April, 1975 is­ wish I had seen the whole -program.
sue. On page 20, the author Clyde E. The area of discpssion is one that I
Quade, Jr. said there were 12 loca­ have been more than a little interest­
tions on the earth where people and ed in for a long time.
things have been known to disappear Although I do not have a great
quite often. I know of the famous deal of statistical or historical know­
Bermuda Triangle and an area south ledge committed to memory, I have
of Japan called the Devil's Sea which acquired, through reading and per­
has had quite a few unexplained sonal involvement, a firm, well­
disappearances, but I am unfamiliar rounded base of knowledge in the
with the others. paranormal or psychic phenomenon
Please send me thenames of the fields of interest and have wanted,
others. for a long time, to become acquaint­
Pam McClure ed with people of similar interests
College Park, Ga. who do not place so much impor­
tance on the sensational aspects of
The late /vall T. Sanderson, world these occurrences.
renowned Fortean researcher, said Steve Krotz
there were eight such areas around New York, N.Y.
the world. We would refer you to his
books, available at your local book­ Dear Editor,
store or at your public library, for This is my second letter _to your
complete details. -Editor publication and I'm at this point
certain it shan't be the final such;
Dear Editor, merely the second in a never-ending
As per your TV program offer , sequel-giving you advice, which you
please send me your free booklet on doubtlessly need, opinions, com­
Pyramid Power and information on mentary, remarks-in-general, and
how to subscribe to your magazine , whatever else I can find time to
Beyond Reality. The program was spare.

most interesting. About your current attempt at as­
Joseph L. Rethy piring heights of periodical gran­
New York, N.Y. deur ...
Let me say this about that: the
Dear Editor, cover was the most breath-taking
Please send me information on thing I have seen in a 1-o-n-g time,
Pyramid Power as advertised on the and I mean that. It was so awe­

TV show, Also, I enjoy your show inspiring I may frame it. And I
very much. mean that too. The three-color effect
Newtyn Becker was tremendous. If all your covers
New York, N.Y. were as good, you could almost sell

Dear Editor, the magazine on them alone. Alas,
Your show last night (witchcraft you'll probably botch this good work
rituals) was fantastic. Please send me up by following it up with something
subscription information for your less grand-two color or something.
magazine Beyond Reality. I see you plan a UFO issue for the
Lita Johnson next attempt; now that could really
Brooklyn, N.Y. give artistic possibilities. Don't be

like your competitors who scribble a Tarot buff should have had a field man under one of the pint-sized
UFO all over the cover. That" s stupid day. I did think the wrap-up was models you gave dimensions for. Tell
when a good illustration of work of splendid . . . "Three Fools" indeed! me, where does "Christopher Rob­
art can tell me the same thing only I didn't even read the "Dreams" lee" get his specifications from (for
more interestingly. Hell, I show these article : too much of that stuff in cir­ the pyramids, I mean)? In fact,
m ag azines to my frie nds when culation already . . . where does he get his name???
they're good. If not so good�l shove 'The Uri Geller article was mildly George Wagner' s article was
'em under a desk somewhere and interesting, but was merely a repeat something between so-so and slightly
forget I ever bought 'em . of everything ever before printed on better than average; but j ust where
the Interesting Israeli. So I guess it I'm not certain. I guess i.t depends
Now: to the contents of ye old falls into the so-so catagory. (I prob­ how hot about the Sphinx one may
Pyramid Power... ably would have liked it more but the be . . .
Your array of articles was some­ current Reader's Digest has an art­ And further incidentally: In my
what better than average (meaning icle by John Fuller-the Interrupted last dispatch to your doorstep , I
that you're finally getting away from Journey man-on the same thing mentioned the fact that I didn't
all that psychic baloney, Aunt Ar­ and recounts said events almost ex­ appreciate that stuff by Hero Bond
lene's ghost, and the usual junk stuff actly) . (or whatever) on J. W. Spencer
run ; I can read the same sort of Now we come to the GOOD one: (Tracy) . Now I read here-lemme
garbage in FA TE-whenever I both­ Pi and the Pyramid, by Rick Lawler. quote it-"we will also feature an
er to pick up a copy of that too-old Give Rick a healthy thank-you for interview with Charles Berlitz, auth­
magazine , that is) . me, will you Mr. Publisher (I'd ad­ or of the best-selling hardcover book,
The Backus mini-interview was so­ dress your underlings-meaning the The Bermuda Triangle . . . " Boy, you
so. But then every magazine has a associate editors or whatever-but I are asking for it! I 've been reading
so-so feature (only BR usually has a suspect they're all non-entities; I dare that very book and since I'm now an
magazine full of them). Who in the you to prove me wrong on that). But expert on the Triangle ( after all did'nt
hell ever titled Sutherly's article: back at Lawler's prose: I loved it I tell you last time -around that I was
Those Maddening Animal Mutila­ when 'he put ol' Doc Wilson, and gonna fly through the area: well I did
tions?? I was almost put off by that especially that idiot Grouse in place. and I made it back in one piece), I 'm
very thing, but it seemed so corny Imaeine a scientist like Grouse really gonna poke holes in some of ol'
that I actually was compelled to read penning that stuff about a mathema- Charles theories. Thought I'd warn
further; glad that I did, tqo. The ticle problem being dep endent o� the you in advance, is all.
"plot-line" made sense-in a bizarre selected unit of measurement in or­ Y a know, the potential for this
sort of way, but then I guess that's der to arrive at a value. Anyone-as magazine is tremendous. But some­
what happens when a guy writes Lawler so fantastically points out­ how I don't think it'll ever get be­
about cattle killers, Tom Snyder, his should have the same despite what­ yond what it now is (only fair, Pub­
newspaper editor, and Lord only ever unit is used, whether "feet, me- lisher, only fair, although the last
knows what else in the article. I'll .. ters, cubits, or the blockheads a couple of issues have shown some
give 'em a B-plus for the effort (I thing or too. And -the rest of the improvement-provided you keep it
don't generally rate that high any­ article was equally well presented. up , which I doubt and which is why I
way, so I guess its a winner) . Did I say earlier I never go above a say above that you'll never become a
Now, let's see, what else do we B-plus?? Well, I admit my error­ 100,000 issue magazine.
have here? Ah yes, Tarot Cards, by give Lawler an A-minus . . . Oh yeah, Ray Thomas Majors
one Allen Greenfield . . . Hmmm. , the about that "pi in the pyramid, " Jonestown, Pa.
article didn't do much for me largely Rick . . . ???
because I 'm not into playing cards Walsh's article was another so-so. It is good to hear from you again,
(oops: Greenfield said the Tarot It seemed rather dull after the above Mr. Majors.
aren't playing cards) . But in all ear­ presentation. Her Strange and Un­ Yes, the names on the masthead of
nestness, the feature was moderately known column was a good deal bet­ the magazin'e are real. We do appre­
informative, well-presented, and if I ter . . . (rated at about C). ciate your criticisms, even if you
got something out of it due to my Building pyramids articles are al­ don't agree with us very often.
lack of concern for the subject-then most as worthless as trying to fit a Editor

THE GREAT BRITISH GHOST HUNT, by H an s tou n d i n g l i st of stran ge events that ran ge f rom
Holzer, B o b bs- M e rri l l , N �w York , N . Y . , $7 . 95. U FOs to fal l i ng frog s , to po ltergeists, strange
The i nveterate g h ost h u nter, H an s H o lzer, tra­ foot p r i n t s i n t h e snow, s u rvi v i n g foss i l an i m a l s ,
ve l s t h ro u g h G reat B rita i n , the h o m e o f hau nted and m u ch more .
cast les, o l d ru i n s and famous and l i t t l e-known
s pectres , to unearth strang e stories of g h ost ly
doi n g s i n THE G REAT B R ITI S H G H OST H U N T .
W i t h t h e ski l l a n d ded icat i o n that have ·made ILLUSTRATED ANTHOLOGY OF SORCERY,
h i m famous in psyc h i c c i rcles, parap syc holog ist MAGIC AND ALCHEMY, by E m i le G rillot de G i r­
Holzer h as traced a path t h ro u g h Eng l i sh and vy , Cau seway Books, N ew York , $7. 95.
Scott i s h h i story , loo k i n g for t h e u n ex p l ai n ab l e . I n Th i s fasc i nat i n g book was f i rst p u b l i s hed i n
the towers and t u rrets of Lo ndon and Ed i n b u rg h French i n 1929. I t i s a u n i q u e coHect i o n o f the
and along m i sty roads i n the Eng l i sh and Scot t i s h ent i re scope of occ u l t i s m , w i t h over 360 i l l u s­
cou ntryside , he p resents my steri ous and fasc i n a­ trat i o n s fro m a m y ra i d of sources , d at i n g from t h e
t i n g psyc h ic experiences co ncern i n g g h ost s , re­ M i d d l e A g es to t h e eve of the n i neteen t h cent u ry .
i n carnat i o n and ESP . Keep i n g i n m i n d t h e o l d ad age "a p ict u re i s
W i t h t h e h e l p o f estab l i s h ed med i u m s and wort h a t h o u sand word s , " t h e author has t i ed
c l ai rvoyants, H o l zer enco u n ters t h e g h osts of together t h ese· i l l u s_trat i o n s as the best poss i b l e
famous q u een s - A n n e B o l ey n , Cat heri ne H ow­ way t o l earn about a n d u n derstand t h e occ u l t .
ard , Mary , Queen of Scots, and Kather i n e Parr­ The text i s tran s l ated b y J . Courtenay Locke ,
some s i m p l y as wanderi n g s p i r i t s , ot hers ap pear­ and w h i l e it w i l( not read l i ke a modern thri l ler,
i n g "to i n habit the bod ies of l iv i n g perso n s . t h e work is very e n g ross i n g i n d eed . A l th ough its
Ord i nary a s wel l a s fam o u s peo p l e reappear nearl y 400 pages may seem l i ke a form id i b l e
f rom the past in Ho lzer's acco u nt i n g . He i nvest i­ read i n g tas k , i n stead i t's an amaz i n g j o u rney i nto
gates i n c i dents i n volvi n g the n ew tenants of o l d a world t h at science dares not expla i n .
homes, w h ere the s p i rits of past owners have It is g ood to see t h i s c l ass i c work in pri n t
appeared . In seeki n g out the g h osts at B l an c h­ agai n .
land , near N ewcast le, he e m p l oyed a med i u m
w h o succeeded i n con tact i n g ghosts fro m the
12t h , 13th and 18th cen t u ries. Two d i fferent
g h osts m aterial ized and were q u est io n ed . H o lzer
spec u l ated whether more u n known s p i rits ex i st i n
MAYA HIEROGLYPHS, by Sylvanus G ri swold
that house.
M orley, Dover p u blicat io n s , I nc . , N ew York, N . Y . ,
Thoro u g h l y researched , T H E G R EAT B R I T I S H
G H OST HUNT is a fasci nat i n g t r i p i n to the i n­ $3. 00. A ro u nd 130 years ag o , t h e d i scovery was

cred i b l e worl d of a p pari t i o n s and s p i r i t s . m ade that the j u n g l es of southern M ex i co and the
n e i g h bori ng cou ntries con tained scattered re­
mem b ran ces of a h i g h but van i shed c i vi l izat ion­
the M aya , w it h a system of wri t i n g so com p l i­
THE COMPLETE BOOKS OF CHARLES FORT, cated and evolved as to ren d er itself undec i p her­
Dover P u b l icat i o n s , N ew York , N . Y . , $15 . 00 . a b l e i n the face of some of the worl d ' s mo st
When you h ea r references of Fortean or For­ p ro m i n e n t li n g u ists. I n the l ast h u n d red years,
teana, t h e name Charles Fort is a l ways i n t h e w i t h m uc h stu d y , t he system has g rad ually s u r­
back of you r m i n d . Fort was the t i reless research­ rendered its secret s , g l y p h by g ly p h , w ith the
er who early t h is cent ury cataloged titeral l y eve n t u a l res u lt that we can n ow read a fai r
thousands o f new s paper cli p p i ng s a n d reports o f a m o u n t of the i n scri pt i o n s .
t hat wh ich sc ience refuses to accept . T h e p u bli sh ed writ i n g s on the subject of t h e
In t he· words of the old master, from h is f i rst M aya h i erog ly p h s have been so volu m i n ou s , s o
book, "A process i o n of the dam n ed . w i de l y scattered and often i naccessi b l e , that it i s
"By t h e damned , I mean t he excluded . d i fficu l t f o r stud ents of Centra l A meri can arch­
"We shall have a procession of data t hat Sci­ ae9logy to rea l l y fam iliarize themselves w i t h the
ence has exclud ed . " acco m pl i s h m ents i n t h i s field of i n vest i g at i o n . I n
There follows i n Fort's u n i q ue style a n as- t h i s vo l u me , M r. M orley, who has devoted years


to the study of Mayan archaeolog y , concentrat ing B OOK F OR HEALTH T HRO U G H DR U G LESS
particularly on the hierog l y p h s , sum marizes the THERA PY is a dec l aration of independence, ac­
results of this research to the present time. Here cording to aut hor Dr. Haro ld J. Reil l y . Wit h
is a boo k that wil l enab l e t h e average reader a co-aut hor Ruth Hagy B rod , Reil l y presents an
ready and a cl oser acquaintance wit h an interest­ at- home p ro g ram for lo oking and fee l ing better
in g and an intricate subject . based on the natura l methods of Ed gar Cayce, the
"S l ee p i n g P ro p h e t" w h o s e t h e ra p ie s h e l p e d
t h ousands t o better health f o r more than 40
HARMONIC 33, by Captain B ruce Cat hie, I m ­ years-often after medical science had given up
ported by Charles E. Tuttle Co. , I n c. , Rut l and , hope.
Verm o n t , $8 . 95.
Reil ly's "Care" packag e for g l owing heal th con­
One sum mer even in g in 1952, a young N ew
centrates on restoring to normal ba l ance four vital
Zealand p i lot and s i x com pan io n s stood outside
bod y functions- circulatio n , assim il atto n , relax­
the local air c l ub at Mang ere airfield , Auck land ,
ation and e l iminatio n - t h roug h an easy-to-fol l ow
and for n early 20 minutes watched a phenomenon
reg i m en of diet , exerc i se , massage and water
that , they ag reed , cou ld only be an U n iden tified
t herapy . He shows how to set up an inexpen sive
F l ying O bj ect . F ro m then on the pilot- B ruce
home hea l t h and beauty spa utilizing many of the
Cat hie, began a seri ous stud y of U FOs. And he
tec h n iques em p lo yed in his ren ow n ed Hea l t h
has , s i n ce that day in 1952, made five more U F O
I n stitute i n Rockefe l l er Cen ter, which was fre­
quented by the Duke of Windsor and other ce le­
After a c l ose analysis o f th ese a n d other con­
br ities .
firmed U F O sig htin g s in N ew Zealand , he dis­
covered th at they occurred in a regu lar pattern
that conform ed to a system atic g rid pattern .
Furt her research p roved that the New Zeal and
g rid was a smal l part of a worldwide g rid and that
U F O s i g h tin gs are interrel ated wit h other natural HOW TO TEST AND DEVELOP YOUR ESP. by
but so far unex p l ained phenomena. Paul Huso n , Som tein & Day , New York , N . Y. ,
From th ese d iscoveries Captain Cathie has $8 . 95.
evolved a theory that is not h i n g short of astou nd­ The a b i l ity to foresee the future, read the
in g: "Even while you read this , interp lanetary thoughts of others , and in f l uence matter direct l y
spaceships are rebuilding a world g rid system with our m inds i s a power everyone shares to
from wh ich , it ap pears , they can draw m otive some degree. It is also a power that can be
power, and t h ey are pos s i b l y a l so using the g rid developed .
for navigatio nal purposes . . . . "
Would n't it be fascin atin g to discover t h is HOW TO TEST A N D DEVELOP YOUR ES P
in c redib l e method of p ro pul s i o n , es pecia l l y in offers practical step- by-step tec h n iques to en­
lig h t of the worldwide energy crisis? hance an i nd ividual's psychic potentia l . Author
The ske ptics may s m i l e , and ta l k of "hal l ucina­ Huso n offers tec h n iques to en hance psychic po­
tio n s , " but U FOs are being taken very seriously ten tial as wel l as how to deve l o p ES P , cultivate
ind eed by the Govern'rm ents of more than one psychic "luck" and meaningful coincide nces . He
g reat world power. HARMO N I C 33 is a very a l so out l ines how one can be taug ht to see
im portant book ind eed . visio n s as psychics do. Ps ychic heal in g , rem em­
bering your own past incarnat i o n s , out-of-the­
bod y project i o n tec h niques and m ethods of
"d reaming true" are, according to H u s o n , als o
wit h i n the real m .of psychic pot ential .
HEALTH THROUGH DRUGLESS THERAPY, by For the student of parapsyc h o l ogy , HOW TO
Harold J. Reilly and Rut h Hagy B rod , Macmil lan TEST A N D DEVELOP YOUR ES P contain s a re­
Pu b l ishing Co . , I n c . , N ew York , N . Y . , $10. 95. view of c o l l ege courses offered for credit in the
For A m ericans who are victim s of an over­ f i e l d , p lus information on g rants and scho lar­
drug ged soc i et y , T H E EDG A R CAYCE HA N D- ships .


POLTERGEIST, that pranksters were at vyork. Outside v· i g i lance,

inside coweri ng without l i ghts, and nei g h borhood
where d i d you come from? · hel p never detected a h uman around.
there's a tap p i ng at my door! "The hu sband was home al one when fl oor lamps
are you s l i pp i ng soft l y ins ide? were knocked over before h i s eyes. He ca"ed i n Chet
I hear a footstep on the f l oor! Macervoy[ a friend] who sat in the ki:tchen with h i m .
mysteri ous i nhabitant, The noises were deafening and t h e lam ps a n d table
unseen visitor in my home, were u pset. Chet recom mended the po l i ce be cal led.
g l id ing down my corridor, " Bel ieve it or not , the pol i ce came, sat in their
I can hear you roam. cars, heard the noises, i nvest igated and gave my
rust l i n g in the darkness, sister a book on poltergeist act i vity !
leav i ng no foot prints in the snow, "The Metropol i tan I nsurance agent sat at the
misch ievious l i ttle friend , d i n i ng room tab le, heard the noises , and refused to
where do you go? col lect again unt i l the Rempfers fou nd a safer home.
"The Publ ic Servic� Gas and Electric Co . i nvest i­
Poltergeist act ivity has long been one of th� most gator came when explosions occu rred outs ide while
fascinat i n g aspects of the strange and un known . he and M r. W i l l iam Rempfer were on the lawn . The
Many state that they have been a "vi ct i m" of a representative ran i nto the home to exa�i ne it and
poltergeist and there are hundreds of documented encouraged the Rampfers to move, lest they get
cases to prove i t . These mysterious i n habitants in ki l l ed.
our home, who are they and where do they come "Ch ief of detect ives came and stayed in the home
from? A l l we real ly know is that they ex i st and can and fou nd the bombardments fantast i c and not to
hardly be i gnored. I have experienced poltergeist be explained by earthly knowledge. He wrote the
act ivity and I f i nd it sat i sfyi ng when somet h i ng I am home off as ghost i n fested.
i nterested in happens to me . I ndeed, it brings the " F i nal ly, there was an i nterior explosion wh i ch
en igma cl oser to home. blew out the bedroom wal l w h i l e M rs. Rempfer was
I n t h i n k i ng of my own experience with poltergeist home alone. I then started to conduct some private
activity, I do not feel I was a "vict i m" as it was not invest igat i ons of my own .
that destruct ive nor an noy i n g . It was l i mited. to "My scientific ex p lanat ion o f possible converg in g
rappi ngs, the sound of doors open i ng and closing ultrasonic beams from parabo l i c reflectors was ad­
when l o cked , u nex p l a i n e d w h i speri ngs, and vanced to a top man in Bel l Telephone Labs u pon
shadowy figures accompan ied by cold drafts. The the occasi on of his visit. He went back to Ma Bel l to
most dramatic event was the t i me a heavy pot l i d get proper detectors . Apparently Ma Bel l cou l d n't or
l i fted from the sink, f lew across the kitchen to sl am did n't want to bel ieve the story. He never came
i nto the leg of the iron i ng board . It came with back .
enough force to ch i p it badly. " I n any event , ri ght up u nt i l October, w hen my
The fol l owi ng i ncident was related to me by a sister sold her home, the noisy g host was act i ve.
friend , Charles A. Reyn olds, of Maybrook, New "Th i s story is absol utely true. The fam i ly that
York. I m u st add that he is a non-bel iever in such bought the house was never qontacted by me or my
thi ngs, but the fol lowi ng is written in h i s own sister. However, they moved in 1974. The house is
words, w ithout any ed i t i ng on my part: st i l l there. The pol i ce blotter can certai n l y be l ooked
"Th i s event happened to my twin s i ster, M i ldred at and many are the people who can test ify to every
A. Rempfer, who was l i ving at 75 Colfax Road , truth here . "
Spri ngf ield , N . J. , at the t i me when a most noisy and 'Poltergeist' i s a German word mean i ng , l i teral l y ,
inexp l icable poltergeist d id what he cou ld to drive "n oisy spiri t . " The word has come t o i n cl ude any
her and t he fam i ly from thei r home. ghost or spirit that man i fests itself by noises ,
"The poltergeist started in early 1963 with rapid­ knock i ngs, etc. As for t h i s writer's experience, I
fire bombardments of the Colfax residence; loud have no expl anat ion to offer other than that' these
booms w h i ch shook the whole house and left no experiences were caused by a poltergeist and were
marks on the outs ide ! N atural ly, the thought was def i n i tely psych ic. D


If Clark Gable, Judy Ga�and and Marilyn Monroe Had
Known About Biorhythm­
They Might Be Alive Today
New discovery of hidden natural power can bring you health� happiness, success ... even make the difference between life and death f
Imagine. You've run out of gas on a cold, rhythmist predicted that, according to Clark Evidence Overwhelming
moonless night. You're shivering and scared. Gable's biorhythm chart, the star (who had re­
Industries around the world swear by Bio­
But you must cross the woods to get home. cently sutrered a heart attack) would have a
rhythm. They credit Biorhythm for their out­
Darkness conceals hidden dangers. You could "critical day" on November 16. He urged extra
standing safety records. These include:
• the transportation system in Zurich, Swit­
slip on an icy spot, or stumble over a fallen precautions for Gable on that day.
tree. Just as bad, you could walk in circles for ON Nov. 16 Gable died and the doctors, who
• several European airlines
hours. Darkness also hides the one safe path­ had not heeded the hiorhythmist's warning,
• over 5,000 firms in Japan!
to a warm house, a cozy fire, loving friends. stated that "Gable could have been saved had
What if someone came along and offered you the heart machine been available quickly."
a little light? Would it make a difference?
Of course it woulri. And that's why I want to The Long Island Press quotes Russel K.
Anderson, head of a U.S. Industrial Con­
The Difference Biorhythm Has Made
share MY little light with you. It's called the For Me
science of Biorhythm. And may have made the sulting firm (March 30, 1973}, "We have
Now that I've learned of Biorhythm, I'm less
difference in my life between success and fail­ analyzed more than 1,000 accidents during
ure, perhaps even life and death. moody, more creative, more sensitive to my
the past two years and the amazing thing
• Biorhythm could make a big difference in
family, more aware of myself. Biorhythru.
is that we have come out with more than
yltur life, too. Let me explain why. might help you too make decisions more con­
90%.. of the accidents occuring on t.he criti­
fidently, quickly. What's more, physically you'll
cal days."
feel more energetic, less run-down. Biorhythm
The Philadelphia Inquirer (Nov. 4, 1973) might even help you stick to a diet. And as an
reports that "Biorhythm poses such a nat­ extra bonus, try gambling during your "high" Biorhythm Scoops on Sporting Upsets
• Muhammed Ali lost to Ken Norton on
ural and logical explanation for our fluctu­ days-you might be called a "born winner."
ating health and temperance that it simply
Ali's critical day
• Floyd Patterson lost to lngmar Johanson
cannot be overlooked." Nature's Secret Clock
In brief, Biorhythm operates on the basis of on a critical day
• Arnold Palmer shocked fans at the Pro
How I Discovered Biorhythm our natural biological cycles. You know about

Like you, I want to do the best for my loved

women's menstrual cycles. Well, scientists also Golfer's Association Play-off in 1962 wren the
chart 3 other major cycles: emotional, physical "sure winner" tied for 17th place instead (he
ones. To insure my children's good health, my and mental. They effect each of us from the was at a biorhythmic low)
husband's financial success, my own sensitivity moment we're born. And we each have a unique • Bohhy Riggs lost to Billie Jean King on
as wife and mother. And, of cour e, I want to pattern, based on our day and year of birth. a day when his physical cycle was critical and
really understand myself. But before I discov­ When these cycles are at their "highs " we're his emotional cycle low (Ms. King, however,
ered Biorhythm, I only had "fate" and women's most likely to give our peak performances. was at an emotional and intellectual high)
intuition to guide me. When they're low, the opposite is true. And
I was often filled with self-doubts and fears. when the cycles are changing, we're in our Research Study Now In Progress
What if my husband had a terrible car acci­ critical days. That's when we're most suscep­ Biorhythm could be one of today's most
dent? What if his business suddenly failed? tible to accidents and poor judgement. powerful sources for self-knowledge and life
What if my children got seriously ill'? A recent book on biorhythm reveals some control. It helps you know the most important
And then a miracle happened. fascinating facts. All of these occurred on person in your life-yourself.
A scientist friend told me my fears MIGHT critical days: To help YOU discover Biorhythm's .effec­
• Jack Ruby's murder of Lee Harvey Oswald ·
BE PREVENTED ONCE AND FOR ALL! tiveness, the Life Cycle Institute invites you to
How could I not listen? My friend intro­ • Sirhan Sirhan's assassination of Robert participate in a special research project. You
duced me to· the science of Biorhythm. He calls Kennedy can see for yourself how Biorhythm improves
it "one of the most effective life controls known • Arthur Bremer's attempt on George Wal­ your health, your diet, financial success, fam­
to man and woman." lace's life ily happiness, sexual responses, vacation trips,
What's more, Judy Garland and Marilyn everything! At the same time you'll be engag­
Clark Gable's.Death Predicted Monroe swallowed lethal doses of sleeping pills ing in valuable life-changing research. See Life
On the John Nebel radio show in l960 a bio- on critical days. Cycle Institute's special offer below.

I 6 Cc.IIMI'dal St., Hiclknllle, N.Y. IIIII I
11 sonal
Needs YOUR Help In Our Research Program I wish to participate in life Cycle Institute's Research Study and get my per- 11

computerized Biorhythm chart at a special research price. Enclosed
Thanks to computer technology, Biorhythm will soon I please find $.6.95 plus .55 (handling charge) for each chart requested. 1
1 understand that if. I am not completely satisfied, 1 will return my chart
be available to the general public. At Life Cycle Institute, I
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we are currently compiling results from thousands of Bio-
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Life Cycle Institute reserves the right to terminate offer when research is
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© 1974, BIO-CYII..E, ltd.
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When S i ster Mary Lai rre broker her vows and ran off
with Wa ldeg rave , no one thought at the time
that Borl ey Rectory was desti ned to become of the

B orley ·
most famous haunted houses in Eng land .


B orley is a smal l town about sixty miles northeast of staff. Parad oxical ly it appears that the nun's disembodied
London. The hamlet lies just inside the border of Essex and spirit's appearance at the window was the one instance by
about two miles from the town of Long Melford in Suffolk. which the large household was annoyed by the haunting.
In 1 863 when the Rev. Henry D . E . Bull ch ose it as a place The nun's life story is briefly th is, gleaned from William
to build a rectory for h i mself, it was a tiny hamlet of a 0. Stevens' Unbidden Guests, a classic co llection of true
hundred G od-fearing souls. No one thought at the time that paranormal phenomena. U nder the name of Mary Lairre,
this recto..Y was destined to acq u ire .a reputation of the she was consecrated as a Sister of Mercy . There was a
most haunted house in E.ngland. monastery near what was later to be the rectory's site. This
There appears to be no reliable record when Borley much seems to be true.
rectory first became haunted . O ne fact is a certainty-its In so me way Sister Mary Laine came in contact with a
visitation by a spectral nun was underway in 1 892, when groom named Waldegrave who was employed by the
the Rev. Henry Bull was succeeded by his son Harry as cloistered monks. The two became ena mored to the extent
rector. Some reports have it that several apparitions th at the sister elected to forsake her sacred vows and elope
haunted it.- T he apparitional star was the nun. Proof that with her l over. A nother groom, a friend of Waldegrave's,
her specter had annoyed Rev. Hen ry Bull existed u ntil hired a coach for the lovers to make their getaway in. Thus,
about 1 940 wh&n the rectory was gutted by a mysterious Sister Mary Lairre was literal ly abd ucted from the convent.
fire. U p to until that ti me, the attention of visitors was But al most i m mediately something went awry. Some miles
directed to what had at first been a window on the left side fro m the convent the elopers got into a vio lent q u arrel. It
of the dwelling's front entrance. It had been bricked up by ended with the g room · strangling h is fiancee and hiding her
the Rev. H enry because the phantom nun had been in the body -·i n a nearby forest. The two male conspirators were
habit of standing outside by the window and peering In at caught and beheaded.
the rector when he sat in his study preparing his sermons. Whether legend or truth, an other version of this i llicit
To appear in broad d aylight as it had been d one, is an affair between a monastery groom and a nun is that the two
unusual precedent on a ghost's part. were caught by the monks as they were entering the coach.
Rev. Henry .Bull sired a family of fourteen offspring The two men were guillotined. T he nun was put in a
which in time necessitated his e mploying a sizeable servant so litary cell with only a loaf of bread and a pitcher of water
[Continued on page 60 ]


From the very beginnings of time, man's cave drawings indicate a pre­ strong believer in the mystery and
man has held the belief that · forces occupation with the left side, es­ potential for power his left hand had
for both evil and good coexist in his pecially as it pertained to the terri­ within it. His frequent visits to the
world. Whether these forces were fying and foreboding elements in his oracles of his day, especially on the
called by the name of god, demon, world. It is from this era, virtually at eve of a battle, attest to his belief and
spirit or whatever, man has both the dawn of creation , that the left respect for the unknown.
worshipped and respected them. hand's association with magic and Ancient India was witness to ritual
He's also made images of them, vari­ demonology began. As we'll see, it sacrifices to the demons or raksas,
ously in stone, gold, or on canvas. A has been an enduring association . wherein the celebrant would strew
surprising fact emerges . Almost The Romans are next to deserve the sacrificial gifts about with his left
without exception, the deities repre­ our attention for introducing the hand, while on bended knee, his left,
senting good are pictured as right concept of evil spirits favoring man's as the sacrificial animal awaited its
handed, and · the ones representing left side. They believed, for example, fate, securely tied to a stake by its
evil are seen as left handed. that sneezing to the right forecast left hind foot.
But the phenomenon does not stop good fortune, while sneezing to the Central . Europeans , translating
there . Through the ages , those left was a portent of calamity. Our this belief to their folk medicines,
things, be they plant, animal, hu­ present-day superstition that one were prone to tying a blue woolen
man or ethereal , th!lt are associated should toss spilled salt over the left thread nine times around a toe of the
with the supernatural or the unex­ shoulder is a ·carry -over of this belief. left foot, thereby to ward off the
plained, are all connected in some We also know that the omens that demons of fever.
way with the left as opposed to the the oracles and other seers detected The sinister qualities attributed to
right hand. to the left of the subject were only the left hand (sinister is Latin for
Evidently, identification of the left minimally accredited, while those "left") persisted. It became popular
hand with the unknown was common appearing to the right were con­ belief that any relationship whatso­
even in the Lower Paleolithic period, sidered quite prophetic . Alexander ever with· a magical or mysterious
millions of years ago. Prehistoric the Great was a left-bander and a object be carried out with the left

hand, for to use the right hand would hand able to commune with the tory of all of our baser instincts . It is
invite vulnerability to the object's forces of the unknown without jeo­ therefore not surprising that some of
powers. Thus, in Medieval times, pardy. his followers, who utilize his teach­
when one was threatened by a witch, Turning to the ancient art of ings in the practice of psychoanalytic
the recommended defense was to palmistry, we again see that in some therapy, view the left hand as the
strike her with your left hand. She sects, notably the Gypsies, the right symbol of negativism or resistance to

would then be rendered harmless hand is never looked at, only the left. · suggestion.
and you could escape her influence . The Gypsy believes all of our destiny, Is the left hand really such a mys­
We also find the left hand as the all that we call our heritage, and all tery-laden part of us? Certainly those
preferred one in any contact with of the unknown in our life, reposes in who are left handed will tell you that
magical plants of the order solan­ the palm of our left hand. Since the it sometimes is quite difficult and
aceae. This includes henbane, the Gypsy has no faith in man's ability to confusing trying to function in a
deadly nightshade, thornapple, and change his destiny, there's really lit­ world that seems to be in reverse.
most notably, the mandrake. This tle use in trying to read a person's The tendency to feel alien and mis­
latter plant is known for its curious­ right hand, for this is the hand of placed must be quite common. Are
ly shaped roots, which often bear a achievements, not potential. left banders more mysterious than
striking resemblance to humans. In Virtually all palmists agree that right banders? Are they the ones
fact, the often grotesquely shaped the left hand portrays the past and more prone to psychic phenomena
tubers are said to embody the tor­ the right hand the present. Contin­ and communication with the un­
tured spirits of lost souls, waiting uing the negative valence attached to known? No valid evidence exists for
their chance for release. In digging the left hand, palmists see all of our such assumptions, but one nagging
out this plant, dire consequences dark motives, our barely controlled fact bears our attention . In most
await those not familiar with the faults, and our sensual strivings in early representations of the Lord of
ritual for uprooting a mandrake, a the left hand . This idea is very close Darkness , Satan himself is pictured
ritual which is performed almost ex­ . to Freud's conceptualization of the as a left-bander! Draw your own
clusively with the left hand, the only id , which he imagined as the reposi- conclusions. 0

B Y B . B . B E N TO N

The fascinating story o f Machu Don Diego Rodriguez de Figueroa) means "Navel of the Universe. " Its
Picchu has become quite familiar. has been reliably but obscurely gold-walled and silver-ornamented
Experienced travel readers now detailed by the forgotten pen -of temples had ruled Tawantinsuyu,
recognize photos of the lofty Andean Rodriguez's secretary, Martin Pan­ "Land of Four Directions, " for over
saddle rock, terraced gardens, and do, who was kept captive by the last 500 years. Thirteen Sapa (Supreme)
templed grandeur of the deserted Sapa Inca. The crusade of two Incas had raised their civilization to
city of stone some 400 miles inland Augustinians, Friar Diego and Friar splendor then unmatched in this
from Lima, Peru. Perhaps most Marcos, eight years late�, was hemisphere. From Cuzco a network
interesting, has been the story of documented by the Spanish colonial of paved and bridged highways,
discovery, July 24, 191 1 by Hiram historian, . Father Calancha. Their which still may be traveled, extended
Bingham, after having defied footsteps may be followed tod:ay in thousands of miles and controlled
detection for nearly 400 years. comparative comfort by those who the empire. Incas did not enslave.
But how did Vileabamba, as travel the trails of historic adventure. The vanquished were absorbed
Machu Picchu was known, remain Columbus had been dead but 25 politically and economically, and
undiscovered ? Its actual existence years wh(m the P�rros charge d converted religiously to worship of
had been well established all the across New Castile, as Peru was then the Sun.
time. Wh�t efforts had been made to called. By late 1533 they had cut a Inca citizens never worried about
find the secret citadel of the ancient bloody beachhead 400 miles inland unemployment, food, housing, nor
Incas? Who frustrated them, and and two miles up into the Andes old-age security. The welfare state
how ? where they pillaged and occupied provided everything-except free­
That has remained the untold Cuzco with such pecuniary acumen dom of choice. No need for written
story of Machu Picchu, until recently that the entire city remains today one language. Nobles kept surprisingly
gleaned from musty tombs at Lima of the worl d ' s uni que living accurate accounting with color­
and Cuzco. Reading like fiction, the museums. coded and knotted string quipus. An
1557 odyssey of a religious lay.:uan, Cuzco was sacred. In Quichua it elite corps of foo t couriers

Titu Cusi died
convinced that no
white man would
ever find the
lost city of
Vileabamba . But
today, its empty
courts echo to the
tread of curious
travelers as the
twilight of history
e.nvelope s both
pagan god and the
Christian cross
within an enigma of
repetitive futility.

maintained reliable communica­ logistics base . To control the natives 153 1 , Spanish malcontents mur­
tions. he quickly coronated Manco as Sapa dered Francisco Pizarro at Lima.
But all that gold and silver lying Inca, a puppet prince on a captive Because they had achieved the
about had no commercial value . It throne. revenge Manco himself had vainly
looked nice and worked easily, so the . Manco bided his time for a year, sought, he granted two of the
royal family long ago had decreed until internal dissention exploded assassins sanctuary at his own
that gold was the .solidified tears of among the invaders. He then guerrilla stronghold. They returned
Father Sun, silver the tears of launched a m a ss ive two-year the favor by fatally knifing Manco.
Mother Moon . . . so it was used rebellion . Temporarily united for Thus, at the age of 15, after
exclusively to decorate temples, survival, in 1536 the Spaniards witnessing the death of both parents
palaces, and persons of the Sapa crushed forever the western hemi­ by Spanish hands , the lad succeeded
Inca and his court . Peacefu l sphere's greatest P.rimitive civiliza­ to the remnant throne , and became
exchange of simple iron tools could tion. Manco's status was reversed the last Sapa Inca. The youth's name
have won the white man perma nent from royalty to renegade, and he was was Titu Cusi.
welcome and easy fortune. Failure of driven back into the impregnable Pizarro ' s assassination j o lted
his conquistadores to realize this haunts of Vileabamba, legendary Charles V and his son, Philip I I , into
obvious opportunity eventually cost birthplace of the first Inca. a crash program of social and
Spain's Philip II the greatest empire Among those c aptured were religious reforms in New Castile
ever ruled by a single monarch! Manco's favorite wife and son . The which fell on fallow soil among the
Cu zco ' s pop ulation excee ded 19-year-old youth's opportunity to disillusioned natives. After 15 years
100,000 Inca nobles and func­ escape and re-join his father came of futile efforts by missionaries, Don
tionaries . Less than 200 of the during the excitement of his Rodriguez unsuccessfully attempted
invaders were available as an army of mother's execution in Cuzco's great a layman's approach to penetrate the
occupation . Yet, Pizarro desperately p l a z a , Hu a k ayp a t o - " L e i s u r e religious heart of the remnant Inca
needed time to establish Lima as a Square . " Six years later, June 26, emp ire in the ze alou s ly- hidden

Titu Cusi obscured
the location of
Vileabamba by
establishing his
court at Vitcos, a
lesser but imposing
stronghold which
guarded the A nta
Valley approach to
the Sacred City .

The ruins as they appear

today, were discovered by
Hiram Bingham in 1 91 1 .
It took five years of
cutting and burning in To this very day,
sections shown above Inca s: who
to uncover the ruins . live in the city
of Vileabamba, hold
on to their customs
and beliefs through
yearly festivals
and rituals .

citadel of Vileabamba. left-alive! Titu Cusi stared hostilely Although he understood Spanish,
The year was 1557. Now 30, Titu at Rodriguez, but he was more Titu Cusi pressed Pando's use as
Cusi had become almost as interested in the Don's secretary, interpreter. The memory of child­
legendary as his secret city. He had Martin Pando, who could read, write hood scenes clouded Titu Cusi's
further obscured the location of and speak both S p a nish and eyes. "Let him speak of bravery who
Vileabamba by establishing his court Quichua. first has known fear!"
at Vitcos. It was a lesser but "I came alone, with neither arms The following morning Titu Cusi
imposing stronghold, blocking the nor armor, " Rodriguez explained conducted Rodriguez to the parade
only approach to Vileabamba . There through Pando . " I seek only ground where they reviewed the
his ancestors had flourished where understanding between one brave garrison of 600 picked warriors,
the Urubamba River cuts a fertile man and another. " Eager to pursue including a contingent of cannibals
entrance into the narrow Anta the cause of the Church, he from the nearby upper Amazon . The
Valley. about SO forbidding miles continued, "Surely, the Sapa Inca's spectacle opened with war dances.
northwest of Cuzco. bravery on the field does not desert Demonstrations of incredibly ac­
For 15 years few whites had him in the shadow of the white man's curate spearmanship and s ling
ventured to Vitcos. None had cross?" throwing increased with the tempo of

Heart of the Inca world was the gold-sheathed Temple
of the Sun at Cuzco. A n earthquake in 1 96 1 revealed
the original foundation . Inca craftsmen had shaped and
fitted interlocking ashlars so tightly that, despite
countless earthquakes, their joints today still
defy natural attrition . Many original Inca walls remain
the foundations of Spanish colonial structures
throughout Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia and northwestern Chile.

ch ica - i n spi re d music . Rodriguez Tomorrow you shall return to Cuzco. restored full faciliti for his priests,
paled at the reckless skill with which The bridge at Yucay will be burned and had provided safety for the royal
the chanting fighters juggled their behind you. Never try to rebuild it. " family. The defense corps was well
obsidian-edged knives, and the Then he turned to Pando . "You shall barracke d -the length of the
seemingly unquenchable enjoyment remain among us, to record the story 3 ,000-foot gorge from Pisac, near
Titu Cusi found in chicha. The of my life . A history, " he added Cuzco, to Huinac-Huayna, only
cannibals finally suggested to Titu softly, "of the last Sapa Inca." three miles from the hidden single
Cusi that they eat "the little bearded Eight years later, when Friar portal to Vileabamba. Artisans were
deceiver" raw. As two warriors Diego and Friar Marcos arrived at maintaining public works and an
lunged at him, Rodriguez pleaded Vitcos , Titu Cusi was 38. Lack of excellent water system . Farmers were
for mercy and protection . combat , 30 wive s , and heavy nursing the terraced gardens and
, keeping the commiss aries well
"Now, Spaniard, . Titu Cusi drinking had sapped his virility. But
smiled grimly, "you may speak of he had provided maximum security stocked. He was satisfied , indeed­
bravery. " His spear quivered into the for Vileabamba. The ancient citadel no white man would ever find
earth at Rodriguez's feet. "Here you was fu:nctioning as a san�tuary for Vileabamba!
may plant a white man's cross. the Chosen Wome n . He had A week following the Frairs
Continued on page 581

Many bel ieve that if the reports are true , th is
di scovery could be the tool that will link the
un known to the known , and wi l l also attract science-
- oriented researchers towards the psychic real ity.

Kirlian Photography:



Experimenters who work in the route we have taken . Perhaps there has developed . It is not a pattern in
grey areas which lie between science are more productive areas for re­ photography, but in human actions
and psychic have amazed them­ search in the fields of para-science and reactions. Kirlian photography
selves, impre�sed their frieti'ds, and and para-psychology. has given a far better picture of the
wiped out radio and TV programs As happens so many times in this polarization among thinkers than it
for miles around with Kirlian pho­ sort of project, a few key details of has of the human aura.
tography apparatus. It all started in how the work was accomplished were It is interesting to note that much
the 1960's when meager reports out always omitted from the early reports of the experimental work has been
of Russia told of a new kind of and translation s . However, after taken over by persons concerned with
photography . It was said to be an Kirlian publicity began to gain mo­ the psychic and the occult, but who
electrical process that could make mentum, it was possible to patch de­ have only a superficial knowledge of
visible the aura surrounding the hu­ tails together. At this point it became electronics, bioelectronics , and gas
man body, the force field that is said clear to some workers that this form conduction physics. Many in this
to surround all living things. of photography was merely exploita­ group continue to amaze themselves
Many of us felt then that if the tion of phenomena which have been and make rash statements about
reports were true, this discovery known for many years by electronic phenomena that have been known by
could be a tool that would help link specialists. professionals for many years. There
the known to the unknown. It might From old file material on hand, of are also those who seem to feel that
even attract more science-oriented work done almost 40 years ago, I was the process has given them a private
researchers toward the psychic and able to duplicate the Russian work line to the supernatural, and they
supernatural. If false, it would be a and produce some of the first pic­ resent any attempt at a rational ex­
trap for many wishful thinkers who tures made in this country under the planation that might break the con­
were searching for answers. new name of " Kirlian. " There is one nection.
This exciting picture process soon difference now from 40 years ago. But just as absurd, another seg­
became known as Kirlian photog­ We now have better components and ment made up of well-qualified and
raphy, after the husband and wife better film with which to work; even equally narrow professional people
team that did so much to publicize more than this, we also have a very refuse even to discuss the subject,
it-without really trying. Since its receptive segment of the population apparently fearful they will be classi­
inception many interesting pictures which is not in a position or mood to fied as followers of the occult.
have been made and a considerable really question how or why it works. In the meantime, no one using this
amount of rhetoric generated on its Also many serious researchers soon method has photographed the body's
behalf. Maybe it is now time to take lost interest as the " How" of the force field or the body's aura; and
a serious look at what has not been process became apparent. science is possibly losing a diagnostic
done with the so-called Kirlian tech­ In the years that have passed since tool of great value. With a modem
nique. Also, perhaps we should now the Kirlians made their first an­ approach, this system could proba­
look at what we may have lost by the nouncement, an interesting pattern bly be developed into a useful device

for all forms of living matter. How­ tage field which we apply. metal parts that have been precision
ever, because of stringent instrument The human aura, if it does exist, is machined. Small irregularities on the
and equipment requirements, the present at all times. In contrast, the surface of the metal show up as
use would be limited to only the glow of the Kirlian photographs is variations in the glow .
large, well-equipped laboratories. As present only when the high voltage is However, as the Kirlians have
a weekender's do-it:yourself gadget , applied and only then when it is of pointed out, the designs and colors
it is only a toy. the precise value . ,Many of us would are far more exciting and interesting
It is now common knowledge that like to believe that an aura really when living things are viewed. The
the Kirlian picture, in one of its exists around the human body and fact that the glow drops to lower and
simple forms, is made by placing the that it is visible to some people. lower levels as life leaves a plant 9r
object to be photographed and a Some of us are still looking for a tissue has fired the imagination of
piece of photographic film, sand­ means to detect or measure it-but many wishful observers. To some
wich-style, between two metal plates. this type of photography is not the observers this proved that we were
When just the right value of high answer. It is only a diversionary de­ now able to photograph life itself.
voltage is applied to the metal plates, tour. One individual who "b orrowed"
the specimen will glow at various This s a me phenomenon was some of my p hotographs even
points and expose the photographic known long before electricity was in planned to use· them to prove the
film. If the high voltage is switched common use. In the early days of body has a soul.
off and on repeatedly at a high rate, sailing ships, when storm conditions Another facet that has fueled the
the result is like a high speed camera were just right, superstitious seamen fire of speculation is that colors and
shutter. Many exposures are made became "believers" when a buddy or designs of the glow pattern of living
on the same piece of film. It has the part of the ship suddenly began to things will change with illness or
effect of stopping the motion of the glow in the dark. This condition is chemical intake. The very fact that
little tongues of electric glow. What now known to result from what is Kirlian-type photographs of the hu­
might have been only one tiny flare technically termed a high potential man body change with emotion or
caused by the high voltage will ap­ gradient, and it is related to the same illness seemed to prove the psychic
pear in multiple as a complete aura. conditions that cause lightning. explanation of how the body aura
If we remove the high voltage field, This same glow effect is used un­ looks and functions.
the glow will disappear. This is not der refined and controlled electrical To bring some of these facts into
just a case of the high voltage causing and pressure conditions in neon signs perspective, something many experi­
the natural aura to becom� visible as and flourescent lamps. The effect is menters dislike to do, I would like to
some operators claim. The glow just more difficult and less predic­ first refer to, and recommen d a
which we are photographing is the table at normal atmospheric baro­ book by Albert Szent-Gyorgy, a
reaction of the air, the cell bypro­ metric pressure. This same principle Nobel prize winner for his work in
ducts, the equipment contamination, has been used for years to determine metabolism and vitamin rese�rch.
and film chemistry to the high vol- the surface smoothness of special Szent- Gyorgy has accom p lished

TOO L, TOY OR TRAP?/continued

This photo shows discharging flares around Flares on a plant stem. First
finger tips. Multiple exposures resulting from areas to produce flares or
the high frequencies used can make a few glow are those with contamination
flares appea1 as thousands forming an aura. or exposed to heavy pollution.

many things of note in scientific re­ these are emitted as gas, or materials tongues of glow that make up the
search, but one of the most interest­ that can be converted into vapor, Kirlian effect.
ing products of his work is a little with changes of pressure or tempera­ It has been shown in this type of
book called Bioelectronics. ture and high voltage fields . photography that if a person takes
In his book Szent-Gyorgy shows When living cells are placed in a certain chemical compounds into his
that the living cell, in. addition to very high voltage field that is chang­ system the color patterns change.
being a small chemical laboratory, is ing or alternating at a high rate, the Without much doubt this change is
also an electronics device. He shows very life processes within the cell can caused by certain chemical compo­
that most of the functions of chang­ respond violently. The conversion nents entering into the tissue or cell
ing chemicals to energy, energy to processes within the cell may be al­ system. The end byproducts become
chemicals , transfer of energy, and tered and the extra byproducts that available in the area adjacent to the
most other operations of the cell are become available in the vicinity of cell structure, to add their influence
electronic in nature. the cell can affect the glow and color to the color pattern. The same effect
Herein lies part of the secret of the in the high voltage field. occurs with illness or strong emotion.
marvelous and fascinating patterns Gasses or chemical vapors will de­ The chemistry of the cell changes,
found in Kirlian-type pictures, and it velop a glow at particular voltage and so do the byproducts available
is far from the psychic or occult and pressure comb ination s . The for ionization or glowing.
world. light from each chemical involved This is where we may be neglecting
Because of the electrical activity has its own characteristic color pat­ a most valuable tool for diagnosis.
always in process in the living cell, tern or spectrum , such as the red of The chemicals in, or placed in, a cell
the cell functions can be readily in­ neon or the yellow of sodium. There­ can determine the color and glow
fluenced by electrical fields, either fore each chemical or compound that that will be seen around the tissue. If
internal or external. As the cell oper­ may appear on the surface of the the characteristic colqr or light from
ates to produce, use , or store energy, tissue or that may be thrown off as any chemical or compound can be
var i ous byproducts and wa ste waste from the cell, can contribute produced , it is then possible to deter­
materials are produced . Some of its characteristic color to the tiny mine , with special in struments ,
[Continued on page 56]


(C=-� PH OTO F I LM�

This Kirlian sandwich is another form

of gas conduction phenomenon

Neon gas in a glass tube

St. Elmo 's fire with large objects

and an excess amount of Natural electricity.

Antonio Lebolo, an Italian tourist,
visited Cairo in 1 818. He obtained
permission from Mehemet Alim,
Viceroy of Egypt, to dig for antiquit­
ies in the Valley of the Nile. Cheval­
ier Bernardo Drovetti, the French
consul-general in Egypt, was ap­
pointed Lebolo's supervisor.
Lebolo began digging at Gernah,
near ancient Thebes on the Nile , site
across the river from the many­
columned temple of Karnak . The
native diggers believed the location
of Lebolo'� digs to be curse d .
Though the Italian managed to keep
433 men working four months, he
was eventually abandoned by e�ch

Then, the Egyptian government
detailed regular army soldiers to help
carry on the excavations. Lebolo
paid each man between four and six
cents a day-a decent enough wage
for. that day and place.
On June 7 , 1821, Lebolo's army
diggers broke into a crypt 60 feet
beneath the surface of the earth.
Niches in the catacomb walls con­
tained hundreds of mummies. All
but eleven of the ancient corpses had
been so poorly and cheaply em­
balmed that they were not even
brought up from the subterranean
chamber. The mummies dated from
· the Ptolemaic or Roman periods,


A ca reful read ing revea ls to the observant reader that "curses"
and "blessi ngs" are only outwa rd appearan ces of man's inner
self - and not external man i pu lators . The relentless search to
endow l i fe with m ea n i ng is often ju st another mask before the face of truth.


just before the birth of Christ, when hnpped first to London; then to cal patriarch Abraham. From the
the old embalming techniques had Chandler's home in Dublin where sheets he translated The Book of
already been lost for centuries . Irish authorities revealed that Chan­ Abraham, first published in 1842.
Eleven mummies, however, were dler had recently moved to New rwo years later, on June 27, 1844,
in a fair state of preservation. Lebolo York. Smith was assassinated.
transported them down the Nile. The mummies arrived in New Some time after the Prophet's
Two were purchased by the Baron York Harbor in 1 824 or 1828 . It was death, two of the mummies-those
Minatoli, a German archaeologist. discovered that Chandler was now a of the woman and of the boy-were
Minatoli crated the mummies and resident of Philadelphia; so, the an"' · sold to the Saint Louis Museum. The
put them on a ship bound for cient _remains were sent there. exact date of the sale is unknown,
Europe. The mummies never arrived Chandler opened a museum in but the first mention of the artifacts
at their new home-the boat sank on Philadelphia and · made the mum­ in the museum catalogue is 1856.
the way! mies the main attraction. He also Nothing unusual seems to · have
Frederic Cailliaud, a French ex­ diSplayed numerous papyrus frag­ occurred with the mummies in the
plorer in Egypt and Nubia, and Gio­ ments he'd found in the mummy museum, but, in 1863, it did go out
vanni Anastasi, the Swedish consul­ wrappings. Chandler soon aban­ of business. The entire collection was
general in Egypt, each bought one doned the museum for the life of a sold to Colonel Wood's Chicago Mu­
mummy. Three of the others were travel ing showman, exhibiting the seum. This museum burned to the
given to Bernardo Drovetti. Subse­ mummies along the Atlantic coast. ground in the great Chicago fire of
quent trace of these mummies had His show later visited the small towns October 8-9, 187 1 , and the mum­
been lost. of the rapidly growing ·"West" . mies were lost in the flames.
Lebolo kept four mummies for In June, 1835 , Chandler took his The other two mummies, together
himself-a woman about 30, a boy mummies to the Mormon settlement with the papyrus fragments , turned
about 14, and two adult men . He of Kirtland, Ohio. Joseph Smith, the up in the Philadelphia Museum, the
intended to take them to Europe. founder of the Mormon Church, was same building where Chandler had
While sailing across the Mediterra­ enthralled by the archaeological cur­ exhibited the curiosities decades be­
nean with these mummies, Lebolo iosities. He suggested to Chandler fore . In later years, all record of
fell ill. He was so sick that he and his that he would like to purchase them. these mummies and papyri was lost.
cargo were put off the ship at Money an d mu mmies changed The New York Metropolitian Mu­
Trieste. After making a will leaving hands. After, Chandler disappeared seum of Art, in 1947 , purchased a
the mummies to a nephew, Lebolo from Kirtland and was never seen collection of papyri from a Brooklyn
died. again . woman who had inherited them.
The mummies were now the prop­ Joseph Smith believed the papyrus Nineteen years later, in May, 1966, a
erty of the nephew, Michael H. scraps, which he obtained with the member of the faculty of the U niver­
Chandler of Ireland. They were mummies, were writings of the Bibli- sity of Utah stumbled upon these
[Continued on page 44]


Duri ng the course of a recent g u est ap pearance force or e n t i t y . The prof i c i en t b l ack m ag 1c1an
on a rad i o talk show , a woman ca l l ed in o n the recogn izes bot h ideas as t h e abs u rd i t i es t h ey are;
telephone and asked me i f I were aware of the yet they do seem to hap pe n to some w o u l d- be
"psyc h i c hazards" i n herent in the pract i ce of pract i t i o ners. W h y?
Satan ism and b l ack m ag i c . I m u st con fess t hat The f i rst reason is t h e man ner in w h i c h the
her q uest ion j o l ted me a l it t l e . Hav i n g been so average person a p p roac hes the pract i ce of sor­
long and h ap p i ly pract i c i n g t h ese arts m yse l f , it cery . He is the v i c t i m of a J u deo-Ch rist i a n re l i­
becomes easy to forget occas i o n a l l y t h at there g i ous and moral trad i t i o n w h i ch cond i t i o n s h i m
are st i l l S!Jme peo p l e who c l a i m to have st u d i ed t o bel i eve that man a l o n e i s noth i ng , that he m u st
the s u bj ect i n depth and yet sti l l ad here to s u ch p l ace h i s t ru st and re l iance i n a power or be i n g
archaic, obsolete i d eas . On exam i n at i o n of the outside h i m se l f . H e i s a l so l ed to be l i eve that
id eas themse l ves , however, it beco mes ap parent sorcero u s delvi n g s are s i n f u l and forb i d d e n and
that these peo p l e s j m p l y do n ot u n derstand the wi l l lead to the i nev itable dest ruct i o n of the
act ual nat u re of the peri l s t hey so ardently warn stude n t . A r-e s u l t i n g attem pt to j u stify s u c h ex­
us ag ai n s t . I t herefore fee l it is t i me for t h e matter peri m entat ion is t h e c u rrent em p h as i s on " W h i te"
to be presen ted f ro m the i n s i d e , f ro m the po i nt of mag i c . If the student has been l ucky e n o u g h to
view of the pract i c i n g Satan i c m ag i cian , rat her avo i d a J u dea-Ch ri st ian type of i n doctri n at i o n , he
than that of someone who h as o n l y sk i m med the i s st i l l gen eral l y ensn ared by a mag i cal orien ta­
s u rface of the s u bject . So w hat about t hese t i o n based on t h e same p ri n c i p l es and teach i n g
• dangers , then? Do th ey i n fact exi st? Yes , they t h at some forces are "good" and others "evi l " ,
do, in m uc h the same sen se t h at if you tel l a and that h e shou ld concern h i m se l f exc l u s i ve l y
g u l l i b l e c h i ld a fri g hten i n g story , he will have a w i t h the good or " po s i t i ve" and avo id t h e evi l o r
n i g htmare. The pri nci pal h azard s c i ted · genera l ly " n egat i ve" .
fal l i n to two categori es : t he s u m mo n i n g or i nad­ It i s. easy to see how t h i s sort of a p p roach to
vertent aro usal of u n control l ed forces or ent i t ies moral ity and m ag ic l eads to frustrat i on and to the
wh ich wi l l t u rn u po n and dest roy the wo u l d-be repress i on of perfect l y nat u ra l fee l i n g s and de­
mag i c ian ; and posses s i o n by some malevo l ent s i res- s u c h as l ust and an ger- i nto the s u bcon- .


The actual truth about Satanism is perhaps more frighten i ng than

even occu l t fiction w i l l have you bel i eve it i s .

PSYC H I C H AZA R DS O F B LACK M A G I C/continued •

scious.. These may later erupt from worth his salt would find better which he can not resolve in any other
within as twisted monsters, demons, things to do with his time than to · rush way. A good idea catches on quickly,
elementals, or powerful compulsions off for the nearest clergyman too: remember the rash of "posses­
attd obsess the student. St. Jerome's and Getting Right with God . Such a sion' ' cases following the release of
account of his temptation in the des­ project would be , to say the least, The Exorcist?
ert is an excellent illustration of this: self-defeating. We will understand The approach of the Satanic ma­
"How often when I was living in the situation more clearly if we once gician to the sorcerous arts is from a··
the desert, in the vast solitude which again look within ourselves rather basis of rational awareness which
gives to hermits a savage dwelling . . . than outside . allows him to avoid the pitfalls which
how often did I fancy myself among What I have said above concern­ entrap others. He places no reliance
the pleasures of Rome! . . . When I ing subconscious repression of ele­ or dependence on any force outside
had no companjons but scorpions ments of . the psyche which are re­ himself. A materialist, he recognizes
and wild beasts, I found myself among garded as undesirable is just as ap­ from the outset all the powers with
bevies of girls. My face was plicable here, but so is an additional which he deals are his own. He per­
pale and my frame chilled with fast­ factor: the desire for attention and ceives God as simply the natural
ing, yet my mind was burning with order of things: a mindless , static,
desire and the fires of lust kept bub­ non-conscious, impersonal cosmos
bling up before me when my flesh which doesn't give a damn about him
was as good as dead." or anything he does . Satan is seen as
Indeed, the entire history of the a finite intelligence greater than that
Middle Ages is a case in point, as G. of man, but in no way supernatural
Rattray Taylor so well points out: and certainly not as a reverse Jeho­
"In the earlier part of the Middle vah to be blindly worshipped and
Ages what we c�iefly find is frank obeyed.
sensuality, with which the Church at In the Biblical myth Satan was
first battles in vain . Then, as it im­ cast out of Heaven because he de­
proves its systems of control, we find cided that, rather than serving God,
a mounting toll of perversion and he wanted to become a god himself.
neurosis . " The Satanist finds an allegorical in­
Springing a s they do from the spiration in this and feels he can do
depths of the subconscious mind, no less if he is to be truly Satanic.
these monsters may be powerful in­ Satan having inspired man with
deed. The student, unwilling to ad­ knowledge and intelligence (the Bib­
mit that such things could arise from lical account, though a myth, is at
within himself, naturally prefers to least correct in that respect), man
perceive them as some sort of Influ­ re cogn ition . Let ' s face it-b eing now has the key to tum the universal
ence from Outside. The student who possessed by the Devil, here and inertia to his amusement and make
encounters such phenomena is often now, is far more exciting than having of the Universe his playground.
too shaken to experiment further been Bridey Murphy or the Atlan­ Hence, the Satanist does all he can to
and, bound by repressive condition­ tean High Priest. In addition, poses­ become more godlike by working to
ing, never penetrates past these sha­ sian frees the "victim" from all re­ develop his mind and his abilities,
dows to confront the awesome ma­ sponsibility for his actions: he is not and learning to exert an increasing
jesty of his true nature. the one who murdered his mother control over himself, his environ­
So much for these Monsters from (whom he secretly hated for years); it ment, and his chosen sphere of social
the Id. If magic is correctly ap­ was the demon who controlled him . influence .
proached, you will probably never be Possession allows one to express In a ritual context, the Satanist
confronted by them. If you are , then oneself in socially-unacceptable ways may use candles and incantations
recognition of their actual nature and get away with it. It allov; s one to and call the names of various de­
should enable you to easily dispel bathe in attentive sympathy or pro­ mons from a number of different
them. If it does not, then you are the voke fear in those one dislikes, and myth-cycle s . Howeve r, these are
type of person who is likely to be­ gives one an excuse and sense of merely psychological props designed
come posessed. purpose for his otherwise-useless ex­ to stimulate the flow of eJnotional
Posession is supposedly the control istence and his inability to cope with force which will ensure a successful
of a human being by some outside the pressures of life . In short, pos­ magical working. He deliberately
intelligence, demon or even the session is never the "victim's" p rob­ engages in a form of controlled, con­
Devil himself. Now logically speak­ lem ; rather, it is his subconscious structive fantasy in order to attain
ing, one would think that any Devil solution to problems and conflicts very real objective ends . And because
[Continued on page 42)

Are Spi rits Peo ple?
Spiritua l i s m has only recently been accepted by large n u m bers of people. The
trad i tional orthodox teachings have lost thei r appeal for sophisticated t h i n kers .


"We're no different from any es­ steeples, but is a stark white building over and it was announced that those
tablished Christian Church, " said that might have been a city hall. who did not wish to receive a mes­
the fine featured, young, intelligent­ Inside were rows of chairs, a po­ sage from the spirit world could
looking clairvoyant." f xcept that we dium ba�ked by a blue curtain and leave.
believe we can communicate with at the side an American flag and a "Spiritualism has only recently
those who have passed into another vase of fresh flowers. been accepted by large numbers of
world. We continue ," he went on, The afternoon sun filtered through people. The traditional orthodox
"to be whatever we are in this world, the high windows. It was peaceful in teachings have lost their appeal for
taking those qualities with us into a its simplicity. the more sophisticated thinker." The
different planetary system, another Suddenly a bell rang and an or­ young clairvoyant went on.
dimension and time zone. Those who ganist slipped into the back of the He walked over to a wall map.
have gone before may be out of church and soft mu;sic followed. The "Would you like to look at this map?
sight," he hesitated, "but, shall we minister entered; a smartly dressed You can see," he pointed out, "That
say, the telephone lines are still young woman with shining long hair. along the great Atlantic seaboard, the
open. It takes the sting out of death Certainly not a contemporary witch Great Lakes and tlie coast of Califor­
and eternal separation from those we as . is often expected in spiritualist nia, as well as Florida, there are
love . " churches. A few people drifted along great concentrations of our people.
Three miles from Interstate High­ with some curious tourists with cam- · We have no explanation as yet as to
way 4 lies the small town of Cas­ eras slung from their shoulders. why our centers are always near ·

sadaga, Florida: It is 30 miles from The healing service began with rio · bodies of water; " he smiled, "but
Orlando, of Disneyworld fame, and prior announcements. One middle we're working on it though . "
only a small inconspicuous sign aged mart approached the podium "The same thing applies to Eng­
marks the turnoff to Highway 432 indicating pain in the region of his land where you may be surprised to
leading to Cassadaga. neck. The minister placed her hand, know that the Spiritualist Church· is
Here is a tiny town perched on the palm down , on the top of his head next in membership to the Church of
edge of yesterday and beckoning it's and the other hand on the back of his England. There, too, most of the
followers and the curious to the neck and started to chant softly. Her centers are along rivers, lakes, or the'
world of the hereafter. gentle motion and speech seemed to seashore.
And they come. develop a rhythm as though the man "For those of us who have been in
The long haired youth of · today could be lulled into a state of semi­ the movement for some years, we
and the wrinkled faces of yesterday. consciousness. This went on for about spend much time trying to refute the
Here is a center for clairvoyants, ten minutes. Then the man returned idea of selling dreams, " he smiled.
faith healers, and mediums. On a to his seat. There was no change in "For instance, there are the many
small billboard at the one intersec­ him physically but there was a smile charlatans who predict a rosy future;
tion of the town, there is a list of a of satisfaction and relief on his face. inheriting a million dollars; winning
few real estate agents, a house repair Then the minister made a quiet the R'eader 's Digest sweep stakes
man and �4 clairvoyants. The clair­ statement, reminding her listeners prize; or meeting a tall, dark, ro­
voyants and mediums are all follow­ that many ills were of the spirit and mantic stranger. We have other
ers of the National Spiritualist Asso­ not the flesh. And there was an air of means, honest ones, of supporting
ciation of Churches. earnest prayer and dedication that our research program, ourselves,
A block from the center of town is could well heal the wounds of the and our church .
a church resembling no other church world. "You can believe me when I say
one can recall. It has no towering This portion of the service was that the Spiritualist church does not
[Continued on page 59}


Predicting the future is , par�doxi­ portant clues which solved the mys­
cally, illegal in England and America tery and brought the culprit to jus­
but the police of both countries are tice.
not averse to using .it in some of the In 1924, the New York Daily
more perplexing criminal cases that Mirror decided to test her by entrap­
come within their province.- There ment. A reporter interviewed her and
was the very brilliant psychic, Gene fictionalized a murder case that he
Sir Arthur Conan Doyl e Dennis ( 1 895- 1950), who was em­ asked her to unravel. The victim was
advocated t h e u s e of ployed in some difficult murder cases said to have been done to death in
spi ritua l jsm in some type by Scotland Yard in the 1930s. She Staten Island. As usual, Miss Dennis
of cri mes . He hi mself was born in Atchison, Kansas, and gave details and fell sadly itito the
possessed the power of died in Seattle, Washington. When net. As a clairvoyant she found it
psychometry. I n the past at school in Atchison, she dis­ impossible to differentiate between
few years more and more covered that she had the power to get the invention of the report�r and the
law agencies have come to into communication with the minds true vibrations of a crime that was
of some of her friends . actually being committed at that
accept psychics as a
Somehow she came to the atten­ moment in Staten Island.
means of cri me detention .
tion of the local police chief for Miss Dennis then went to London,
whom she found the whereabouts of where she became front page news.
some stolen jewelry. Then, in Sed­ She helped Scotland Yard with
alia, Missouri, she located for the several cases but never enjoyed the
poJice a cache of stolen stocks and success she had up until the time of
bonds. These, she said, would be her entrapment, which seemingly
found in the left luggage compart­ damaged her ability. She retired to
ment of the Railway Station , where Seattle , where she married an elderly
they were . Several other cases were lawyer. Scotland Yard tried out other
handled either with her helpful clues clairvoyants, among these was Miss
or by outright correct prediction. Nell St. John Montague, who was
She became so famous that she known to have been consulted by
was eventually invited to New York members of the Royal Family. Miss
City by Police Commissioners En­ Montague was directly responsible
right, Faurot, and Shaw. They as­ for solving the Irene Monroe case, as
signed her to a murder case in the brutal a murder as can be found in
Bronx where a man had been mur­ the annals of English crime.
dered in a similar ritualistic way as On August 20, 1920, a young boy
several others. Miss Dennis gave im- was playing ori a shingled beach be-

tween Pevensey Bay and Eastbourne, Gray had asked her to take a walk solved· for Sheriff Wright was the one
in Sussex, when suddenly the child along a lonely stretch of beach, in which Emily Farmer, a society
stumbled over a corpse protruding where they both raped her. Both men beauty in Fort Worth, was mur­
from the pebbles. He went screaming were tried and convicte d , then dered. Her body was found lying in a
to his parents, who called police . In­ hanged in short order, as was the ditch in a mutilated condition . She
vestigator Mercer of Scotland Y ar(j practice of England in those faraway had been missing from home for
was assigned to the murder. Quickly times. several weeks, and her remains,

he established that the victim was a Another famed crime clairvoyant, when found, were in a sorry state,
Miss Irene Monroe, a young typist the Abbe Mermet, was often used by but not enough to conceal that she
from London who came from a very Interpol in Europe. He came from a had been criminally assaulted.
respectable Scottish family and was family of mediumistic abilities. The The Professor held some of her
highly esteemed by her employers. Abbe was instrumental in putting clothing, saying as he did so, "The
The police , for reasons best known to the German police on the track of man you seek for this murder is in
themselves, did not disclose that the infamous "Terror of Dussel­ Kansas City and will be at 254
Miss Monroe had been raped. They dorf, " Peter Kurten-known as the Cowley Street at 2 p . m . next Thurs­
did say that a sum of money had German "Jack the Ripper. " day . " There followed a minute des­
been left in her purse, making it Mermet, known as the master cription and a warning that the man
more of a mystery than it actually seer, used psychometric divination in would be armed.
was. his work. He held a piece of the Immediately the Sheriff gave or­
An enterprising young journalist bloodstained clothing belonging to ders to the Kansas City police to
had just been to see Miss Montague one of the fiend's recent victims. keep a watch at the address. When
in London and had been impressed Firmly, he declared that the perpe­ Thursday had come, the little house
with his "fortune . " He was covering trator of these vile murderous as­ which stood at the address was sur­
the tragic murder and wired Miss saults against women possessed evil rounded by plainclothesmen . At the
Montague to come and see what she occult powers . He felt, also, that the hour of 2 p . m . , a tough-looking man
could evoke. The clairvoyant lost no criminal was gifted with second-sight sauntered into the hotel looking for a
time in putting her psychic powers to which would make him the harder to rest. Spying the police inside, he
work. In a trance she sobbed out catch. If only he could be given a made a furtive attempt to run away.
words which were uttered in a voice piece of clothing worn by this man . When cornered he drew his gun and
much younger than hers. "I see my In a short time a personal article fired, missing the mark norrowly.
murderers in a small hotel with a believed to belong to the murderer He was arrested at once, tried and
white front. There is a battered sign was found near the remains -of an­ convicted. Shortly before he was ex­
on the front. Ask mother to forgive other victim. It was a small razor-like ecuted, he confessed to murdering
me. " knife, which Mermet took into his Emily Farmer, adding that he could
The journalist handed the results hand then held to his nostrils . His not understand how he could have
of Miss Montague's seance to In­ breathing became labored, as if in walked into the trap set for him at
spector Mercer who scoffed at first. pain. After some minutes, in a the hotel. He said he had no reason
But later he decided to look for a screeching voice , he gave exact to go there, but he was lured by some
small hotel with a battered sign-a directions to the hideout of the killer. inexplicable impulse.
difficult task since coastal English An arrest followed and a speedy trial Sir Arthur Conan Doyle advocated
towns are dotted with small inns . But for the ' 'Terror of Dusseldorf. " the use of spiritualism in certain
in Eastbourne only a few have white During the mid-Thirties Sheriff types of crimes. He himself possessed
fron ts, and at one named the "Red" Wright of Fort Worth, Texas, to a marked degree the power of
Albemarle hung a sign which needed used occult methods of crime detec­ psychometry. During the mysterious
repair! Two young men named Jack tion with gratifying results. His "hu­ disappearance of Agatha Christie,
Field and ThQmas Gray were regis­ man bloodhound" was a Professor another celebrated detective story
tered and, according to the manager, Sharpe who will always be remem­ writer (in 1926), he reconstructed her
had been acting suspiciously. bered as the man who was able to tell whereabouts . Holding one of the
The young men were interrogated Albert Einstein complicated details gauntlets which she always wore, he
and then . arrested . Reconstructing of the work he was doing in abstract told her husband the precise day and
the crime, the police found that Irene mathematics which nobody could hour she would return. She did so ,
had met the young men in a "pick­ have possibly known by ordinary apparently suffering from loss of
up" acquaintance. Miss Monroe's means. The great Jewish scientist memory. Malicious people said it
appeal for forgiveness was because dubbed Professor Sharpe "the man was all a publicity job . Before this
her mother had warned her about with fourth-dimensional thought. " event, she was not a "best-seller,"
friendship with strangers. Field and The most celebrated case which he but after it, she became one ! D

Tw i n s have al ways been of pecu l i ar i nterest to
ma n k i nd becau se of t h e i r re l at i ve ra rity. In pri m i­
t i ve t i mes t w i n s were often regarded as omens of
good or bad fort u ne- m ost l y bad . l ooked on as
s i g n s of i l l fort u n e, they were u s ual l y d estroyed .
I n civi l i zed society t w i n s , bes ides be i n g cher­
Twi ns, both identical and fraternal , are i s h ed by t h e fam i l y c i rc l e , are i n a sense la bora­
bei ng used in America and around the tory material for scient i st s , m ed i ca l men and
world i n research projects dea l i ng with ed ucators. We have l earned m u ch from tw i n s . We
medicine , ed ucation , cri m i nology, can learn m u ch mo re.
normal and abnormal psychology , ESP and In an average year, there is o ne t w i n b i rth for
many other areas . We have learned m uch every 93 s i n g l e b i rt h s . Over a long period of years

from twi ns. We can learn much more. th ere has been one t w i n b i rth to 88 s i n g l e b i rt h s .
There are t w o k i n d s o f twi n s : one-egg ( i den­
t i ca l ) and two-eg g ( f rat ernal tw i n s) . O n e-egg
t w i n s are al ways of the same sex , bot h boys or
both g i rl s . In mo st cases s u ch tw i n s are a l m ost
i n d i st i n g u i s hab le i n ap pearance, so that, wh en
see n separatel y , it is d i fficu l t even for t h e i r rela­

t i ves to tel l w h i c h is wh ich .
They are not q u ite ident i cal , however, b u t d i ffer
somewhat in m i n or ways . For exam p l e , one m ay
be an i nch or two t a l l e r than the ot her, or m ay
we i g h several p o u n d s m o re .

B ut i n s o m e res pect s they never seem to d i ffer.
They are a l ways identical in the several bl ood
g ro u p s , in taste react ion , in the presence or
absence of hai r on the seco n d j o i n t s of the

f i n g ers .
In h a i r color and text u re, i n co m p l ex i o n , i n eye
color and i ri s pattern , in ear shape, tooth color
and i rreg u i Cilrit i es t h ey are usu a l l y nearl y identi­

cal . Thei r f i n g e rp ri nts are s i m i lar, thoug h not so
m u ch a l i ke as to baf f l e an expert .
Two-egg tw i n s are deri ved f ro m separate eggs
that hap pen to be released from the ovary at the

same t i m e and fert i l ized by separate s perm s.
Pai rs may co n s i st of two boys , two g i rl s or a boy
and a g i rl .
S i nce fraternal t w i n s are related i n the same
way as are brothers and sisters born at d i fferent
t i mes , t h ey d i ffer to the same extent as ord i nary
BY I RW I N ROSS , Ph . D . brot hers and s i sters , except that t h ey are of the
same ag e .
N ow a n d t h e n a pa i r o f fraternal t w i n b rothers ,
or sisters , are stri k i n g l y s i m i l ar in appearan ce,
but as a ru le they d i ffer i n so many ways t hat t h ey
are easy to d i st i n g u i s h .
O n e o f t h e co m m o nest fa l l ac ies about t w i n s i s
that o n e o f each p a i r o f tw i n s i s l i ke l y t o be
steri l e . There is no t ruth i n t h i s idea.

Another common notion is that it eral cases a marked difference in IQ, the principal, in whose office Joe was
is injurious to twins, especially iden­ the largest being 24 points between a awaiting the test, came in and asked
tical twins, to separate them, to send pair of women, one of whom was a where the examination papers had
each to a different school or college . college graduate, the other having been left? Not until Joe had his paper
Psychological studies have shown stopped school after the third grade. and started the test was his twin able
that identical twins may vary in their In general, the twin with more edu­ to begin. When it was over the prin­
attitudes toward each other. There is cation made the better showing in cipal called the twins together.
one type that apparently rejoices in intelligence tests. Temperamental "Boys, " he said, "your papers
twinship and never wants to be sepa­ and emotional traits were more coincide exactly-the same words,
rated. Such twins dress alike and affected by environmental dif­ the same syntax, the same grammar,
enjoy the game of being mistaken ferences than were either physical and strangest of all, the same mis­
one for the other. traits or 'mental ability. takes. One thing I am sure of. I'm
There is another type that might However, studies reveal that iden­ sure neither of you cheated. "
be described as reluctant twins. They tical twins, if reared together and in Identical twins themselves affirm
resent the fact that they are alike and school together are as much alike the fact of mental telepathy between
do everything to make themselves mentally as physically. Frequently them. They can't explain it, that in
seem different. I would say that this their grades are almost the same in many instances one is able to know
type could be separated to great ad­ all subjects . Fraternal twins, how­ what the other is thinking about.
vantage. ever, differ in mental ability almost One twin once told me that if she
Whether any harm would ensue to the same extent as ordinary broth­ and her sister were preparing for an
from separating the former type can ers and sisters. examination and did not have time
only be determined by actually sep­ The frequency of mental defi­ to read all the books assigned, one
arating them and observing the con­ ciency is considerably greater · among would read some of the books and
sequences. twins than among the singly born. the other the rest. When they took
Years ago I studied twenty cases of The explanation offered by some the examination they would have no
identical twins separated in infancy doctors is that since most twins are difficulty with the answers-pro­
and reared apart under different en­ born prematurely, they are more sus­ vided they were in the books one or
vironmental conditions. Separation ceptible to brain injury. the other had read. Many scientists
did not seem to have affected them It seems fairly certain that a are skeptical of the reality of mental
adversely, but there were sometimes psychic bond exists between identical telepathy, but remain open-minded
rather marked differences between twins. Here is an illustration taken as to its possibility.
twins of the same pair in mental from the school room, which was The case of Edwin and Fred illus­
ability, temperament, behavior and reported by a highly reputable per­ trated the psychological affinity of
health . son, a dean of the Superior Court of identical twi n s . The boys were
Since both members of a pair of California. There was considerable adopted in infancy by different fami­
identical twins have exactly the same discussion among the teachers over lies and brought up without know­
heredity, and differences between identical replies to ex amination ing they were twins. When Edwin
them must be non-hereditary, or, questions by Joe and his twin. They was 21 and working as a telephone
generally speaking, environmental. had been separated by the width of repairman in a Western town a
About half of the separated pairs the room during the examination. fellow employee , recently transferred
that we studied had been reared in One skeptical teacher refused to from another district, came up to
contrasting environments, such as admit the possibility of telepathic him and said : " H i , F re d , how ' s
city versus country life; a home of communication. "There has been tricks!
wealth versus a home of poverty; some trick , " she insisted. "They Edwin said his name wasn't Fred.
marriage with several children versus communicated with each other in The other fellow scratched his head.
no children; and so on. spite of my precautions . " "I'd have sworn you were Fred. I
The most striking fact developed S o i t was arranged to hold the next knew him well in Chicago. Excuse
by this study was that, even though examination in separate rooms. The it . "
reared apart, the twins were about test was on the works of Shake­ Later, the same thing happened -
as similar physically and as hard to speare . The twins had studied for it Edwin was taken for Fred. He began
distinguish as if they had been together. On the day of the examina­ to wonder and finally we.nt to his
brought up together. In two cases, tion Joe's twin sat in the teacher's parents. They told him he was not
however, physical appearance had office but was unable to begin. their real child, that he had been
been modified by health conditions. "Why don't you get to work?" the adopted and that he had a twin
Even so, the resemblance was re­ teacher asked impatiently. brother. It was not difficult to trace
markable . "I'm not ready, " was the answer. Fred. The twins .met . Each was a
In mental ability there was in sev- There was more delay and at la1� repairman for the same telephone

[Continued on page 44]


SPIRITS ALMOST CLOSE of the party are lined up on a w(Joden

SCHOOL IN TOKYO walkway in the middle of the marsh.
The otherwise normal snapshot has ,
Students of a Junior High School further debates during school hours. the image of part of a man's face just
in Tokyo have become so embroiled Interviews with several of the behind the second woman from the
in a debate with their teachers, as to students and teachers by telephone right. The ghostly man who is
whether human beings have souls in dicated that while they are wearing an orange-striped cap and
independent of their physical being, determined to follow the thing glasses · is a total stranger to all
that the principal has threatened to through on their own level tiiey are members of the party, and both the
suspend classes. not all that interested in all the four women and Mr. Saito have
Strangely enough the debates were publicity which has developed as a flatly denied the possibility of
not specifically promoted by the re sult of their pre s sing their anybody joining their party. They
"Exorcist" (which is now 'showing in demands. claim that if somebody had actually
Japan with no age restrictions), but stood on the ground behind the four
by a series of photos taken by one of girls standing on the 6' high wooden
the stude n ts at several loc al walkway, the man's face could not be
cemeteries . seen in the p hoto unless he
The controversy started when a A snapshot taken at Oze Marsh , a was_ well �ver six feet tall.
2nd year student took some photos of popular hiking resort in Gumma The mystery deepened when a
some gravestones , which when Pref. , Japan, has added fuel to the rigid examination of the negative by
developed showed a young man's "occultism" fad which has been qualified lab technicians proved that
face , his eyes closed, standing beside sweep�g Japan recently, as it shows it had no traces of any modification.
a stone lantern in the compounds of the image of a ''ghost'' standing One of the four women who has
Yasaka Shrine in Tokyo. behind four women ·hikers . become terror stricken by the ghostly
On a closer inspection of some of As the rutnor qf th� mysterious image is reportedly getting severely
the other prints more shadowy incident quickly spread among emaciated from insomnia.
figures appeare d w ithout any hikers this p ast autumn an Somebody has suggested that a
plausible explanation. The lab who increasing number of curiosity­ person could have covered one of the
developed the film swears, to the best seekers are travelling to the area to many signs in the park with a cap
of their knowledge , the exposures look for the spirit man . and a cut-out of a face, but that
were not tampered with. The color photo in question was seems unlikely as a check of the
The students are demanding the taken around 10:30 a.m. early in actu al- scene by p ark officials
su�ject be discussed in class and September by Kenji Saito, 23 , a revealed there is no sign on that site.
their parents are backing them up. company employee from Koriyama, Someone else suggested it was
. .

Meanwhile the teachers have split while he was on a hiking trip with 22 nothing more than a double
down the middle, pro and con, and of his fellow workers. exposure, but with Mr. S aito's Nikon
while more than 60% of the student In the photo four women members it is impo�sible to take a double
body is pressing for an explanation exposure. So the mystery still stands.
of the pies; Takahashi Kitagata, the So far no one else has been able to
principal, is trying to discourage any capture the ghost on film .

Psv.chi c

Dust Devils
Don O'Neill was a Yuma, Arizona 1 ,000 feet. large dishpan of water for wild ani­
newspaperman with whom I dis­ The dust devil which captured my mals vanished within a few hours.
cussed a series of strange psychic ex­ curiosity occurred at the Rob. Roy, On other occasions a bucket filled
periences during 1966-69 when I tra­ an abandoned gold mine in the Kofa with water vanished, and another
veled afoot through the lower Mountains of central Yuma County, pan of food for my dog.
Sonoran Desert. Whenever in Yuma, Arizona. I was living in one of the I searched for each article, but
I visited Don , and our conversations cabins there. One afternoon upon found no trace. They had simply
always probed the baffling events returning, I discovered someone had vanished.
happening to me almost daily. been there and dumped a large., Don had listened interestedly as I
One morning in 1967 I told him heavy cardboard box near the cabin. re lated the experience s . I t h ad
about a mystifying series of exper­ It was about four feet square. seemed especially odd to me that at
iences with a "dust devil, " or desert Looking at it, I wondered wliy people the moment I wished the box had not
whirlwind, an act of nature common had such little respect for the desert, been dumped, it would vanish before
to the desert. I had become convinc­ and I felt angry about .the box being my very eyes.
ed of a psychic force in, or created there . "There are many strange forces in
by , dust devils. I also confessed I It was around noon. I walked over the desert , " Don commented. "If
didn't know how to go about proving to pick up the box , but a few feet you ever unite with one and grow to
it . from it I jerked back, startled. The understand it , you'll have found a
That same afternoon , however, a box had begun spinning violently on way to obtain whatever you seek . "
dust devil developed while Don and I the ground. It seemed to be alive and I was surprised by his statement. I
were together. In seconds it provided thrashing. All around it , everything didn't understand what he meant.
what seemed incontrovertible proof was calm . "Well, how is all this going to
that dust devils were indeed con­ Suddenly the box sped straight up . come about?" I asked.
nected with the desert's psychic hap­ Fascinated, I saw it grow smaller as "I'm not certain . At present you
penings. it rose rapidly on a vertical course . I don't want anything. In the desert
Dust devils are especially num­ rushed to the cabin for my binoc­ you have everything; you're too well
erous during scorching days when ulars. satisfied . You're seeing much, ex­
heat shimmers up from the desert With the glasses I followed the box periencing too much to desire any­
floor. Then the desert ·is calm. The as it continued on a true vertical thing materialistic . ' '
air above the ,sand becomes very hot. course . Soon it appeared no larger I didn't say anything.
With no breeze , fast-rising chim­ than a tea cup. After a moment Don spoke. "I
neys of air are created through a type Then suddenly the box quit spin­ think you're attracting these psychic
of air-heat explosion. Ground air ning. For several seconds it was sus­ events. Those ESP experiences and
currents move in, replacing the air pended motionless. Suddenly it be­ others you've told me about . "
which has exploded upward. gan tumbling slowly and moved east . M any extrasensory things had
The result ·is a violent whirl gath­ It soared high over a mountain, then happened to me in the desert. I'd
ering up objects in its path as it ·races disappeared from sight. sensed rattlesnakes in my path and
across the desert like a phantom. As In succeeding days, a variety of changed course a split instant before
it travels, it gains speed and inten­ objects I had placed near where the the rattler appeared. A canteen of
sity, extending to heights of over box had been, disappeared. Once a water, vital to my survival, had van-

Th ere are many strange thi ngs going on
i n the desert , if you ever u n ite and
g row to u nderstand it, you'll have found a
way to have whatever you seek.


ished. The next day it had reap­ way in front of us. As if pre­ "I got a feeling the man who lost
peared! There had been endless arranged , it deposited a new tarpau­ the tarp is close by, " I said. "Let's
numbers of happenings of a mystical lin in the center of the highway, then see. "
nature. dissipated. While a n attendant filled the car's
I had never been able to under­ I pointed excitedly at the tarp. tank, we crossed to the station across
stand them. "That's worth $5 to the owner!" I the street . We stepped inside just as
That afternoon, I began to under­ exclaimed, and pointed to the bil­ a man handed the station manager a
stand. lowing canvas settling on the high-: scrap of paper.
Don and I were returning to Yuma way. I sensed it had blown off a "This · is my California phone
from a drive over into California. I semi-trailer and that it would cost number and address , " he was say­
had been in town several days, and the owner a large sum to replace . ing. "Anyone find that tarp, have
was anxious to get back into the We stuffed it into the car's trunk them tt?lephone me collect. I 'II see
desert. I needed $5 to round out my and started on. they get a reward . "
food supply and planned to ask for a Don turned to me. "You said "Your tarp's across the stree_t, "
loan of that amount. that's worth $5 to the owner," he Don told him matter-of-factly.
We were approaching the Colo­ said. "Tell me, Ben , were you need­ The truck driver stared at us, dis­
rado River bridge, and once again ing $5 back there?" belief written on his face .
were discussing my experiences with I related how I was just getting "It's in my car trunk," said Don.
dust devils. ready to ask him for a loan wh�n t · "This man found it for you. Or,
Finally I decided to ask Don for saw the dust devil materialize. should I say materialized it for you? "
the loan. I knew he would lend me "Strange, isn't it? " I said . "How "Never o n earth did I really expect
the sum, but I didn't like to ask him . we were just talking about them. to see that tarp again , " the truck
But it would be another week before How that one develop ed and driver said. "All I knew was I'd lost
I had any money, and it was neces­ snatched up that tarp, just as I got it between here and Los Angeles . "
sary in order for me to return to the ready to ask you for $5."
desert cabin. He pulled a five-dollar bill from
"It sure as heck is, " Don an­
For several minutes I kept think­ his pocket.
ing of a five dollar bill. I tri�d to "Who gets it" he asked.
"We have to find the owner, " I Don pointed to me .
figure a way to get by without it, but
said as we pulled onto the river We pulled into Don's driveway.
couldn't. So I started to ask Don .
And at that exact instant I glanced
bridge. "But he may be in LA. by "What do you make of it? " I
now. How can we ever find him ? " asked.
out into the desert just as a big dust
Don laughed. "Don't worry. If we
devil developed in the sand dunes, "I think you got more than that
don't, I'll lend you five . But I have
about 100 feet from the highway. five-dollar bill you were wanting, " he
the feeling you're going to find him
"Stop the car, Don! " I cried out. answered. "That dust devil on the
and he'll hand you five. "
I'd seen the dust devil gather some­ highway came very close to proving
thing up out of the desert. We reached the edge of Yuma. there ' s something p sych ic about
Don pushed on the brakes and Service stations were on each comer: them. After your other experiences
pulled off onto the shoulder, just as Don pulled in to the one on the left with them; you wanted proof. I think
the dust devil raced across the high- where he traded. you got it this afternoon . " D

" For the life of me, I don't know what to say, or what it is all about.
If it's a joke of some kind, I wish someone will let me i n on it."

BY R I C H A R D C . R E D M O N D

To begin with I consider myself a "This is Mrs. Lacey, of Poplar was heard in six Cayuga County
sensible average guy who seldom Ridge , " the agitated voice told a townships. The explosion created a
comes in contact with the unexplain­ reporter. "We had a terrific blast circular crater at the Lacey farm,
able. Searching for nonfiction mat­ near our home last night. It was so which measured at least six feet in
erial for articles is my forte . This I do bad that it shook the house and got depth and 18 feet in diameter . .
week-ends or whenever a story pre­ everybody out of bed." Soon more Despite a hampering snowstorm,
sents itself. reports of the explosion began to Lt . Sjoblom completed his investiga­
Most of the material I unearth is reach the newsrooms in the area. In tion and arrived at two possible ex­
interesting and plausible - that is, Auburn , a city 12 miles away from pl an ation s : The large hole was
except the incident at Poplar Ridge. the scene, hundreds of people had caused either by a meteor or a man­
It's still got me buffaloed . Anyway, also heard the blast which had rat­ made explosion. However, he said,
here's the story, and it all happened tled their window s . M any had this did not mean that either of these
a few miles from my home. See if you stepped outside to search the heav­ possibilities was the only cause of
can figure it out. To this very d�y I ens for the cause of the sonic -like the crater.
can't. boom. Others had inspected their Upon the completion of his inves­
The trouble started with a myster­ property, expecting the worst. tigation, the lieutenant roped off the
ious explosion that shook the Poplar That same day, the state police area for further study, and signs
Ridge area of Central New York on were notified, and Trooper John were hung that read, "Crime Scene
November 12, 1968. The blast was Moochler came to investigate . But - Keep Out . "
loud and could be heard for miles. It no information was released by the Then more startling news came
took place on the Lacey farm on police because they did not want out. Lt. Sjoblom learned from How­
West Corey Road in Cayuga County. curious persons to go to the area and ard Lacey that the present crater was
Apparently, the first report of the hamper the investigation . only one of three to be reported on
incident was made by Mrs. Howard Later, Lt. W. J. Sjoblom of the successb� years by explosions - and
Lacey, of West Corey Road, who state police took charge of the in­ all in the vicinity of the Lacey farm.
lived in a remote section of the vestigation. The more data he ob­ The first crater, which had been
county. She called the news office of tained, the more puzzled he became. caused by an earlier year's blast was
the Citizen Advertiser, a local news­ He learned that the explosion had about seven feet in diameter and
paper with her strange story. lighted the sky for miles around and about 100 yards from the road. The
[Continued on page 42]


L O <: A. r t O N OF
" T+\ t:= C R AT-G I< S ON
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lJEX.T.. 'r
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. '(r· �,, �.
� liJ � � ..
Howard Lacey. It was the Lacey

}2o<l family who first reported

the strange explosions which rocked
�, -
. . t ,, •
' -· .
the area known as Poplar Ridge .
J [l �� �
�967 �

· [Oj

� �-

'-:-:7; ' · '
Map drawn from information
'I , which was obtained on
I � the scene by the author

Photo of the last crater which happened on No vember 12, 1 966 and
shattered windows up to 12 miles away. In 1 966 and again in
1 967, two equally mysterious blasts left similar craters in the area.

Escape into the
(Large qvalU1J paperback,
$2. 95. )
1 70 pages
PATRICK MAHONY'S new book on
bow to use its powers for self-renewal,
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U ri Gel l er, t hen y o u k n o w th at M r. G e l le r i s
convi nced th at h i s powers are n ot u n i q ue ; t hat h i s
Send to:
are , i n fact , forces o r energ ies th at l i e latent i n

The lloue of Wonla, Pabu.hen many o f u s , wa i t i n g on l y t o be d i scovered .

P.O. Box 3853, Hollywood Station, M r. Gel ler fee l s , too , t h at t h e period of early
Loa Angeles, CA 90028 ch i l d h ood is the best t i m e to d i scover ev ide nce of
the "Gel ler Effect . " It is then , he s u g g ests, t hat
an i n d i v i d u a l i s most sen s i t i ve to h i m s e l f and h i s
! SUBSCRIBER SERVICE For prompt service
include the addre...d label when writing
u n i q u e a b i l i t ies. Later o n , a person spends most
J about your subscription of h i s t i m e at tem pt i n g to erad i cate any abnormal­
· ------
1 ities.
I Pari de G i at t i i s a 10 year o l d Ita l i an boy w i t h an
• . .........•••..•
. i n terest i n g talent . Recent l y , Ital ian TV carried a
�� z •
m •

3 broadcast of U ri Gel le r's psych ic feat of key­

E :

• bend i n g . As Paride's parents sat , fasc i nated by
g the I s rae l i p h enomen o n , you n g Paride cal l ed o u t ,
• " Look, Dad , I c a n do i t too . "
• .
. It was true. Th ere was Paride bend i n g keys at
40 degree a n g les- n ot w i t h a ham mer; j u st w i t h
z .
ATTACH . h i s m i n d ! A n d that was n 't the o n l y t ri c k i n t h e
... ..
.. .
• .
: c .
· •
l i t t l e fel l ow ' s bag , e it her. It soon became evident
..,:; al

() .
to his amazed parents t hat Paride cou l d , at w i l l ,
� 2 .
and w i t h h i s w i l l a l o n e , set the hands o f a b roken
m . cl ock to m ovi n g agai n . N ot to ment i o n - h i s u n­
2 ..
. can n y talent for read i n g m i nd s !
.. M r. G iatt i wasted no t i m e i n rush i n g h i s you n g
. s o n o f f t o Bolog na's Center o f Parapsyc h o l og y

. where the p owers of the yo u n g psych ic were

,I .a � •
g . q u i c k l y con f i rmed by Dr. M ass i m o l n ard i .
II : � :
• • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• A s G e l l er h i m se l f i n s i st s , t h e long- range i m p l i ­

I 1
Mail this form with cat ions of p owers l i ke those of yo u n g Paride,
your payment, and dlecl:
If you're movin&. please

0 new sublc:rlptlon let us know three weeks 1 when harnessed , are not p l easant. I mag i n e a
0 renew my presltlt
before chanein& your ad· ; world i n w h i c h ch i l d ren l i ke t h i s one are taken
subscription dress. If you have a 1
I SUNCRI"IOII RATa question about your sub- I f rom the i r h omes at an earl y age and t ra i n ed , for
COM i� all j() Stam

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sc r i p t i o n , p l a c e your
t h e rest of t h e i r l ives , to u se their m i nd s for
l y e_ars $� 2 .09_
maea rne address label
here and clip this form 1
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0 mt spoo n s , but h u man m i n d s ! Peo p l e m u st be care­
0 Bill
to your letter.
· I
f u l , warn s U ri . D
M A I L TO : Beyond Real ity Su bscri ber Sev.

i P . O . Box 428, N a n ue !:..�!�-'!.�!20954


11Now-ln Just 30 Seconds,· these
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Says ANTHONY NORVELL, Famous Psychic I nvestigator
Dear Friend:
After 25 years of research, I have discovered
the key to all Astral and Psychic p'lenomena, one
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men and women�a simple secret that you can use
easily to achieve any desired result i n life! READ THIS :
For I have discovered that e1·ery one of the
powers which you po.uess- (sight, hearing, taste,
touch, smell ) -has a mental duplicate, an exten­
sion of itself in the Fourth D imension. Grouped Scholars, when editing and cataloging
together, they form your Astral Body, which you Aristotle's writings, realized that not all of
can use, the same as you use your physical body. the information was about the natural
But, your Astral BlMly can do many things that< physical world. I n the process, Aristotle had
your physical body alone can't, tor it is part of accumulated information that was "outside"
the Fourth Dimension-an ( i nvisible ) sea of elec­ inheritances oj a quarter o f a million!
the physical world or "non-physical.'' This
trons which flows in, through, and around the 'non-physical" information was filed as How Metaphysical Healing Can Add Years To Your
physical, gil'ing it form and substance .. Your "Meta-physics" literaJiy meaning 'After­
Astral Body can flow right through solid matter,
Life-Make You Look And Feel Years Younger!
physics.'' This i n fonnation, "after,"
materialize in plain sight of others, perform every "above," or "beyond" the physical, held the If you want to remain healthy, vigorous and
one of the functions of your physical body-sight, attention of many people through the ages, strong, my book shows you exactly how to draw
hearing, taste, touch, and smell- all the while i ncluding philosophers, theologians, schol­ upon your Astral Body for its wonderful healing
being controlled by you ! energy, through Metaphysical Command!
You can control J'OUT Astral Body by gil'ing it
ars and scientists. It was described in dif­
ferent ways : Ultimate Reality, First Prin­ You'll see how a woman who had de1·eloped
certain specific commands-META PH YSICA L l'iolent attacks of hay fe\·er and asthma was
ciples, Miracle Power, Metaphysical Power,
COMMA NDS which I spell out for you in plain Divine M i nd, Cosmic M i nd, God, Faith, healed. How a man with an ulcer had a miracu­
English in my new book "Meta-physics: New Intuition. I n the 20th century some call it lous healing. How a woman who suffered from
Dimension of the M ind.'' For instance, you can Energy, Astral Projections, Precogni tion, crippling arthritis for twenty }'ears med these
command your Astral Body to . . . . I n ner Space. Metaphysical Commands - and her arthritis com­
• MATERIALIZE IN FRONT OF SOMEONE Metaphysics answers auestions that the pletely disappeared! How a man with sugar dia­
physical cannot answer. That is why each betes who had to take daily shots of insulin, com­
AT A DISTANCE - Your A stral Body is i n­
is useful in a d i fferent way. Norvell shows manded this Astral power to himself and was
l'isible because it is super charged with electrons
how metaphysics can work for you ! healed, so that he could discontinue the injections
vibrating at invisible speed. It can, howe1·er ma­
terialize in plain sight of e1·eryone, as a "�hought­
form , " by vibrating more slowly. In this manner,
The secret? Metaphysical Healing, the same
technique revealed to you now in the pages of
it is possible to "remind" someone - at a dis­
my new book.
tance - of your presence! sick, keep you healthy, strong and youthful -
• "BLEND" YOUR THOUGHTS WITH add years to your life ! If your body is rundown, Win Astounding Control Over Other People!
THOSE OF SOMEONE El.. S E - Since your tired or "old" it can charge and rej111·enate the
There is no limit to the thi ngs you can do with
A stral Body is an im·isible extension of your own rery cells of )'OUr body with its own l'ibrant elec­
Metaphysical Command of your Astral . Body.
- with a mind that i s an extension of your own tron energy to make you look and feel years
For example, a lady who came to one of my lec­
- it is po.uible to "blend" this mind with the younger!
tures complained that- her husband nagged and
mind of someone else to find out what he or she • TALK TO THE COSMIC MIND. RECEIVE abused her constantly. She could hardly sta,pd
is thinking, and even implant your own thoughts HELP IN EVERY MATTER - Your Astral being in his presence because of h is constant
in the minds of others! Body i s your only true means of communications criticism. I showed this woman the Metaphysical
• DUPLICATE ANY OBJECT IN EXISTENCE with the higher Spirit Plane. In this manner, it is Commands for blending her mind with his, to
AND MAKE IT YOUR OWN - Your Astral possible for you to talk to the Cosmic Mind. just dictate thoughts of love to him - and days later
Body exists and is part of the Fourth Dimension as you would to family or friends, and recei1·e she came back to tell me with joy how her hus­
- a sea of tiny electrical particles from which all help and guidance in e1·ery matter! band had been transformed into a peaceful un­
matter is formed. By giving your Astral Body derstanding m a n !
an Electromagnetic Command to duplicate some How To Com mand Your Astral Body To Bring Impossible? Hardly. For it h a p pe n s a g a i n a n d
object - an expensive .piece of furniture, for ex­ again.
You Ever Increas ing Abundance
All Yours To Prove-For 30 Days-
ample - it pulls the particles in the air together
to form a solid replica of that which you desire! Why am I so positive this technique will work
• LIFT AND CARRY OBJECTS, TRANSPORT for you? Because i t has worked for thousands of You owe it to yourself to try it! How can you
THEM TO YOU FROM A DISTANCE - Yon other men and women i n all walks of l i fe - and is
lose? Why not send in the No-Risk Coupon -
can command your Astral Body to lift solid ob­ working for them right now ! People like . . .
jects, using its own concentrated energy - such as June C., a secretary who had been working for
Very truly yours,
the same firm for three years and thought she

� A/�L--
lifting a pair of dice and making them roll the
way )'Oil want. deserved a raise in salary. But her boss was the
)!rouchy, penny-pinching type. So after learn i n g Anthony Norvell
the Metaphysical Command for projecting he r
FUTURE - Since, w i th your Astral Body,
Astral Body. she mentally projected he r mind
1 - -
you can. "tune in" to the thoughts of any person,
all memories and future plans of his become an
into her boss's m i nd, and stated : "June deserves a - - -.
open book to you.
raise. You w i ll give her a raise of ten dollars
1 45-51 Lispenard St., New York, N.Y. 1 00 1 3 1
a week.''
• HEAL THE VERY CELLS OF YOUR BODY A short time later, her boss called her into h i s

- Your Astral Body can help heal rou if _1•ou are office. There w a s a strange expression on h i s face
and he sa i d : ' I don't know why I'm doing this, Gentlemen : Please rush me a copy of
M ET APHYSJCS: New Dimension of the
but I feel you deserve a ten dollar raise in salary ! "
A lady who h a d a 1 7-year-old daughter, came Mind by Anthony Norvell! I understand I
to one of my lectures at Carnegie H all. She was the book is mine for only $7 .98. I may ex-
Anthony Norvell is
I amine it a full 30 days at your risk or I
a widow, and though she had worked hard to
a worl d-fa mous money back.
n Check here if you wish your order sent
bring u p her daughter, they never had more than
r-- I
2: I C.O. D. Enclose only $1 good-will deposit
psychic investiga­
tor, known to thou­ just enough to �et along. After this lady learned
the Metphvsical Command for control ling her I
0 I postage and handling charges. Same money-
sands (through his
Astral Body. she bought a sweepstakes ticket. now. Pay postman balance, plus C.O.D.
books and articles)
By maintaining an "astral grip" on this ticket, I
� I back guarantee. 1
for his amazing
discoveries i n the she caused her number to be chosen - and won
realm of the oc­ a grand total of $ 1 44,000 !
Please print
cult. Here, for the I
In my files I ha1·e h undreds of such instances

first ti me, he pre­
of · men and women who have used this meta­

sents the sum total physical principle and who have attracted sums
of his investiga­ of money ranging from ten thQusand dollars to
t ions in the secrets

of ancient India, I I
China, Tibet antJ
45-51 Lispenard St., New York, N.Y. 1 00 1 3 L - - - � � - - - - - - - - - ..1
G reece.

POPLAR R I DG E E N I G M A/continued from page 39

second.hole, also about seven feet in Syracuse , who stated, "As far as the they would let me in on it. I 've had
diameter , was located on the Air Force was concerned, the crater enough. "
William Van Nostrand property ad­ was not the result of an extrater- "To me , " Lacey confided, "it

jacent to the Lacey farm . The latest restrial or celestial force . ' ' wouldn't be such a mystery if all the
crater, which is the largest, is located Lt. Robinson also added that on blasts hadn't such perfect timing. All
25 yards west, and 100 yards north of the night in question no jet aircraft three craters were· formed on suc­
the original hole and 400 yards from flew over the area, contradicting cessive years at exactly 1 2:35 A . M.
the Lacey home. speculation that the house-shaking on November 12. Those are the facts.
Now more inspections of the puz­ noises had been caused by a , sonic Now you know why I'm worried
zle . Shortly after Lt. Sjoblom's in­ boom. about my farm and family." And he
spection, the U . S . Army and Air� That still was not the end of the shook his head in deep puzzlement.
Force became interested in the case. investigation. There was more to fol­ The last crater, which resembles a
The Seneca Depot in Romulus, New low. Following the Air Force was perfect circle with a deep core or
York sent a team of investigators to Cornell University's team from Ithaca, center, is still the object of interest to
examine the new crater, and they New York. Team member William all passersby. An irregular ridge of
concluded that the crater was not Scherffius explained, "There are no earth three feet high rings the crater
caused by any man-made explosive fragments or meteorites upon physi­ as if protecting it from intruders.
device. cal examination of the crater. " Even the casual observer can see that
Lt. Edward Schollian of the 143 O f course neighbors had much to the last crater is not man-made , that
Ord nance Detachment said, "There say on the subject. Speculation as to . it is devoid of footprints and shovel
was no evidence of any remains of the cause of the craters varied. One marks. The only mark of man is the
any explosive device set to make the neighbor thought it was caused by rope fence with the warning sign.
hole, some remains would have to be underground gas. Another was sure Since the last blast in 1968, the
present. " that it was the result of ice falling comfortable home of the Lacey fam­
The Army then quickly terminated from the sky. Howard Lacey, owner ily has not been rocked with further
its investigation once it had deter­ of the property, was uncertain. explosions, but each November 12
mined that no explosive was used. "For the life of me, " he told me, they fearfully contemplate another
Next on the scene came Lt. Harry "I don't know what to say, or what it · devastating bombing from the un­
Robinson, information officer of the is all about. If it's a joke of some known, but none has taken place
Air Force unit at Hancock Field in kind, that's okay by me. I only wish since then. 0

PSYC H I C H AZA R DS OF B LACK MAG I C/continued from page 28

he fecognizes it for the fantasy it is, between the conscious and subcon­ The real Satanist is not the furtive
he is able to manipulate it in any way scious and setting them against each degenerate sacrificing an animal in
he desires and control it rather than other, it causes them to work to­ the woods, or a Charles Manson
being controlled by it. gether, unifying and strengthening stealing into a home and bent on
The practice of Satanic ritual ma­ the entire personality. This, in tum, murder. The Satanist is more likely
gic, in a nutshell, involves the deli­ results in the development in the to be your ban�er, your accountant,
berate release of forces from the practitioner of abilities , powers of your stock broker, the pretty model
Demonic or subconscious personality concentration , and force of will com­ advertising the latest fashion, or the
under condition which are controlled pletely unknown to him before. policeman who lives in your block.
by the. magician. This has two prin­ The actual truth about Satanism is The real Satanists are the people you
cipal effects on the practitioner: perhaps more frightening than even allow to control your lives.
First, instead of driving a wedge occult fiction would have you believe. Pleasant dreams . . . 0

People start pollution.

People can stop it.

Mark Twain believed that h i s dream was a warn ing . He
fel t that he could have found some way of
preven t ing his brother's untimely death .


When Samuel Clemens, always "Musta been somethin' you et, " a fund to buy cheap metal coffins for
known as Mark Twain, became 23, said his sister, trying to relieve his the victims of the disaster: When
he finally earned his license to pilot worry. Mark Twain next went to see his
the A. T. Lacey , a Mississippi steam­ brother, not realizing that he was no
A few days later news reached
boat plying between New Orleans longer among the living, he wit­
M�rk Twain on the A. T. Lacey that
and St. Louis. The first thing he did nessed the same sight he had seen in
the Pennsylvania had blown up with
was to use his new status to get a job his troublous dream: the coffin in
a loss of 150 of the 500 passengers.
for his younger brother Henry, who which Henry's body lay was resting
Of course he was more or · less com­
was assigned as a clerk aboard the upon two chairs in a small crowded
forted when the first bulletin an­
Pennsylvania. Although they covered_ parlor. While Mark Twain stood
nounced that all crew members had
the same route , they usually crossed there recalling his dream in great
been rescued. Shortly afterward,
in midstream , both of them staying anguish, feeling guilty that he had
news re ached him that Henry
with their married sister whenever recommended the morphine because
Clemens had been injured and car­
they docked at St. Louis on alternate that may have been the immediate
ried with other survivors to the port
nights. cause of Henry's ,death, an old wo­
of Memphis, where an emergency
One morning while having break­ man entered the room. Very piously
hospital had been set up, with the
fast with his sister Mark Twain said, she placed on the body's chest a
local ladies volunteering as nurses .
"I had a terrible dream last night, ' bouquet of white flowers in the cen­
but don't tell Henry for it might M a rk Twain hu rried to his ter of which was a red rose.
bother him . I saw myself walking brother's bedside and found him in Mark Twain was inconsolable,
into a small crowded room, and there such gruesome p�in that he urged a and everyone agreed that he began to
he was lying in a metal coffin that student doctor to administer some of look old after that. He always be­
was propped on two chairs. On his the new pain-killer called morphine. lieved that the dream had been a
chest there was a bouquet of white Thereupon Henry sank into a deep warning that he ought to have found
flowers with one red flower in the sleep from which he never awakened. some way of preventing his brother's
middle." The ladies of Memphis had raised death. 0

Ttf E AMAZ I N G WO R L D QF TWI N S/contin ued fro m page 34

company. Th�y had been married ample, large numbers of twin pairs In ten of the 13 pairs, both mem­
the same year to women of similar were tested for tuberculosis. It was bers were criminal and usually the
ages and types. Each twin had a found that there were several times same type of criminal. While in only
baby son. And each owned a fox ter­ as many cases of identical twins in two out of the 17 fraternal pairs were
rier called "Trixie." which both members of a pair were both members criminal, and then
Twins, both identical and frater­ tubercu}ar as there were fraternal not all in the same way.
nal, are being extensively used both twins. This led the scientist to . believe
in America and abroad in research This is regarded as proof that sus­ that the tendency toward criminal
proj ects in me dicine , educ atio n , ceptibility to tubercular infection has behavior has a strong hereditary
criminology, normal and abnormal a strong hereditary basis. Of couse;\ basis. This method of twin research
psychology, nutrition , and in several this does not mean that tuberculosis, may give a better understanding of
other fields. as such, is hereditary. the nature of the type of person
The principle inquiry in most of Another interesting piece of twin called "criminal. "
these projects is: To what extent are research concerns criminality. Sev­ The same methods have given im­
various normal or abnormal condi­ eral scientists have independently portant results in the study of feeble­
tions hereditarily predetermined and studied cases of twins one or both of mindedness and various types of
to what extent are they influenced by whom had criminal records. One of what is commonly called insanity.
the environment? To further under­ these investigators made . a study of Apart from the scientific aspect,
stand the strange world of twins, let all twin criminals in French prisons. are twins desireable? Any healthy
us look elsewhere for some answers. Of these, 13 pairs were identical and pair of twins is highly desirable, if
In the field of medicine, for ex- 17 were fraternal. one desires children at all. D

TH E M U M M Y'S C U RSE EX PO S E D/con tinued from page 25

documents. Among them were some all of Roman times . " them to len gthy tests , b ut the
of the "Mormon" papyri thought These re-discovered documents "curse" did not rub off on him . He
destroyed a century or so before . raise an interesting question. If these died more than 40 years later, in
Professor John Albert Wilson of items , originally in the Philadelphia 1867 at age 70.
the University of Chicago, and other Museum, survived to the present
The mummies were also s�rutin­
noted Egyptologists were invited by day, what happened to the two
ized by the equally-young Philadel­
the Mormons to translate the papyri mummies? Could they possibly still
phia physician, Dr. John Kearsley
Mitchell. He lived to only age 60-
and the compare their findings with exist in some public or private collec­
Joseph Smith's Book of Abraham. tion not yet been unearthed?
but the date of his death was four
According to Wilson, in his Th ou ­
In spite of the bad luck the mum­ decades after his examinations.
sands of Years, the papyrus frag­
mies brought to antonio Lebolo, Jo­ In May, 1884, only a month before
ments he examined comprised "a
seph and Hiram Smith, the City of his murder, Joseph Smith sl!-owed
standard Book of the Dead of late
Chicago, and perhaps to Michael the mummies to two visitors from
times (well after 300 B . C . ) , executed
Chandler, they seem to have brought Massachusetts. One of the guests
for a Lady Ta-shere-Min , whose
a measure of good fortune to some was Charles Francis Adams, son of
mother · was Nes- Khonsu. Although
others. President John Quincy Adams, and
now cut up into ten pieces, it had
once been a scroll of noble length, Take Frederic Cailliaud, for ex­ the other was near-relative Josiah
perhaps 10 feet or more." ample, who purchased two of the Quincy, president of Harvard Uni­
Other scraps were studied by mummies from Lebolo in 1823. All versity and former mayor of Boston.
Klaus Baer, also of the trace of these has been lost, but The two Bostonians sarcastically
University of Chicago. They made up Cailliaud himself lived for nearly mocked the mummies and poked
a "Breathing Permit of Hor." ac­ three decades after the sale, dying at their fingers at the dry, withered
cording to Wilson, the Permit "was age 82. Bernardo Drovetti lived al­ flesh . Even so, Josiah Quincy, who
another late papyrus. Its magical most thirty years after obtaining hi� was 72 at the time of his visit, lived
force was to allow the deceased per­ mummies ; he died in 1852 at age 77. an additional twenty years. Charles
son to breathe the breath of life in When Michael Chandler first ex­ Adams died 44 years after his visit,
the next world. This t�xt was .not as hibited the mummies in this country at age 8 1 .
common as the Book of the Dead, they were examined by yourig Char­ The "curse " 01 ancient Egypt is
but several other papyri comprising les Anthon, Philadelphia's leading well - known . Is there also a
'the Breathing Permit' are known, classical scholar. Anthon subjected "blessing "? D

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The stately Ocean-Born Mary house

in Henniker, New Hampshire. It was
behind this house where, according
to the legend, the pirate Philip Babb
was found murdered-and where a
fabulous treasure may lie buried.

E n n i ker, N . H . , is a
q u i et town of 2 , 400
i n ha b i tants located
about 60 m i l es fro m
t h e A t l an t i c . Th ere
is an etern al q ual ity
i n t he da rk tang l ed
..,:O,III"''!,...,'IIilllli� forests and .b rood i n g
h i l l s that s u rro u n d t h i s v i l l age as t h o u g h t i m e had
s l owed i t s pace here . A n d i n a c u r i o u s way , it has.
Several m i les outs i d e of H e n n i ker p roper on Bear H i l l
R oad , a wood ed larie w i nd s i n to t h e h i l l s . A half m i l e
Nix 's Mate near Nantasket Board in u p t h i s road a weat hered yet we l l -preserved h o use s i t s
Boston Harbor. This was journey 's bac k beh m d a p i c ket fence among t h e t rees . At f i rst
end for many pirates who were executed g l a nce, it seems no d i ffere n t t han other N ew E n g la nd
on this spot and their remains left c o l o n i al s . B u t appearances can be d ece i v i n g . Some
dangling from the · gallows. years ag o t h i s very struct u re was feat u red in a L i fe
Magazi n e a rt i c l e as o n e of t h e ten m ost haunt ed
hou ses i n A m erica. Acco rd i n g to po pu lar t rad i t i o n and
the d i rect test i m o n y of w i t n esses , the s p i ri t of a
woman h as stal ked t h e pre m i ses for 1 60 years . H e r
name i s Ocean-Born Mary.
M ary's story beg i n s 254 years ag o . I n t h e l ate s p r i n g
of 1 720 a smal l sh i p , t h e W o l f capta i n ed by James
W i l so n , l eft Lon donde rry , I re l an d , w i t h a co m p l ement
of Scot t i s h re s pectab i l i t y . On Ju ly 28 , n ear Ou ter
B rewster I sland in Boston Harbo r, the Wolf was
stop ped and boarded by p i rates . (Such audac i o u s
p r i vatee r i n g w a s co m m o n i n t h ese waters. N i x's Mate,
an i s l et n ear N a ntas ket Road s , w i t nes sed the
exec u t i o n of many bu ccaneers . ) The capt ai n of the
p i rate sh i p went by the pseudonym of Don . Ped ro . H e
was , i n fact , an Eng l i s h man n a m e d P h i l i p Babb who
p i l l aged u n der a fa l se name to p reve nt re p r i s a l s u pon
h i s fam i l y .
The Wol f was , . of cou rse , an easy prize. Any
res i stance was token . B u t befo re h e cou l d loot t h e
ship, Babb heard the cries of a newborn child.
I n vest igat i n g , h e d i scovered t h at Capt. W i l s o n 's w i fe ,
E l i zabet h , h ad g i ven b i rth t h at very day . The b a b y w a s a
g i rl a n d as yet u n c h r i stened . I n an u n u s u al d i s p l ay of
sen t i m ental i t y , Babb offered to l eave the s h i p and its
passe ng e rs u n m o l ested i f t h e c h i l d were cal l ed M a ry
after h i s ow n mother (some acc o u n t s say h i s w i fe) .
N eed l ess to say , t h i s was an- amenable arran gemen t .
T h e bargai n stru c k , Babb p resented M rs . W i l s o n w i t h a
bolt of g reen i s h-bl u e C h i n ese s i l k brocad e to be u sed
A wood cut of that P.eriod shows for M ary's wedd i n g d ress. Then he sai led '!way .
what the Wolf's pa�sengers might Capt . W i l s o n s u rv ived t h i s ep i sode o n ly to d i e i n
have expected at the hands of Boston short l y after h i s s h i p d ocked . H i s w i fe and
ruthless pirates had it not been for daug hter- a l o n g w i t h most o f the Wolf's passe n g e rs -
the birth of Mary earlier on the day.
[ Continued on page 52]
the ship was stopped.

STRANGE DREAMS classroom, listening to the professor drone, and its length was much too
In my freshman year in college, I go through the same actions and stubby for a missile, judging from
experienced my first brush with pre­ motions, using the same words to those I had seen. I ts nose was bullet­
cognition and the supernatural. I describe his technique that he had shaped, and fins protruded from the
was an art ·student, newly enrolled at used in my dream the night before . rear.
the Atlanta Division, University of Even my classmates were standing in Shortly after my first sighting, I
Georgia, and busy with the basic the same positions. contacted military authorities at the ·

freshman courses in life drawing, Somehow , I managed to live Yuma Proving Grounds, and other
sketching, everything I would need through that class, though the feel­ military installations closeby. The
to gain a solid foundation in the field ing of numbness gripped me. Even general explanation of the object
of art. today I can still see the motion of his was, " It's nothing, probably a drone
The fall quarter was perhaps six arm ·as he worked to describe the or a missile. "
weeks old, and I was making good light and shadow on that gray fabric For a time I was satisfied with the
progress with my work in the various before us . military's explanation.
media: oils, charcoal, pastels and Years have passed since then. I But soon after my inquiry my re­
pencil drawing. My instructor, Pro­ have never had another such dream mote desert camp was invaded by
fessor Alan Kuzmicki, had flattered that I've been aware of, but from hordes of various _g-roups of men
that one vivid dream in my youth,.

me some weeks earlier by hanging an "who just happened to drop by and

oil and dry brush sketch I had done came an awareness that we all follow notice my �amp . '' At the time air
from life in the student gallery. a path that seems to be predestined temperature was registering 99 de­
Things moved along comfortably for us. More than once I've found gree highs, which meant the temper­
for me, and we began the study of myself with that same strange ting­ ature in the open was around 145
folds, fabrics and drapery, working ling awareness I remember exper­ degrees. People just didn't go into
on techniques to make them appear iencing in that class that morning. the desert without · a reason when
as real as possible. I recall that I was The concern I felt then is no longer temperatures were so high.
in a good mood at the time, pleased with me_, for I know that though Usually the visitors came in pairs.
that my sketch still hung in the gal­ I've had no dream that I can remem­ Some produced identification papers
lery, and not too disgusted that I was ber, I am simply passing through showing they were military men.
having trouble with my ability to another part of my life that was pre­ Most claimed to be searching for a
show realism in fabrics. My efforts destined, just as I did on that morn­ lost "object with wings . "
satisfied neither myself nor my in­ ing so long ago. Today I accept these While one man would talk · to me,
structor, and this fact must have feelings for what they must surely be. the other would prowl about my
weighed heavily on my mind. Checkpoints that come to me in this . camp. Then he'd join the other and
Thus it was, after an uninteresting form as I make my journey through question me as to why I had taken up
and frustrating day in class, I was , life . living in the · desert, what type of
more than a bit disgruntled as I Howard T. Winters unusual happenings had I seen .
dropped off to sleep one evening. I Mill Valley, Ca. In weeks I had visits from officers
immediately found myself dreaming in the U . S . Navy, the U . S . Army and
that I was back in class again, with A DESERT UFO? the U . S . Marines. Others in civilian
Professor Kuzmicki seated near me, At 5:02 . p . m . on September 28, dress never identified themselves.
lecturing and demonstrati�g to the 1968, I observed through binoculars Two of them offered me $50 if I'd
class grouped around him the meth­ a short, elongated object moving si­ take them into a rugged mountain
ods of creating realistic folds in lently northwest across the hot desert area and search it for "an object"
drapery. The room, my classmates, sky over the Kofa Mountains of cen:­ they never described to me, other ·

the sketchboards , everything was in tral Yuma County, Arizona. The than it was winged.
its place, and the strokes and words wingless object had caught my atten­ I had been in the desert going on
he used as he lectured were all logi­ tion while I scanned a nearby moun­ three years, living in its remote
cally correct. He was still working tain slope, hoping to catch sight of a reaches. Not until I had reported the
with the folds of a piece of gray big hom sheep. UFO had I had any visitors , except
fabric when I awoke. In coming days I observed the for prospectors passing through.
Hours later, wide awake and once object several times, though on dif­ The first sighting found the object
again in art class, I was stunned to ferent courses. Finally it became moving with the direction of the pre­
find myself suddenly reliving the very such a routine event that I ceased vailing winds, northwest. The desert
dream I had dreamed the night be­ making notes on it in a diary. was still, and I listened intently to see
fore. I was in the same spot in the It did not have the shape of a what was propelling it, but there was


no sound. It traveled in a perfect through the busy streets of Los An­ i n the past. I had been married to
horizontal plane, always at what geles down to the Long Beach har­ him for four years . He is a wonderful
seemed the same speed. bor. amazing guy so I accepte� this phen­
Then suddenly it reached the vi­ My husband was driving and do­ omenon as a form of teleportation . I
cinity of a peak and was buffeted ing his best to keep up with our fast smiled and looked at the boat and
wildly, and I lost sight of it. A day driving friend when all of a sudden I thought to myself that if someone
later I made my inquiries in person noticed that my husband's glasses else had witnessed this they would be
and my phone to the military. were still on the back of the boat. I shocked and bewildered. Maybe no­
The next observance I had of the looked at him and realizing that he body would ever believe it, but then
object was about 10:50 a.m. on Sept­ did not have another pair of glasses, again there was no reason for an
ember 30. I was looking through an I told him that he had forgotton his optical illusion or chicanery. I looked
old copy of Life when I chanced to glasses on the boat. He said "Oh at my husband, he winked and I
look up and saw it again . This time, God, you're right, there they are . " I winked back. It would have cost $50
watching it through my binoculars, I thought he was going to try to catch to replace the glasses if they had
sketched on the margin of the mag a­ up to our friend and stop him before been broken .
zine the general shape of the object. the glasses fell off and broke on the Judy L. Crewe
It was traveling on nearly the same road. However our friend crossed an ·Blackduck, Minn.
course, and appeared to be silver in intersection on a yellow light and we
color. One thing differed. The object were forced to stop for a red light.
appeared as a transparent material.
This had no similarity to a chute,
Had Any Unusual
and appeared to be a fluid condition.
Psychic Experience?
It was not observed on any of the
other flights. On this sighting, it was
traveling the same course. Many people boast of having
By October 5, 1968 , I had ob­ had at least one unusual ex­
served it several times. Once it came perience of an occult nature. If
from the east on a straight west you number yourself among
course. By now it had become so these individuals with psychic
routine a sighting that I paid little All of a sudden something very ability, Beyond Reality would ·

heed to it. peculiar happened. I was looking at like to hear about it.
But judging from the military men my husband who seemed to be in Manuscripts should be typed
who began dropping in, it seems the deep concentrated thought. As we on white paper, double-spaced
government may have been more ex­ waited for the light, I saw our friend -and please include a self­
cited about it than I, even though with the boat pull over to the side of addressed stamped envelope
they said it was nothing to get excited the road to wait for us . During the for a quick reply.
about! few minutes we waited for the light to Kindly send the carefully
Ben Townsend change, I had looked at my husband outlined details of your journey
Parsons, Kansas several times and also at the boat into the realm of psychic phe­
across the street. I thought that we nomena, together with docu­
TELEPORTATION? were lucky that the glasses had not mentation , to: True Ex­
Several years ago my husband and fallen off by now. periences Dept. , Beyond Real­
I were living in Los Angeles. A good ity, 303 West 42nd St. ,. New
When the light turned green we
friend of ours had just bought a 25 proceeded through the intersection York, N.Y. 10036.
foot cabin cruiser and invited us to when all of sudden I didn't see the We welcome any informa­
go water skiing with him . Since he glasses anymore on the back of the tion about possible discoveries
had the boat on a trailer at his home, boat. I turned to my husband and in the areas of ESP and the
he asked us to help him load it with gasped. He had his glasses on! He Occult . These m ay include
supplies and hitch it up to his car. looked at me and smiled and said " I items from your local news­
That we did , but in the process 'my know, m y glasses are on . " paper, magazine articles or
husband had taken off his glasses My husband is one that believes in things of a personal nature that
and casually laid them down on the teleportation and levitation, UFO's you feel will lead to the ad­
top of the back of the boat. and other aspects of psychic pheno­ vancement of knowledge in this
When we were all set, we agreed to meaa. In fact he had told me about field.
follow .our friend towing the boat similar experiences that he has had

Truth , we know, can be stranger Champollion's mother had been
tlian fiction . This is often demons­ told by her doctors that she was
trated in our personal lives, and even BY G E N E K I E F F E R incurably ill and had to be confined
novelists sometimes discard real inci­ to her bed. As a last resort, however,
dents for ones that are less bizarre her husband called in a magician
just so their s.tories will seeJ;Il more named Jacqou, who told the woman
believable . . . . Man, we come to see ferent texts . At the upp�rmost were that if she would lie on heated herbs
more and more as time goes by , is the mysterious hieroglyphics. In the and drink hot wine she would be
but an actor on the stage of life , a middle were "native letters, " called quickly cured.
puppet in the hands of an invisible demotic writing. And, at the bottom , He then prophesied that before the
artist of infinite imagination. was � text in familiar Greek epi­ year was out-it was early summer­
In the case of the Rosetta Stone, graphic characters . Here was a bilin­ she would give birth to a son . The
the famous rock that became the key gual document that could be used as child, he said, would grow to become
to the understanding of Egyptian a key to the deciphering of the hiero­ a famous man and be remembered
hieroglyphics. If a writer were to glyphics . down through the centuries . On
present the story as fiction, readers But this was a key that could not December 23, 1970, Jean Francois
would dismiss it as too improbable, be applied by j ust anyone . In fact, Cha,mpollion was born.
if not impossible. there was nobody who was prepared, It is said that Champollion bore no
For 1400 years the hieroglyphic at that time, to make the break­ resemblance to his parents , but
writings were only jibberish to schol­ through, even with the key in hand. looked every bit like an Egyptian. He
ars. Monument upon monument up A very special mind had to be fash­ developed a passion for the history of
and down the Nile was inscribed with ioned for this specific assignment. Egypt in early .childhood, and he
weird pictures and symbols, but each Just nine years before the Rosetta showed a great talent for languages.
was impenetrable to one and all. Stone was found, a child was born in When he was given his first
Fabulous temples stood in the sun as the little French town of Figeac, cho­ glimpse of papyrus fragments and
silent reminders of a once-proud civ­ sen by destiny even before birth to hieroglyphics-he was only 1 1 -he
ilization, yielding no clue as to who play the decisive role in this mystery­ asked, "Can anyone read them?"
their builders were or when they had drama. He was Jean Francois Cham­ Told that there was no one who
been built. pollion, and it is true that he was could, he announced with absolute
It is said that one of these temples singled out for the Rosetta Stone certainty, " In a few years I will be
was constructed on such a vast scale many months before he breathed life able to do so; when I grow up . "
that the Cathedral of Notre Daine or saw light. The young Champollion set out to
could be placed in a single wing as a learn Arabic, Syrian, Chaldean, and
mere ornament. Yet nothing was Coptic. He took up Old Chinese , too,
known of the men who had labored so that he would have a still better
to put it there. · chance of unraveling the hiero­
The Rosetta Stone, however, has glyphics of Egypt.
changed everything. This slab of On September 14, 1822, he spelled
black basalt, only 3 ft. 9 in. long and out the name of Rameses II on the
2 ft. 4112 in . wide, was discovered Rosetta Stone, and two years later he

quite by accident in 1 799 by one of published his Precis du Systeme
the workers eng_ct.ged in repairing a Hieroglyphique. This work, said the
section of the fort of St. Julien, near historian Alexandre Moret, "was an
the town of Rosetta. incomparable masterpiece of pene­

Engraved on one side of the irreg­ tration and French clarity . " In it, he
ularly shaped stone were three dif- declared that he could henceforward
[Continued on page 56]


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A. Many of these Chants can be said they came up 1 1 again. The third roll was also
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few times as this heightens their effective­ of Nora H. who was a complete failure in love main on the 1 1 , his small investment brought him
ness. However, they are short and it would
" I n- P-- u-- 1-."
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TH E H A U N T E D H O U S E O F H E N N I K E R/continued from page 47

settled in Londonderry, New Hamp­ H- L hinges on the doors (these sion of owners until 1917 when a
shire , on land granted to them. For considered an effective hex against Louis "gus" Roy from LaCrosse,
several generations they annually witches) . Some of the floors were Wisconsin, purchased the house
celebrated Mary's birthday in com­ purposely slanted to remind the from the Dow lin family who'd
memoration of their deliverance. former seafarer of a ship's roll. In acquired the property in 1866. It was
Mrs. Wilson married one James the years to come , the home would with his tenancy that Mary began to
Clark, the great-great-grandfather of be visited by such notables as make her presence known, previous
Horace Greeley, eventually dying in Lafayette, Daniel Webster and Presi­ occupants having reported nothing
1732. Mary herself grew into a dent Franklin Pierce . particularly unusual.
striking figure of a woman-6-feet Into his home M ary moved with It should be mentioned that, given
tall with red hair and green eyes. her children and her she lived until the romantic nature of the house's
Leander W. Cogswell, in The History her death on February 13, 1814, well history, a legend persists_ that on
of the Town of Henniker, describes into her 90's. It was a reasonably Halloween a phantasmal coach
her thusly: " She was remembered as pleasant existence (" sunny and hap­ drawn by four horses pulls up before
being quite tall , resolute, and deter­ py, " says Cogswell), marred only by the house, M ary herself alights and
mined; of strong mind, quick of the occasional appearance of Babb's goes to the well into which she drops
comp rehen sion , with a strong former shipmates and local adven­ something, then the coach resumes
brogue, and full of humor. She was turers who were convinced, perhaps its journey, only to evaporate into the
florid of complexion, bright eyes, correctly, that a fortune in plundered trees . Mary was reputed to have
and elegant in her manners to the booty lay buried somewhere on the discovered Babb's body upon her
last of her life . ' ' property. return from town in a coach-and­
Mary continued to live with her At some point Philip Babb inad­ four.
step-father's family until December vertently went after whatever reward Such is legend. What's happened
18, 1742, when she married Thomas awaits reformed pirates. He was since may or may not be. Shortly
Wallace who'd settled in London­ found murdered in the orchard after Roy moved in, he opened the
derry the year of her mother's death. behind the house. Some say a cutlass house to the public envisioning a
She was 22 and reputedly wore a pierced his chest, others a dirk in the small income. He was an antiquarian
bridal gown fashioned from the back. In either case, he was as dead and had published a few articles in
material Babb the pirate had given as any buccaneer who ever swumg such journals. A man named An­
to her mother. She bore five child­ from a yardarm. thony Eddy of Gloucester, Mass. ,
ren: a daughter, Elizabeth (who In accordance with his wishes, the heedless of the "curse, " asked- and
possibly died in infancy), and four legend goes, he was buried under the received permission from Roy to dig
sons-Thomas, Robert, William and 8' by 30" hearthstone in the kitchen. up the area about the kitchen
James. All her boys stood closer to Possibly his treasure, valued at seven hearthstone , offering to split SO/SO
seven feet than six and all fought in to eight million dollars, lies with any treasure found. A week before
the Revolutionary War. Robert, him . Assorted psychics and dowsers the excavation was to begin, Eddy
born September 5, 1749 , also helped have "sensed" great wealth in and was killed when his _car slipped off a
to frame the constitution of New about the house. One dowser, in jack and fell on him.
Hampshire. fact, indicated that beneath the Very soon thereafter Roy himself
Thomas Wallace died on August hearthstone were human bones lying had his first brush with the un­
22, 1754, leaving Mary a young above successive layers of silver, known. He was about to throw an old
widow. Consolation came to her copper and gold. paper bag into the fire when he felt a
from a strange quarter. She was Nobody has ever found Babb's spectral hand grip his wrist. Upon
offered the position of companion­ treasure, if there was one . He is checking, he discovered that the bag
housekeeper to a landed gentleman reputed to have put a curse upon his contained blasting powder.
in Henniker. This benefactor was grave just as Shakespeare and count­ This was but the beginning.
none other than Philip Babb who'd less others have done. Mary Wallace During the great P.urricane of 1938,
been keeping tabs on his "god­ lived out her days beneath this roof. Roy ventured out into a torrential rain
daughter" all this time. But her death in 1814 was seemingly to buoy up his garage against
Tiring of a pirate's life and just a hiatus, for rumors persist to fearsome winds. When he returned
apparently a widower, he'd pur­ this day that would suggest for her to the house, his mother, Flora Roy,
chased a large tract of land (accounts the past still lives on, that she still said that she'd seen the figure of a
vary between 100 and 6,000 acres) walks the corridors of the home she tall woman working beside him.
and had his ship's carpenters build lived in for 59 years. While Mrs. Roy claimed to have seen
him a stately 10-room house with Her spirit seems to have slum­ the spirit of Mary many times, Gus
hand-hewn beams, 6 fireplaces and bered peacefully through a succes- Roy never saw her. However, he
(Please turn page)

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THE HAU NTED H O U S E OF H E N N I K E R/con tinued from page 52

stated that she saved his life 19 times In 1963 a family named Russell corridors of her old home? It might
during that hurricane alone. Evi­ bought the house. They, too, had be romantically supposed so. At least
dently unusually accident-prone, on their share of inexplicable occurrenc­ someone apparently does . The well­
one occasion he had been trapped by es. During the fall after they moved known parapsychologist Hans
falling trees when the limbs were in their caretaker dropped a portable Holzer, author of nearly 30 books on
hefted away before him , affording a . heater down the staircase. Immed­ the supernormal, investigated the
path to safety . iately, flames covered the stairs and circumstances. He tells of a medium
Not too long after this two state began to climb the wall. Since there from Massachusetts named Lorrie (a
police officers , now both dead, had a was no water supply within the pseudonym) who, together with her
strange tale to tell. For whatever house, Mr. Russell dashed outside daughter, saw a tall woman gazing at
reason, they were walking up the for snow to dowse the fire. Mrs. them form an upstairs window
mountainside lane off Bear Hill Russell, standing by the staircase, during a 1961 visit.
Road one dark night when both saw saw the · flames suddenly exting­ Lorrie, who like Mary is very tall
the tall figure of a woman approach­ uished as though someone had and red-haired, had a particularly
ing them. Oddly, she was clad in a smothered them with a blanket. frightening experience. After his first
dress two centuries out of style. it Before the Russells actually moved visit she found herself strangely
wasn't until some time later that the in , they spent some time renovating drawn to the site and returned many
possible significance of what they'd several of the rooms. One night Mr. times, almost always sensing the
seen occurred to them. Russell had just settled down in the presence of Mary both in and around
, Mrs. Roy had a particularly so-called Lafayette Room (supposed­ the house. One night around 1 1 :00
disquieting experience. One day a ly Babb's own room) when he heard P. M . , after several recent visits,
woman knocked upon the door. footsteps in the adjoining chambers. Lorrie "awoke" to find herself clad
"I've come to see the rest of the There was a thunderstorm raging in pajamas and robe and bare-footed
house, " she announced. "What do outside and Russell had his dog with driving toward Henniker. She had no
you mean · the rest of the house?'' him as the property had recently recollection-of leaving her home , but
Mrs. Roy inquired. The lady re­ been vandalized. He quickly got up when she returned it was to find the
vealed that she'd been there the day and checked-especially since the lights on and the door wide open.
before. A tall, red-haired woman behavior of his dog suggested they In the months to come, Holzer
had answered the door, giving her were not alone-but the house was employed the aid of the famed
permission to look over the ground locked tight. There was no one British psychic Sybil Leek. Her
floor. This was all well and good there! testimony, tape-recorded while she
except the Roys hadn't been there Several weeks later Mr. Russell was entranced, revealed a st_range
the day b�fore. The house was empty! had good cause to be alarmed again. story . Babb , it would seem, had not
After Mrs. Roy's death in 1948 all As before, he was preparing for bed given up his pirateering life when he
was peaceful for a while. Gradually, in the Lafayette Room when he "retired" to Henniker. He continued
however, Gus Roy became aware of a heard a knocking on the door. He to keep his foot in the door as far as
presence in the house. He felt his answered it but the hallway was emp­ coastal smuggling was concerned.
mother was attempting to contact ty. Assuming he'd been fooled by the Not only does his restless ghost prowl
him as her picture kept falling off the sounds of a settling structure, he the premises as well as Mary's, but
wall. Accordingly, in August of went to bed only to be disturbed a also the spirits of several other
1959, a spiritualist named Paul few moments later by his doorknob "runners" and a servant girl named
Amsdent came by invitation to the being turned back and forth. Once Mary Degan.
house. He revealed that there was again , a search revealed nothing. Today, as it has almost always
someone buried on the premises Mr. Russell's third and last re­ been , the Ocean-Born Mary house is
"enclosed by a stone wall of some ported experience took place in early a private residence not open to the
sort . " · Shortly later, the man who'd 1964. It was about 4:00 P . M . and he public. Yet it is difficult to stand
recommended this medium visited was about to enter the cellar. With before it, with the wind soughing
the house with several other people. him was his dog, a faithful creature through the trees and the twilight
On this occasion the door to an who rarely left his side. On this settling down, without being aware
upstairs room slammed shut by occasion, however, the dog absolute­ of the history that has passed here.
itself. And one of their number-a ly refused to go into the cellar. It And whether it's fact or fancy or ·

confirmed skeptic-was standing stood adamant at the top of the both, one gets the definite feeling
alone in the second-story room in stairs, hackles raised, bristling· and that if he were to gaze quickly at an
which Mary allegedly died when he growling. It might be added that one upstairs window, he might see a tall
heard a woman's voice insist that he legend mentions a yet undiscovered wom�n "florid of compelxioa and
leave. He was so unnerved he tunnel that supposedly opens into bright-eyed" staring intently back at
required a doctor's attention after . the cellar. him-the spirit of Ocean- Born
this incident. Does Mary Wallace still roam the Mary. D


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the recorded mtlltgt:
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TOO L , TOY O R TRAP/continued from page 23

exactly what is in that compound. Ion Flow Dynamics. also from_ Dove} chemistry caused by the parent sys­
However, such a process would be Press and Atmospheric Electricity tem and (4) the effects of change in
limited to only the very versatile, from Perg amon Press . However , film position, voltage, and air pres­
well-equipped laboratories. To get these texts are sophisticated in their sure. No doubt other unknowns also
meaningful pictures , the process is presentations , and they are not rec­ enter into the end result. With so
difficult and must be kept under ommended for beginners. many shifting factors we have a
tight controls. Even a slight change colorful but unpredictable kaleide­
Some of my work shows that cells
in voltage level can shift the pattern scope that can defy analysis. It has
may prove to be valuable as sensors,
and color values. Very small changes become a trap too often used by the
when combined with electronics, and
in the barometric or mechanical publicity seekers, and it is a field
we may find them useful to explore
pressure can change the pattern that has not been completely over­
fields and waves that are as yet un­
completely. To make use of this pro­ looked by the "fast-buck" artists.
known. Cells can react with great
cess in a scientific manner, all phases It is not pleasant to remove so
sensitivity to even subtle changes
of the process require precise instru­ much of the glamour from such a
from within and from without. How­
mentation. Little do-it-yourself de­ fascinating "discovery" as Kirlian
ever, in Kirlian-type photography the
vices to "see your Kirlian aura" or photography; however , research
cells are used in such a manner that
" determine your health" are loses its value without honest anal­
we get a combination of so many
gadgetry! ysis. The scientific facts of today
variables that the final picture is of
For those who are interested in were the supernatural of yesterday.
little value.
relate d background information, I The supernatural of today may be
would highly recommend the book What we really end up with is a the science of tomorrow. We have
by Szent-Gyorgy and also two vol­ composite indication of (1) the reac­ found that an occult follower can be
umes on Conduction of Electricity tion of the cells to the applied voltage just as narrow and conservative as an
Through Gasses from Dover Press. field, (2) the reaction of air, con­ old-line scientist. It isn't "where you
An additional sot¥ce of information tamination , and pollution adjacent staQd" but "how wide is your angle
can be found in the books Theory of to the specimen, (3) variations in cell of vision ?'' D

TH E N EW R OS ETTA STO N E/continued from page 50

read the monuments of every period story is no less '' miraculous" than he has been a different personality.
and translate the hieroglyphics with­ Champollion's.- He, too, it is clear, He began to speak and write in nine
out hesitation. was destined from birth to play a different languages, seven of which
Champollion had thrown the unique role in deciphering ancient he had not seen nor heard spoken
switch that would soon light up a writings that have baffled scholars before.
3000-year corridor into man's histor­ for centuries. We, here in America, have not yet
ic past. Over the next ten years he Born into humble circumstances heard from this amazing man, but
left the world what he himself called in the tiny village of Gairoo , in the his ideas and his new interpretations
his visiting-card on posterity," his Indian state of Kashmir , _ Go pi of the ancient documents are begin­
Grammaire Egyptienne and his Dic­ Krishna, now 73 , is largely self­ ning to take root among a certain
tionnaire Hieroglyphique. Then he educated. His "Rosetta Stone" is class of scholars. More will be told
departed the stage at the age of 42. something quite different fi-om the about him in future columns , as we
The Egyptians, themselves, had one found in Egypt, though. it is a report on his findings .
called the hieroglyphics "the words "stone" nonetheless, in at least one For the present, it is enough to
of the gods ," and it has become sense of the word. know that Gopi Krishna is busy at
increasingly app arent that these For Gopi Krishna, the magic key work at his home in the faded Vale
strange picture- writings do hold to the understanding of the sacred of Kashmir, putting together his
meanings that scholars haYe so far writings, whether they be found in "dictionnaire hieroglyphique" in a
been unable to comprehend . There is Tibet, China, Egypt or India, is the manner uniquely his own. Volume
an esoteric side to some of the texts ancient science of Kundalini, a word one of this all-important work, just
that has yet to be deciphered. often used interchangeably with "the completed and entitled The Dawn of
What is needed now is a new Ro­ Serpent-Power. " a New Science. has been sent in
setta Stone and another actor td play Some intelligent force had invaded manuscript form to leading Indian
the Champollion role if we are to the womb of Champollion's mother government officials, editors and
shed li�ht on the sacred meaning­ and had given her a linguistic genius scientists.
secret-writing of the Egyptians. for a son. This same intelligent force In time, Gopi Krishna expects
But, can we really expect another took possession of Gopi Krishna, but scholars and scientists all over the
Champollion to come upon the it happened in an entirely different . world to apply this new Rosetta
stage ? Can there be another Rosetta way. The "invasion" took place Stone "key" to most of the hereto­
Stone? Yes, and that individual's when he was 34 years of age! fore secret writings of the ancient
name is Gopi Krishna, and his life From that day in December , 1934, adepts and masters. �


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S EC R ET C I TY OF TH E I N CAS/continued fro m page 1 9

arrival, he summoned them and trusted, may have been brought to chest and sank to the floor beside the
began his hoax. Perhaps he would the brink of breaking. One more prostrate Diego. He waved his guards
permit them to plant a few crosses, supreme effort j ust might strip him back and beckoned to the little
maybe even build a church and seek either of mind or body-perhaps p a dre . " I hear my ancestors
converts, with a vague gesture, "just both. But, ah, that Friar Diego! The calling, " he whispered. "Spaniard,
outside Vileabamba, beyond that one who had even dared caution can your God stay me from joining
lake. " him, the Sapa Inca, against the them?"
That lake he had created by excesses of chicha. "No, my son, " Frair Diego rose
damming the Urubamba to flood the "Arouse all my wives! " Titu Cusi painfully to one knee. "But I can
gorge deep enough to reach the commanded drunkenly. "Give the absolve your soul and deliver it to our
frairs' shoulders. Rocky terrain Spaniards no peace. Contrive every supreme God for everlasting life. "
provided countless traps for wile known to woman. Break their H e raised hs crucifix toward Titu
complete submersion. "Your God vows of conscience, or you die!" He Cusi's lips. With the final thrust of
suffered His Son to trust the waters, " reached for another gourd of chicha. his life the Inca swept it aside.
he had taunted. "Have you equal "Work especially on the younger Fear and superstition gripped �he
faith? Let me first see if your hearts one, Friar Marcos . " wives and paladins of the last Sapa
possess the strength of your The chicha was bubbling in Inca. The din of their unleashed
mouths! " rivulets from every pore when Titu anger were the last sounds Friar
I t was the rainy season. Raw air Cusi awakene d , yet his teeth Diego heard on this earth.
and freezing water racked Diego and chattered with the cold. His .eyes For Christian monk and Pagan
Marcos with convulsive chills and ached as they focused on the monarch alike, their strife-locked
burning fever. Their bare feet distorted features of Friar Marcos: death symbolized the end of an era
became shredded on the merciless " H e athe n ! D runken heretic ! " during which a rapacious conquest
stones. Each step wrenched groans Marcos was shouting. "I have take!l had burst open the New World. In
of agony from lips that struggled for God's vengeance upon the brothel of his victorious hour of vengeance, the
air against the strangulation of the your idols ! " In each trembling hand Inca was himself destroyed. And in
water's surface. he thrust toward the Inca fragments this hour of failures to convert the
But no amount of derision, no of the gold sun symbol from the Inca, or to reach Vileabamba, the
depth of depravity nor despair had sacred temple . . friar founded spiritual victory.
dissuaded the two little friars. Not Marco's pursuers burst into the The twilight of their respective
even the unmatched provocation of chamber, also dragging Diego whom gods descended with the repetitive
Titu Cusi's two favorite wives had they threw at the Inca's feet. In futility of history. The empty. halls of
been able to break the friars' vows of return, Titu Cusi hurled Marcos Vileabamba, known today as Machu
celibacy. bodily toward them. "Stone him! " Picchu, now echo to the tread of
Incredulous! Titu Cusi received he thundered. ''To the gates of curious white men . But there ,. also,
the report from his distraught Cuzco, stone him. But let him live, to instead of the cross, the Inca's
concubines with mounting anger. sing his sorry prayers in sickness! " hitching post of the Sun god still
Marcos, if the girls' story could be Titu Cusi suddenly clutched his points mutely to the Andean sky. D


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A R E S P I R ITS P E O P L E/continued from page 29

further itself by ethereal goodwill. It to establish schools especially for heard someone who has the same
takes money. My regular fee, " he handicapped children in Orlando, perfect technique but also has the
said, "is $8.00 for a one-half hour under the leadership of one of our gift or soul that makes him a truly
reading. I have speaking engage­ best-known mediums, Ann Gehman . great musician. I need not point out
ments and charge fees comparable We think through our spiritual in­ the difference .
with any speaker's fees. We conduct sight we can do much for afflicted As for me, I am also one of the
classes of ten students each, charg­ children." He paused. "Just remem­ fortunate ones. I've had the gift since ·

ing $20 . 00 for the introductory ber this one thing. If you have lost early childhood and became aware of
courses and $ 1 7.00 for the following someone dear to you, and most of us small things like knowing something
ones which take four years of con­ have, they are not really lost, they are would take place before it really
centrated study to complete. temporarily out of sight. happened. Then I have perfected my
"We have private donations also. "When you drive along a well technique through years of study. I
In fact, this house was donated by a marked highway and go from state to spent six years at Duke University in
wealthy client who had received state, you are seldom aware that you their program of research into psy­
much help through our program. " are in Nebraska for instance, but chic phenomena . " He went on with a
It was a pleasant house of the 1900 gradually you know that you are in twinkle in his eyes, " It's not as tough
period, set in a flower filled garden, another state. So it is with those who for me to be a clairvoyant as it might
and since it was a bird-twittering have passed to that other state. They be for someone else unless they have
day, there was a feeling of quiet may not be visible to you but they are the gift . "
norm ality about it. Inside were there, living in a happy, productive Nearby was a park and up a short
sunny rooms, a friendly white dog way. path was a moss-co·Jered marker.
and no mysterious, eerie, hanging "We think though, that lines of The faint letters said that on January
pictures; no disturbing blue lights communication are open and it only 5, 1 848, George Colby had come
·and no odor of burning .incense. takes some skill and much study to from Pike, New York, to establish
Nothing could have been less menac­ communicate with those who have this. nucleus of the National Spirit­
itig. • passed out of our orbit. " ualist Church. He was led there by a
"I am a member of a team of 15 He sighed, "This was a long vision he had in his early youth. In
clairvoyants who work with the Or­ speech and I hope you absorbed 1895 this place became the center of
lando Police Department in locating some of it. " a recognized organization.
missing persons, fleeing crimina�s, "Is yours a God given art?" For those who have a pre-con­
and lost children. It takes long hours "Compare me with a musician. ceived idea that spiritualists are
of concentration and right now we You know of those who give a great "kooks", a visit to Cassadaga and a
are working on 13 out-of-state cases. performance; technically perfect but talk with one of the followers of the
For this we charge no fee. with little warmth. Then you may church can be a rewarding, thought­
"Eventually, " he said, "we hope have been fortunate enou�h to have provoking experience. · D


It see m s that some s p i rits are l ook i n g for s p i rit sti l l m akes t h e scene after her parents are
somet h i n g more than j u st f ri g hten i n g peo p l e . I n fast as leep .
fa�t w e found i t hard t o bel i eve. that a s p i ri t has The hau n t i n g s started a few weeks after the
been mak i n g q u i te a name for h i m self by hopp i n g fam i l y m oved i nto the house. A c l a i rvoyant , S i­
i n to bed w i t h a p retty l i ttle Eng l i sh g i rl . The report m o n A lexander, who was ca l l ed i n by the exhaus­
comes fro m Lo ndon than an amo rous s p i ri t who ted parents , fo u nd that the s p i ri t was t h at of a
wears m i ne r's c l othes, such as boots and baggy m i n er who l i ved i n the h o u se years ag o.
pants, has taken a fancy to Bery l G l ad w i n , age 1 8 . A lexander f u rt h er stated t hat t h e s p i ri t ' s name
The re port states t hat the s p irit , v i s its her was Dexter and that he becam e malevo l ent . A l ex­
between 4 and 6 P . M . t h ree t i mes a week. " F i rst ander p lans to h o l d a seance i n hope of ridd i n g
the g h ost t u g s at t h e bedc l oth , " Beryl sa i d , "and the house of Dexter.
then I fee l ' it n ext to m e in bed . It holds m y hands Bery l ' s m o m i s l ook i ng for a new h o u se to
and starts k i ss i n g me and b i t i n g my neck. I've ren t , "The s p i ri t seems to have taken a l i k i n g to
' Bery l , " said the m other.
never been so frig htened i n al l my l i fe. '
Bery l has moved i n to her parents bedroom i n "My ot her two teenag e daug hters haven't been
thei r rented h o m e i n N ot t i n g hamsh i re, b u t the affected . " 0

B O R L EY R ECTO R Y'S LAST H A U N T I N G M YST E R Y /continued from page 1 3

and left there to die, the bread least a do zen persons at different years he and four of his unmar­
and water keeping her aliive long times saw the Sister's apparition ried sisters lived in the place. On
enough to do her penitence. This s tr o l ling. The path became the afternoon of July 28, 1 9 00 ,
much is not legendary : a Sister known as the " Nun 's Walk . " three of the young women­
of Mercy named M ary Lairre , The person who saw the Mabel, Ethel and Freda-were
nineteen years of age , died a wraith at its best was a resident returning from a · social affair. It
tragic death on May 1 7 , 1 6 6 7 , of the town of Sudbury, a car­ was bright daylight with the sun
not too far distant from what penter named Fred Cartwright. still high in the sky . The girls
long afterwards became Barley His j o b necessitated his walking to entered by the back gate. As
rectory 's site. work each morning, his route they emerged from the shade of
After her death Sister Mary taking him past the rectory. In the trees and came out on the
began haunting the convent until that year the place was unoc­ open lawn, all three at the same
exorcised from it. Her reason for cupied. 1 t was on Monday, instant saw a wo man with bowed
returning from the life in the September 16, 1 92 7 , at 7 A. M . , head , dressed in the black habit
hereafter was on account of her when Carpenter saw the wom an . of a nun . Her hands were clasped
unhappiness there and because Garbed i n the habit of a Sister of in front bf her as if she were
no proper buri3.1 was given her. Mercy, she was standing by the telling her ro sary beads. Being
So much for the story o f the rectory gate , silent, motionless, familiar with the story of the
ghostly nun . eyes closed , and her sad face was nun 's wraith , they stood and
Her tragic death occurred in the pallor of death. Outside o f watched her quite unafraid . As
1 66 7 . The rectory was not built this she appeared t o b e a live they l o o ked, the phantom
by Rev. Bull until 1 8 6 3 . So there person , although she gave no seemed to be slowly drifting as if
was a t�me passing of 1 96 years. indication that she was aware of wafted by a breeze. What the
The deceased had· a long wait the man 's approch . Cartwright girls noted especially was the
until there was a place for her to said later that when he came sadness and death pallor of her
manifest herself. Her remains abreast of the woman an eerie face.
were supposed to have been bur­ sensation of fear gripped him, One of the girls then ran into
ied under a fir tree that stood on making him anxious to leave the the house and called the other
the southwest side of the rec­ woman behind him . It made him sister, Elsie, who had up until
tory 's grounds. During the first hasten his steps . then refused to believe anything
years of the . rectory 's existence , The next time Cartwright saw about the phantom nun . When
there was a tall fir tree there. her was on the following Friday . she saw the shade, she exclaimed ,
What might be left of the nun 's She was standing close to a hedge "A ghost? Nonsense ! I ' m going
skeleton is purportedly to be still by the gate . Being she appeared up to her and speak to her. Stay
lying there under a stone slab so much like a living person , he here and watch . " With that she
with the letter B engraved on it. had his mind set on saying 'good started toward the specter. When
What the B represents has never morning' to her. Alas, th e nearer she was almost within touching
been explained. This may well be he came to her the stronger the distance of it , the ghostly figure
consigned to legendary hearsay . same feeling of fear came to him, turned and faced Elsie with a
Better to take up the story at a making him hasten his walking. facial expression of intense grief.
time nearer two centuries later, The - following Wednesday he Elsie stopped in her tracks.
when the hauntings in Britain 's saw her the third time at the Whereupon the apparition van­
most haunted house first began . same spot. This time fear did not ished like a vapor in the sight of
Not too long after its erec­ come to him . The nun vanished the four sisters.
tio n , the r e c t o r y's ample before he came to o near her. Some months later, Ethel saw
grounds , under the overseeing of Being a stranger in the imme­ the black-habited figure standing
a master gardener engaged by the diate community, he told her by the rectory 's gate. Edward
Rev. Bull, became a natural show experiences at a local inn . Here Cooper, the gardener, stated that
place with trees and flowering he was told that what he'd seen the sad, white-faced , black­
shrubbery in addition , a large was not a flesh and blood nun, hooded Sister of Mercy had on
garden provided vegetables for but the ghost of one ! several occasions walked slowly,
the rector's growing family. The Rev. Henry Bull was suc­ silently past him where he hap­
There is no reliable record of the ceede<l by his son, Rev. Harry pened to be at work .
year when something of a preter­ Bull, as rector. The year of Rev. Here we may conclude the
natural nature was first seen . Harry's assuming the rectorship part played by the apparitional
Then there came the path is not clear. R ev. Harry died in nun in Barley rectory's ghostly
walk between the trees where at 1 9 2 7 . But for more than a few saga. We now go back to June
(Continued on following page)




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�----------------------------�- � -
B O R L EY R ECTO RY'S LAST H A U NTI NG M YST E R Y/continued from page 60

1929 when there entered the be deciphered they were beseech­ into the shrubbery . Both men
picture, Harry Price, Honorary ings for litanies and Masses for a leaped to their feet and hurried
Secretary and Editor of the Uni� 'lost soul ' in Purgatory . to the pathway ; but when they
versity of London Council for The Foysters moved out of got there neither one saw any­
Psychical Investigation of Super­ the haunted mansion in 1 93 5 . thing. In this connection it may
natural Phenomena. In addition Then for two years the place be said there never was positive
to holding this eminent office , stood vacant. But it appears that evidence of the nun 's appearance
Price had acquired a reputation in the time the Foysters lived inside the mansion .
as a ghost sleuth, exposer of there , Price saw and heard · plen­ Writing about the incident in
fraudulent mediums, investigator ty . How else could' he have writ­ The Most Haun ted House in Eng­
of paranormal phenomena, and a ten two books about the rec­ land, Price says he couldn 't swear
self-professed agnostic and non­ tory 's hauntings? it was a nun 's figure ; it was only
believer in a life after death. Price 's first book , The Most a brief impression of a dark
At the time of Mr. Price 's Hau n ted House in England, was moving shape that disappeared
appearance on the scene, there published in 1940. In this vol­ into the ·verdure . Wall's version
had moved into the rectory man­ ume he as ·good as accuses M ari­ of it is that because of the deep
sion an elderly rector named anne Foyster of being the polter­ evening shadows cast by back­
Foyster and his attractive young geist. Something she vehemently ground objects, he was unable to
wife Marianne, twenty years denied. Price writes that not un­ make out any definite form of
younger than he . Prior to their til after the F oysters were settled figure or dress. Whether their
tenancy the house had been lived in the dwelling did the flying of keyed up imaginations played
in by a R ev. G . E . Smith and his objects occur . Other preter­ them a trick-as it might well
family for over a year. It was natural happenings took place have been-or the two men did
evidential that by this time the when Mrs. F oyster was alone or see a dark Something go into the
spectral Sister of Mercy had out of sight; so only her word shrubbery, it apparently was the
faded away for good. After Rev. had to be taken she had experi­ closest Price ever came to be­
Harry Bull 's death in 1 9 2 7 , there enced them . For example, had aP. holding a ghostly manifestation
is no mention of her promenad­ unseen Something pushed her on the rectory 's grounds. Some­
ing the rectory 's grounps . . out of bed , struck and scratched one said that what the men
But after the Foysters had her? Price bases his conclusions glimpsed was a large black dog
gotten settled in the dwelling, further on the contention that" owned by someone in the com­
disturbances of a violent nature the .young woman could h ave munity.
began to take place. Things be­ been clever enough to perform An important factor of Price's
gan flying in the rooms. An some of the poltergeist 's mischief one year occupancy of the man­
invisible Something pushed furni­ undetected in the presence of sion was that he had with him
ture about or overturned it. others. three observers who were inex­
Clothing was scattered about. Price's interest in the haunted perienced in paranormal phe­
Objects from the outdoors came mansion remained so keen that no mena. More about this later .
flying through the windows into when the Foysters moved out in Not long after Price moved

the rooms. Bells were rung by 1 9 3 5 , he himself rented it in out, the premises were purchased
unseen hands. Doors locked and 1 9 3 7 and lived there most of the · by a Captain Gregson . Then a
u nlocked themselves . Knocks time until 1 9 3 8 . During the time mysterious fire gutted the an­
sounded from inside the walls. A of Price's tenancy, things stayed cient d welling. I have before me ·

mischief wreaking poltergeist had remarkably quiet. There were no Price 's second book, The End of
taken residency in the house . It more poltergeist activities. Only Borley Rectory, written in 1 94 5 ,
did everything except setting one minor incident. about a year after the fire . I t is a
fires in the place which some­ One evening Price and a Lon­ dull, blandly written work, the
times is the wont of this type of don newspaperman named Wall bigger portion of it detailing
spook. were sitting on the rectory lawn what was supposed to have been
W o rse yet , this s i ni ster Thing in the summer's gathering dusk seen by spectators at the fire and
singled out the attractive young so they could see the length of the firemen who fought it. Phan­
Marianne Foyster to vent its the Nun 's Walk . Price happened tom figures were seen moving
spite on . She was struck, pushed to be looking elsewhere when through the flames. Others saw
from her bed , and scratched . Wall suddenly nudged him and gh ostly ones looking out from
Curious handwritings appeared pointing to the Walk , exclaimed, the heat- broken windows after
on the walls that were difficult "There she is ! " When Price the fire was out.
to read ; but as near as they could looked he saw a dark shape move In his second book , Price

(Continued on following page)

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BOR L EY R E CTO RY'S LAST H A U NTI N G M YST ERY/continued from page 62

makes a faux pas by saying that occupied the mansion were lay­ ary stories, only 1 0% of the
digging in the rectory 's cellar men ; had they been experienced rectory.'s haunting can be credit­
after the fire had brought to light Society for Psychical Research ed to the nun. Her appearances
human bones that could have members, Price could easily have could have been genuine ones. It
been those of the murdered Sis­ been caught in his web of fakery , could be that some energy or
ter. But how could her remains as readily as he had detected fake "soul " ( Edison called it a surviv­
have been interred here when the mediums. ing entity ) survives the human
rectory basement was n ot exca­ Last but not least, the Bodey body long after its flesh and
vated until nearly two hundred· community was heavily enmesh­ bones are dust . Scientists have
years after her death? ed in ghostly legendary , and the conceded the possibility of it.
Price died in 1948. Then came local folk enj oyed telling and will Following the fire a demoli­
his castigation , mainly by the continue relating these stories in tion crew reduced the burnt out
Society for Psychical Research . the next hundred years. One structure to rubble and hauled it
The first of this came in 1 9 56 example concerns the phantom away . Today, unless it has a
and Price's two books got the coach drawn by spectral horses marker, it might be difficult to
brunt of the scorn from three of on a pastoral road after nightfall. find the exact spot where once
the Society 's outstanding mem­ The driver is a headless man ( A stood Britain's most haunted
bers. They were E.J. Bingwall, fav o r i t e character in ghost house .
K . M . Goldney and Trevor Hall stories . ) Without a sound the There is now on the market a
who published The Haunting of coach goes to a certain spot near monumental 2 2-volume work,
Borley Rectory. the rectory where it stops, and Man, My th and Magic, an Encyclo­
Of course Price had loyal sup­ out of the nowhere a young m an pedia of the Supernatural. It is
porters , but their indulgence was and woman materialize and enter on my library shelves . It devotes
oversh adowed by the negative the vehicle . Then it drives off in two pages of text by Douglas Hill
side. The latter had reasons to the direction of the forest where to Barley rectory. A photograph
accuse him of rank charlatan try, the Sister of Mercy was strangled i l l u s tr a te s it, p u r p o r t edly
and this for the purpose of get­ by her abductor lover. In one of snapped while the fire-razed
ting money from a gullible pub­ these tales the coach 's wheels are mansion was being demolished .
lic . Hand in hand with M arianne heard rattling on the graveled It shows a brick that allegedly
Foyster · lie 'd staged the palter- · road . suspended itself in midair after
geist disturbances. During the It is this writer's opinion that leaping out from a walk leading
year of his tenancy of the rec­ as a capable showman Price into the house . Even a lay m an in
tory , the place had been a top played up these legends to their photography can see that it is a
tourist attiaction . Much was best for the purpose of bringing faked picture, that the brick was
m�de of the paradox : the two in the tourists, and who will say not lifted up by ghostly hands
rectors and· their families that it d idn 't pay off at his "box but probably were h uman ones.
had lived in the haunted mansion office ? " One of his observers The brick is almost snow white
after the Bulls, and neither was could well have been the admis­ in color, which it couldn 't have
disturbed by ghostly happenings. sion seller, while the other two been if it was lifted out of the
When they vacated the place, were the guides who showed the ground. It was maybe white
both families gave the same rea­ dupes around . washed or painted by someone
son for leaving . . . .it was the �n­ O f the multitude who paid an prior to being hung with a black
h�althy dampness and deteriora­ admission fee, none saw an ap­ string .
tion of the dwelling's interior
· parition or heard any super­
· I t can b e said Borley rectory 's
that prompted them to leave­ natural ihanifestations. None of last haunting mystery went up in
not supernatural phenomena. the few who did would have the billowing cloud of black
Then there came Trevor Hall's passed the Society for Psychical smoke that spread over the
book , New L igh t on Old Ghosts. Research's h�gh ,criterion for gen­ countryside as firemen subdued
It alluded to a confession alleged uineness . Those who made these the blaze with outdated equip­
to have been made to a news­ claims were neurotic or with a ment. Left unanswered are some
p aper reporter by Marianne mentality and had eyesight . that important questions, the most
Foyster-that she had been the made them susceptible to seeing vital one being : Did the most
poltergeist ! things; in better words, people haunted house ever harbor a
Price's observers who were saw what they wanted to see . ghost? Reliable evidence is lack­
with him during the time he After discounting the legend- · ing. 0

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World Beyond
Do you ever think about death? I ience to a correspondent for a New light . " He saw to one side of him a
suppose at one time or another, each York newspaper. magnificent luminous temple which
of us confronts the nature of his "I felt as if my soul were coming he expected to enter and therein
existence and the length of his stay right out of my body, like you'd pull discover "all those to whom I be­
on the Earth. Here are accounts of a silk handkerchief out of a pocket longed in reality" after being
three famou s people who have by one comer. It flew around and stripped of "the whole phantasma­
looked on death and come back to then came back in and I wasn't dead goria of terrestrial existence ."
tell about it. any more . " For these men, rather than im­
At 80, W. Somerset Mangham, Notwithstanding his lighthearted prisonment, death seems to imply a
British novelist and author of Of analogy with the silk handkerchief, release, an escape from the captivity
Human Bondage felt himself slip­ Hemingway received serious wounds of the body. �ather than the last
ping into what he felt to be his last in the explosion. He further des­ horizon, death suggests a new fron­
coma. Here it is in his own words: "I cribes the experience later in one of tier; not an ending, but a beginning.
felt myself going. Time ended. It his novels -A Farewell To Arms. His We must be careful to remember
might have been an hour or a cen­ hero, Frederick Henry, is in a trench that in experiences as personal as
tury. The light began to change. To when a shell hits beside him . "I felt these, it is always difficult to sub­
my surprise it did not grow darker myself rush bodily out of myself and stantiate them with empirical data.
but lighter. " out and out and out and all the time But the similarities to be found in
"It became iridescent, blinding. I bodily. And I knew that I was dead all of the experienc es, especially
could sense my pulse fading and my and it had been a mistake to think among men who have devoted their
heartbeat slowing and still the light you had just died. And then I felt lives to finding and conveying a
increased in intensity . And then, and myself slide back and I was back . " deeper understanding of the human
then, the most exquisite sense of There you have the phenomenon condition , should, at the very least,
release . A great final orgasm. A giv­ of death as depicted by two famous open doors to new thought.
ing up of the whole being . " authors. Now, let's consider it from Accordingly, it seems that the
A timely i'nj ection b rought another, a psychological point of body may only be a temporary dwell­
Mangham back into the realm of the view . ing place for something more endur­
living where he remained for 10 more In l944 Dr. Carl Jung, famous for ing. Here man is no more the pin­
years. But his grim apprehension in his theories on the ' 'archetype' ' and nacle of creation but only an infini­
the face of death was ever replaced the "collective unconscious" , suf­ tessimal dot in the scheme of all
by a placid sense of wonder and awe. fered a severe heart attack. For all things. One derives a certain amount
Nineteen year old Ernest Heming­ practical intents and purposes, the of refreshment from such a view.
way was serving his country in World man was dead. These are some of his Man and all his problems really
War I over in Italy. Around mid­ impressions of that experience: don't seem to be that important. Life
night on July 8, 1918 he was holed up Jung ascended from his body to a and death are aspects of the same
in a trench near Fosealta when an point high above the Earth whence thirig, just part of a continuing pro­
Austrian mortar shell exploded be­ he hung suspended. Below him was cess . Death has as little sting as the
side him . He recounted his exper- the Earth "bathed in gloriously blue grave, a victory. D

Of co u rse you know who these people a re . They are but a few of the
ou tstand i ng sc ientist s , writers a nd resea rchers who have contrib uted
thei r knowledge in past i ssues of Beyond Reality magaz i n e . They
have wri tten the k i nd of materi a l that ca n be fou nd o n l y w i t h i n the
pages of o u r pu bl ication . Only in Beyond Reality can you read thei r
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we re rel uctant t o
d iscuss or adm i t
strange phenomena
in their l ives. E x p eri ­
ences, happeni ngs,
and events w h ic h
coul d not b e e x p l a in ed
by t h e l i m ited k nowl­
edge of t he i r period we re
left u n told-and uninves­
tigated. Ignora nce rele­
gated functions of the m i n d
that were n o t u nderstood to
the category of supernat u ra l ­
ism a n d mystery.
Today, this s h a m , hy pocrisy,
and p rej udice is abolis hed.
U n i q ue t rut hs o nce concealed
in a n age of dark ness a re now
b rought to l i g ht by t he Rosicru­
cians-a wo rldwide orga n ization
(not a rel igion) d evoted to revea l i ng
the ful l facul t ies and powers that
m a n possesses.
There i s no supern atu ralis m. E very­
th ing occurs by cosm ic, n a t u ral l aw. No
m i racles o r magic-but stra ightforwa rd
tech n i q ues in u s i ng cosm ic la ws to atta i n
a g rea t l y satisfyin g l i fe. W r i t e t oday fo r a
freecopy of THE M A STE R Y OF LIFE .
Use t he co upon below. Scribe J .A . E.

·-- - - ---------------
Scribe J .A . E .
Ros i c rucian Order, A M ORC
San J ose, CA 95 1 9 1 , U . S . A .

Gentlemen :
I am s i ncerely i n terested. Please send me
a free copy of T H E M A STE R Y O F LIFE .

(please print)

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