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Special People and Linking Words Name: . Date: ..


Complete the sentences with the correct adjective Who has great communicative skills and talk to everyone is a A person who does as promised can be considered as . An person who hates lies and you can trust is an Someone who does things for others without expecting something in return is a . Somebody who is always well dressed, always fashion is . Someone who has good ability in work is . Somebody who is tolerant and learn how to wait is a Someone who shows fear or timidity is a .. Mother Teresa: A very Special Person Mother Teresa ______(be) a special person because she _____________(represent) all that is good and holy in a world filled with pain and suffering. She _________(replace) violence and disregard for human life with patience. She_______(be) more than just a woman of great virtue and vision. She always ____________(help) people and she never _________(give) up. She never ________(judge) people. Mother Teresa _______(be) an honest and giving person. She always ________ (give) her time and love to someone who need it the most. She___________ (comfort) the person during their hardest times. Now classify the adjectives from the text into positive and negatives Positive Aspects Negative Aspects

Match the linking word with their use We use it to express a reason for something happening Is used to show choice or possibilities We use to join two sentences Expresses a result and it is proceeded by a comma At the time that something happened or happens We use to show contrast Fill in the blanks with a linking word 1) She can speak French 2) He's going to work in Colombia 3) I went into town. I bought some food 4) I don't have a car 6) She went home 7) He worked hard 5) She's working late next Friday she can't write it. he's learning Spanish. I went to the library. she can't come to the party she was tired he passed all his exams. When Because So But And Or

I have a motorcycle

8) I want a new TV ___________ the one I have now is broken. 9) The history test was difficult ___________ the English one was easy. 10) We have a test on Monday _____________ I have to study this weekend. 11) Im always at school _________ my father is at home __________he works in the evening_________

I dont see him very much

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