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The majority of people who answered our questionnaire were aged 19-22 and all of their nationalities is

In the scales of 1-5 questions were the 1st question is How would you rate yourself as a leader, 50% of
the respondents chose the number 4 which means they rate themselves not as best leader. 30% chose 5
and 20% for 3 and that means some of the respondents really treat themselves as a good leader.

For the second question, As a leader, being active listener to those people around you, makes you help
to resolve the problem. 50% of the respondents rate the question as number 5 which is the highest
because they think that a leader who's an active listener will be much of a help to resolve the problem.
30% of them rate the question as 4 and 15% of them chose 3.

In the third question, Good leaders have a clear vision and are able to articulate the forward to their
team. Most of the respondents or 60% of them rate it as 5 because they thought that a good leader
should have this kind of skills, while the 35% rates it as number 4 and the rest 5% rates it as 3.

In the next question were asked, How well do you collaborate with others? Most of the respondents
rates the question as 5 where there are 66.6% agreed that they are very well collaborated when it
comes to other people and the other 33.3% of the respondents rate the question as 4 because not all
people are so good at collaborating in others.

For the next question, it says that As a good leader, you need a strong personality so that everyone
follow you. 83.3% of the respondents chose 5 because for them being a good leader really requires to
have a strong personality in able to make every members follows you. 8.3% chose for and the other
8.3% chose number 3.

In the sixth question were asked How would you rate your interaction with your members? and most of
the respondents were 75% percent rate themselves for their interaction in their members as 5, while
the 25% rate it as 4.

When asked How easy to find your expectations to your members? 66.6% rates it as 4 and the 33.3% of
members rates it as 5.

The vast majority of people questioned answered in rate 1-5, How open are you from others
suggestions? 83.3% answered 5 and 16.6% answered 4.

When asked in 1-5 rate of scales, How likely are you to support others in achieving their goals? The
average of people who chose 5 is 83.3% and the remaining 16.6% chose 4.

The last question we asked was Being leader is not an easy role so that as a member you need to be
listen to your leader is it possible to do better things if the member and leader being unite. The
respondents of 91.6% rates it 5 whilst the 8.3% chose number 4.

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