Essay 2 Activity - Outline Worksheet

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Nelson ::: ENGL 1301 ::: F22

Essay 2 Outline Worksheet

Instructions: Use this worksheet to prompt you to organize and outline points, evidence, and
reasoning for Draft 1 of your essay.

a. Identify your text: Instagram post showcasing a blue Mercedes-Benz CLS Class

b. Identify the author(s), audience, purpose, and genre of your text: The author is
Mercedes-Benz, the audience is fans of Mercedes-Benz, the purpose is to
showcase and promote the car, the genre is an Instagram post

c. Describe (1-2 sentences) your controlling idea (how visual elements create
Possible Script: This paper shows that [X visual text] uses [A, B, & C visual elements]
to deliver [Y meaning].

 Describe (1 sentence) main idea for body paragraph #1 (1 visual element)
Possible script: The most impactful visual element [X visual text] employs is [A
visual element], which [does something specific in supporting Y meaning].

 List pieces of evidence from the visual text that support main idea #1
Evidence 1:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #1 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

Evidence 2:
Prof. Nelson ::: ENGL 1301 ::: F22

 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #1 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

Evidence 3:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #1 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

 Concluding sentence for body paragraph #1 (should summarize the paragraph and
connect your analysis back to your thesis)

 Describe (1 sentence) main idea for body paragraph #2 (1 visual element)

Possible script: Another visual element that reinforces [A visual element] in [X
visual text] is [B visual element]. Specifically, [B visual element] [does something
specific that reinforces A visual element in supporting Y meaning].

 List pieces of evidence from the visual text that support main idea #2
Evidence 1:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #2 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

Evidence 2:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #2 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)
Prof. Nelson ::: ENGL 1301 ::: F22

Evidence 3:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #2 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

 Concluding sentence for body paragraph #2 (should summarize the paragraph and
connect your analysis back to your thesis)

 Describe (1 sentence) main idea for body paragraph #3 (1 visual element)

 List pieces of evidence from the visual text that support main idea #3
Evidence 1:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #3 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

Evidence 2:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #3 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

Evidence 3:
Prof. Nelson ::: ENGL 1301 ::: F22

 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #3 (1-2 sentences per piece of evidence)

 Concluding sentence for body paragraph #3 (should summarize the paragraph and
connect your analysis back to your thesis)

 Describe (1 sentence) main idea for body paragraph #4 (1 visual element)

 List pieces of evidence from the visual text that support main idea #4
Evidence 1:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #4 (1 sentence per piece of evidence)

Evidence 2:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #4 (1 sentence per piece of evidence)

Evidence 3:
 Describe how the piece of evidence supports the main idea for body
paragraph #4 (1 sentence per piece of evidence)
Prof. Nelson ::: ENGL 1301 ::: F22

 Concluding sentence for body paragraph #4 (should summarize the paragraph and
connect your analysis back to your thesis)

a. Describe (1-2 sentences) your conclusion based on your analysis of the visual elements of
the text

b. Describe (1 sentence) why your conclusion is important / significant

c. Describe (1 sentence) the implications of your conclusion—what should your readers do

with this knowledge?

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