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Modal Verbs and Modality

1. Modality
 is about a speaker’s or a writer’s attitude towards the world.
 A speaker or writer can express certainty, possibility, willingness, obligation, necessity
and ability by using modal words and expressions
2. Modals
 also called modal verbs
 also called modal auxiliary verbs
 also called modal auxiliaries
 are special verbs, they are different from normal verbs like "work, play, visit.
 They give additional information about the function of the main verb that follows it.
Modal Verbs
Core modal verbs: can, could, may, might, will, shall, would, should, must
Semi-modals: dare, need, ought to, used to
Other verbs with modal meanings: have (got) to, be going to and be able to
Modal Words and Expressions
 Modal Nouns are: necessity, requireiment, obligation and responsibility
Modal Adverbs
 adverbs that help us from being uncertain to very certain. High modality is used to
express high certainty while low modality is used to express low certainty or uncertainness.
High Modality: (probably)
Low Modality: (sometimes)
Other examples of modal verbs:
1. occasionally
2. positively
3. obviously
4. rarely
5. impossibly
6. apparently
When are modal verbs used?

 in situations when something is possible but not certain.
 Could
 May
 Might
Example Sentence:
Looking at the clouds, it might rain today.
 The modals verb CAN shows whether or not the subject is able to do something,
like in our actions. It demonstrates an ability. So as, the negative form, cannot or
can’t that shows the subject is unable to do something.
Example Sentence:
She can sing. She cannot dance.
Asking Permission
 If you want to ask permission to do something, start your question with;
May…? Can…?Could…?
 Request
Will…? Would ..?Could..?
Suggestion / Advice
If you want to recommend but not command it. If you are giving suggestion or advice
without having to order someone, you can use SHOULD.
Example Sentence:
You should try to use this shade of lipstick.
If you want to give command to someone, use the modals;
Must, have, need
Example Sentence:
Trevor must study for the exam tomorrow.
Obligation or necessity
Modals verbs that expresses necessity or obligation like duty or requirement.
Must, have to, or need to

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