Workbook Unit 7 Roque Zambrano 2018130185

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

Unit 7
Restaurant Reviews

a. Do you remember Sophie’s voice mail to Johnny in the computer lesson? Mark the
statements true ( ) or false ( ).
1. Johnny did not go to the restaurant. ✔

2. Sophie went to the restaurant by herseIf.

3. Carmen is the name of the Chinese restaurant.

4. Sophie doesn’t usuaIIy eat a Iot. ✔

5. The meaI was served by a waiter. ✔

6. Sophie onIy ate three dishes.

7. Sophie was very satisfied with her meaI at the restaurant.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

b. Read a magazine review of the restaurant Sophie went to. Complete the review with the
words below.

appetite • dishes • fabuIous • favorite

instead of • restaurant • skip • started off • used to be

The Red Dragon Does it Right!

by Adrian Keel
The Red Dragon’s Chinese restaurant, situated in the city center, offers (1)____________
Chinese food. The food is aII buffet styIe and customers can choose from a huge variety
of (2) ____________________.
l (3) ____________________
started off with the wonton soup (4) ____________________
instead of the
corn soup which the manager recommended. You certainIy need to come with a huge
(5) ____________________
appetite in order to truIy take advantage of the exceIIent food. Don’t
(6) ________________
skip the sweet and sour chicken. lt was my (7) _________________.
This new (8) ____________________,
restaurant which is Iocated where Carmen’s
(9) ____________________
used to be wiII no doubt be very popuIar with both the young and oId
in Newtown. lt is advisabIe to reserve your tabIe in advance.

c. Read Johnny’s return text message to Sophie. Look at the restaurant menu on the next
page and mark the foods Johnny chose.

HeIIo Sophie. l forgot to teII you but l went to The Red Dragon’s Chinese restaurant the night
it opened. The food was fabuIous. l hardIy skipped anything - except the corn soup, which l
hate, and the roast beef and the spicy veaI - which are not my favorites. The wonton soup was
deIicious and so were the egg roIIs, Chinese chicken wings, the noodIes, rice, sweet and sour
chicken, and the sesame chicken. For dessert l had the fried bananas. WeII maybe l did miss
out on some things! l’m ready to go there again when you are! Bye!

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

Tonight´s buffet:
corn soup ___

• wonton soup ___ ✔

• egg rolls ___

• dim sum ___

• chicken wings ___ ✔

• roast beef ___

• sesame chicken ___ ✔

• sweet and sour chicken ✔
• spicy real ___

• noodles and vegetables ___

• fried rice ___

• fried bananas ___

• lychees ___

d. Decide what you would order from the menu. You can add other dishes as well. Tell your
partner what you chose.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

A Seafood and Steak Surprise

a. Do you remember the text from the computer lesson? Match the ends of sentences in
column B to the beginning of the sentences in column A.


1. RaouI was nervous... a. it was very crowded and noisy.

2. They decided to go to Sam’s Seafood and b. they had to wait a Iong time for the waiter to
Steak House... bring their food.

3. When they arrived at the restaurant,... c. was very negative.

4. They reaIized that they shouId have made a d. because the restaurant was offering a meaI at
reservation... haIf-price for students.

5. When they got their tabIe, they weren’t e. because it was in the smoking section and
pIeased... the tabIecIoth and siIverware weren’t cIean.

6. After they ordered,... f. they both had stomachaches.

g. when they had to wait aImost an hour for a

7. Neither Marcy nor RaouI enjoyed their food...

8. On the way home,... h. because it was his first date with Marcy.

9. The review of the restaurant in the coIIege

i. and decided to Ieave the restaurant.
newspaper the next day...

1. h 2. d 3. a 4. g 5. e 6. b 7. i 8. f 9. c

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

b. Read between the lines and choose the best continuation for each sentence.

1. RaouI and Marcy are students and probabIy can only go out to new restaurants / have a
lot of money / can not afford expensive restaurants.
2. They think they were unfortunate to get a tabIe in the smoking section because they like
smoking / they don’t like smoking / they don’t like the dirt.
3. They asked the waiter for the check because they weren’t happy with the food / they had
stomachaches / they ate roast beef.
4. They wouId have enjoyed their date more if they had more time / weren’t nervous / had
gone out for pizza.
5. RaouI felt sorry / happy / terrible that he hadn’t seen the review of the restaurant before
he went there.
6. The word “surprise” in the titIe of the story refers to the huge variety of food at the
restaurant / the price reduction for students / the terrible experience at the restaurant.

c. What do these descriptions refer to?

1. awfuIIy rare the roast beef

2. strange, bitter fIavor shrimp
3. awfuI shrimp
4. terribIe restaurant
5. crowded restaurant
6. d idn’t Iook very cIean tablecloth and silverware

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

d. Read Raoul’s e-mail of complaint to the restaurant. Underline the four phrases that have
incorrect facts.

From: Raoul Gonzales

To: The Manager
Subject: Complaint

Dear Sir,
l am writing to compIain about the terribIe evening l spent Iast night at your restaurant. FirstIy,
the restaurant was very crowded and noisy and we had to wait nearIy two hours for a tabIe.
SecondIy, there wasn’t even a tabIecIoth on our tabIe! ThirdIy, the service was disgusting and
the waiter not onIy brought us the wrong food, but my girIfriend’s steak was burned and my
shrimps were very bitter. This was our first date and our evening was ruined.
l hope you take this compIaint seriousIy and compensate me for the meaI. My girIfriend and l
are both suffering from bad stomachaches and we had to canceI our plans for the weekend.

Raoul Gonzales

e. Rewrite Raoul’s e-mail, replacing the incorrect facts with correct ones.









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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

a. Do you remember the dialogue “Recommendations”? Write the words from the dialogue
that are used to express:

asking for an opinion: ____________________________________________________

Is the food good in here?

giving an opinion: ____________________________________________________

I´m certain that the food is horrible

agreeing with an opinion: I ___________________________________________________

supposed you´re right

asking for an expIanation: What

do you mean?

making a suggestion: ____________________________________________________

We should go to another place...

b. Read the following sentences about going out to eat. Decide what each person is
expressing. Mark the correct column.

Asking for an
Asking for an Giving an
expIanation or
opinion opinion

1. “l beIieve they have very tasty food.”

2. “What do you mean by that?”

3. “The service is awfuI. You have to wait ages for

the food.”

4. “ls it a fancy restaurant?”

5. “Why don’t peopIe Iike going there?”

6. “They serve dinner by candIeIight. lt’s

worthwhiIe going there.”
7. “l wouIdn’t recommend it. lt’s the kind of pIace
your ex-husband wouId choose!”

8. “ls there some reason the pIace is so empty?”

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

c. Complete the dialogue between Mary and Kate.

Kate: l think we shouId try Papa’s Pizza PIace tonight.

(asks Mary’s opinion) ______________________________________________

What do you think about it?

Mary: (gives a negative opinion) __________________________________________

Well, I heard it´s horrible there.

Kate: (asks for an explanation) ___________________________________________

Why are you saying that?

Mary: (gives an explanation) _____________________________________________

Cause everyone´s talking about the bad cheese on the pizza.

(agrees with Mary’s opinion and makes another suggestion) _______________
That´s a better idea.

Mary: (agrees happily to the suggestion) ___________________________________

That´s a better idea.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

More Conditionals: Mixed Time Conditionals

a. Match the clauses in column B to the clauses in column A in order to complete the

1. “lf you hadn’t eaten aII that food, a. ...we wouIdn't have had to wait so Iong."

2. "You wouId have been happier... b. wouIdn't have been so sick."

3. "lf we had reserved a tabIe, c. if we had chosen what you suggested."

4. "They wouId have chosen something eIse... d. l wouIdn't have burned the meaI."

5. "lf you had been on time, e. if you had compIimented the cook!"

6. "She might have given you more dessert... f. if they had asked our opinion."

1. b 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. e

b. Show that you understand the conditional sentences by completing the re-stating of each

1. lf we had ordered pizza, we wouId have been happier.

didn´t ordered pizza.
We weren’t happy because we _____________________________________________.

2. lf they had gone to a Japanese restaurant, they wouId have had to sit on the fIoor.
didn´t have to sit on the floor.
Since they didn’t go to a Japanese restaurant they ______________________________.

3. lf she hadn’t been so hungry, she wouIdn’t have been abIe to finish her meaI.
she was so hungry.
She finished her meal because _____________________________________________.

4. lf the food had been good, the newspaper wouId have given it a good review.
Since the food was not good, the newspaper didn´t gave it a good review.

5. lf she had skipped the soup, she wouId have enjoyed the buffet more.
didn{t enjoy the buffet.
She didn’t skip the soup so she ____________________________________________.

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Intermediate 3 Unit 7

c. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the conditional.

1. “lf l had had enough money to pay the biII 2. “l wouIdn’t be sitting here
l wouldn’t be washing/ if we didn’t have an argument /
l wouldn’t wash dishes now .” if we hadn’t had an argument.”

3. “We wouIdn’t be standing in Iine 4. “lf l hadn’t Iost my job,

if we made a reservation/ I wouldn’t be standing here /
if we had made a reservation.” I wouldn’t have stood here.”

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