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LEARNING EVENT ON EFFECTIVE TECHNICAL WRITING AND COMPLETED STAFF WORK (BATCH 1 ~ BASIC) 19-22 APRIL 2022 EMB BUILDING, DENR COMPOUND DILIMAN QUEZON CITY Monitoring and Evaluation Report Training and Development Division Human Resource Development Service Executive Summary Under the DENR L&D Plan 2020-2022, the Training and Development Division, Human Resource Development Service, conducted the 1° batch of the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Compicted Staff Work on 19-22 April 2022, authorized through the DENR Special Order No, 2022-277 dated 19 April 2022. The event was designed to address the competency gaps in Effective Writing (OC1) and Completed Staff Work (OCS), Both were identified in the results of the consolidated Individual Development Plans (IDPs) of the DENR Central Employees, Level | evaluation showed that the conduct of the event received an “Excellent” rating ‘based on the evaluation of most of the learners, Similaily, both Director Al 0. Orolfa of Foreign-Assisted and Special Projects Service and Professor Rosella Torrecampo received an “Excellent” rating for their performance as subject matter experts. ‘Most importantly, the supervisors/division chiefs agreed that the leartiers demonstrated improvement iti their competencies in Effective Weiting (OC1) and Complete Staif Work (OCS). Notably, the event has addressed the competency gaps of nineteen (19) out of the twenty (20) learners who participated in the evaluation survey through their respective'supervisors. Hence, the Training and Development Division finds the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work effective as it achieved the objectives of the said training program. I INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND Based on the results of the consolidated Individual Development Plans of the DENR Central Office, two-hundred twenty (220) rank-and-file employees have identified Writing Effectively (OCI) and Completed Staff Work (OCS) as their target competencies for development. Hence, the DENR Competency-Based Learning and Development Plan for FY 2020-2022 targeted Completed Staff Work and Effective Writing training programs to address the gaps. Moreover, this is consistent with the instruction of the Office of the President through Memorandum Circular No. 72 s. 2019, strengthening the Standards of Complete Staff Work as @ requirement for processing and Evaluating Requests for Presidential Issuances, Authorizations, and Other Approvals. The DENR Special Order No, 2022-277 dated 19 April 2022 authorized the conduct of the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work (Basic) on 19- 22 April 2022 at EMB Building, DENR Compound, Diliman, Quezon City, with thirty (30 employees from various offices listed as leamers. The event aimed to enhance the learners” understanding of Completed Staff Work and to be able to write efficiently and effectively. Specifically, it also aimed that the learners will be able to: + Know and understand the basic business writing rules and techniques in the composition of sentences; + Distinguish the appropriate template or reference materials for a written document; + Write simple Pro-forma communication such as acknowledgment, transmittal, letters, and forms; and + Demonstrate the guiding principles and styles in Completed Staff Work. Only twenty-two (22) learners had completed the requirements of the course. B. OBJECTIVES The post-activity Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) has been conducted to gauge the effectiveness of the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work (Basic) and assess the status of the implementation of the action plan listed in the submitted Competency Development Management Form of the learners six (6) months after the conduct of the event. It was conducted using the M&E Plan below: MONITORING AND EVALUATION PLAN ize Donald Kirkparich’s Four Levels of Evaluation Model for this four-day (4) [Level of Indicator I ‘Method/Tool | Data Source | Schedule ‘Person/s. Evatantog_| = i nepomibte ive 3 | 55s atthe | Compaioney | Taran and 35 momar Pee Apotiaton |”! panicipans "| Bexclopmean | Sopcrsion’™ | Site ment | Eine! | emcee soncted hee | Porm Son ue “| _ _ _| TATE Sore ot tig | even —| Tema Pre] Beto a Caan | Cones Ieee posted | Postaos ‘Aner the | rom Team 7 mora | conducs_‘™ | Even Te Tava vee ao ering ‘fer ie] Ceaming | wexction Satatctry | fulton ns Sraect | Brent sauce ine | Evaluation | a | Th This report aims to: + Determine if the success indicators indicated in the M&E Plan of the course design were achieved; *+ Assess ifthe training program resolves the competency gaps of the learners: and * Make recommendations on any areas that require improvement-to enhanie the conduct of the succeeding Leaming Event and Level Ii Monitoring and Evaluation activities, COVERAGE ‘The total number of supervisors to whom the information sought is nine (9) for the twenty-two (22) leamers of the Leaming Event. on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work (Basic) held 19-22 April 2022 ‘With a ninety-five percent (95%) confidence interval, the sample size of the leamers to be evaluated is twenty-one (21). The Training and Development Division sought to gauge the effectiveness-of the said program through the following questions: In. 1, What is the leamers' perception of their learning experience in the Webinar? 2. How do the leamers view the performance of the subject matter experts? 3, Did the learners implement the action plan indicated in their respective individual Learning Reports? 4. Did the leamers demonstrate improvement in their competencies on Complete Staff ‘Work and Effective Writing in their respective work/funetions? METHODOLOGIES ‘To measure thé effectiveness of the training; the Training and Development Division use the following methodologies and instruments: Evaluation Level | Methodology Instrument ‘Source/Respondents Level Reaction [ Online Sirvey | End-of Leaming Evaluation | Leamers Session Evaluation Level? Learning Examination | Pre-test and Post-test Teamners Level 3 Application | Online Survey | Competency Development | Supervisors ‘Management Form IV. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS A. Resutts For Level | and 2 evaluation, there are twenty-tw® (22) respondents, All target respondents answered the End-of-|-earning Evaluation Survey and Session Evaluation Surveys for the performance of the two subject matter experts. The confidence interval for the two levels. of evaluation is 100%: Level 1 - Reaction Evaluation 1, Feedback on the conduct of the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work The leamers answered the End-of-Leaming evaluation survey questionnaire to rate the uality of their learning experience after attending the above-mentioned training program using the following criteri Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent 1 2 3 4 5 The table below shows the results of the End-of-Learning Evaluation: a, Substantive Matters Below are the survey results on items regarding the substantive matters of the training program: Item 1: Objective of the Event (Clearly Communicated) OBJECTIVE OF THE EVENT [Clearly communicated) atsfactory Excellent 87% = Excellent = Very Satisfactory Satisfactory For the 1* item of the questionnaire, the objectives of the event are communicated, and twenty or 87% of the leamers rated Excellent. Two ot 9% of the learners rated Very Satisfactory and One or 4% of the learners rated satisfactory. The data indicates that the learning team discussed the event's objectives, Mem 2: Objective of the Event (Objective of the course attained) OBJECTIVE OF THE EVENT [Objective of the course attained] Satisfactory * ver Secon) "| Excellent 37% "Excellent « Very Satisfactory = Satisfactory For the 2 item, twenty (20) or 87% of the learners states that the training program excellently attained its course objectives. Two (2) or 9% rated very satisfactory while one (1) or 4% rated satisfactory. The responses in this item of the questionnaire suggest that the program attained its desired objectives after all modules were delivered and discussed. Item 3: Topics (Logical Sequencing) According to nineteen (19) or 83% of the learners, the logical sequencing of topies is excellent. Three (3) or 13% of the learners rated very satisfactory while one (1) or 4% rated fair. Most of the leamers think that the topics were logically arranged. TOPICS [Logical sequencing] Fair very Satisfactory 4% 13% 7 Excellent 33% ‘Excellent = Very Satisfactory « Fair Item 4: Topics (Comprehensiveness) For the comprehensiveness of the topics, eighteen or 78% of the learners rated Excellent. While three (3) or 13% of the learners rated Very Satisfactory. Satisfactory and Fair tates received one (1) response each, With the presence of responses on fair and very satisfactory rating, this implies that there is still room to improve the comprehensiveness of the topics delivered in this ‘training. TOPICS [Comprehensiveness] Fair Satisfactory 4% 5% very Satisfactory 13% Excellent 78% "Excellent = Very Satisfactory « Satisfactory = Fair Item 5: Topies (Relevance to my work/job) On the relevance of the training to their work/job, fifteen (15) or 65% of the learners rated Excellent while seven (7) or 31% said Very Satisfactory. One (1) or 4% rated Fair. The results of the evaluation imply that the learners find the topics relevant and important in their work/job. However, it shall be noted that there is one (1) response fair. This can be attributed to the nature of his functions or responsibilities in his workplace. Hence, there is a need to describe well how the topics in the training can help improve their efficiency regardless of the nature of their functions, especially on complete staff work, TOPICS [Relevance to my work/job] * Very Satisfactory 31% Excellent 65% Excellent Very Satisfactory « Fair Item 6: Time and Schedule (Session/Topic duration) Fifteen (15) or 65% of the learners responded Excellent for the duration of each session/topic. Six (6) or 26% noted Very Satisfactory while two (2) or 9% said Satisfactory. This data suggests that the allocated duration for each topic/session is sufficient. TIME AND SCHEDULE [Session/topic duration] Very Satisfactory 32% Excellent 68% = = Excellent = Very Satisfactory Item 7: ‘ime and Schedule (overall duration) TIME AND SCHEDULE [Overall duration] Satisfactory 13% very q Satisfactory 22% Excellent 65% ‘Excellent = Very Satisfactory» Satisfactory = Fair © Poor For the Overall Duration (time and schedule) of the training program, fifteen (15) or (65% of the learners found it excellent while six (6) or 31% rated it very satisfactory. Three (3) of 13% said that three (3) days were satisfactory. The data above, somehow, refutes the data presented in item 6. There is a suggestion to make the learning intervention a five-day training event as shown in the image below: | suggest if the course can be made into 5 day program so that more time can be given for the discussion ‘and activities, Item 8: Methodology (Face-to-Face Lecture) For the appropriateness of the methodology employed during the training program, nineteen (19) or 82% of the learners rated face-to-face lectures as Excellent, Very satisfactory ratings and satisfactory ratings both received two (2) or 9% responses from the learners. The figure suggests that a face-to-face lecture is the most appropriate avenue to deliver the learning materials in this training, METHODOLOGY [Face to face lecture] very Satisfactory 25% Excellent =e Bxcellent = Very Satishfory b. Administrative Matters Below are the survey results on items in the questionnaire regarding the administrative matters of the training program: Item 9: Attentiveness of the Learning Event staff to the basic needs of the learners Eighteen (18) or 78% of the learners rated Excellent on the attentiveness of the leaming event team to the basic needs of the learners. Four (4) or 18% said Very Satisfactory and one (1) or 4% ranked the team Satisfactory. The results suggest that the learning event team attends to the needs of the leamers very well. One learner commented, “The learning team is very encouraging and humble.” Learning Event Team [Attentiveness to basic need] Very Satisfactory 18% + eect «ver By Item 10: Learning Event Team (Organized and Well-prepared) For the preparation and organization of the leaming event team, Eighteen (18), or 78% of the leamers rated Excellent. Four (4) or 18% said Very Satisfactory and one (1) or 4% ranked the team Satisfactory. It can be inferred from the data below that the learning team is well- prepared and organized during the implementation of the 1* batch. Learning Event Team [Organized and well- prepared] Very Satisfactory 18% Excellent 22% = Excellent © Very Satisfactory To determine the overall leaming experience of the learners during the training program, we get the general average of the results of the evaluation and assign the following descriptions based on Memorandum No. 2021-469, Guidelines on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of DENR Competency-Based Learning and Development Intervention Programs of the Department: Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Satisfactory _ Excellent 1-1.5 1.51-2.5 2.51-3.5 3.51-4.5 4.51-5 The table shows the summary of results from the End-of-Learning Evaluation survey 10 With a general average of 4.69, the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work on 19-22 April 2022 received an EXCELLENT rating from the learners which exceeded the indicators indicated in the M&E Plan. Hence, the training program can be regarded as EFFECTIVE based on the impressions of the learners. 2. Feedback on the performance of the subject matter experts All twenty-two (22) learners responded to the online session survey evaluation for the two subject matter experts a, PROFESSOR ROSELLA TORRECAMPO. (Subject Matter Expert on Effective Technical Writing) Below is the summary of the distribution of responses of the twenty-two (22) leamers on the six (6) items in the questionnaire relative to the performance of Professor Rosella Torrecampo as the expert on Effective Technical Writing: Item 1, Mastery of the subject matter Mastery on the subject matter "EXCELLENT = VERYSATISEACTORY = SATISFACTORY = FAIR = POOR The figure above shows that Nineteen (19) or 86% of the twenty-two leamers rated excellent on the mastery of Professor Rosella Torrecampo on the subject matter, Technical Writing. Three (3) or 14% of the respondent says satisfactory. Based on the data above, it can be inferred that the leamers think that Professor Torrecampo has excellent mastery of the subject matter, cre Item 2, clearly communicates the objectives Clearly communicate the objectives SATISFACTORY, 3, 4% very SATISFACTORY, 3 aK EXCELLENT, 26, 73% EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY SATISFACTORY = FAIR «POOR ‘The figure reveals that sixteen (16) or 73% of the learners said that Prof. Torrecampo is excellent in clearly communicating the objectives of her discussion, Very satisfactory and satisfactory ratings both received three (3) or 13% responses each. While most of the learners say that Prof. Torrecampo communicates the objectives of her session, the 14% that say satisfactory implies that there is a further need to discuss the learning objectives of her module. Item 3, clearly communicates the objectives Response to questions and clarifications SATISFACTORY, 3, 1% EXCELLENT, 19, 36% EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY FAIR POOR For responding to questions and clarifications of the learners, nineteen (19) or 86% of the leamers rated excellent as shown in the figure above. Three (3) or 14% said they are satisfied with the answers of Prof. Torrecampo. This suggests that the subject matter expert (SME) accommodates and responds well to the questions and clarifications of the learners during her discussions. 2 Item 4, Presentation Techniques Presentation Techniques SATISFACTORY, 2 % very SATISFACTORY, 4, 18% EXCELLENT, 16, 73% EXCELLENT = VERYSATISFACTORY «SATISFACTORY FAIR POOR Based on the figure above, sixteen (16) or 73% of the leamers said that the presentation techniques of Prof. Torrecampo are excellent. Four (4) or 18% rated very satisfactory while two (2) or 9% said they are satisfied. The data above indicates that the SME"s presentation techniques were effective and engaging in delivering her topics. Item 5, relevance and value of the subject to my job Relevance and value of the subject to my job "EXCELLENT VERYSATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY FAIR «POOR For the question on how Prof. Torecampo explained the relevance and value of her subject matter to the job/function of the leamers, sixteen (16) or 73% rated excellent while four (4), or 18% responded very satisfactory. Two (2) or 9% said they are satisfied, While the results suggest that Prof. Torrecampo was able to explain the relevance and value of her sulbject matter to the job of the leamers, the 9% that says satisfactory entails that there is a further need to describe how refining their technical writing skills can ensure their efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. 2B Item 6, Time Allocation Time Allocation SATISFACTORY, 2, 9% very SATISFACTORY, 2, ELLENT, 28, 22% "EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY = FAIR = POOR As for the time allocation of the topics Prof, Torrecampo presented and discussed, eighteen (18) or 82% rated excellent. Very satisfactory and satisfactory ratings both received two (2) responses, respectively. To determine the impressions of the learners in the performance of Professor Torrecampo as subject matter expert in Effective Technical Writing, we compute the general average of the results of the evaluation and assign the following descriptions based on Memorandum No. 2021-469, Guidelines on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of DENR- Competency-Based Learning and Development Intervention Programs of the Department: Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent 1-15 151-25 2.51-3.5 3.51-4.5 451-5 The table below shows the summary of results from the Session Evaluation survey: mascara learly communicate the objectives 459 EXCELLENT} {Response to questions and clarifications 473 EXCELENT | 5 7 SST ste {Presentation Techniques 464 EXCELLENT | 1 ‘Relevance and value ofthe subject to my job | 4.64 EXCELLENT {Time Allocation 473 EXCELLENT With the General Average of 4.67 based on the results of the session evaluation survey, Professor Torrecampo’s performance is EXCELLENT as a subject matter expert for effective technical writing. 4 b. DIRECTOR AL 0. OROLFO (Subject Matter Expert on Complete Staff Work) Below is the summary of the distribution of responses of the twenty-two (22) on the six (6) questions relative to the performance of Director Al Orolfo as the expert on Complete Staff Work: Item 1, Mastery of the subject matter Mastery on the Subject Matter SATISFACTORY, 2, % very SATISFACTORY, 3, 14% EXCELLENT, 17, 77% "EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY The figure above shows that Seventeen (17) or 77% of the twenty-two leamers rated excellent on the mastery of Director Orolfo on the subject matter, Completed Staff Work. Three (3) or 14% of the respondent says very satisfactory and two (2) or 9% rate satisfactory. The data shows that most of the leamers think that Director Orolfo has mastery of the complete staff work. His mastery of the subject contributes to his delivery. One of the leamers commented, “Dir. Al O. Orolfo is very good with his casual and relaxed approach to the Program and presentation. | gained a better understanding of the concept of CSW and how to apply it to our respective offices,” Item 2, clearly communicates the objectives Clearly communicate the objectives 2.9% = 17.7% EXCELLENT = VERVSATISFACTORY © SATISFACTORY 15 ‘The figure shows that seventeen (17) or 77% of the leamers rated excellent, Three or 14% say very satisfactory and two or 9% say satisfactory on how Director Orolfo communicates the objectives of his session. The data above implies that the learners understand the discussion of Dir. Orolfo on the objectives of his session on complete staff work. Item 3, response to queries and clarificatio: Response to queries and clarifications SATISFACTORY, 2, * vey SATISFACTORY, 3, 148% EXCELLENT, 17, 71% EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY The figure tells that seventeen (17) or 77% of the leamers said that Dir. Orolfo responded to queries and clarifications excellently. While three (3) or 14% of them said very satisfactory and two (2) or 9% said satisfactorily. The data entails that Dir. Orolfo accommodates and responds well to the questions and clarifications of the learners during his discussions on Complete Staff Work. Item 4, presentation techniques Presentation Techniques SATISFACTORY, 2, 9% very SATISFACTORY, 4, 18% EXCELLENT, 16, 73% (CELLENT VERY SATISFACTORY» SATISFACTORY ‘The chart that is shown above shows that sixteen or 73% of the leamers rated the presentation techniques of Dir. Orolfo is excellent. Four (4) or 18% said the techniques are very satisfactory while two (2) or 9% said satisfactory. The data suggests that the Dir. Orolfo's presentation techniques were effective and engaging in delivering her topics. 16 Item 5, relevance and value of the subject to my job Relevance and value of the subject to my job SATISFACTORY, 2, 3% VERY SATISFACTORY, 2, 9% EXCELLENT, 18, 2% "EXCELLENT —& VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY Out of the twenty-two respondents, eighteen or 82% of the learners responded excellent on the item regarding the relevance and value of the subject to their job. Very satisfactory and satisfactory ratings both received two (2) responses each, respectively. This data implies that Dir. Orolfo explained the relevance and importance of CSW in their respective functions, Item 6, item allocation Time Allocation SATISFACTORY, 3, 14% very SATISFACTORY, 6, EXCELLENT, 27% i 59% "EXCELLENT = VERY SATISFACTORY = SATISFACTORY = FAIR = POOR Thirteen (13) or 59% of the twenty-two leamers responded excellent on the time allocation of the topics delivered during his discussions of Complete Staff Work. Six (6) or 27% rated very satisfactory and three (3) or 14% graded satisfactory. The data suggests that the leamers were satisfied with the time allocated for complete staff work. However, it is important to note that there were three (3) learners only rated satisfactory. One respondent ‘suggests, “More time to spend on the topic and need hands-on in doing CSW.” wv To determine the impressions of the learners in the performance of Director Al O. Orolfo as subject matter expert to Complete Staff Work, we compute the general average of the results of the evaluation and assign the following descriptions based on Memorandum No. 2021-469, Guidelines on the Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of DENR Competency-Based Learning and Development Intervention Programs of the Department: Poor F: Satisfactory Very Satisfactory Excellent 1-15 1.51-2.5 2.51-3.5 3.51-4.5 451-5 The table below shows the summary of results from the Session Evaluation survey: {Mastery on the subject matter 44 VERY SATISFACTORY | {Clearly communicate the objectives 468 EXCELLENT} |Response to questions and clarifications 414 VERY SATISFACTORY | 'Presentation Techniques 464 EXCELENT} {Relevance and value of the subject to my job 473 EXCELLENT } {Time Allocation 473 EXCELLENT | With the General Average of 4.51 based on the results of the session evaluation survey, the performance of Director Al O. Orolfo as subject matter expert for complete staff work is EXCELLENT. Hence, Director Orolfo is effective. Level 2 — Learning Evaluation Only twenty (20) leamers took the pre-test and post-test, While there is a significant increase in the results of the post-test scores compare to the pre-test, only seven (7) of twenty (20) passed the post-test (see figure below). Hence, the event failed to achieve its target that ninety percent (90%) or eighteen (18) of the leamers who will take the post-test will attain passing scores. 18 Notably, the pre-test and post-test only cover the Effective Technical Writing module. End-of-Leaming Report did not mention observations that the leamers demonstrate the guiding Principles and styles in Complete Staff Work as stipulated in the learning objectives of the approved course design. Level III - Application Evaluation Director Miriam M. Marcelo of the Human Resource Development Service issued a Memorandum informing the supervisors/division chiefs of the learners to answer the Part IV Evaluation of the Competency Development Management Form through the Online Survey Evaluation form. The Training and Development Division received a total of twenty (20) responses from seven (7) supervisors out of the nine (9) supervisors who received the abovementioned Memorandum. 1. Implementation of the Action Plan Was the learner able to implement his/her action plan as indicated in the Competency | Development Management Form (CDMF)? 20 responses @N0 @ ves Figure 4 tells that twenty-one (21) leamers implemented their action plans. Only one leamer did not implement the action plan, The concerned supervisor mentioned that the action plan, and preparation of the report, are expected in the last quarter of the year, 19 2, Learning Achievement describes the level of agreement of the supervisors in the demonstration of improvement of the learners in the following behavioral indicators of Completed Staff Work (OCS) and Effective Writing (OC 1): Use of basic business writing rules such as sentence structure, rules in grammar and techniques in word use and spelling 20 responses @ Stongy disagree @ Disagree © sores @ Strongly agree Figure 5 tells that the division chiefs/supervisors agreed that twenty (20) learners showed improvement in using basic business writing rules such as sentence structure, rules in grammar, and techniques in word use and spelling, Identification of the appropriate template or reference material that will be used as. basis for one’s written document. 20 responses @ svongiy Disagree @ svrongiy Agree Figure 6 tells that all division chiefi/supervisors agreed that the twenty (20) earners show improvement in using identifying the appropriate template or reference ‘material that will be used as the basis for one’s written document. 20 Writing simple pro-forma communications such as acknowledgment, transmittal letters and forms. 20 responses @ Stongiy Disagree © Disagree @ Agree @ Strongly Agree Remarkably, Figure 7 indicates that the division chiefs/supervisors agreed that all twenty (20) leamers assessed demonstrate improvement in writing simple Pro-forma communications such as acknowledgment, transmittal letters, and forms, Practicing basic knowledge of CSW to generate complete, accurate, relevant and timely output. 20 responses @ Strongly Disagree @ Disagree @ Acree @ Strongly Agree Figure 8 tells that the division chief’/supervisors agreed that all nineteen (19) leamers assessed practice basic knowledge of CSW to generate complete, accurate, relevant, and timely output. Notably, one (1) learner did not improve in this indicator. a 3. Resolving Competency Gaps attempted to determine if the leaming and development intervention contributes to resolving the identified competency gaps on OCI — Writing Effectively and OCS — Complete Staff Work. Did the training program succeed in resolving his/her performance/competency gaps on Effective Writing and Complete Staff Work? 20 responses Figure 9 reveals that the training program, Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work, resolves the competency/performance gaps of the nineteen (19) learners. One respondent said that the event did not resolve the competency gap of one of her staff, though there are shown improvements in his performance. Below are the comments of the supervisors/division chiefs describing how the job performance of the learners improved afier attending the training. Please describe how the job performance of the learners) improved aftr attending the taining Lesser revision in their drafts Beater communication dats ‘She was able to apply the steps inthe preparation of simple communications ‘She was able to prepare a basic reply letter with a very satisfactory result He was able to prepare a basic reply to a query with a satisfactory result Less enor He is more effecientin wing communication laters Able to prepare memos with less errors Les errs ‘The learner was able to practice the fundamentals of CSW formulation, He improved in edtng and costructng simple comunications ‘She had improved inthe preparation ofransmita letter og Accounting Reports and Documents ‘Lessens her mistakes in grammar Her correct usage and grammar has slighty improved [Ate attending the training, the learner has quitly improved in her wing abies He was abl to prepare a good witen document ang he is now familar with various forms of vwitten document ‘hile she has to implement her action plan in the coming months. Ive noticed some improvement Inher writing skils and CSW Sne is now familar withthe various written docs, She knows now ‘when 19 use memo and ete forms {ve noticed a lot of improvements in rating communication letters. memo and travel eports. He ‘knows now the various forms of written docs Alot of improvements inthe preparation of various certificates being issued by the Division He ‘as able to improve the cation ofthe Certs ‘The learner improved ater attending memorandum as drected Can prepare 22 CONCLUSION The Training and Development Division concludes that the Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work is effective based on the following indicators: v. 1. With a general average of 4.69 from the End-of:Leaming Evaluation survey results, the-conduct of the learting event received an “Excellent” rating from the leamers. The event surpassed its target of'a “Very Satisfactory” rating based on the M&E Plan indicated in the approved 2. The resource persons, Director Al O. Orolfo and Professor Rosella Torrecampo received an “Exeellent” rating from most of the leamers. 3. The Learning Event on Effective Technical Writing and Completed Staff Work addressed the competency gaps of the nineteen (19) learners, Consequently, the Teamets have demonstrated improvements in Writing Effectively (OCI) and Completed Staff Work (OCS). RECOMMENDATION In view of the above-mentioned observations, the Training and Development Division recommends the following: 1. Continue the engagement of the identified. resource persons in the conduct of training programs relative to Writing Effectively and Completed Staff Work. 2. Review the time allocated for the moduls on Completed Staff Work and add more hours to the delivery of the module for more effective delivery of the topics, if necessary, 3. There shall be test items on Complete Staif Work. If not applicable, there shall be a Level 2 ~ Learning Evaluation too! that will help determine if the feamers gained knowledge from the training e.g. observation checklist or if the leamers demonstrated the guiding principles and styles in Complete Staff Work as mentioned in the learning objectives of the approved course design. 4. Learning Event Team shall ensure that targeted learners submitted the filled-out competency development management form before the scheduled conduct of the. event to avoid cancellation of their participation and to maximize the government resources. 5. It shall be emphasized to the learners, during the orientation in the formulation of the Competency Development Management Form, that““ACTION PLAN” shall be implemented within three months aiter the event. 6. All supervisors/division chiefs of the learners shall be required to respond. to the aline survey evaluation. They shall be informed as well on the importance of the information required from them in achieving the desired results of the learriing and development programs of the Department. 23 Prepared Reviewed by: CARLO C. FAJARDO- ANGELITA EF, TOLENTINO. Administrative Dfficer 1V Adipinistrative Officer V Submitted by: Chiee Training and Development Division ‘Noted by: ted ha MIRIAM M. MARCELO OIC-Director Human Resource Development Service 24

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