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A network of interconnected ecosystems covers the entirety of the planet's surface.

Many times,
different ecosystems are interconnected within a broader biome. Large tracts of land, water, or air are
together referred to as biomes. For instance, tundra, reefs, ponds, and forests are all examples of
different sorts of biomes. They are classified in a very broad sense according to the kinds of plants and
animals that can be found inside their boundaries. There are many different ecosystems to be found
within each and every section of tundra, forest, pond, and reef.

For example, the biome that encompasses the Sahara Desert is home to a large number of distinct
ecosystems. The hot, dry weather and climate are defining characteristics of the biome. Oasis
ecosystems can be found within of the Sahara desert. These ecosystems feature date palm trees,
waterways, and animals like crocodiles. There are also dune ecosystems in the Sahara, with the wind
being the primary factor in determining the landscape. It is necessary for organisms that live in these
environments, such as scorpions and snakes, to have the ability to live in sand dunes for extended
periods of time. Even a maritime environment can be found in the Sahara, where the chilly fogs that are
generated by the Atlantic Ocean can be found along the Northwest African coast. This type of
environment is typical of the Sahara, and it is inhabited by shrubs as well as animals like goats that
subsist on the foliage of smaller trees.

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