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Name Shaikh Mohammud Albul Foi

Roll Do e20

Sstd Chemaly 2
Sedion A

p-otbtala aree dumb: bdlinshalpe

Prinupal uoantomnumber dexribey

Size G the orbite

The The displarement o edakonsina muttile bono

in the pfesene ot citacking eagen isColled

A Cysialline Salid posses which of the folesain a

Perled Greo meric Potern

Homoly Sus meu breakdou to equa
piere nemy = same) o The Summosica
oreaking9 Covolen bond usbicheath cepuTing
cdom dake One eledron rom eondinapar
Is Called homblic sion
Camiin Page

The unsymonolrical breakingcta ualent
bond which One the depadin abms
retoun) Aha bon ding isCelled heroltic
ission Or halerdSs

sotone -
The dom o diLerent elemesb
the Sme numbe of neoiron I n her
nucle dea Band haain o neatrons
eath are sotones

Atoms and 1On hawin the Same

Dumber eledrons e ArCa Oand k Contauning4

eledtron)A eah ae
Isoeledronis spede

Atbou Prinuple
) Auf buw Prinalple ve the

Seo Uence uuhich yasiovd or bitals Cfe lle

uoth eledro
Ahe Tounc stade an adom h orbitals
led 0Sdh eledrord boae On the mcreaing
order eneroies ofobitals Paylisexcluion
PinupeOndHundiruleo moxmum caluty
)ncreaxing Order of eresoE orbitals
(O) Or bitalk aie illed arder Ot mcreak io
volbe Cn4)
in COUye shere he Auao
Same Salue ok (a) Ahe
loyser Value iylled ud
Inueou crdero ne o duMeAY
omulbielediondom s
ASCD is 2s K 2 3s 3p < Ssd
p &Ss d <Sp <64 d
andSO 60

sotopes Isobars
are SAme )Isobar ae oms
element ditlerent elementS
They hawe Same ctomic )They have Scame iomic
Oumber but ditlerent alomic mals nUmbert bor diuent
mass numbers afomi numbes
number ot iThe have diluett
he hONe Same number
prston bt dilerent number o probnk Ond negtinns

h a hove ScAme nombecof TReu have dieient Dumbers

eledvons ot eledons
NC and N
eg Cand )e
Camlin Page

Drawbeacks of Bobr's tnest n dom

) t i s _ valid 6nl or One eledronctoma
H e L iHeLi Na
K) Orbrts ssere takena CfCula botatordina
Semmer&iled Ahese are ellitstical
Inteaity o spedsa lies Ceuldnot b e
i)Nudeus Co talkenra Staionacy bot italao
rofatts Own CAXS
v Csuld naf be exploune d the min utee slrodue
spedrumm ine

) - Ethyl 3methylodane

Bond 1ine formula




Camlin Page

2 Mehylbion2-

Bondline srmula

Strocturcd Tormula

dimdhl cado hexone

IS-Gydo dimah horone

LEKEDAAa U Bdon-2,3-dio

a3di mehal butano)

stalline substance
THe domsinCtalline solic
maftrae artanged eularfcpecdina paitrn3
P r The Substansetwhic cnstienth are
arenged o a n arclerymannerleacligfsdelinift
tnsee dimensional eomelic shape K Called clalliny
sbTonce Matul a n d mineral) a e CostJine
Camlin Page

TAmor phow sobstance

A Subalane hoseCangltuents
are drronge ifequer nanner KCalled
Amor phu subrtan cc O Don-crystalina Stanc
The ladks he Ion ange 6roler

Sedion C

I) Indudîive ekte
The permanen displaemen
Sic ma (s) eledtou along saluratt d chaln
ushen eN eletron uith drauime Or eledrobb
clonodina prekent Calleel inducive elect

T)Reonan e
Reson ance iS he obility o sustem to
move i pi (T eletrons inthe sqstm
delocadiz.ed electron nen hou moyeme Lonttibutina
Situdures Are prepore d thic Skudfre arecalled resoicinc
STrvdure BenTenC

Heperconqvgedion Cor sonedion isthedelataliaian ot

eledron th he partiupcdion of bond) o primeriy4
S-iaradkt Increasel eledrON delocalizalio ofodated

oith hpercongucedion increaseA the Salalty he

Camlin Page

Sn. @)
Eleioni Contiguaion c Chromium stth ctomic
Oum bor S K 22p 3s 3p6 2s 3d
Cledoni Coohiguraion Coplper sidh
cdtomic nUmbec
I 2s2p3s3pu 3d'o

The d-orb ta dovcAr shape be cas he

eletion is pushe time)
ratdion ushen
oppoSte spin prdten aligs
uon wih fhree spin -alignecl probrs


In chemisty dn Acohol is C orqeLnic campouno

whidh the ndroxy undional araup co)
bound C sadureter Caroon dtom As in
R-OH he eneral faimula or scucht cheuo odushoL
Cot2nt OH
orEthexs P--e'

For Ectosii R-Co-0-R

For Amidekt R-CO-NH


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