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Learning Objectives:

SLO 1-- Identify and discuss problems and propose possible solutions
Students will identify a problem in a city from a country that will be given to them. Write an expository
text, and in groups they will give a solution to the problem.
SLO 4—Produce a well-organized three-paragraph text using a variety of sentence types
After learning about three-paragraph structure during the first four weeks of the semester, students
will produce an expository paper which takes this form. (Writing rubric)
SLO 8—Accurately produce Level 4 Pronunciation concepts/features/aspect
During the semester, students will learn various transitional phrases for presentational use; they will
use this language in the presentation. (Vocabulary score on rubric)
SLO 6— Give a presentation explaining a process of how to do something
Students will present their proposed solutions to the problem they have identified in a step-by-step form.
(Content score on the rubric)

HOOK (a question or statement made at the beginning to catch the audience’s
Rome would have always had pollution
Main idea: Presentation of the problem
The problems in large cities are related to pollution, considering the production of polluting
gases and the accumulation of waste generated; the city of Rome is experiencing a deep
crisis due to the pollution generated by the population itself. If people do nothing about it,
Rome could become one of the most polluted cities in Italy.

Note: You can mention similar problems around the world to offer a bigger
perspective or mention people who have worked on this problem to highlight its

Rhetorical question # 1 (questions asked to the audience made to present different

details, they’re asked to keep the audience’s attention and to highlight the fact that the
presentation answers these questions)
Is Rome affected by pollution?
If Rome doesn´t act on this problem, what will be the consequences?
In which cities is pollution found?
BACKGROUND (describe the problem’s historical background and current
Supporting information (The where, the how, why, when, what and who)
When did it start in the city you chose?
Pollution in Rome is not a current problem, it has been a problem for more than 2000 years.
The Romans were the ones who developed metallurgical activities.
Why did it start?
The population was exposed to heavy metals and left traces of lead and mercury in their
Who/ what caused the problem? (Example: a company, a war, a recession)
People have caused pollution to become a worldwide problem, the activities developed by
the Romans since their beginnings have left traces and have caused great consequences in
the environment.
Who is currently affected by the problem?
These activities, which have been polluting over the years, directly and indirectly affect the
health of populations, not only human beings, as they also alter the balance of ecosystems,
bringing with them serious health consequences.
What will/ would be possible consequences?
Doctors in Rome warned of possible health risks, which can:
- Increase the risk of respiratory infections
- Heart disease.
- Lung cancer.
Also, other risks such as:
- Melting of the poles
- Increases in temperatures
- Ozone layer depletion

Note: Offer relevant information, analogies, examples, data.

Rome has no place to treat the 1.7 million metric tons of waste it produces each year.
Rhetorical question # 2 (questions asked to the audience made to present different
details, they’re asked to keep the audience’s attention and to highlight the fact that the
presentation answers these questions)
What activity started the pollution in Rome?
Are people to blame for the pollution in Rome?
PROPOSAL ( Who is working towards a solution? Are any projects working on
similar problems in other cities that you’d like to try? How do they work?)
The government of Rome has been working on a solution to help reduce the pollution
problem. Other cities in Italy, such as Valle d'Aosta, are becoming increasingly carbon-
free, with the "Alpine Green Experience" project, which offers green itineraries to travel in
rechargeable electric cars in all hotel facilities. This project could also be used in Rome to
start taking care of the environment.
To carry out a campaign which has an agreement with different companies which sponsor
the activity.
Step 1
Install different "bins" around the city in which the colors are differentiated and all waste is
separated, in order to educate people.
Step 2
Waste will be deposited in these bins, according to their importance (from the most
dangerous waste to the least) and this will give you a cash voucher in any of the sponsoring
Step 3
If you claim the voucher and the same week you return to properly dispose of the waste,
you could get a free garment from any of the sponsoring stores.

Rhetorical question #3 (questions asked to the audience made to present different
details, they’re asked to keep the audience’s attention and to highlight the fact that the
presentation answers these questions)
(Environmental problems have worsened in recent decades, although actions to remedy
environmental damage have also improved.)
What did you think of the "Alpine Green Experience" proposal in Valle d'Aosta? Could this
be implemented in Rome?
What proposal was offered to improve the problem in Rome?
If you were given a clothing voucher at your favorite store, would you deposit your waste

Note: This is a good moment to relate the issue to your personal experience. Why is
this problem important to you or to other people? Why is it important to work
towards a long-term solution?

Pollution in the city of Rome must be reduced to ensure the survival of the human species,
to allow ecological balance, to avoid pollution, etc...
A better quality of life can only be maintained if we take care of the planet and avoid

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