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Example For a frequency of 30 MHz

λ = 10 m

The aerial for this wavelength will be λ /2 or 5 m

This is called the Electrical Length.

In an ideal world the Electrical Length would be the length of aerial required for a given
frequency. The speed of electro-magnetic radiation through a vacuum is constant. When an
“aerial feeder” is used the speed of the radiation is slower. This slower speed is approximately
5% less than the in-vacuo speed and we must take this into account by factoring the Electrical
Length to 95% of its value. This is the Physical Length of the aerial for a given frequency.

Example For a frequency of 100 MHz


Electrical Length of the aerial = λ /2 = 150cm

Physical Length = 95% of λ /2 = 142.5cm

Marconi Quarter Wave Aerial

Most practical aerials are cut to λ /4. By using the reflective properties of electro-magnetic
waves the aerial compensates for the missing half of the dipole.

The Marconi aerial is particularly suitable for fitting into aircraft structures. To ensure that the
aerial can be used over a range of frequencies an aerial loading unit (ALU) is fitted. This unit
electronically matches the aerial to the frequency selected.

ATPL Radio Navigation 1-17 ©Atlantic Flight Training

Aerial Feeders

There needs to be a connection between the transmitter/receiver and the aerial, this is known
as a feeder. The type of feeder used depends upon the frequency to be used. The most
common feeder in use in aircraft communications is the co-axial cable (better known to us as
the TV aerial wire). Higher frequencies need a more sophisticated feeder, such as radar
where a wave guide is required.

Aerial Directivity

The dipole radiates power evenly in all directions or omni-directionally. The plan and side
views show the radiating pattern.

Note that the radiating polar diagram is from the centre of the aerial not the tip.

To modify the omni-directional properties and give the aerial directivity parasitic elements
have to be added. The most common directional aerial in everyday use is the TV antenna -
The Yagi. The directional properties are derived by adding parasitic elements in front and
behind the dipole.

ATPL Radio Navigation 1-18 28 October 2003

To change the omni-directional properties a parasitic reflector, 5% larger than the dipole, is
placed at a distance of λ /4 from the dipole. The normally circular polar diagram is now
changed into an elongated heart shape. The reflector reflecting the power back towards the
aerial. Note that the dipole is the only part of the aerial that has any power.

To enhance the directional properties parasitic directors are added on the opposite side to the
parasitic reflector. These elements are 5% shorter than the dipole.

The resulting polar diagram is narrow in beam width and gives excellent directional
properties. One disadvantage with the directivity achieved is that unwanted side lobes are
produced. The side lobes are approximately 50% of the power of the main beam and can give
spurious indications if not dealt with. Methods of suppression or removal of the side lobes are
discussed in individual chapters on equipment.

Different polar diagrams can be achieved for different aerial combinations. An example of this
being the figure of eight’ produced by two dipoles.

ATPL Radio Navigation 1-19 ©Atlantic Flight Training

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