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ABOUT THE POET i \2 AAG 7 William Blake (1757- 1827) He was an English poet, painter and engraver. CO Oe Re eg eo DR POOLE U ea ar ait UM ee ee) RO RU USE URC oud times) Pc) LS} RL) es) Dun ara ra Life of Blake From his early childhood, Blake used to live in his fantasy and imagination. He considered the world mad because of destruction and ferocity. Blake saw people following the materialistic things. So he escaped from this harsh world to a beautiful and dreamy world. He was a man of a very sharp vision. His target was to call for peace, comfort, love and the end of the persecution. He called for the liberation of human minds from old restrains. He escaped from a limited reality to a world of vision, where people are free and happy. has hy Rpt Lal at gee I Sel lay LS has Slob sae Sit alg ie OB sy Bole 28515 hy GM lly eae elle J] petal llall i Gye cop HDD yall Let gnats oll sph al Rags aye ya al gall yas fey alas ley Aeally Aa My Dhl Sel ya da ana so oil a all ge ple Jl apne algo Blake has two significant books: | songs of Innocence: the poet was famous as a poet of childhood and of, innocence. This book was full of joys, purity, pleasure and activities. Children are innocent, simple and angelic. They are symbols of innocence. They are flowers and angels. The poet used the children to show the bright side of the human soul. He was sympathetic with the children because of that time, children worked in difficult, unhealthy and harsh conditions. 2 songs of Experience: this book is full of guilt, misery and tyranny. All earth's vital and active energies are frozen. Winter with darkness and death. Saga GUUS cla 58 Sab AL 258g 54a Lally Xgl Lyla AGS Lin GB ably Mga pe.ty po Lal pelcdelall gli -1 zoe pe SpA ala Aa JLRS pL tll paul ASI al Seal pay at ig sSidag elbay coy pally se ney Meese age J LALA ae. cab OMS ats JH ge bate 08 tal paola Maly gc ST by IS pat oh aba lly tll a LSI Lin apacll lad -2 sslls Blake's Style : Blake’ s language and style are characterized by simplicity and easiness. His words are very common. words are very day speech a ‘one is speaking prose. He uses the language of the simple villagers and the poor to be understood. il ple tl o§ LS gos sin PLA Ne SLE LA lggelly DeLay ta! ea \paedel obily ll osll pains Little Lamb who made thee Dost thou know who made thee Gave thee life & bid thee feed. By the stream & o'er the mead; Gave thee clothing of delight, Softest clothing wooly bright; Gave thee such a tender voice, Making all the vales rejoice! Little Lamb who made thee Dost thou know who made thee Little Lamb I'll tell thee, Little Lamb I'll tell thee! He is called by thy name, For he calls himself a Lamb: He is meek & he is mil He became a little chil la child & thou a lamb, We are called by his name. Little Lamb God bless thee. Little Lamb God bless thee. is gi a ata aa atl go Bala ke Slo Je pe cha hag A Sie oa oe BB bg was ye ode eet Upon cla § AB fo a HS ME. plas > Cad aisle pacar Bas sl ya Yas al ani ea ae sist B29 SDs pale Dy she [ste Se ee Si lb eS ee only She shall JeoUtigl eb The Lamb By William Blake Blake addresses the little white lamb as if it were a person. The poet personifies the lamb and gives it a human quality. The poet questions that little lamb one :" Do you know who is the creator of your body? " then the poet tells the lamb that the creator donates you some presents and gifts such as: life, food, clothing of delight and tender voice. What is the source of food? of course, the food is by the river and over the green grass. Clothing of delight has three features: it is soft, bright and wooly. Tender voice can fill all the vales with joy and pleasure. The poet compares between a little lamb and Jesus Christ because both of them are innocent, mild and meek. The poet as a shepherd, the lamb and the c serve as symbols of Jesus Christ. Blake writes: " He is called by thy name" means that your creator, maker is known by your name because he calls himself a lamb. It is an agnostic concept because God is without name and form. The Christ is meek and mild. Meekness and mildness are two divine virtues and qualities of an innocent child. HS jet Jl gL Rise daceny Jas pe tomy ELL OB ILS pica gl asl ol by Wl pn ge SIL aoa LAN pi Sct IS gt ya yal Ja LEON Tigo ial ig Sais el opal «gla Soil jaan ga La adsl gly «sally play Se ste Lally obeagll gees Sey ol Gedy)! cipal Sap Rydqeny AE ping Mack byl spe SOK Ld aera! Me pel tall oeedsoal nay Myling Jalally Jaclly 61S poLall nzogy waliale oggyy Lea IS CM reall Epanry dee Jar cu peLill onli pgs) Shan add gases HY ay gpa latleng AA gi al lal, pal sla Ss eel ggenl a Jill) SSP Lisa cab Kelaglly LaLa gig nalede nell ty pel Dy alo gol Blake as a romantic poet reflected some romantic features in this poem such as: He is interested in the beauty of nature when the poet refers to some natural elements as the lamb, vales, stream and food. The poet pictures that the little white lamb is alone as a child. The poet wants to show his great love for the world of innocence and purity. Seige oj Apaileg! OU pay galley peL2S wy ae apn plalally Spay bagged te neal patil ae) LN ty te gall las ee aly ol A AS dm lye ayy Sb G8 Lae sey heal sae aoa eb ‘Theme This song is lyrical oritis a song sung by a child. It consists of two stanzas: ‘The First Stanza: A childs speaking here, addressing atl lamb, raising ‘a series of questions and inquires. He asked the lamb about its creation feeding, clothing and delightful sot voice which rejoices on the ‘meadows and in vales making people happy, ‘The Second Stanzat The child himself answers all these questions. He sees that there is an association between this gentle creature, the lamb, ‘and Jesus Christ who once called himself a lamb, He isthe messenger of ‘God came inthe shape ofa lamb holding the message of peace, ove, innocence and mercy. So there is much similarity between Jesus Christ, the messenger of God and this gentle creature, Evaluation Critical Points of This Song: 1+ The poem i ical, simoe, instructive and easy in meaning, On the surface, itis about a nce, mild, gentle and tame lamb or creature but in the deep structure the poem implies a religious fact. tis about the fist coming of Jesus Christ At the beginning of His coming, He brouaht the prininles of lve, innocence and forgiveness and called people to follow Him, 2-This poem is dramatic. thas two stanzas. nthe first stanza, there is a speaker and a silent listener, asking him a series of questions while in the second stanza, this speaker answers all his questions instead ofthe lamb, However, the poet wants to shed light on one great aspect of God. The greatness of Godis obviously seen in his creation: Jesus Christ, the child and the lam, Thsis one aspect of his great qualities,

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