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The First Lecture

Q1/ what is the difference between informative signals and communicative signals?
1- communicative signals: they are the signals sent by people intentionally. Like
2- informative signals: they are the signals sent by people unintentionally. Like
speaking aggressively indicates that you are angry.

Q2/ how animals exactly communicate, do they have language? And why?
No, animals don’t have language, they have a communicative system. Because there
are different features (properties) that a language should have, and the communication
of animals lack them all. they just use sounds or signals to communicate.

Q3/ what are the properties (features) of languages.

Q4/ what are the differences between human language and animal communicative
1- reflexivity (reflexiveness): we can use the language to think and talk about the
language itself. While the animals cannot.
E.g.1: my language is beautiful E.g.2: the English language is internationally important
2- displacement: we can use the language to talk about future, past and present, while
the animals cannot. Their communication is designed for the moment.
E.g.1: I ate yesterday E.g.2: I am eating now E.g.3: I will eat tomorrow
3- arbitrariness: it means that the meaning of the sign isn’t related to the form of it.
E.g.1: when I go to English speaker and say (‫)كلب‬, is he going to understand me?
Absolutely not. this is an evidence that the meaning of the word isn’t related to the form
of it.
4- productivity/creativity/open-endedness: it means that a language is constantly
developing, and the number of utterances are infinite. A language before 100 years ago
is not the same today. The animals have fixed reference, just a number of signals.
5- culture transmission: it means that a language isn’t inherited from parents but
transmitted from the existed culture.
E.g.1: let us say that I am Iraqi and married from an Iraqi woman, before we have a child,
we traveled to America. Suddenly in America we have a baby, the baby here will not
learn Arabic, he will learn the existed language which is English
6- duality (double articulation): in any language we have two levels that are organized
simultaneously. Which are
A- physical (form) level: it means that we can produce meaningless individual sounds
such as /h/ /d/. they are limited.
B- meaning level: it means that we can produce meaningful words and sentences from
the combination of individual sounds. They are unlimited.

Q5/ why the feature of duality is regarded as the most economical feature?
Because from limited individual sounds (physical level) we can produce unlimited words
(meaning level).

Additional information
Q1/ can we regard the communication as a distinguishing feature between the human
language and the animal communication system?
- no, we cannot, all the creatures communicate in some way.

Q2/ is there any small exception for the (displacement feature)?

Yes, there is a small exception regarding bees. When a bee finds a nectar, it returns to
its colleagues to inform them about the place of the nectar by doing a complex dance.
But this is very limited communication.

In the property of arbitrariness, there are some words that have less arbitrariness like
crash, cuckoo, slurp, whirr and squelch. They are called onomatopoeia

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