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[Epigenetics 2:2, 92-103; April/May/June 2007]; ©2007 Landes Bioscience

Research Paper

Ubiquitin-Dependent Distribution of the Transcriptional Coactivator

p300 in Cytoplasmic Inclusion Bodies
Jihong Chen1 Abstract
Sabina Halappanavar1 The protein level of transcriptional coactivator p300, an essential nuclear protein,
is critical to a broad array of cellular activities including embryonic development, cell
John P.H. Th’ ng2 differentiation and proliferation. We have previously established that histone deacetylase
Qiao Li1,* inhibitor such as valproic acid induces p300 degradation through the 26S proteasome
pathway. Here, we report the roles of cellular trafficking and spatial redistribution in
1Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; Faculty of Medicine; valproic acid‑induced p300 turnover. Our study demonstrates that p300 is redistributed
University of Ottawa; Ottawa, Ontario Canada
to the cytoplasm prior to valproic acid‑induced turnover. Inhibition of proteasome‑de‑
2Northwestern Regional Cancer Thunder Bay; Ontario, Canada
pendent protein degradation, does not prevent nucleo‑cytoplasmic shuttling of p300,
*Correspondence to: Qiao Li; Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine; rather sequesters the cytoplasmic p300 to a distinct perinuclear region. In addition, the
University of Ottawa; 451 Smyth Road, Room 4155; Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, formation of p300 aggregates in the perinuclear region depends on functional micro‑
K1H 8M5; Tel.: 613.562.5422; Fax: 613.562.5442; Email: tubule networks and correlates with p300 ubiquitination. Our work establishes, for the
Original manuscript submitted: 12/13/06 first time, that p300 is also a substrate of the cytoplasmic ubiquitin‑proteasome system
Manuscript accepted: 04/23/07 and provides insight on how cellular trafficking and spatial redistribution regulate the
availability and activity of transcriptional coactivator p300.
Previously published online as an Epigenetics E-publication:

Key words
transcriptional coactivator, the 26S prote-
asome, ubiquitin, aggresome, histone Transcriptional coactivator p300 plays an essential role in integrating multiple
deacetylase inhibitor signal‑transduction events through the regulation of gene expression. The function of
p300 is often mediated by bridging the sequence‑specific DNA binding transcription
factors with the basal transcription machinery and providing a scaffold for nucleation
of multi‑components of transcriptional regulatory complex.1 The impact of p300 on
We thank Dr. M-A Ikeda for the p300WT and transcriptional regulation can also be achieved through histone acetylation and chromatin
p300ΔM plasmids. This work is supported by remodeling as p300 contains an intrinsic histone acetyltransferase activity.2,3 Additionally,
operating grant from Canadian Institutes of p300 also regulates the functions of many transcription regulators such as p53, NF‑Y,
Health Research (CIHR). During the course GATA‑1, TR‑RXR, E2F and Rb through its acetyltransferase activity.4‑9
of this study, Q.L. holds an investigator award Somatic mutations of p300 gene has been found in a variety of malignancies such
from CIHR. as colorectal, gastric and breast cancers, indicating a tumor suppressor‑like activity for
p300.10,11 In addition, cells devoid of p300 exhibit defects in proliferation and specific
transcription, underscoring how critical the gene dosage of p300 is for normal embryonic
development.12 Many lines of evidence have demonstrated that the levels and activities of
p300 are essential to a wide range of cellular processes including embryonic development,
cell differentiation and proliferation. However, the molecular mechanisms that regulate
p300 activity per se are poorly understood.
Protein degradation through ubiquitin‑proteasome pathway is a specifically regulated
event which involves covalent ubiquitination of lysine residues of the target protein
and degradation of the ubiquitin‑tagged substrate through the 26S proteasome, a large
multi‑protein complex found in all eukaryotic cells.13‑15 Growing evidence suggests that
the ubiquitin‑proteasome pathway is not just for eliminating misfolded or damaged
proteins, but is actively involved in the regulation of fundamental cellular processes such
as cell cycle progression, differentiation and apoptosis.16‑20 The 26S proteasome mediated
p300 degradation has been documented in F9 embryonic carcinoma cells during retinoic
acid‑induced differentiation and in cardiocytes exposed to doxorubicin.21,22 We previously
reported that PI3K inhibitors enhance p300 degradation through the 26S proteasome,
which seems to be mediated by the nuclear proteasome system.23 We have also established
that histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors are able to induce p300 degradation through
the 26S proteasome pathway as well.24,25 However, whether the selective p300 turnover is
mediated exclusively by the nuclear proteasome system is still unclear.

92 Epigenetics 2007; Vol. 2 Issue 2

Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

microscopy coupled with ApoTome optical sectioning. The intra-

cellular localization of endogenous p300 protein in HeLa cells was
examined following a time course of treatments with valproic acid
or butyrate, since the reduction of the steady‑state level of p300
protein in the HeLa cells can only be observed after 16 hours of
In untreated cells, the endogenous p300 resided predominantly
in the nucleus with 13.6% ± 10.8% of cells displaying very faint
cytoplasmic staining (Fig. 1), which is in accordance with other reports
that p300 is mainly a nuclear protein.23,36 However, upon 8 hours
of valproic acid treatment, the p300 staining became fairly diffused
throughout the nucleoplasm and 80.3% ± 6.5% of cells showed
Figure 1. Effects of valproic acid, butyrate and MG132 on cellular localiza‑
tion of transcriptional coactivator p300. Cells were treated with valproic
certain degree of cytoplasmic p300 staining (Fig. 1). Interestingly, the
acid (VPA, 2 mM) or sodium butyrate (5 mM) in the absence or presence of cytoplasmic p300 staining was mainly observed around the nuclear
MG132 (MG, 5 mM) for 8 hours. The cells were then immunostained with envelope (Fig. 1). The altered spatial distribution of p300 protein was
a p300 antibody and a fluorescence labeled secondary antibody. Hoechst detected as early as 4 hours of treatment, prior to the reduction of
(25 ng/ml) was also used to visualize the nuclei. Images were captured p300 protein and apoptotic cell death induced by valproic acid,25,37
by optical sectioning. Shown are representatives of single 0.25 mm optical and the intensity of cytoplasmic p300 staining was correlated with
the duration of valproic acid treatments (data not shown). Upon 16
hours of valproic acid treatment, the level of nuclear p300 staining
Cytoplasmic inclusion bodies are found in many neurodegen- was significantly reduced, since about 70% of cellular p300 has been
erative diseases including Huntington’s disease, spinocerebellar degraded.25 In addition, butyrate, another HDAC inhibitor, was
ataxia type 3 disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and alzheimer’s also able to induce the redistribution of p300 to the cytoplasm in
disease.26‑29 Inclusion bodies are intracellular foci containing various 83.0% ± 3.5% of cells (Fig. 1). In contrast, LY294002, a PI3K
protein aggregates. In many cases, the formation of cytoplasmic inhibitor,38 does not induce cytoplasmic distribution of p300,
inclusion bodies at the perinuclear region requires retrograde although it is able to enhance p300 degradation through the 26S
transport of the aggregated protein on microtubules. Hence, aggresome proteasome.23 Taken together, these data indicate that intracellular
is used to define these microtubule‑dependent cytoplasmic inclusion trafficking of p300 may be involved in the control of p300 activity
bodies which are often formed as a result of expression of mutant by HDAC inhibitors such as valproic acid and butyrate.
proteins or overwhelmed proteasome system.30,31 The components Inhibition of proteasome activity sequesters p300 to a distinct
of aggresome include ubiquitin, subunits of the 20S proteasome and perinuclear region. Nucleo‑cytoplasmic shuttling and cytoplasmic
intermediate filament vimentin, suggesting that aggresome could degradation could well serve as a regulatory mechanism to control
serve as an alternative proteolysis center of the cellular system.31,32 p300 activity in response to different intracellular signals. To deter-
Recent studies have demonstrated that aggresome is indeed not just a mine whether redistribution of p300 to the cytoplasm is an integral
sequester area for misfolded protein aggregates, rather an integral part part of the selective p300 degradation‑mediated by the 26S protea-
of normal cellular regulatory process to control the levels of targeted some, we studied the effect of MG132, a peptide aldehydes reversibly
proteins in response to specific stimuli.33,34 inhibiting the 26S proteasome activity,39 on the cytoplasmic redis-
In this report, we describe the molecular mechanisms that regulate tribution of p300 induced by valproic acid and butyrate. The HeLa
the activity of transcriptional coactivator p300. We show that intra- cells were treated with MG132 alone or in combination with valproic
cellular redistribution of p300 is important for valproic acid‑induced acid or butyrate, and then subjected to ApoTome optical sectioning
p300 degradation through the 26S proteasome pathway. In addition, analysis.
the distribution of p300 in cytoplasmic inclusion bodies is microtu- As shown in (Fig. 1), some punctuated p300 staining pattern was
bule‑dependent and correlates with p300 ubiquitination. Our study captured at a distinct perinuclear region following 8 hours of MG132
suggests that intracellular redistribution and cytoplasmic degradation treatment in 86.3% ± 6.7% of the HeLa cells, and the distinct
of p300 are integral regulatory mechanisms employed by cellular perinuclear p300 staining was intensified by cotreatment with
systems to control the availability and the activity of transcriptional valproic acid. In addition, the distinct perinuclear p300 staining
coactivator p300 in the nucleus for chromatin acetylation and was detected in 89.7% ± 6.7% of the cells upon double treatments
transcriptional control. with valproic acid and MG132. Similarly, butyrate treatment also
enhanced the distinct perinuclear p300 staining in 89.9% ± 4.4%
cells in the presence of MG132 (Fig. 1). These data indicate that
valproic acid and butyrate induce the cytoplasmic redistribution
Valproic acid and butyrate induce cytoplasmic distribution of of p300, which may lead to the degradation of p300 through the
p300. Intracellular trafficking has been implicated in the regula- cytoplasmic proteasome system.
tion of the activity and turnover of several nuclear proteins.35 We The distinct p300 staining pattern at the perinuclear region
previously reported that histone deacetylase inhibitors such as induced by valproic acid or butyrate in the presence of MG132 highly
valproic acid and butyrate induce the degradation of transcriptional resembles the structure of aggresome. Formation of aggresome can be
coactivator p300 through the 26S proteasome pathway.24,25 To accelerated by inhibition of the 26S proteasome activity. In line with
further delineate the mechanisms by which p300 is signaled for the this, treatment of the cells with proteasome inhibitor MG132 did not
selective turnover, we examined the effect of valproic acid and butyrate prevent the cytoplasmic redistribution of p300 induced by valproic
on cellular distribution of p300 by using immunofluorescence acid or butyrate, rather sequestered the cytoplasmic p300 at the Epigenetics 93
Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

Figure 2. Colocalization of p300 with g‑tubulin at perinuclear region. Cells

were treated with MG132 (MG, 5 mM) in the absence or presence of
valproic acid (VPA, 2 mM) for 8 hours. The cells were then immunostained
with antibodies specific to p300 (green) and g‑tubulin (red). Images were
acquired by optical sectioning. Shown are representatives of single 0.25
mm optical sections. Figure 4. Colocolization of p300 with ubiquitin. Cells were treated with
MG132 (MG, 5 mM) and valproic acid (VPA, 2 mM) in the absence (top
panels) or presence (bottom panels) of nocodazole (10 mM) for 8 hours.
Following the treatments, the cells were fixed and stained with antibodies
specific for p300 (green) and ubiquitin (red). Images were captured by opti‑
cal sectioning. Each image represents optical section of 0.25 mm depth.

acid treatment, colocalization of p300 with g‑tubulin was observed

around the nuclear envelope as yellow speckles on the overlay image
(Fig. 2). Upon double treatments with valproic acid and MG132,
the colocalization p300 with g‑tubulin was more evident and became
localized to a distinct perinuclear region (Fig. 2). In addition, the
distinct perinuclear p300 staining induced by valproic acid in the
presence of MG132 localized to the same region as a subunits of
the 20S proteasome (Fig. 3). Taken together, these data suggest that
the distinct perinuclear p300 is likely sequestered into the aggresome
following inhibition of the 26S proteasome activity.
The perinuclear p300 colocalizes with ubiquitin. Aggresome,
in addition to containing g‑tubulin and subunits of the 20S protea-
Figure 3. Localization of p300 and a subunits of the 20S proteasome. Cells
were treated with MG132 (MG, 5 mM) in the absence or presence of val‑
some, is also rich in ubiquitin since the inclusion body often serves
proic acid (VPA, 2 mM) for 8 hours. The cells were then immunostained with as a assembly for components of the 26S proteasome system.31,40
antibodies specific to p300 (green) and a subunits of the 20S proteasome To further assess the relationship of the distinct perinuclear p300
(red). Images were acquired by optical sectioning. Shown are representa‑ with the aggresome structure, we studied colocalization of p300 with
tives of single 0.25 mm optical sections. ubiquitin in response to treatment with valproic acid in the absence
or presence of MG132 by using ApoTome optical sectioning. As
distinct perinuclear region as punctuated staining (Fig. 1). Therefore, shown in (Fig. 4), inhibition of the 26S proteasome activity with
we wished to determine whether the perinuclear accumulation of MG132 sequestered ubiquitin into aggresome structure as previ-
p300 is related to aggresome structure. ously reported.41 Importantly, p300 colocalized with ubiquitin at
The perinuclear p300 colocalizes with g‑tubulin and with the distinct perinuclear region following double treatments with
subunits of the 20S proteasome. The cytoplasmic inclusion bodies of MG132 and valproic acid, while the ubiquitin staining is more
mammalian cells, termed as aggresome, are microtubule‑dependent punctuated in the aggresome like structure (Fig. 4). This suggests that
and have a distinct perinuclear localization.30 To determine whether the perinuclear p300 may be modified by ubiquitin and targeted for
aggresome is in fact the structural basis for the perinuclear accumu- degradation through the cytoplasmic proteasome system.
lation of p300 induced by MG132, we used immunofluorescence Experimentally, the formation of aggresome can be induced
optical sectioning to characterize the spatial distribution of p300 in by inhibition of the 26S proteasome activity but be blocked by
relation to two well‑characterized aggresome markers, g‑tubulin and depolymerization of microtubules with nocodazole.31 To determine
a subunits of the 20S proteasome.31 whether the colocalization of p300 with ubiquitin at the distinct
As shown in (Fig. 2), in untreated cells, g‑tubulin was distrib- perinuclear region is microtubule‑dependent, we treated the cells
uted around the nuclear envelope as reported by others30 and it did with nocodazole in parallel experiments. As shown in (Fig. 4),
not colocalize with p300. However, following 8 hours of valproic nocodazole treatment alone did not affect the cellular distribution

94 Epigenetics 2007; Vol. 2 Issue 2

Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

Figure 5. Effects of leptomycin‑B on valproic acid‑induced p300 degrada‑

tion. (A) Cells were treated with valproic acid (VPA, 2 mM) alone or in
combination with leptomycin‑B (LMB, 10 nM) for 16 hours. Cell lysates were
prepared and subjected to Western blot analysis with antibodies specifically
against p300 and SRC. (B) Quantitative analysis of the Western blot results
is expressed as fold variations compared to the untreated control. SRC bands
were used as internal controls. Error bars represent the standard deviations
of three independent experiments. (C) Following 8 hours of various treat‑
ments, cells were fixed and stained with a p300 antibody for immunofluo‑
rescence microscopy. The cells were also stained with hoechst (25 ng/ml) to
visualize the nuclei.

of p300 comparing to untreated control cells. However, in cells

treated with MG132 in combination with valproic acid, the addi-
tion of nocodazole prevented the distribution of p300 to the distinct
perinuclear region and led to p300 scattered around the cytoplasm
while still localizing with ubiquitin (Fig. 4). Together, these data
indicate that microtubule‑dependent retrograde transport mecha-
nism is involved in the formation of p300 aggresome during valproic
acid‑induced p300 turnover.
Leptomycin B inhibits valproic acid‑induced p300 degradation.
Figure 6. Domain specific ubiquitination of p300. Cells were transfected with
Intracellular trafficking are effective means to control the level and
expression plasmids for various M2‑tagged p300 truncations spanning the
activity of nuclear proteins. Many transcription regulators shuttle full length of p300 together with expression plasmid for HA‑tagged ubiqui‑
between nucleus and cytoplasm by energy‑dependent transport tin. Following treatments with MG132 (MG, 5 mM), the M2 tagged p300
across the nuclear membrane. For example, nuclear export and were immunoprecipitated by using a M2‑conjugated agarose and subjected
cytoplasmic degradation of p53 is fundamental for inactivating its to Western blot analysis with a M2 antibody. The blot was then stripped
transcriptional activity during normal cell growth.35,42 Exportin1 and reprobed with a HA antibody to detect the p300‑ubiquitin conjugates.
or CRM1 (chromosomal region maintenance‑1) is one of the best Shown are the representatives of three independent experiments. Solid
arrow indicates the position of M2‑tagged full‑length p300 (A‑C). Schematic
characterized export receptor engaged in transporting many cellular
presentation of various p300 expression plasmids used in the experiments
proteins from the nucleus to cytoplasm.43 To discern whether are also shown (D).
intracellular trafficking is involved in valproic acid‑induced p300
degradation, we employed leptomycin B, a nuclear export inhibitor did not have much impact on the steady‑state level of p300 protein.
which binds directly to CRM1 and blocks the CRM1‑mediated Most intriguingly, the reduction of p300 induced by valproic acid
nuclear protein export.43 was efficiently prevented by cotreatment of the cells with leptomycin
The levels of endogenous p300 protein were assessed by using B (Figs. 5A and B). These data suggest that CRM1 pathway may be
quantitative Western analysis following treatment of HeLa cells with important for intracellular redistribution and cytoplasmic degrada-
valproic acid in the absence or presence of leptomycin B. As shown in tion of p300 and the shuttling of p300 from the nucleus to the
(Figs. 5A and B), valproic acid treatment reduced the levels of endog- cytoplasmic region may be involved in valproic acid‑induced p300
enous p300 by about 70% as compared to the untreated control cells degradation.
in agreement with early report,25 while leptomycin B treatment alone Epigenetics 95
Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

of a M2‑tagged full‑length p300 was also detected in the assay

(Fig. 6C). However, the full‑length p300 protein was barely visible
even after high amount of expression plasmid transfection and
extended Western film exposure in comparison to the truncated
forms of p300, indicating that p300 activity is tightly regulated in
cellular system (Fig. 6C).
The ubiquitination of p300 is important for the cytoplasmic
distribution of p300. In aggresome containing cells, vimentin, a
type III intermediate filaments, is wrapped around the inclusion
body, which is believed to contribute to stability of aggresome and
is a well established marker for the inclusion body.30,34 Next, we
examined the intracellular localization of vimentin and the truncated
forms of p300‑N1‑670 and p300‑M671‑1194 in response to MG132
treatment in the absence or presence of valproic acid. ApoTome
optical sectioning microscopy revealed that the p300‑N1‑670 and
p300‑M671‑1194 stained similar and are both nuclear in untreated
cells (Fig. 7). Interestingly, the p300‑N1‑670 staining pattern did
not change and remained nuclear despite of various treatments
(Fig. 7). However, the p300‑M671‑1194 which is highly ubiquitinated
was stained visibly at the distinct perinuclear region upon the
treatments with MG132 and the perinuclear accumulation of
Figure 7. Localization of p300‑M to the vimentin structure is microtubule‑de‑
pendent. Cells were transfected with expression plasmids for p300‑M or p300‑M671‑1194 was enhanced by cotreatment with valproic acid
p300‑N, and treated with MG132 (MG, 5 mM) and valproic acid (VPA, 2 (Fig. 7). In addition, the perinuclear p300‑M671‑1194 localized to
mM) in the absence or presence of nocodazole (Noco, 10 mM). The cells the vimentin region (Fig. 7). Taken together, these data suggest that
were then stained with a M2 antibody for detecting the truncated forms of p300‑M671‑1194 harbors the specific signals required for aggresome
p300 (green) and an antibody for vimentin (red). Images were captured by distribution of p300.
optical sectioning. Each image represents optical section of 0.25 mm depth. Importantly, nocodazole, a microtubule toxin, was able to disrupt
the localization of p300‑M671‑1194 and vimentin to the distinct
Next, we examined the effect of leptomycin‑B on valproic perinuclear region. As shown in (Fig. 7), treatment with nocodazole
acid‑induced cellular redistribution of p300 by using immuno- alone did not change the staining pattern of p300‑M671‑1194 in
fluorescence microscopy. As shown in (Fig. 5C), treatment with untreated control cells. However, the cytoplasmic p300‑M671‑1194
leptomycin‑B alone did not change the nuclear staining pattern p300 stained as speckles scattered around the nuclear envelope and
in comparison with untreated control cells. However, cotreatment of vimentin distributed around perinuclear region as rope‑like filaments
the cells with leptomycin‑B impaired the cytoplasmic distribution in response to treatment with MG132 and valproic acid in the pres-
of p300 induced by valproic acid and restored the intensity of p300 ence of nocodazole, (Fig. 7). The effect of nocodazole on the cellular
nuclear staining to a similar degree of the untreated cells (Fig. 5C). distribution of p300‑M671‑1194 inclusion was similar to that of
Collectively, these data suggest that nuclear export may be involved endogenous wild type p300, suggesting a possible link between p300
in the cytoplasmic redistribution of p300, and CRM1 pathway is ubiquitination and formation of cytoplasmic inclusion bodies.
important for nucleo‑cytoplasmic shuttling and cytoplasmic degra- Furthermore, p300DM, a mutant p300 with the potential ubiqui-
dation of p300 induced by valproic acid. tination sites deleted in the context of full length p300, stained as a
Domain specific ubiquitination of p300. Next, we wished to nuclear protein regardless of valproic acid and MG132 treatments
further delineate whether valproic acid‑induced intracellular redis- and did not localize to the vimentin region (Fig. 8). On the other
tribution of p300 is linked to ubiquitin‑dependent pathway. To hand, the full‑length p300 was detected in the vimentin region upon
identify the p300 domain harbouring ubiquitinated lysine residues, inhibition of proteasome‑dependent protein degradation (Fig. 8).
we first performed in vivo ubiquitination assay by using M2‑tagged These data again support a link between p300 ubiquitination and
cytoplasmic inclusion body formation. Our study, for the first time,
truncated forms of p300 spanning the full length of p300 (Fig. 6).
establishes that p300 is a substrate of the cytoplasmic proteasome
The M2‑tagged p300 truncations and HA‑tagged ubiquitin were
and demonstrates the role of spatial redistribution in the regulation
coexpressed in HeLa cells which were then treated for 16 hours with
of p300 function.
MG132 prior to immunoprecipitation of the truncated forms of
p300 with a M2 antibody. Inhibition of the proteasome‑dependent
protein degradation with MG132 is essential in this assay since Discussion
accumulation of ubiquitinated p300 is required for detection of the The main conclusion from this work is that nucleo‑cytoplasmic
ubiquitin conjugates by Western blotting. The blot was first probed shuttling is involved in the control of the availability and activity of
with the M2 antibody to examine the expression of truncated forms transcriptional coactivator p300 in the nucleus and the cytoplasmic
of p300, then stripped and reprobed with antibody specific for the degradation of p300 is mediated through ubiquitin‑proteasome
HA‑tag to detect p300‑ubiquitin conjugates. As shown in (Fig. 6A), pathway. In addition, the cytoplasmic distribution of p300 is
the p300‑M671‑1194 truncation which contains 19 lysine residues is independent of the 26S proteasome activity.
highly ubiquitinated, but not the p300‑N1‑670 which contains 27 The nuclear level of transcriptional coactivator p300 is tightly
Lysine residues, suggesting that ubiquitination of p300 is regulated regulated to maintain normal cell proliferation and development.12,21
by a domain specific mechanism. In addition, the ubiquitination Effective elimination of p300 activity following histone acetylation

96 Epigenetics 2007; Vol. 2 Issue 2

Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

Proteins shuttle in and out of nucleus through the nuclear core

complex, which is a highly regulated event to rapidly change the
cellular localization of key signaling components during signal
transduction. Many studies have established transcriptional coacti-
vator p300 as a nuclear protein fitting to its function.23,36 Multiple
nuclear localization signal (NLS) reside in p300 to safeguard its
nuclear localization. Our study suggests that nuclear export may
also be involved in the control of cellular localization and nuclear
activity of p300, which may be mediated by the CRM1 pathway.
The cytoplasmic redistribute of p300 correlates with ubiquitina-
tion and with the p300 domain containing multiple lysine residues
(Figs. 6–8). Modification of these lysine residues by acetylation may
evoke potential nuclear export signals or mechanisms of coupling
p300 to the CRM1 receptor. It is known that treatment of cells with
HDAC inhibitors increase p300 acetylation.50 Therefore, it is most
likely that HDAC inhibitor such as valproic acid may also induce
Figure 8. Localization of p300 to the vimentin structure is domain‑dependent. selective p300 turnover through nucleo‑cytoplasmic shuttling of
Cells were transfected with expression plasmids for the full‑length p300 p300 or mechanism of p300 acetylation.
(p300WT) or for a mutant p300 with the ubiquitination domain deleted Ubiquitination has versatile roles in regulation of cellular activity
(p300DM), and treated with MG132 (MG, 5 mM) and valproic acid (VPA, 2 as it can activate protein kinases, mediate protein‑protein interaction,
mM). The cells were then stained with a M2 antibody for detecting the tran‑ signal nuclear export and mark protein for endocytosis. Nonetheless,
siently expressed p300 (green) and an antibody for vimentin (red). Images
targeting protein for proteasome degradation remains the most
were captured by optical sectioning. Shown are representatives of single
0.25 mm optical sections.
known function for ubiquitination. The 26S proteasome is localized
to both cytoplasmic and nuclear compartments of the cell and is
and gene activation is essential for cells to ensure precisely controlled responsible for the clearance of ubiquitin‑tagged proteins in general.
transcription. Generally speaking, treatment of cells with HDAC Our previous study shows that nuclear proteasome system may
inhibitors, such as valproic acid and butyrate, renders histones in participate in the regulation of p300 turnover.23 In this study, we
hyperacetylated status, making the cells more transcription active, or demonstrate that the cytoplasmic proteasome system is also impor-
lesser of p300‑dependent.44,45 In response, p300 is shuttled from the tant for valproic acid‑induced p300 turnover.
nucleus to the cytoplasm upon the treatments (Fig. 1). The physical The formation of p300 aggresome depends on functional micro-
removal of p300 from the nucleus, its site of action, may serve as an tubule networks and the perinuclear p300 aggregates colocalize
integral mechanism to control the function and availability of the with g‑tubulin, ubiquitin and a subunits of the 20S proteasome
coactivator in response to cellular challenge, limiting its opportunity (Figs. 2–4). Aggresome can be formed as the consequence of over-
to interact with sequence‑specific transcription factors, to acetylate whelmed proteasome system or of cellular response to mutant or
histones or transcriptional regulators and to coordinate gene activa- misfolded proteins.30,32 Apparently, the formation of aggresome is a
tion. Interestingly, it has been shown recently that p300 and CBP are cellular protective mechanism to sequester potentially toxic protein
distributed in the cytoplasm of oocytes within primordial follicles and aggregates that are scattered around the intracellular milieu or to
enter the nucleus during different stages of oocyte growth.46 deliver them for disposal through an alternative pathway such as
We also provide evidence that CRM1 pathway is involved autophagosome. Many nuclear proteins undergo cytoplasmic degra-
in valproic acid‑induced p300 turnover (Fig. 5). Previously, we dation as an integral part of normal cellular regulatory process. One
reported that valproic acid induces p300 degradation by augmenting such example is the inducible NO synthase (iNOS), a host defense
gene expression of the B56g3 regulatory subunit of PP2A.25 The protein. It has been reported that cells regulate the levels of iNOS
PP2A‑mediated p300 turnover may depend on the nuclear proteasome through aggresome formation.33 We, for the first time, provide
system since the B56g3 regulatory subunit is a nuclear protein.47,48 In the evidence that p300, a nuclear protein, is also a substrate of the
addition, PI3K inhibitor‑enhanced p300 degradation does not induce cytoplasmic ubiquitin‑proteasome and of aggresome.
the cytoplasmic distribution of p300.23 Here, we show that cytoplasm HDAC6 is a microtubule‑associated deacetylase and plays an
appears to be also a site of p300 degradation, or the fate of cytoplasmic important role in aggresome formation.51,52 Inhibition of HDAC6
p300 is indeed for a selective turnover. First, cytoplasmic localization activity by HDAC inhibitors such as TSA and SAHA impairs tubulin
of p300 is observed prior to the reduction of the coactivator induced acetylation and aggresome formation.51,53 However, valproic acid
by valproic acid (Figs. 1–4). Second, inhibition of CRM1 activity does not inhibit the activity of HDAC6 and HDAC10, although it
prevents effectively the selective p300 turnover (Fig. 5). Collectively, is able to impede the activity of several other members of class I and
these results suggest that nucleo‑cytoplasmic shuttling may be required class II HDACs.54 In agreement with these observations, Treatment
for the selective p300 turnover through the cytoplasmic proteasome. of the cells with valproic acid does not affect cellular distribution of
However, the cytoplasmic distribution of p300 does not require the HDAC6 (data not shown). Thus, valproic acid does not impair the
26S proteasome activity since proteasome inhibitor is able to block formation of aggresome, rather enhances the deposition of p300 in
valproic acid‑induced p300 degradation,25 but not the cytoplasmic the aggresome when the proteasome system is challenged.
distribution of the coactivator (Figs. 1–4). The mechanism of this In conclusion, our study defines a novel mechanism that
spatial control of p300 degradation is seemingly different from that of regulates the availability and activity of p300 in the nucleus
p27kip1 turnover. The presence of proteasome inhibitor can block both and provides evidence for the roles of cellular trafficking and
nuclear export and degradation of p27kip1, an indication that the 26S spatial distribution in the regulation of gene expression through
proteasome is involved in the regulation of p27kip1 export.49 transcriptional coactivator p300. Epigenetics 97
Spatial Regulation of Transcriptional Coactivator p300

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