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my name is ro and welcome to my marketing dynamics vlog presentation the chartered institute of marketing

defined marketing as the management process responsible for identifying anticipating and satisfying customer
requirements profitably there are a vast number of marketing concepts and i will discuss three of them today those
three are 1)business to business marketing 2) consumer behavior and 3) brand loyalty let's start with business to
business marketing also known as b2b marketing it is known to be the marketing of goods or services to companies
or other institutions that deems a vendors products or services valuable organizations use their products to produce
their own and sell it to their own consumers. according to trueself 2021 organizations that do b2b sales and
marketing transactions aim to build an effective brand reputation and stable partnership with its stakeholders
organizations undergo a series of away faces when it comes to choosing their suppliers of vendors according to
banes2019 these five phases or stages are also known as organizational buying behavior which is a series of
sequential events between an organization in order to achieve their final purchasing decision according to bayman's
2010 this process can be divided into three main stages first is product specification and requests for proposals
businesses find a need or problem recognition within the organization discuss it with other business units to produce
product specifications and then look for suppliers or vendors according to dejong 2021 businesses look for potential
vendors that have already adapted to technological trends and advancements we then move on to stage 2 which is
negotiations and selections once they have selected suppliers the organization will further negotiate according to
barker 2021 organizations to not just look for quality products but also on quality customer services which leads me
to the final stage order fulfillment and evaluation even if the organization has received their final products they will
still evaluate and provide feedback to their vendors according to the inter-organizational exchange relationship
theory by nielsen 1996 when transactions are successful businesses may eventually commit to each other for a
longer period of time this marketing concept is very likely to occur in manufacturing companies such as Colgate
palmolive also known as call pal which is considered as the world's leading oral care company given the vast array of
products call pal has to offer it is given that they do a lot of b2b marketing and sales transactions with other suppliers
and businesses in 2017 call file found a need for better digitization platform that will help track their supplier
activities cop partnered with neurology and ai driven software to help their customization partners with their
operations neulogy provided colgate pamela real-time visibility and control towards their supply chain this
partnership increased the company's
supply chain effectiveness and efficiency in line with this program call paul is looking into a long-term partnership
with neurology to increase productivity and continually adapt to the fast-paced world of digitization and innovation
now we move on to consumer behavior according to shiftman 2018 consumer behavior studies how consumers turn
their unfulfilled needs and want into motivational desires that will eventually drive them to purchase products or
services it also studies consumers decision making practices and spending practices according to solomon 2019 there
are three buckets of consumer decision making first is cognitive second is habitual and third is effective cognitive
decision making is a deliberate rational and sequential decision made by a customer customers that perching using
this undergo a series of stages before coming to a purchase of sale colgate targets these cognitive consumers by
providing informative details in their ads and packaging habitual decision making may be caused by behavioral
unconscious or unnatural automatic response of buyers to purchase these purchases are made with little to no effort
at all since most of our lifestyle buying decisions are made from a routine colgate targets habitual decision makers by
ensuring they have product variety that can satisfy every person's needs and placing them from the top of bottom to
the shelf in stores for customer convenience effective decision making is an emotional or instantaneous reaction of
customers some theories that apply to these are one prospects here which analyzes how decisions are made based
on consumers evaluation of products possible risks gain or losses next is the theory of optimum bias which is
psychological bias where impulses are made based on the consumer's effective motivation or the desire for accuracy
according to broadca 2010. when colgate was launched in 1873 oral creams were only made for cosmetic purposes
until their competitor proctor and gamble released a toothpaste with fluoride by the 1990s all toothpastes had
fluoride and marketing differentiation was no longer an option consumers started to sought after oral care
treatment such as halitosis discoloration and sensitive teeth in1997 colgate launched called the total investing in
over 100 million dollars in marketing campaign for its therapeutic benefits such as plaque prevention and teeth
whitening after this campaign colligate became the leading brand in oral care up to today since consumers decision-
making processes evolves colgate proliferated their products by producing different brands such as colgate sensitive
pro relief colgate maximum cavity protection and colgate optic white as well as producing other oral healthcare
products such as toothbrushes and mouthwashes to satisfy or be the final choice of every consumer in their
decision-making process when it comes to oral care the next concept i'll be talking about is brand loyalty according
to culture 2016 a brand is an identifier of a business to represent itself and differentiate itself from other
competitors there are different stages of brand loyalty first is brand awareness where there's a customer sense of
familiarity second is brand salience whereas the likelihood of the consumers to remember the brand when the need
for it occurs third is brand attitude where the memory associations to the brand such as image value and quality
occurs fourth is brand loyalty which is the consequence of brand equity wherein the positive attitude towards the
brand leads to the preference of a brand eventually to the loyalty of it colgate's brand awareness may start through
word of mouth as well as in their commercials and other printed and visual ads brand silliest occurs to consumers
just like when you're out of toothpaste or you have a mild tooth ache colgate is the first oral care brand that comes
into your mind brand attitude when you have memory associations to the brand since you remember that colgate
has a good quality you will purchase it again and again which that positive attitude towards purchasing and
preference to the brand leads to your loyalty to colgate toothpaste based on van der westwisten 2018 according to
self-verification theory people will want others to perceive them based on their self-view therefore consumers are
directed to the brands that have the same concept and as the ideas that are associated with them these connections
consumers have with the businesses lead to brand loyalty brand loyalty can further be classified into two and these
classifications are connected to colgate toothpaste first is behavioral brand loyalty which can be seen as the habitual
purchase of the same brand this can be seen as the customer's habits who purchase regularly only colgate
toothpaste when the need for oral care occurs according to percy and rosenbaum elliott 2018 it is also the brand
manager's job to ensure that satisfaction is maintained not just on product performance based on sales but also
through consumers perception of the brand therefore brand loyalty is measured not just behaviorally but
attitudinally as well which leads me to the next classification attitude associated brand loyalty which is a deeper
pledge of commitment to the brand only when the consumer is very satisfied with the brand will there be a presence
or feeling of high risk and switching to a competitor this happens when colgate has become an integral part of the
consumer's lifestyle when it comes to oral care due to their proven lifetime satisfaction with the brand for my
recommendations instead of using multiple supplier software i suggest call pal partner with just one customizable
platform to unify supplier transactions callback can also share their marketing and environmental efforts with their
suppliers to encourage them to do the same colgate can also find a new niche mortgage as a different age segment
targeting people ages 50 and above to solve teeth loss and other gum aging problems lastly i suggest colgate to
invest in further marketing research to provide better formulas why not invest in other whole mouth produces a
tongue and lips just a thought that ends my marketing dynamics vlog presentation i hope that was insightful and
informative thank you very much for watching

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