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Welcome ARCHIVE Morning Update Chat Room Charting FAQ's

NEWSLETTER & Oscillator Programs

Hello out there stock charting fans. As I had said in Sunday’s letter, the time is now to re-enter the market in
selected issues. What a day it was too. YHOO up almost 6, AMZN up about the same and Broadcom BRCM up
3, Earthlink ELNK up 2, Inktomi INKT up 3+ and BCST up almost 8.
I must say, I don’t know of anybody that I’ve seen out there that can do the timing that I’ve shown you folk’s.
It scary isn’t it.
Anyway, I think we should concentrate on all of the stocks that moved in a big way today as the market is
telling you which ones they want to push up and own. It’s your basic top down approach. After all, when a
sale is on, do you buy the slow movers, or the hot items that are going fast. I prefer the hot items that
everybody wants. These stocks are going to move much further and faster then the ones that nobody wants.
I will list a few other fast moving stocks and a few others that are ready to go. I would suggest a small basket
of these stocks at the start of the feeding frenzy. Then you can weed out the laggards or the slower movers.
That is, if you want to maximize gains. Of course there are those that just can’t bear to sell a stock for one
reason or another, even if it is going nowhere. I always say, if you want to your portfolio go nowhere, then
don’t sell that laggard.
A good example is AVEI that I listed in my letter two weeks ago. Here is a company with outstanding earnings
and growth and the stock can’t get out of it’s own way. Very sloppy behavior. This stock should be twice the
P/E that it is today. Unless something happens to this company in a big way that would alter the way the
stock acts, this stock should be avoided.
Let me be a little more clear on the subject. If your stock is supposed to go up or down, after the completion
of a formation and for what ever the reason it doesn’t, your job is not to second guess or to wait and see, but
to jettison that stock as fast as you can. More likely than not, that stock is defective. It is on to the next mover
that is coming out of a base formation. This is how to maximize your gains ASAP. So on to a few more movers
Capital One Financial (COF) - $107

This was such a strong mover before the nancial stocks got hammered in this brutal market sell off. However this stock is
coming back super strong. The stock went through the 200 day moving average then popped up very fast and strong. I would
buy here as the stock is set to go. Keep your stops tight as always. See Attached graph.
Geocities (GCTY) - $22

This stock was a huge IPO mover at the beginning of the market sell off and of course the stock tanked in the sell off as well.
The stock is quietly basing here and is set to wake up and join the others such as BCST. Draw your descending trend line on
this stock and you will nd your buy point. It looks to be around $23.50 or so. Note: When it crosses the line look for this
stock to take off. If by the end of the day that it crosses the line, this stock seems slow, or has no pizzazz, then I would not
own the stock. However if it takes off with large volume then you may have a real winner.
Intervoice Inc. (INTV) - $23

This stock just released earnings and the stock exploded on record volume. It has now consolidated here and is set to go. Buy
point is $23.50. It may take a day or two more but I think that’s about it.
Qologic (QLGC) - $70

This stock looks like it could go all the way. If you can get this stock to put in a day or two more of rest, then I would
consider buying it with a tight stop. Your buy point is as it goes into new highs at $71.
Rambus Inc. (RMBS) - $58

I think this stock should be looked at for some time for it to consolidate at a higher level. Then after a base, I would consider
buying it.
Warner Lambert (WLA) - $73

This drug stock has held up very well, I would buy the stock here as it’s now closing above it’s 21 day moving average line.
Also, earnings are set to expand to 40% per quarter. See Attached graph
Superior Telecom (SUT) - $46

I gave this one to you to watch last week in a mid week update. The stock just won’t rest. Something big is going on and the
street won’t let you cheap. Too late to get on board, but let’s keep our eye on it for the future.
C M G Information (CMGI) - $44

This former high yer is creating a little wedge that it looks to come out of soon. When it does, look for power of major
proportion in which to ght off the losers that are still holding it and are looking to get out. As soon as the volume starts to
dry up sell, as the former holders will sell fast and drive the stock down
Well that it’s for today folks. Hope you get in on some YHOO as there is still time. Dan

Copyright © 2021 Daniel J. Zanger

All rights reserved. Do not duplicate or redistribute in any form.

CHARTPATTERN.COMTM - Technical stock analyst and World Record Holder Dan ZangerTM shares
pro table strategies for trading the stock market in the The Zanger ReportTM. The Zanger ReportTM is
a nightly newsletter that features breakouts, swing trading, breakout trading, technical stock chart
analysis, stock tips, market research, hot stocks, and commented charts with highlighted
chartpatterns. Dan ZangerTM shares additional real time strategy plays daily in his large chatroom.

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