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Name: Consul, Mark M.

Course and Section: BS Criminology 1-HOTEL

Subject: ROTC MS1

Assessment: What acts make:

 Good Citizen
- respects the Philippine flag
- ready to die and defend the motherland
- follows laws that is implemented by the government
- ready to help others especially those who are in need
- responsible
- honest
- knows what is wrong from right

 Bad Citizen
- Fights the government
- Scared to defend one’s country
- Always love or choose to do bad instead of good
- Irresponsible
- Dishonest
- Does not respect laws implemented

 What is the primary essence of the recorded war for fighting the freedom and peace
of our nation against the terrorist and invaders during this present time?
The primary essence of the recorded war for fighting the freedom and peace of our nation
against the terrorist and invaders during this present time is very crucial so that individuals in
a certain community will have a peaceful leaving except for the terrorist organizations that
gives terror and harm to the people it is the aim of the armed forces to eradicate them and end
their reputations. Also, the primary essence of these recorded war for fighting and freedom is
to protect also the natural rights of an individual and also those natural resources created by
the Heavenly Creator.
The second essence of the recorded war for fighting is so that the enlisted armed
personals of our country is to defend our sovereignty against foreign invasion and aggression,
for example is in the west

Philippine Sea were Chinas navy and coast guards harass fishermen and the countries coast
guard the reason why they do is according to them that the Philippine Sea is theirs and the
Philippines does not have the authority to access that place. It is contested by the Chinese for
that place is rich in natural minerals and other natural resources. Lastly wars occur in every
century and the reason why there are wars is because of different ideologies, beliefs, politics
and lastly natural resources or territories. There are no winners in war it’s just the business
man who make profit in wars by selling weapons and let the soldiers do the work why they
just sit get rich.
Name: Consul, Mark M. Course and Section: BS Criminology 1-HOTEL
Subject: ROTC MS1

 What is the importance of core values in molding a Filipino soldier?

The importance of the core values in molding a Filipino soldier is very crucial to each and
single one of the soldiers for this will mold them to become good leaders and to be a role model
to others especially to the young ones that also wants to become future defenders of the country.
Also soldier leaders or officers need to master all the core values so that they can lead their
troops effectively and also to have or develop the band, for in the armed forces they are band of
brothers and always got each other’s backs. The most important core values that can mold a
Filipino soldier is the willingness to die for the mother land or being a patriot, loyalty towards to
his/her commanding officers, once a soldier pledge its allegiance to the Philippine flag, he/she
pledges to give all he have even his/her life in defending the beloved country.

 As a student cadet, how will you maintain the quality standards and values of AFP?
As a student cadet I will maintain this quality standards and values of the AFP by
doing it and applying it in my daily lifestyle. These values can mold me to become a
better person and to become a better leader in the community and also to be a good set of
examples to the youth. In every action that I will do I will assure that I can help others
through simple things and in every action I do I will ensure that I do not violate any laws
of the republic and if ever disaster, war, or any situation that can harm a human life I will
answer the call of duty even if the consequence is sacrificing one’s life. It is better to die
fulfilling the duty than to die without doing it.
 Are you in favor of regulating martial law in times of conflict? Why or why not?
yes, I am in favor of regulating martial law in a certain region if ever conflict occurs or
during a period war. The reason why martial law is needed to be implemented is so that the
armed forces will monitor the security of the area and to defend from any threats of attack that
can be conducted by the insurgents/enemy of the state anytime. If it says martial law, it’s not just
security but it also pertains to the assistance given by armed forces personals and law enforcers,
also martial law can be implemented for the armed forces alongside with the law enforcement
can help the civilians in evacuating the conflict zone to avoid collateral damage. Also, martial
law is regulated to areas that are not stable and always on conflict it is implemented to eliminate
threats to the people it is also a way for the armed forces to confiscated weapons and to arrest
possible collaborators to the enemy of the state.

Name: Consul, Mark M. Course and Section: BS Criminology 1-HOTEL

Subject: ROTC MS1

 If you are the president of this Republic, what will be your steps to exterminate or
abolish terrorist group who threatens the security of the country?
If ever I am the president of the Republic the way that I will do in order to eradicate and abolish
the terrorist groups is to order them to lay down their weapons and return their allegiance to the
Philippine flag and to trust the government again for they are defending a wrong ideology and
they are just being brained washed for centuries and if they will not lay down their arms, I will
declare an all-out war to them and will order the Armed Forces to eradicate all of them at any
means in order to bring back peace to the communities and also to end their wrong ideologies
that corrupts the mind of the young Filipino citizens they recruit. The other thing I will do in
order to eradicate or cripple a terrorist groups tactics is to disrupt all their supply lines by
implementing search and destroy tactics by the armed forces, by this it means that the armed
forces will search every community and to win back the heart of the people so that they will stop
supporting and helping the terrorist groups. In doing these I will implement project that will help
the community such as building farm to market roads, learning facilities, providing livelihood
programs to the citizens and other projects. By doing this it will cripple and weaken the rebel
forces for they will lack supplies such as food, cash they collect from communities, and other
necessities they need in order to continue fighting.

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