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UEME4423 Manufacturing Technology II

Assignment (May 2022 Trimester)

Figures below show some manufacturing products specifically designed for their
intended usages.

1. Mobile Phone Case 2. Car Seat Cover

3. Detergent Container 4. Sport Bottle

5. Smart Temperature Sensor 6. Shoes Insole

You need to choose only ONE type of product for the assignment. Then, compose
suitable material and manufacturing process for making the product. The assignment
should include following information:

1. Provide background details of your product

2. Justify the problem statement of the design, material selection and
manufacturing process
3. Define the objectives of your design, material selection and manufacturing
4. Make an engineering drawing on your idea and design of the product
5. Evaluate and discuss your design, material selection and manufacturing
6. Do cost analysis, evaluate market potential and product impacts to public health,
safety and environment
7. Discuss the challenges faced by the manufacturer on the product of your choice
and possible solutions
8. Conclusion

Refrain from heavy dependent on diagram or figure from the web source. Make
engineering drawing to emphasize your original idea. Originality of idea, diagram and
report will gain more marks. Plagiarism and copying from other students/internet work
are STRICTLY prohibited. Proper citation and referencing are required in the cases of
information are obtained from other sources.

Assessment: (Total Marks 20%)

• Students are allowed to form a group (Number of student per group: 4) for group
discussion on the selected product.

• The assessment of the assignment is based on Individual Report (20%).

Format of Report:

• Total number of pages MAXIMUM 7 pages

• Provide name, student ID and department details
• Cover page and references are not included in the number of pages
• There shall be no appendix for the report
• Report must be computer typed. Font type: Times New Roman; Font size: 12 pt.
• Line spacing: Single
• Margin: Top, Bottom, Left & Right: 2.0cm
• Suggested to use Harvard Referencing System

Submit a softcopy of your individual report (PDF format) to WBLE by 15th August
2022, 12pm (Monday, Week 10).
Copy Right Declaration:

The report should be written solely using your own language based on your in-depth analysis
and synthesis of information provided in references. Major statements and facts must be
supported by appropriate references. A sentence or several sentences that are directly copied
from a reference must be quotation-marked followed by a referred citation. It is strongly
suggested that you rephrase, instead of directly quote, the sentence(s). Copying sentences or
paragraphs from sources without proper citation/referencing will be regarded as plagiarism.

NOTE: Wikipedia can be useful for getting background knowledge, but keep in mind that
Wikipedia is essentially a blog site. Wikipedia can be useful for finding original references,
which you can read and cite. Do not cite Wikipedia in the reference.

References and Sources of Images:


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