ML Skill Projects

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Machine learning projects –peer mentors

1. Building Covid-19 Dashboard with Pycharm and Tableau

2. Predicting a person’s life expectancy based on variables such as education, number of
infant deaths, alcohol consumption, and adult mortality.
3. The dataset comprises of predictors such as cholesterol, age, diabetes, and family
history that are used to predict the onset of heart disease in a patient.
You can use Python to analyze the relationships present in this dataset, and come up with
answers to questions such as:
 Are patients with diabetes more likely to develop heart disease at an early age?
 Is there a certain demographic group that is at higher risk of heart disease than others?
 Does frequent exercise lower the risk of developing heart disease?
 Are smokers more likely to develop heart disease than non-smokers?


4. The World Happiness Report tracks six factors to measure global happiness — life
expectancy, economics, social support, absence of corruption, freedom, and generosity.
You can answer the following questions when performing an analysis on this dataset:
 Which country is the happiest in the world?
 What are the most important contributing factors to a nation’s happiness?
 Is overall happiness increasing or decreasing?

5. Compare Naive Bayes, SVM, XGBoost, Bagging, AdaBoost, K-Nearest Neighbors,

Random Forests for classification of Malaria Cells
6. Develop web application to predict the future price of the stock market based on the
previous year’s data using machine learning techniques.
7. There are many ships, boats on the oceans and it is impossible to manually keep track
of what everyone is doing Develop a project that can identify illegal poaching of
animals and catch fishing activities through satellite and Geolocation data.
8. Customer Revenue prediction web application
9. Design and implement a web application to predict insurance premiums based on
publicly available risk factors.
10. Develop a web application to predict Students Grade and placement using ML
11. Develop a web application to predict life expectancy based on variables such as
education, number of infant deaths, alcohol consumption, and adult mortality.
12. Develop a web application to suggest learning paths that the student should take and
track student knowledge and recommend next steps:
13. Develop a web application to predict Loan - The idea behind this ML project is to build a
model that will classify how much loan the user can take. It is based on the user’s marital
status, education, number of dependents, and employments.
14. Develop a web application to Detect Fake News - Fake news spreads like a wildfire and
this is a big issue in this era. You can learn how to distinguish fake news from a real one.
You can use supervised learning to implement a model like this.
15. Develop a web application to predict Bitcoin Price- This project will help you predict the
price of the bitcoin using previous data.
16. Develop a web application to predict Xbox Game -The data generated by people while
searching can be used to predict the interest of the users. company has provided the data
of millions of searches from users and you will predict the Xbox game that a user will be
most interested to buy.
17. . Music recommender system can suggest songs to users based on their listening pattern.

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