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This chapter focuses on explaining clearly the techniques in collecting data and

analyzing data relating to films. In order to be clearer, this research has a method as a

process in planning concepts in the form of data to reach conclusions. As it is known

that the research method has a difference to the research methodolgy. According to

C.R Kothari (2004: 7-8) states that research methods may be understood as all those

methods/techniques that are used for conduction of research. Research methods or

techniques, thus refer to the methods of the researchers used in perfoming research

question. In other words, all those methods which are used by the researcher during

the course of studying his research problem are termed as research method.

Meanwhile, research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research

problem. It may be understood as a science of studying how research is done

scientifically. This research using research method consists of research design,

source of data, sample of data, technique of collecting data, and also technique of

analyzing data.

3.1 Research Design

According to Kerlinger (1986) in Ranjit Kumar (95: 2011) states that a research

design is a plan, structure, and strategy of ivestigation so conceived as to obtain

answer to research question or problems. The research plan is prepared at the

planning stage after the researcher has a problem. After that the problems are

collected as data and then used as a programmed scheme for analysis. In this

research, the problems identified in literary works are the main characters in a film. It

is using qualitative approach which the film would be representated in the form of an

images to find out list of research questions as used in this film.

In other side, the qualitative approach has several types of methods including;

narrative method, phenomenological method, grounded method, and ethnography

method (Creswell, 2014: 42). One of those, this research uses narrative method as a

method that expresses the meaning of one's life experience and history. It is

supported by Clandinin and Connely in Creswell (2014: 246) says that the narrative

employs restorying the story using structural devices, such as plot, setting, activities,

climax, and denouement. It means that the narrative method can shows description of

event in a setting, place, and character as what Creswell (2014: 249) said that

description involves a detailed rendering of information about people, place, or

setting. The study can analysis in designing descriptions for narrative research

project and ethnographies. Therefore, this research using the narrative method can

shows characteristics, psychology of the main character. Clearly, this research

focuses on Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main character will be identified

according to Bogs and Petrie’s and Robert Di Yanni’s characterization theory which

produces Maslow’s characteristics of self-actualization and the fulfillment of needs

of Christopher Johnson McCandlles as the main character in achieving his self-

actualization in some of film scenes, it can be shown through the actions,

appearances and speechs of the character. Specifically, the main character will be

illustrated by using, dialogue, cinematic composition, and internal action in Into The

Wild film. It is supported by movie script to depicts the character and its dialogues,

setting, and the detail explanation of certain point, such as the details of the setting

and the character’s movement. The script gives signs on the dialogue to indicate how

the character speech their dialogue. The movie script is one of sources in qualitative

research, it is source in the form of texts and documents provide a great deal of data

about society, both historically and of the present (Walliman, 2011: 138).

3.2 Data

According to Given (2008: 185) says that the term data refers to a collection of

information. A more detailed definition includes types of data that combine to be the

collected information such as numbers, words, pictures, video, audio, and concepts.

This research uses the data in the form of pictures and words. The data should be

appended, collected, and analyzed in this research. The data is collected through

different from strengths and weakness in relation to the research question and

analysis techniques. There are 12 scenes related to characteristics of the main

character and 10 scenes related to hierarchy of human needs. For making it sure,

these are some samples of data as follows:

Scene Narration

In this scene, Chris Johnson

McCandlles makes a
conversation with Rainey and
Jan. At the moment Jan and
Rainey, chris are beside
campfire, sitting on blankets.
Their tents loom behind them.
Then, they talked to each other
about Chris's trip. Jan tried to
give a question in her talk about
Chris's parents' whereabouts.
From Jan’s conversation , Chris

was offended, he answer “i’ll
paraphrase Thoreau---“rather
than love, than money, than
fairness, give me truth.”
In this scene, Tracy helps
Rainey cook dinner on the
barbecue, meaning to
demonstrate to Chirs what a
wonderful wife she would be.
Jan and Chris sipping on beers
sit beside each other on folding
Chairs, out of Rainey and
Tracy’s earshot. When Chris
aim to deflect the question as
Tracy enters the scene.
Then Tracy offered food that
had been served to Chris and
Jan. Before eating, Chris
approached Jan, he said, “we’ll
sit here. Because i will sit here
with you all night”.
In this scene, Chris had starved
for weeks due to the lack of
food supplies. Chris tried to mix
the plants for him to eat after
that he experienced pain
because the plants he ate were
poisonous plants. During the
pain, Chris steals his pencil
from within the pages of the
book scribbling acroos the page:
“Happiness only real when

The las scene in “Into The
Wild” film. Looks Chris
approaching the Annandale
House. His backpack on and
body healthy. Billie parts the
curtains, ecstatic to see Chris
approach, alive and healthy.

Walt and Bille – the camera

push into them as them as they
gleefully run out the front door
to their returning son.
The camera push into Chris
dispatches his backpack to the
ground and runs toward his
parents’ embrace.

3.3 Source of Data

Generally, the primary data resource as the basic data in research such as; tv,

posters, radio, film, newspaper, magazines and books (Walliman, 2011: 92). This

research uses film as primary data. The film title is “Into The Wild”. The film

released in 2007. It is the same as secondary data so that the secondary data are from

some books, journals, or articles related to theory of research and supporting theory

of research.

3.4 Techniques of Collecting Data

This research is uses qualitative research method and the source of this research

is a movie Collecting data in qualitative research method that the data collection

steps include setting the boundaries for the study, collecting information, through

unstructured or semi structured observations and interviews, documents, and visual

materials, as well establishing the protocol for recording information (Creswell,

2014: 239). One of those, this research uses techinques of collecting data through

visual material and documents. In this researh, the visual material is the form of data

which describes the pictures in film. And the document is the form of data which

shows the movie script as supporting description. Before begin description of film

and analysis. This research need the film to watch. The film decided that Into The

Wild as the movie to watch. The film has been found by downloading on internet.

This research uses some of participants for opinion that mentions this film is good

for describing the character. This research needs one of a watcher that only as

supporting opinion before watching the film. It can be explained further as follow:

3.4.1 Collecting data in the film

The starting technique for collecting data in film is watching the film. In

watching film, the research describe points of data that collected. This film

has the duration of 02:28:07 which shows the main character, Christoper

Johnson McCandless. In the film, there are another characters who one of all

such as Billie McCandless as Chris’s mother, Walt McCandless as Chris’s

father, Carine Mcandless as Chris’s sister and additional narrator in film,

Rainey, Jan Burres, Wayne, Mads, Sonja, Tracy, Ron Franz as old man.

Those are important characters who give the reaction to the main character.

All of characters is data of film for analysis. The next data is setting in film

such as; in Alaska, in Atlanta Restaurant, in McCandless Home, in Campsite,

Orick Beach, in Ron’s Home, etc. The data is collected as supporting data in

describing the main character. All of those, data collected through screenshot

method of the film scenes. It includes 33 data of screenshot. The screenshot is

analyzed by the cinematic composition theory in data analysis discussion.

Screenshot as like photograph in image. The photograph shows up or

converts into a two-dimensional image or real thing. In the case of 3-D

filmmaking, the third dimmension makes the space more realistic, but it’s

still an image of reality. The space in the world of the movie is not the same

as that occupied by the audience. only the image exist in the same physical

area, like a picture in an art gallery (Giannetti, 2014: 47).

3.4.2 Collecting movie script as supporting data

The next data is movie script. In collecting the movie script, it found by

downloading on internet. this research uses google for searching the IMDb

web. Movie script to print out as supporting data in research. After print out,

movie script used to explain description of the main character through

narration in film.

3.4.3 Collecting theories as supporting data

The theories in this research consists of pyshology theory, literary theory,

film theory, characterization theory, character theory, Maslow’s characteristic

of self-actualization theory, and Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs theory.

The theories found by downloading on the internet in the form PDF. After

that complete collection of theories, from some of theories, read and

understood as consideration theory to be used in the research. After that, the

theories used to analysis the main character in the film.

3.5 Techniques of Analyzing Data

To conduct the research, the technique of analyzing data is necessary. As what

Creswell (2014: 245) says that “A methods discussion in a qualitative proposal needs

also to specify the steps in analyzing the various forms of qualitative data. In general,

the intent is to make sense out of text and image data.” These are some of techinques

of analyzing data:

a. To find out characteristic of the main character in film.

- Watching Into The Wild film.

- Categorizing the forms of self-actualization of Christoper Johnson McCandlles

as the main character in Into The Wild film from the scenes revealed in the form

of dialogue, appearance, or actions (it is suppoted by description on the movie

script) by using Maslow’s Characteristic of Self-Actualization Theory, it’s

supported by Feist or Schultz’s Theory.

- Categorizing characteristics of Christoper Johnson McCandless as the main

character in Into The Wild film which produces the forms of self-actualization or

characteristic of self-actualization of the main character from the scenes revealed

in the form of dialogue, appearance, or actions (it’s supported by description on

the movie) by using Boggs and Petrie theory, and Robert Diyanni theory. As

supporting it, cinematic composition is used to this research.

- Interpretating.

b. To find out how the fulfillment of the needs of the main character in film.

- Watching Into The Wild film.

- Categorizing the fulfillment of the needs as the main character of Christoper

Johnson McCandlles as the main character in Into The Wild film from the scene

revealed in the form of dialogue, appearace, or actions by using Maslow’s

Hierarchy of Human Needs Theory. It’s supported by Feist or Schultz’s Theory.

- Interpretating.

c. Make a research conclusion

The writer was concluding all of data analysis. In addition, some suggetions also


Therefore, from those the points of techniques of analyzing data above can be

known specifically and clearly through table below:

No Research Question Categorizing Theory

1 What are the The characterization of the main
characteristics of character by using Boggs and Petrie and
Christoper Johnson Robert DiYanni theory to show the
McCandless as the characteristics of the main character are:
main character in 1. Creativeness 1. Maslow
“Into The Wild Creativeness is defined as having (1954), and
(2007)” film? the power ability of creating. Schultz
Creativeness can be created from (2009)
some factors such as observing
others, learn from others, natural
born, and spontaneously against the
pressure of condition.
2. Autonomous and Need for Privacy 2. Maslow

Autonomous is the characteristics of (1954),
self-actualization is defined as Schultz
having the freedom to act (2009), and
independently and to govern itself. Feist (2009).
Autonomous can be defined as self-
actualizers are not dependent for
their main satisfactions on the real
world, or other people or culture or
means to ends or, in general.
Privacy is defined as the condition
in which one is not observed or
distrubed by other people. Privacy is
also the ability of an individual to
seclude themselves from others and
public attention and feel relaxed and
comfortable when they are either
with people or alone.
3. Interpersonal Relations 3. Maslow
This characteristics is defined as a (1954), Feist
strong, deep, or close association or (2009).
acquaintance between two or more
people that may range in durration
from brief to enduring. The context
can vary from family or kinship
relations, friendship, marriage,
relations with associates, work,
clubs, neighborhoods, and places of
On the self-actualization context,
The person who have this
characteristics nurturant feeling
toward people in general, but their

close friendship are limited to only a
2 What are the The characterization of the main
fulfillment of needs character by using Boggs and Petrie and
of Christoper Robert DiYanni theory to show the
Johnson needs of the main character are:
McCandless as the 1. Phsyiological Needs 1. Feist (2009).
main character in This needs is a fulfillment of needs
achieving his self- that related to the most basic needs
actualization in of any person are physiological
“Into The Wild needs, including food, water,
(2007)” film? oxygen, shelter, maintenance of
body temprature, and so on.
2. Safety Needs 2. Schultz
This needs is a fulfillment of needs (2009),
that related the needs of stability, Maslow
protection, freedom from fear and (1954).
anxiety; the need for structure,
policy, law, norms, and so on.
3. Love and Belongingness Needs 3. Maslow
This needs is a fulfillment of needs (1970) in
that related to the desire for Feist (2009).
friendship; the wish for a mate and
children; the need to belong to a
family, a club, a neighbohood, or a
4. Esteem Needs 4. Schultz
This needs is a fulfillment of needs (2009).
that related to the need of status, and
the respect from the other. It related
also to self-respect, confidence,
competence, self-worth and the

knowledge that others hold them in
high esteem.
5. Self-Actualization Needs 5. Schultz
The last needs is the maximum (2009),
realization and fulfillment of human Maslow
potential, talents, and abilites. This (1954).
needs related to the fulfillment of al
human needs. This needs can
defined as the need to fulfill the
essential human impulse to be
human in accordance with the
wishes and her potential.


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