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For BITS Pilani, Hyderabad
1. Gasoline Engine Model

The tutorial is intended for absolute beginners who have no previous

experience on WAVE and will follow Ricardo Software’s recommended procedure
for building a WAVE model in WaveBuild.

1.1. Phase 1 - Building a Single Cylinder Model

In this phase we will build a single-cylinder model of an engine, with open

ports and no intake or exhaust piping. To do this, we will follow six steps:
Phase 1 Steps Example Input File:

1. Starting WaveBuild, Setting General Parameters, and Creating a

Simulation Title
2. Building the Flow Network on the WaveBuild Canvas
3. Defining Ambient, Ducts, and Orifices
4. Defining the Engine
5. Defining the Intake and Exhaust Valves Adding the Fuel Injector

1.1.1. Step 1 - Starting WaveBuild, Setting General Parameters, and

Creating a Simulation

1.1 Starting WaveBuild

Open the WaveBuild GUI by following these steps: Windows> Ricardo Software >
2018.1> WAVE > WaveBuild

The title bar is across the top of the WaveBuild GUI window. It lists the name of the
currently open file.

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The tool bar contains shortcut buttons for frequently performed operations.

The Case Manager is at the bottom of the canvas. The + and - buttons allow you to the
add and delete cases while the arrow buttons allow you to navigate between existing
cases (first case, previous case, next case, last case).

1.2 Setting Simulation Controls

With any new model, the first step should always be to define the controls for the
simulation, specifically the units system to initialize all data entry. Open the
Simulation Control panel in the Model Tree’s Simulation folder.

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Select SI [mm] from the Units option menu.

Type 30 in the simulation duration text field. Use default setting of auto in End of
Cycle Angle field

Click on the Fluid Properties tab, In the Fuel and Air section of the panel, click on the
file tag button to open the Fuel Property Tag Selector and double-click on
INDOLENE this will automatically fill in the word INDOLENE in the text field.

When finished, the Fluid Properties tab should appear as

Click on the Convergence tab. Use the default Convergence values.

Press the OK button to close the Simulation Control panel and save the settings.

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1.3 Creating a Simulation Title

Add a Title to the file by opening the Title panel in the Model Tree’s Simulation
folder..Type SI Gasoline Engine at {$casetitle} in the Title text field and click on the
OK button to apply the title.

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WaveBuild canvas with Simulation Title

Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file. The first time the file is saved,
you will be prompted for a filename and directory where the file will be written
1.1.2. Step 2 - Building the Flow Network on the WaveBuild Canvas

In this step we will lay out the junction and duct entities that are required for the
single cylinder model on the WaveBuild canvas.

2.1 Placing Required Junctions

The basic geometry of the system we will model in
this phase is shown below.

Move the mouse over the Ambient junction icon listed in the Elements Tree. Hold
down the left mouse button and drag it onto the WaveBuild Canvas..

Place two of the Ambient elements on the canvas. Drag and drop two Orifice
elements from the Elements Tree on the canvas between the ambient junctions.
Finally, drag and drop an Engine Cylinder element from the Elements Tree between
the Orifice elements.

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When finished the WaveBuild canvas should appear as

2.2 Connecting the Junctions with Ducts

.Using the left mouse button, click and drag from the pink connection point on the
left-most ambient junction, labelled amb1, to the left connection point on the
neighbouring orifice junction, labelled orif1 in. This draws/creates a duct between the
two junctions. The left-most ambient will be the intake ambient and the right-most
will be the exhaust ambient. Connect the remaining junctions.

When finished, the canvas should appear as

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The ducts connecting the junctions appear as yellow lines. This is an indication that
some geometric property of the ducts (I.e. diameter) has not been properly defined.

1.1.3. Step 3 - Defining the Flow Network Elements

In this step we will select all of the elements (ducts and junctions) on the WaveBuild
canvas, and define their geometric values and initial/boundary conditions.

3.1 Defining Ambient

Double-click with the left mouse button on the left-most ambient junction. This will
open the Ambient Panel.

The default values of 1.0 [bar] and 300 [K] and a composition of 100% fresh air are
suitable for this simulation and don’t need to be changed

Type Intake in the Name text field (as displayed on the canvas and in the output files).
When finished, the Ambient Panel should appear as

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3.2 Defining Ducts

Minimally, a duct is defined by Left and Right Diameters, Length, Discretization, and
Initial Conditions.

Double-click with the left mouse button on the duct labelled duct1 to open the Duct

Under the top-level tab of Duct Data, Dimensions tab, Coefficients tab, and Initial
Conditions tab are of our interest in this case
On the Dimensions tab, with the Shape selected as Circular, type the dimensions
given for duct1 into the appropriate entry fields (Left and Right Diameters and
Overall Length). Set the Discretization Length to 35 [mm]. When completed, the
Dimensions tab for duct1 should appear as

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On the
Coefficients tab, type 0 (zero) in the Friction and 1.5 in the Heat Transfer coefficient
fields under the Coefficients section of the tab. The default setting of 0.0 for the
Pressure Los s Coefficient is suitable for this simulation.

When finished, the Coefficients tab should appear as

On the Initial Conditions tab, type the conditions given for duct1 into the appropriate
entry fields (Pressure, Temperature, and Wall Temperature). In the case of duct, all of
the default settings are correct for our model. When finished, the Initial Conditions
tab should appear as

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Click the OK button to close the Duct Panel forduct1 . As above, edit duct2,
duct3, and duct4 and enter the relevant information according to the schematic shown

Use a Discretization length of 35 [mm] on the intake and 40 [mm] on the exhaust.
Make sure to set the Friction coefficient to 0 (zero) and the Heat Transfer coefficient
to 1.5 for each duct and do not enter Bend Angles for duct2 and duct3.

3.3 Defining Orifices

Double-click on the orif1 element and note the only editable fields for an orifice
junction are the Name of that junction and the junction

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If an orifice junction is simply used to join two duct ends together, than the default
setting of auto is sufficient. For this tutorial all orifice junctions will have
a Diameter of auto

When completed, the WaveBuild canvas should appear as

3.4 Defining the Cylinder

Double-click with the left mouse button on the cylinder element, cyl1, to open the
Cylinder Panel. Across the top of the panel is the Name (as displayed on the canvas
and in the output files), Cylinder Number (used to specify firing order when defining
the engine), and Number of Valves on the cylinder. For this tutorial, the default
settings for these inputs are appropriate.

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On the Geometry tab, within the various sub-tabs, enter the data for the cylinder
geometry as shown in Table

Cylinder geometry

Bore 78.1[mm]

Stroke 82.0[mm]

Clearance Height 2 [mm]

Head Surface Area Multiplier 1.6 (to make 7665 mm2)

Piston Surface Area Multiplier 1.0 (flat-top piston)

Connecting Rod Length 150.0 [mm]

Wrist Pin Offset 0.0 [mm]

Compression Ratio 10.0

On the Initial Conditions tab, enter the data for the wall temperatures as.

Cylinder Initial Conditions

Piston Top Temperature 520 [K]

Cylinder Liner Temperature 400 [K]

Cylinder Head Temperature 520 [K]

Intake Valve Temperature 420 [K]

Exhaust Valve Temperature 480 [K]

Swirl Ratio 0.0

After entering the values in the field, the cylinder panel should look as

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The connections from duct2 and duct3 to the cyl1 element are assumed to be valves
(if not change the duct id)

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When closing the Cylinder Panel, WaveBuild will warn you that you need to apply a
heat transfer sub-model to the cylinder in order to run.Click the OK button to proceed
and we will define the heat transfer sub-model in the next step

Save your model. Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file.

1.1.4. Step 4 - Defining the Engine

Open the Engine General Panel by selecting Engine from the Model pull-down menu

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There are four primary tabs that are important for every engine, Geometry,
Operating Parameters, Combustion and Heat Transfer.

1. The Geometry Tab

2. The Operating Parameters Tab
3. The Combustion Tab
4. The Heat Transfer Tab

4.1 The Geometry Tab

On the Geometry tab, under the Configuration section enter the relevant data for this
engine as tabulated

Engine Configuration

No.of.Cylinders 1

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Strokes per cycle 4

Engine Type Spark Ignition

The Engine Type field is used to enable different combustion and emission models
when either SI or Diesel is selected. The Displacement field is not editable

Under the Friction Correlation section enter the relevant data for this engine as

Friction Correlation

ACF 0.35 [bar]

BCF 0.005

CCF 400 [Pa/min*m]

QCF 0.2 [Pa/min2*m2]

These coefficients are used in the Chen-Flynn friction correlation model. This model
is used to calculate the FMEP (Friction Mean Effective Pressure) for the engine.

The equation to calculate FMEP in WAVE is:

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FMEP = ACF + BCF (Pmax) + CCF (rpm * stroke/2) + QCF(rpm * stroke/2)^2

When completed, the Geometry tab should appear as

4.2 The Operating Parameters

Click the Operating Parameters tab to bring it to the front. In the Engine Speed text
field, enter {SPEED} to denote the use of the SPEED constant. Click OK to close the
Constants Panel and save the setting (when prompted to add the SPEED constant to
the Constants Panel, select No).

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To define this constant, open the Constants Panel by clicking on the Constants Panel
button in the tool bar

Type SPEED under the Name column and under the Case 1 column, set a value of
6000. In the Case Title Forma t input field, enter {SPEED} rpm and hit the Enter key.
Note that the Title row at the top of the table updates to reflect this change.

When completed, the Operating parameters tab should appear as

4.3 The Combustion Tab

Next, click the Combustion tab to bring it to the front.

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Right-click on the SI Wiebe folder in the tree and select Add SI Wiebe Combustion
Model from the context menu. Enter 31.0 [deg] for the Combustion Duration (10 -
90%). Default value of 8.0 [deg] is entered in Location of 50% Burn Point field.
The default value of 2 .0 for the Exponent in Wiebe Function is appropriate for most

Click OK to save the settings and close the SI Wiebe Combustion Model panel.

Back on the Combustion tab of the Engine General Panel, right- click on the newly-
created siwiebe1 sub-model in the SI Wiebe folder and select Apply to All Cylinders
from the context menu.

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4.4 The Heat Transfer Tab

Click the Heat Transfer tab to bring it to the front

For the standard engine cylinder, the most commonly applied heat transfer sub-model
is the Woschni correlation for convective heat transfer

Right-click on the Woschni folder in the tree and select Add New Heat Transfer
Model from the context menu.

Ensure that the Model Type is Original. Set multipliers to their default values of 1.0.
When completed, the Woschni Heat Transfer panel should appear as

Click OK to save the settings and close the Woschni Heat Transfer panel.

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Back on the Heat Transfer tab of the Engine General Panel, right- click on the newly-
created woschni1 sub-model in the Woschni folder and select Apply to All Cylinders
from the context menu.

Click OK again to save the settings for the Engine General Panel and close it.
Save your model. Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file.

1.1.5. Step 5 - Defining the Intake and Exhaust Valves

5.1 Defining the Intake Valve Lift Behaviour

To define a valve, select Valves from the Model pull-down menu.

Click on the Add button to create a new valve. The standard valve on an engine
cylinder is a Lift valve, selected by default. Click the OK button to accept the Lift
type and the Lift Valve Editor will automatically appear.

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For this tutorial, type in a Reference Diameter of 35 [mm].Type in a value of 35 [mm]
in heat transfer diameter text field.

Click on the Edit Lift Profile button to open the Valve Lift Profile Editor.

In the Valve Lift Profile Editor, data must be entered for the behaviour of the valve.
This behaviour described as the lift of the valve vs. time (time is entered as cam or
crank angle degrees).

Using a tag to alias a pre-formatted external file. To select this file, click on the tag
button and select the SI1INT item. Notice that the array fills automatically by reading
the contents and the curve is now plotted on the screen.

For this tutorial, enter the following information for valve #1, the intake valve as

Intake Valve

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Reference Diameter 35 [mm]

Heat Transfer
35 [mm]

Lift Profile SI1INT tag

Cycle Anchor 330 [deg]

Profile Anchor 0 [deg]

Duration Multiplier 1.0

Lift Multiplier 1.414

Lash 0

Rocker Ratio 1.0

Angle Type Crank

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Click the OK button to save these setting and close the Valve Lift Profile Editor

5.2 Defining Coefficients

Click on the Edit Flow Coefficient Profiles button to open the Flow Coefficient
Profiles Editor.

Click on the tag button and select the CFTYP option. Notice that the array fills
automatically by reading the contents and appears in the plot on the right-hand side of
the panel

Click the OK button to save these setting and close the Profile Editor.

Click the OK button on the Lift-Valve Editor panel to save the settings for valve #1
and return to the Valve List panel.

5.3 Defining the Exhaust Valve

Click the Add button on the Valve List panel again to create a second valve that will
be used to model the exhaust valve.

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Follow the same steps as above but use the following information for the lift profile
(the coefficients can be the same as the Intake Valve).

Exhaust Valve

Reference Diameter 28 [mm]

Heat Transfer Diameter 28 [mm]

Lift Profile SI1EXH tag

Cycle Anchor 105 [deg]

Profile Anchor 0 [deg]

Duration Multiplier 1.0

Lift Multiplier 1.0

Lash 0

Rocker Ratio 1.0

Angle Type Crank

Coefficient Profile CFTYP tag

When finished, the Valve Lift Profile Editor for valve #2 (the exhaust valve) should
appear as

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With both the intake valve (valve #1) and exhaust valve (valve #2) defined, the
Valves List should appear as

Click the OK button to save these setting and close the Valve List panel.

By default, the engine cylinder junction has picked the intake valve connection to use
Valve #1 and the exhaust valve connection to use Valve #2.

Save your model. Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file.

1.1.6. Step 6 - Adding the Fuel Injector

6.1 Adding the Injector Element

From the elements tab, drag and drop a Proportional fuel injector above duct2. Click
on the injector and drag and drop a connection onto the duct2 element. This will
create a connection line between the two elements. When connected, the model
should appear as shown

6.2 Defining the Injector

Double click on the injector element to open the Proportional Injector Panel.

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On the Operating Point tab, Under Fuel/Air Ratio We will define a constant named
A_F and enter air-fuel ratio data in the Constants Panel, but in the text field for
Fuel/Air Ratio, type {1 /A_F}.

On the Position tab, Type 25 [mm] into the Distance from Left End text.

On the Properties tab, Type 330 [K] into the Mixture Temperature text field. Type 0.3
into the Liquid Fraction Evaporated After Injection text field.

Click on the Composition tab, the default of 1.0 for Liquid Fuel is

When completed, the Proportional Injector Panel should appear as

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Click the OK button to close the Proportional Injector Panel and save the data (when
prompted to add the A_F constant to the Constants Panel, again select No).

Open the Constants panel and type the constant name, A_F, in the Name column, +
row. Enter value as 14 .7

Right-click on the row header (containing the row number) of the SPEED constant
and select “Pin to Top”, as shown

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When finished, the Constants panel should appear as

Click the OK button to close the Constants panel.

The single- cylinder model is complete!

Save your model. Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file.

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1.2. Phase 2 - Running WAVE and Creating Time Plots in

1.2.1. Step 1 - Running a WAVE Input Check

When finished building a model, the first thing to do is check to make sure all of the
entered settings are acceptable for the WAVE solver to process.

1.1 Starting the Input Check

Click on the Run Input Check button on the tool bar. This will launch a shell window
in which the WAVE solver will run an Input Check.

When the Input Check is successful, the last item printed is the simulation title.

1.2.2. Step 2 - Requesting Time Plots

Time Plots should be requested whenever the user is aware of specific data they are
interested in analyzing.

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1. Duct Time Plots
2. Junction Time Plots
3. Multiple Plots Overlaid

2.1 Duct Time Plots

Right-click on duct2 and select the Edit Plots option from the pop-up menu.

Click on the Create Plot button to open the Duct Plot List. Click on the 201 Pressure
plot and then, holding the Shift button to multiple-select, click on the 202
Temperature plot.

Click on the OK button to close the Duct Plot List

In the Plot Name input field enter Intake and Exhaust Port Pressures, {$casetitle} for
plot 201 and Intake and Exhaust Port Temperatures, {$casetitle} for plot 202.

When complete, the Duct Plot Panel should appear as

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2.2 Junction Time Plots

Right-click on the cy l1 junction and select the Edit Plots. The duct plots created
above will be listed in the Existing Plots list.

Click on the Create Plot button to open the Junction Plot List.

Click on the 111 Linear P-V Diagram and click the OK button to close the list. Enter a
Plot Name of Cylinder 1 P-V Diagram, {$casetitle}.

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When completed, the Junction Plot Panel should appear as

Click the OK button to close the Junction Plot

2.3 Multiple Plots Overlaid (Optional)

Perhaps we wish to examine the pressure and temperature in the exhaust port and
compare it to the conditions in the intake port. We could create separate plots for the
duct representing the exhaust port (duct3), but it would be more useful if the data for
both ports were on the same plot.

Right-click on duct3 and select the Edit Plots ... option from the pop-up menu.

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Note that the only plots in the Existing Plots list are the pressure and temperature
plots from duct2. This is because these plots are allowed at duct3 as well (a P-V plot
is not sensible in a duct).

With plot 201 highlighted, click on the Add Location button to plot the pressure at
duct3 on the same plot as duct2.

Do the same for plot 202 to add duct3 to the plot of temperature in duct2. Click on the
Use All Locations button to request the plots at the centre of both cells in duct3

When completed, the Duct Plot Panel should appear as

Click the OK button to close the Duct Plot Panel.

The model should appear as, with all time plots added.

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Save your model. Click on the Save button in the tool bar to save the file.

Requesting Post-processing Datasets

Open the Post processing Output Panel by selecting Output and Plotting item in the
Model Tree’s Simulation folder.

Select the Store Additional Data Sets option, and clicking on the Select Data Sets
button. Select the VELOCITY and VOLUMETRIC_FLOW datasets. When
completed, the Post processing Output Panel should appear as

At the top of the Post processing Output Panel, change the Models option menu to
and LIFT_OVER_DIAMETER to the Requested Datasets list. Click OK to save the

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1.2.3. Step 3 - Running WAVE and Understanding the .out File

In this step we will run the model file through the WAVE solver and learn to parse the
output file

Run the model in screen mode by clicking on the Run Direct button in the tool bar

Run the solver and close the shell (if necessary) when the simulation is complete.

1.2.4. Step 5 - Introduction to Post-Processing and WavePost

Launch WavePost from WaveBuild by clicking on the WavePost button in the tool

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Plots are categorized as Time Plots, Sweep Plots, Spatial Plots, or TCMAP Plots. The
Time Plots that we requested in WaveBuild have been automatically created and are
listed in the tree under the Time Plots folder.

Double Click and open “Intake and Exhaust Port Pressures” plot. Notice that this plot
has a data line for the single element in duct2 as well as both of the elements in duct3,
where we decided to “Use All Locations”.

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Each plot can be individually opened and edited. Elements of the plot, such as the
data line, the axes, the title, etc. are all selectable and changeable.

All Plots can be viewed under the time plots folder. Right-click on the Time Plots
folder and select the Add Time Plot option - a blank time plot window will open.
Select the WAVE Data option from the Add pull-down menu to open the Time Data

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In the Output Sets option menu, highlight the single set that is available (named
filename.wvd:6000 rpm). In the Independent Variable (X) section of the panel, select
the Custom option and then click on the Edit button to open the X Axis Selector
Panel. Highlight the Junction Cyl1 Intake 1 item in the Elements option menu and
select Valve Lift over Diameter in the Variables option menu.

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Click the OK button to save the settings and close the panel. The data curve for Flow
Coefficient will appear in the Time Plot and the plot title and axis labels will be
automatically generated.

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This ends the tutorial of single cylinder gasoline engine and viewing its performance
characteristics on WavePost.

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