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Hi. Good day everyone. I am Daniel and today we will learn about energy and its forms.

Are you

What is Energy? Energy is the ability to do work. We need energy for everything we do. There are
many different forms of energy like:



Lets take for example the different things we have at home.

1. This is a gas stove. It uses heat energy. The fire heats up the pan to cook our food. We
used heat energy for cooking, to warm ourselves during cold weather.

2. Another form of energy is light energy. We used electric bulbs at home. Have you ever been
in a room and suddenly someone turned off the light? What happened? How did you feel?
You may have felt scared because you cannot see anything around you. Light is something
we need and use all the time. We use light to help us see all things around us. It is also used
in many electronics appliances.

3. Lastly, sound is a form of energy. It is produced by vibrating objects. An example of sound we

used at home is a doorbell. A doorbell is a signaling device placed near a door entrance. When a
person presses a button the bell rings inside the house alerting the occupants that somebody is
outside. We also used doorbell when we need to call everyone to eat and when we need our helper
to open the gate.

As a child, how can I help conserve energy?

I can help conserve energy by turning off lights and appliances when not in use or when I am leaving
the room. Saving electricity usually reduces living expenses. Appliances will last longer if we use it
less frequently.

I will use both sides of the paper so that less trees will be cut. If there are more trees around us
then we will be breathing fresh clean air and will protect us from the heat of the sun.

I will use water canister to refill my water rather than buying bottled water. This act will save our
planet for too much plastic trash that can harm our oceans and sea creatures.
These are just a few examples of how I can contribute in conserving energy. I hope that you learn
something from this and that you will also do your part in taking care of our planet. Thank you.

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