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Gerard Pio C. Lim

I, _________________________________________________________________________________
(Print Name)

370 San Rafael St. Ayala Alabang Village, Muntinlupa City

of ______________________________________________________________________________________
(Permanent Address)

Do hereby certify that,

I am not a member of any unrecognized fraternity, sorority, confraternity and similar unrecognized

I am a member of the ________________________________________________________________________

(Name of Fratenity/Sorority)

but I am withdrawing my membership therein within a week from _________________________________

(date of distribution to the student)

*Note: Please submit necessary document to the Principal to support your withdrawal from the fraternity.

I acknowledge and understand that my admission to De La Salle Zobel is discretionary upon the school and
that my admission a privilege rather than a right.

I also acknowledge and understand that De La Salle Zobel has the authority to prescribe, establish, and
implement regulations on non-membership by students in fraternities, sororities, confraternities and similar
unrecognized organizations because non-membership in such unrecognized organizations are valid and existing
and that, among others:

1. Government policies and regulations forbid the presence of unrecognized or secret organizations within
school campuses or membership therein.

2. The formation of exclusive groups within the school community is disruptive of the unity and peace which
the school is trying to foster among members.

3. The presence of fraternities has caused quarrels and rumbles among and between students.

4. In many cases, membership in fraternities has resulted in developing hardened characters which is
contrary to the goals of the school.

5. The absence of fraternities will help in the broadening of friendship among students and will eliminate the
divisive effect of clannish organization.

I consent that my continued stay in De La Salle Zobel is subject to my compliance with this regulation on
non-membership, or withdrawal from the membership, in fraternities, sororities, confraternities and similar
unrecognized organizations.

I further understand that a student who certifies falsely that he is not a member of a fraternity or
unrecognized organization, but is subsequently ascertained to be such a member, will be dismissed from the school
and I hereby agree to the imposition of this sanction.

Gerard Pio Lim


Elsa Lim

I hereby certify that the signature appearing under the attested section of this Certification is the official authentic
signature of my parents/guardians.
___ ____________________________________

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