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Management – A process which involves the skillful handling and supervision of people in

such a way that pre- determined goals are reached within a certain time. It is a process of getting
things done by people. It is done through directing resources towards goal attainment and
keeping the organization in harmony with its environment.

Management may be defined as the process by means of which the purpose and objectives of a
particular human group are determined, clarified and effectuated. MANAGER- Is someone who
can lead, direct and control operations and people in their organizations without imposing their

EDUCATIONAL MANAGEMENT: it is putting in place measures to achievement of goals in

an educational institution. The aim of educational management is to create and maintain
environment within institution which provide effective teaching and learning.


LEADERSHIP - It is the process of influencing people so that they will strife willingly and
enthusiastically towards the achievement of organizational goals.

Qualities of a leader include : A good listener ; empathetic ; transparent ; impartiality ; Fair ; be

able to handle confidentiality ; trustworthy ; be a role model ; energetic ; professionalism etc.

ADMINISTRATION – The process of influencing the results to be achieved. It is the direction

to be pursued and the priorities to be recognized within the organization.

SUPERVISION– The act of making sure that everything is done correctly, safely and as

ORGANIZATION – a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more



Management as a discipline refers to that branch of knowledge which is connected to study of

principle and practices of basic administration. It specifies certain code of conduct to be followed
by the manager and also various methods for managing resources efficiently.
Management is a cause of study which is now formally being taught in the institutes and
universities after completing a prescribed course or by obtaining degree or diploma in
management, a person can get employment as a manager.

It is made up of various subjects or topics. It also includes processes such as decision making and
problem solving.

Any branch of knowledge that fulfills the following two requirements is known as a discipline;

1. There must be scholars and thinkers who communicate relevant knowledge through research
and publications.

2. The knowledge should be formally imparted by education and training programs.


Management is both an art and science.

It is considered as a science (laws and theories) because it involves collecting facts and data,
analysing and drawing conclusion. It involves formulation of organizational theories and law. It
has organized body of knowledge which contains universal truth.

It is called an art (creativity) because it applies techniques in human in public, this involves
delegating duties and managing change. Managing requires certain skills which are personal
possession of managers. Critical skills can be developed by training and experience.

Science provides the knowledge and art deals with the application of knowledge and skills.


It involves creating formal structures based on goals to be achieved. For example having
different ministers and department.


Refers to all members of staff who are responsible for day to day running of the organization.

Functions of management highlight essential skills that every manager needs to supervise,
coordinate and communicate with their team.

PLANNING- planning is an important function of management because it sets the pace for all
subsequent steps in the managerial process. Planning is deciding in advance what to do, when to
do and how to do. It bridges the gap from where we are and where we want to be. It is an
exercise in problem solving and decision making. Planning is determination of courses of action
to achieve desired goals. Thus, planning is a systematic thinking about ways and means for
accomplishment of predetermined goals. Planning is necessary to ensure proper utilization of
human and non-human resources. It is pervasive, it is an intellectual activity and it also helps in
avoiding confusion, uncertainties, risks, wastages etc.
4 questions that organisations use when planning:
1) Where are we today in terms of business or strategic planning
2) Where are we going
3) Where do we want to go
4) How are we going to get there
Importance of planning
1) It helps in managing risks and uncertainties
2) Reduces mistakes and oversites
3) Ensures a more productive use of organizational resources

ORGANISING- It is the process of bringing together physical, financial and human resources
and developing productive relationships amongst them for achievement of organizational goals.
Managers not only have the task of assigning activities, but also have the task of allocating these
tasks to their respective departments and employees. To achieve an end result, the manager needs
the necessary resources, including budget, raw materials, personnel and their expertise,
technology and machines.
He/she will have to organize all sorts of things to achieve the end result. To get started as
efficiently as possible, it is important that the employees’ division of labor suits the end goal and
end result as well as possible.

Organizational process

1) Division of work
2) Grouping by similar work
3) Linking departments
4) Assigning duties

Importance of organising

1) Promotes issues of accountability

2) Provides for optimum utilization of resources

STAFFING- is the process of hiring and developing the required personnel to fill in the various
positions in the organization. This section relates to the personnel policy and all related activities
within an organization. Good and competent personnel is crucial for an organization to function
optimally. It is the task of the manager to first identify the expertise, skills and experiences
required for certain positions.

Based on this, job profiles are drawn up and personnel can be recruited. The entire recruitment,
selection and training procedure falls under this staff policy and ensures that the right type of
employee is in the right place.

Importance of staffing

1) Helps in improving the quantity and quality of the output

2) Provides continuous growth of business through development of employees

COORDINATING- It is the process of organizing people or groups so that they work together
properly and well. It is the harmonious functioning of parts for effective results. With this
concept, it is the task of the manager to connect different sections and to achieve cooperation. A
good manager has a so-called helicopter view, which gives him/her an overview of what is
happening and what still needs to be done.

From this perspective, he/she is able to coordinate tasks and manage his employees. It is his/her
task to synchronize different departments and to bring them together with the right end goal in

REPORTING- is the collection of data that informs managers on how to efficiently run their
department. Without reporting, there is no evidence. A clear report keeps communication open
throughout the entire organization. Managers are the linking pin between the management team
and their own employees, who form the constituency.

Reporting provides insight into the progress and agreements can also be recorded in this way.
Other essential information—such as problems with employees, new processes, performances
interviews and sales figures—is also made transparent through reporting. Involved parties can
also quickly find archived reports.

BUDGETING- is a process usually undertaken before the beginning of the financial year, to
create a plan or estimate of the expected incomes and expenditures in the upcoming financial
year. Finance is the lifeblood of any organization. The manager is responsible for the
management, expenditure and control of the department’s budget and also has to keep an eye on
tax details.

In addition to employee wages, it is the task of the manager to also properly monitor other
expenditures such as materials and investments. If wasteful spending, overruns, errors or even
fraud are discovered, the manager is responsible for taking action.

Directing as a function of management

It refers to the process of instructing, guiding, counseling, motivating and leading people in the
organization to achieve its objectives. It can be done through selecting the most effective
communication channel and resolving organization conflict.

Importance of Directing

1) It initiate action
2) Serves as a mean of motivation
3) It facilitates implementation of change
4) Integrates employees efforts

Luther Gulick sees directing as the continuous task of making decisions and embodying them in
specific and general orders and instructions and serving as the leader of enterprise. In essence, it
involves instructing, motivating, communicating, supervising and leading subordinates towards
achieving organizational objectives. His 8 management theory has been criticized by experts as
an oversimplification of the managerial process because he included Directing in his functions of
management. Henri Fayol’s functions of management are more commonly accepted by


 It helps in achieving group goals- it arranges the factors of production, assembles and
organizes the resources integrates the resources in effective manner to achieve goals. It
directs group efforts towards achievement of pre-determined goals.
 Optimum utilization of resources- management utilizes all the physical and human
resources productively this leads to efficacy in management. Management provides
maximum utilization of scarce resources by selecting its best possible alternate use in
industry from out of various uses.
 Reduces costs – management uses physical, human and financial resources in such a
manner which results in best combination. This helps in cost reduction.
 Essentials for prosperity of society- efficient management leads to better economical
production which helps in turn to increase the welfare of people. Good management
makes a difficult task easier by avoiding wastage of scarce resources. It improves
standard of living which is beneficial to business and society will get maximum output at
minimum cost by creating employment opportunities which generate income in hands.
Organization comes with new products and researches beneficial for society.


Administration is the process of influencing the results to be achieved. It is the direction to be

pursued and the priorities to be recognized within the organization. In short, administration is
critical in carrying out tasks in order to attain the objectives.

Pfiffner and Presthus** defines administration as “the organization and direction of human and
material resources to achieve desired ends”**.

On the other hand Gullick**says “administration has to do with getting things done, with
accomplishment of defined objectives”**.


Management is an activity of business and functional level, whereas administration is a high

level activity.

Management focuses on policy implementation while administration focuses on policy


Functions of administration include legislation and determination. Conversely, functions of

management are executive and governing
Administration takes all the important decisions of the organization while management makes
decisions under the boundaries set by the administration.

A group of persons, who are employees of the organization is collectively known as

management. On the other hand, administration represents the owners of the organization.

Management can be seen in the profit making organization like business enterprises. Conversing,
the administration is found in government and military offices, clubs, hospitals, religious
organizations and all the non-profit making enterprises.

Management is all about plans and actions, but the administration is concerned with framing
policies and setting objectives.

Management plays an executive role in the organization. Unlike administration, whose role is
decisive in nature.

The manager looks after the management of the organization, whereas administrator is
responsible for the administration of the organization.

Management focuses on managing people and their work. On the other hand, administration
focuses on making the best possible utilization of the organization’s resources.

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