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400 Additional Linotype Public Domain Fonts

Compiled by Ulrich Stiehl, Heidelberg, January 2010

As of 1st January 2010, 400 additional Linotype fonts contained in the Linotype catalog of January 1984
"Type Faces – Schriften – Caractères" entered the public domain. These 400 additional fonts are emphasized
in bold in the list below. All the other fonts listed below fell into the public domain two years earlier in 2008.
For further details please read the main document

Aachen Bell Gothic Caslon Old Face 2

Ad Lib Belwe Caslon 3
Adroit Bembo Caslon 540
Adsans Benguiat Caslon Open Face
Akzidenz-Grotesk Benguiat Gothic Caslon (ITC)
Aldus Berkeley Oldstyle Caxton
Allegro Bernhard Century
Alpine Bernhard Modern Century Expanded
Alternate Gothic No. 1 Biltmore Century Old Style
Amelia Binny Old Style Century Schoolbook
American Typewriter Bison New Century Schoolbook
Americana Blippo Charleston
Antikva Margaret Bloc Cheltenham
Antique No. 3 Block Cheltenham Nova
Antique Olive Block Gothic Churchward 70
Antique Solid Bluejack City
Ariston Bodoni Clarendon
Arnold Boecklin Bauer Bodoni Clarinda Typewriter
A & S Gallatin Poster Bodoni Clearface
Aster Bolt Bold Clearface Gothic
Athenaeum Bookman Cloister
Auriga Boutique Cloister Black
Auriol Bramley Cochin
Aurora Breughel Commerzial Grotesk
Avant Garde Gothic Brighton Concorde
Baker Signet Britannic Congress
Balloon Broadway Cooper Black
Bank Gothic Brush Copperplate Gothic 29
Barcelona Bubble Copperplate Gothic 30
Barry Bulmer Copperplate Gothic 31
Basilia Haas Busorama Copperplate Gothic 32
Baskerville Caledonia (Cornelia) Copperplate Gothic 33
Baskerville No. 2 New Caledonia Corona
Fry's Baskerville Calligraphia Coronet
New Baskerville Candida Craw Modern
Bauhaus Cartier Criterion
Becket Cascade Script Cushing
Bell Centennial Caslon Antique Davida

Four Hundred Additional Linotype Public Domain Fonts, page 1 of 3 –

Della Robia Gavotte Kismet
Devendra Gazette Koch-Antiqua
De Vinne Gill Sans Kompakt
Didi Gill Sans Kayo Korinna
DIN 1451 Glypha Künstler-Schreibschrift
DIN Neuzeit Grotesk Gorilla Lafayette
Diotima Gothic 13 Las Vegas
Diskus Gothic 16 Lateinisches Ausgangsschrift
Dom Casual Goudy Latin extra condensed
Dominante Goudy Catalogue Latin No. 2 extra condensed
Doric Goudy Handtooled Leamington
Eckmann Goudy Old Style Libra
Egyptian 505 Granjon Life
Egyptienne Grizzly Lightline Gothic
Egyptienne F Grotesque 126 Linoscript
Ehrhardt Grotesque 215 Linotext
Electra Grotesque 216 Linotype Typewriter
Else (NPL) Grouch Lubalin Graph
Engravers Bold Face Haas Unica Luthersche Fraktur
Eras Hanseatic Macbeth
Erbar Harry Thin/Fat Machine
Eurostile Harry Plain/Heavy/Obese Madison
Excelsior Headline Martin Gothic
Excelsior Insertio Heldustry Matrix Printer
Fairfield Helserif Maximus
Fantail Helvetica Medici Script
Fat Face Helvetica Inserat Melior
Fehrle Helvetica Textbook Memphis
Fenice Neue Helvetica Meridien
Fette Fraktur Hobo Metroblack 2
Floreal Haas Horley Old Style Metrolite 2
Florentine IC-Alphabet Metromedium 2
Flyer Icone Mikado Black
Folio Impact Mistral
Flokwang Impressum Modern
Forbes Imprint Modern No. 216
Fournier Information Monticello
Franklin Gothic Ionic 5 Mr. Big
Franklin Gothic (ITC) Iridium Neuland
French Roman Light Isar Neuzeit
Friz Quadrata Isbell Neuzeit S
Frutiger Italia News Gothic
Futura Janson Newtext
Futura Black Jenson Nicolas Cochin
Galliard Joanna Noris Script
Gando Ronde Script Kabel Normande
Garamond (Original) Kabel (ITC) Novarese
Garamond 3 Karnak Nubian
Garamond (ITC) Kaufmann Nuptial Script
Garamond (Simoncini) Kennerley OCR A

Four Hundred Additional Linotype Public Domain Fonts, page 2 of 3 –

OCR B Renault Hausschrift Tempo heavy condensed
Old English Text Reporter No. 2 Textype
Old Style 7 Revue Tiemann
Old Style S Rockwell Tiffany
Oliver Romana Times
Olympian Romic Times English N
Ondine Ronda Times Europa
Optima Rotation Modern Times
Orion Rundfunk-Antiqua Torino
Pabst Rundfunk-Grotesk Trade Gothic
Palatino Russell Square Trajanus
Parisian Sabon Trooper
Park Avenue Script Sallwey Script Trump Mediaeval
Parliament Sans Serif No. 2 shaded Univers
Parsons Schadow (Stempel) University
Peignot Schneidler (Stempel) VAG Rundschrift
Perpetua Scotch 2 Vendôme
Pierrot Seagull Venture Script
Pilgrim Serif Gothic Venus
Placard Serifa Versaille
Plak Serlio Video
Plantin Shelley Allegro Script Walbaum
Playbill Shelley Andante Script Walbaum (Linotype)
Plow & Watters Shelley Volante Script Weidemann
Post-Antiqua Snell Roundhand Script Weiß
Present Souvenir (ITC) Wexford
Prestige Elite Souvenir Gothic Wilhelm Klingspor-Gotisch
Primer Spartan Windsor
Print Out Stencil Worcester
Promotor Stop Zapf Book
Quartz Stratford Zapf Chancery
Quorum Stymie Zapf International
Rainbow Bass Syntax
Raleigh Tango

Four Hundred Additional Linotype Public Domain Fonts, page 3 of 3 –

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