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[1~3] Look at the pictures and complete the words.

1. 2. 3.

n u rs e ta n g l e c o v er

[4~6] Look at the pictures and unscramble the words.

4. There is a ball in the hole .


5. Vicky has a round mirror.


6. This soup tastes terrible !


[7~8] Look at the pictures and choose the correct words.

The boy ____________ his cat on his back.

ⓐ licks ⓑ pats ⓒ puts

The ________________ dives in the water.

ⓐ lantern fish ⓑ mermaid ⓒ submarine

Bricks Reading 80-1 Unit 1~4

[9~10] Read the passage. Then answer the questions.

Tim sees lantern fish. They glow in the water. They look like light
bulbs! Lola sees a jellyfish. It is big and white. It looks like a huge
mushroom! They have an interesting day underwater!

9. What do lantern fish look like?

ⓐ They look like light bulbs.

ⓑ They look like jellyfish.
ⓒ They look like Tim.
10. What does Lola see?

ⓐ a starfish ⓑ a jellyfish ⓒ a mushroom

[11~12] Read the passage. Then answer the questions.

My brother and I play in the sand. My brother digs a hole. I jump in

the hole. He covers with the sand. He shapes my body with the
sand. He gives me a tail and scales. Wow! I am a mermaid!

11. What is the main idea?

ⓐ playing ball with my brother

ⓑ playing hopscotch with my brother
ⓒ playing in the sand with my brother
12. What does my brother shape my body into?

ⓐ a dragon ⓑ a mermaid ⓒ a skeleton

Bricks Reading 80-1 Unit 1~4

[13~14] Read the passage. Then answer the questions.

I feel a little sick today. I stay home all day. I feel very cold. Tanner
covers me with a blanket. Achoo! I sneeze. Tanner brings me a
tissue. “You are a great nurse, Tanner!” I say.

13. How do I feel today?

ⓐ I feel a little hungry.

ⓑ I feel a little sick.
ⓒ I feel a little excited.
14. What does Tanner cover me with?

ⓐ a tissue ⓑ a pillow ⓒ a blanket

[15] Fill in the blanks to complete the story.

comb spikes tangled ponytail wax

This morning, my hair is all tangled.

I make a ponytail. I do not like it.

I make pigtails. They do not look very cool.

I have a great idea!

I put hair wax in my hair.

Then I comb my hair up.

Now, my hair has spikes!

Bricks Reading 80-1 Unit 1~4

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