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Learning Episode 14: Utilizing Learning Management Systems

Name: Mark Gerald P. Lagran Year/Course: BSEd – Social Studies IV

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read through the
whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class. Note all the
information you will need and task you will need to do before working on this episode.

Intended Learning Outcomes:

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
➢ identify the components of an LMS as a virtual learning environment.
➢ demonstrate skills in using a learning management system (LMS) as a platform
for teaching and learning. (PPST 4.5.1)
➢ demonstrate positive attitude towards use of technology tools. (ICT CST 7.1.2)
➢ use professional reflection and learning to improve practice. (PPST 7.4.1).

Your Task

The learning environment has recently radically changed. No one would have anticipated that a
pandemic would shift the four corners of the brick-and-mortar classroom to the four corners of a computer
screen, a tablet, or even a cell phone! While we believe teachers should be competent in organizing and using
resources in a physical classroom, a future teacher must be adept in utilizing technology to set up, design, work
and teach in a virtual classroom.
A virtual classroom is usually supported by a platform generally regarded as a learning management
system (LMS) in a flexible learning modality involving online learning.
LMS is a course, software. It helps teachers plan, create, manage, and deliver online education
programs (Habulan, 2016). The most common are Canvas, Moodle, Google Classroom, Blackboard, Microsoft
teams, Seasaw, and our local one is Genyo.
Below are some of the LMS common features and functions and tasks that teachers are able to use:
1. Dashboard - allows the teacher to see all his/her class/course cards;
2. Module Container - uploads modules and organize them;
3. Sandbox - a workspace that will enable teachers to make drafts or explore the functions and practice
setting up a subject or course.
4. Announcements - communicate with students regarding instruction, reminders and changes.
5. Discussion boards - set-up discussion boards; make students collaborate.
6. Meeting rooms - allow the teacher to present lessons and discuss with students synchronously.;
enables learners to collaborate on a task/project
7. Assignment - allows orderly giving and scoring assignments
8. People - see who are the members of the class, get to know the leaners more through their profiles.
9. Assessment/ Quizzes - administer formative and summative assessments
10. Resources and add-ons - share and store files, use apps that support or supplement the other
functions of the LMS/

Your task in is episode is to participate and assist in a virtual learning environment through an LMS .
Notice how the teacher organized her virtual classroom. Apply your skills in facilitating the teaching and
learning process by participating in one or more of the teacher tasks discussed above.
In this episode, consider what you learned in your technology class about the TPACK model. An
effective teacher has technological, pedagogical and content knowledge. TK, PK, and CK. In planning,
setting up, and utilizing a virtual environment through an LMS, these three components interface. You need to
have content mastery of what you will teach (CK). You also need to know how to facilitate the teaching-
learning process from beginning (gaining students’ attentions) to end (assessment and transfer) (PK); and have
technological knowledge (TK).
When you apply your technological knowledge to deliver accurate and relevant content using the most
appropriate pedagogical strategies in the context of a virtual learning environment, and the learners achieve the
learning outcomes, boom! You have successfully interfaced TPACK!
As you work on this episode, actively notice, analyze and reflect on your experience. As an FS student,
participate and assist well in organizing and using the learning management system as you apply your
technological, pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK). Be attentive to your role as a future teacher-
researcher as well. Continually discover more effective ways of interfacing TPACK. When you do, you will
become a teacher that initiates well-thought-of ways to improve and enhance virtual teaching and learning.
Revisit the infographic on TPACK and how it relates to Learning Management Systems (LMS). You
may open the LMS sites on the internet to see how they are structured. You can try-out how the different
functions and tools work. It will help you recall and focus once more on the various learning management
systems that serve as platform for virtual classrooms.

Revisit the
Participate and Assist

Your guide to participate and assist:

1. Request your FS resources teacher or another teacher who uses an LMS for his/her class to give you
access and allow you to, “observe” his/her virtual classroom through the LMS.
2. If possible, request the teacher to demonstrate how to navigate and use the LMS.
3. Ask the teacher how you can participate or assist in tasks that the teacher is organizing organizing or
preparing in the LMS.
4. Be guided by the TPACK infographic in this episode. The questions found there will help you
notice you notice, analyze and reflect very well.
Level/ Grade of the Class:
Lesson or Topic:
Lesson Objectives/ Learning Outcomes:
Which LMS did the teacher use: Check one or more that were used.
__________ Moodle
_____/_____Google Classroom
__________See saw
__________Others ______________________________________________

What tasks did you participate or assist in? Fill out the table below.

What components or parts were present in the LMS Under these LMS components or parts, what tasks
used by the teacher? did you participate/ assist in?

There's a place in Canvas where the teacher may link the I simply observed the LMS in the stream and concluded that
module for students to view and download, which I think is nothing needed to be done.
incredibly helpful for both the teacher and the students.
Google Classroom was commonly used in discussing and We use Google Classroom and Google Meet as part of the
presenting the content of the lesson. LMS components to help our Resource Teacher create
assessments and give directions when necessary.
After you participated or assisted in the LMS, describe what you observed and experienced by
answering the items below.

1. Describe the structure of the LMS utilized by the teacher. How was it organized? What main components
did you find?

Canvas Instruction is the LMS used by the cooperating teachers, and it is divided into three sections:
classroom classwork, classroom stream, and participation (teacher and students). Because it was supposed
to be a classroom-like setting, the teacher used it to disseminate modules to students via the classroom
stream and to give students with exercises, assignments, projects, or quizzes via classroom classwork. It was
organized since the program has its own organizational function; as a result, students can use their phones,
laptops, or other devices to access it.

2. How was the content taught or delivered? How were the learning activities arranged? What strategies did
the teacher or you use to help students attain the objectives/outcomes?

The information is delivered by simply using Classroom Stream to distribute the module to the classroom. To
educate it, a Google Meet session was held. Because the teacher had easy access to and usage of the
learning activities, they were well-organized. My resource instructor helps students fulfill their learning
objectives by giving them the module, teaching them the lesson, and grading them on the LMS.

3. What was your experience in participating and assisting?

On my experience observing, participate and assisting allows me to get ideas and strategies. Those experience
allows me to gain knowledge and teaching competencies that will help me in the future especially in teaching.

1. What do you think are the best features of the LMS that the teacher used? How did these features help
the students learn the content?

The adaptability of the teacher's chosen lesson is her favorite feature of the learning management system she
employs. Her preferred learning management system allows her students to learn independently and explore
their own learning. These elements have an impact on the development and learning progress of students.

2. How did the teacher/or you use the LMS to implement the strategies/ activities planned?
Using several learning management systems in the classroom, I was able to simply implement activities, meetings,
and discussions. Using the learning management system indicated above, I was able to develop an excellent
presentation and activities.

3. How did this connect with what you know about LMS and TPACK?
The teacher can focus on delivering content that corresponds to course outcomes in a pedagogically effective
manner, such as through the use of a learning management system, while using the TPACK paradigm (LMS).
This has the ability to dramatically change teaching and learning if viewed as a whole.
4. What problem or challenges did the teacher/ you or the students encounter in working with the LMS? How
did it/they affect the teacher/learners? What part/s of the LMS do you think can still be improved? How
can this/these be improved?
Answering quizzes, which can be disorganized and unclear due to faults with the LMS, such as directions
offered by the LMS, which can be difficult to follow at times, is one of the issues that students may face.
Although it may be canceled due to obstacles faced, it has an impact on the teacher in terms of evaluating the
students' skills and knowledge in regard to what they have studied. Instructions for producing easy-to-
understand and generate quizzes could be added to the LMS.

1. How ready am I in in organizing and using an LMS?

I am prepared to use and arrange the LMS, as well as to ensure the students' safety while doing so, and to
have a set of objectives to guide me.

2. Enumerate the knowledge, skills and attitudes you already have to organize your virtual learning
environment and use an LMs:
Content: I understand what a learning management system (LMS) is and how to use one in a virtual learning
Pedagogical: The collection of tactics and pedagogy that must be used to organize LMS, such as
constructivism, which places students at the center of learning and ensures that they are involved in using the
LMS as well.
Technological: In terms of technology, I believe I am technologically prepared to use and deliver LMS to
students in a virtual setting, as I possess technological talents that I believe I can put to good use.

2. What do you still need to learn in order to use the LMS effectively?
I believe I still need to figure out how to include my key goal into the LMS's structure so that students can study
successfully and efficiently in a virtual environment.

Write Action Research Prompts

This part allows you to synthesize or put together what you noticed, analyzed, and reflected on to come
up with a possible topic for action research.


1. What problematic situation/ challenges/ area of the improvement did you see while you participated and
assisted using an LMS?

It doesn't seem to have a clear idea of how the students should reach the goals. I suppose the teacher was
confronted with an issue for which a solution was required. For a teacher who utilizes a learning
management system to establish his own goals and structure the system, it would be a manual process.
List at least three sources that you have read about this problem/challenge.

Resource or Reference about the Topic Key points/findings in what I read

Five Problems in your LMS that your Students are It gives a possible problem that every students may
facing right now encountered while using LMS

TPACK: Technological Pedagogical Content Technology inside the classroom has benefits, as
Knowledge Framework utilizing it would help teachers and students in the

Challenges and Benefits of Learning Management It gives the advantages and challenges that a teacher
System can encountered using LMS

On what theories/principles can this problem be anchored

This can be linked to the issue of how to use and choose the best learning management system for a teacher

to use in the classroom.


2. What di I hope to achieve to address the problem/ challenge/ area of improvement in LMS use? (What
change do you want to achieve?)

There should be proper training and workshops to handle the various issues and problems that every teacher
encountered when using the various technology tools.


3. What strategies/ solutions/ means can you employ to improve the situation/solve the problem?

Every teacher should receive sufficient training and workshops, as well as the proper use of technical and

instructional instruments in the classroom.


4. If you will conduct action research, what will the title (Base this on your answers in nos. 1-
"The Appropriate Use of Technological Tools in the Classroom"

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