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This chapter presents the background of the study, statement of the problem,

significance of the study, hypothesis, and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

A mobile phone, also called cellphone or phone, is one of the most rapidly growing

technologies in the world. It is a portable telephone where you can bring anywhere to

make a message and receive calls. We can now also send messages through the internet

where load is not required. On the early times, there are just limited access on mobile

phone but now, the modern phones support very wide range variety of services. It

includes creating e-mails, connecting to internet access, application for gaming,

photography, and easy transferring of files through Bluetooth, and other file transferring


Mobile phones have become an almost essential part of everyone’s daily life since

there is a rapid growth in their popularity. It is the most necessary medium of

communication for all the generation. It virtually affects the society’s accessibility,

security, safety, and coordination of business and social activities and has hence become

a part of culture of the whole world. There are many useful things that can be made on

using cellphones, this may help the students in their class by connecting to other network

an search about their lessons and this may also help the adults who are now working by

giving ideas or information from the internet about their tasks that they were about to do.

This research therefore, attempt to find out the effect of using mobile phones

among students towards their academic performance. This also aims to know if using

mobile phones may lead to poor or good academic performance among the students.

Statement of the Problem

This research generally focused on the effects of using mobile phones towards

academic performance of the random students of STI College Tagaytay S.Y. 2019-2020.

Specifically, it needs to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Gender

2. What is the positive and negative effect of using mobile phones to the academic

performance of the random school students of STI College Tagaytay S.Y. 2019-


3. Does using mobile phones affect the academic performance of the random school

students of STI College Tagaytay S.Y. 2019-2020?

Significance of the Study

This study will be significant to the following beneficiaries:

To the Students of STI College Tagaytay

The result of the study will reveal the effect of using mobile phones to the

academic performance of the students. It would expose the students to the effects of

spending too much time on their mobile phones. It can also serve as a precautionary

measure whether using of phones retrain the students towards achieving good academic

result of the students.

To the Administrators and Professors of STI College Tagaytay

This study will benefit the administrators and professors of STI College Tagaytay

for them to know that there is still positive effect on using mobile phone.

To the Parents of the Students of STI College Tagaytay

This study may help the parents to monitor their children’s academic performance

so that they will be able to guide them to limit the usage of using their mobile phones.

To the Future Researchers

The result of this study will provide additional information and references to the

future researchers. This study will also help them to pursue research studies related to this


Scope and Limitation

This study focused primarily on using of mobile phone. Using the methods of

surveys, the study will describe the effect of using mobile phone to the students’

academic performance.

This study will emphasize how using of phone will affect the students’ academic

performance. Moreover, it will also emphasizes why using mobile phone affect the

students’ academic performance.

Conceptual Framework of the Study

This research used the Input-Process-Output model as a guide in conducting the

study. Figure 1 serves as the research paradigm.


 Data gathering Effect of using mobile

 Age
phones to the academic
 Data sorting
 Gender performance of the

 Mobile Phone  Analyzing and

random students of STI

 Academic interpreting the

College Tagaytay.

Performance collected data.

Figure 1. Research Paradigm

This study used Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. The input included the

demographic profile of the students in terms of age and gender. It also includes the

mobile phone and academic performance.

The process included the gathering of information through survey questionnaires.

After the data were gathered, the results were computed and the findings were sorted,

analyzed and interpreted.

The output is the effect of using mobile phones to the academic performance of

the random students of STI College Tagaytay.


1. There is significant difference in the academic performance of the students that

are using mobile phone of STI College Tagaytay S.Y. 2019-2020.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined for the better understanding of this study.

Academic is related to the performance of the students in their courses of study.

Academic performance refers to the general weighted average of the students for the

year 2019-2020.

Effect is a change that is a result when something is done or when something happened.

Mobile Phone is an item that is used by the students that can affect their academic




The following are related literature and studies gathered and obtained from books,

journals, articles, research papers, observation and unpublished thesis that were found to

significant in the present study:

Soyemi Jumoke (2015) the usage of internet enabled mobile phones is a 21st

century experience which covers various operations. This research work examines phone

usage and identified the effects internet enabled mobile phones have on the academic

performance or students using this. The research work was performed to understand and

to find correlation between academic performance of students and usage of mobile phone

during class hours which is generally believed to be an avenue of distractions to students.

Mwillima (2017) The impact of cellphones use on their academic performance.

Students indicate that cellphone really contribute meaningfully towards the academic

performance of the students, as long as they used it responsibly. Conversely, students

claimed that cellphones digress attention of students and make them pay attention to non-

academic issues such as entertainment.

Koziol (2015) ban mobile phones to help underperforming students indicates

stricter rules around phone use may contribute to better grades particularly for

underperforming students banning mobile phones in school, improvement in test scores

for low achieving students, and improvement in test scores to improve overall in school.

The study of Huznekeoff (2015) examined mobile phones use in the classroom by

using an experimental design to study how message content that is related or unrelated to

class lecture and message creation that responds to or creates a message impact students

learning. Participants in eight experimental groups and a control group watched a video

lecture, took notes, and completed tests of students learning. The control and relevant

message groups earned 10-17% higher letter grade, scored 70% higher on recalling

information, and scored 50% higher on note-taking than students who composed tweets

or responded to irrelevant messages. Sending or receiving messages unrelated to class

content negatively impacted learning and note-taking, while related messages did not

appear to have a significant negative impact.

According to Barnwell (2016), roughly 75% of the students are considered gap

kids under goals. More than half of the gap students scored at the lowest level on last

year’s grade exam because of the possibility and challenge of using phones that make

student’s gap from all backgrounds learn. The survey found that 75% of those ages are

12-17 years old that now have cellphones. Teens typically make about five calls per day

on the phones but they still prefer to deal with their parents by calling them, rather than

texting them.

Debate (2017) surveys if the students are allowed to use cellphones in school an

72% agreed as they say that mobile phones are good for education. 28% dis-agreed as a

teacher says that students might play during the session and they can use it to cheat.

On the research of Arshi (2017) it is said that teenagers are totally addicted by

texting. Excess messaging can lead to Teen Tendonitis or TTT. It can cause pain in the

hands, back, and neck due to poor posture. It can also lead to impaired vision and even

arthritis down the line. Having a cellphone will tempt the teens to spend all day talking or

texting, instead of doing anything productive. Studies have proven that teens who spend

too much of their time with their cellphones are more prone to stress and fatigue.

Conversation (2015) found out that if the students were allowed to use mobile

phones in the school, it can harm their academic


Gardiner (2016) states that cellphone addiction is no joke as students become

more creative in using it as a text in their laps, text in their notebooks, text inside their

pockets, take pictures while teachers are writing on the board, went to the comfort room

and find out the answers on quizzes through surfing the internet. Students also use their

cellphones everyday as all of the result will lead to the breakdown of their academic

performance and maybe in the future.

Freed (2017) found out that students were distracted in learning when they’re

using mobile phones. He also stated that there’s an increase of students that are

cyberbullied at school.

Doward (2015) found out on his research that students not only achieve

improvement when using cellphones, students gained most in the low achievement. They

found out that the impact of banning phones for the students was equivalent to an

additional hour a week in school, or to increase the school year.



This chapter presents the methodology utilized in this study. Included here is the

research design, research locale and respondents of the study, sampling techniques,

instrumentation, and methods.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers used quantitative research design. Quantitative

Research involves the use of computational, statistical, and mathematical tools to derive

results. It is the researcher’s opportunity to do a survey in order to know the respondents’

thoughts and opinions for the topic entitled “The Effect of Using Mobile Phone to the

Academic Performance of the Random Student of STI College Tagaytay.”

Research Locale and Respondents of the Study

The study was conducted at STI College Tagaytay located at Frablyn Centrum

Tower Rotonda Tagaytay City.

The researchers selected sixty (60) random students who were officially enrolled

in STI College Tagaytay. The population of the study are 15 students from GAS and

ABM 12, 15 students from MAWD and Culinary Arts 11.

Sampling Techniques

The respondents of the study were selected using random sampling. Random

Sampling is a part of the sampling technique in which each sample has an equal

probability of being chosen.


The researchers used survey questionnaire to know the effect of using mobile

phone to the academic performance of the random students of STI College Tagaytay.

The survey questionnaire is the instrument used to know the effect of using

mobile phone to the academic performance of the random students of STI College

Tagaytay. The survey questionnaire consists of 11-item test that requires the student to

respond a given question. All questions were negatively keyed numbers therefore these

were reversed score. Respondents indicated the effect of using mobile phone to the

academic performance using four categories ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to

“Strongly Agree”. They were converted to a numerical from by assigning a value of 1

(Agree), 2 (Disagree), 3 (Strongly Agree), 4 (Strongly Disagree).

Statistical Treatment

To interpret the data effectively the researchers used the formula of percentage

that will employ to determine the frequency counts and percentage distribution.

Formula: %= x 100


% = Percentage

F = Frequency

N = Total number of respondents

100 = Constant value


The researchers first informed the school authorities of their intention of

surveying the students at STI College Tagaytay where respondents were enrolled. The

request was formalized by a letter to the Principal explaining the reasons for conducting

the study. The researcher personally distributed and conducted the survey. They

explained their questionnaire to four sections of selected senior high school students

which are the GAS and ABM 12, MAWD and Culinary Arts 11.

When all the survey questionnaire has been collected, the researchers reviewed

the answers of the respondents to know the effect of using mobile phone to their

academic performance.



This chapter includes the presentation and interpretation of the results obtained

from the gathered data through tables and textual description.

The researchers conducted a verbal interview to know the perception of the

selected senior high school students of STI College Tagaytay.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can make your task easier 53 88.33% 7 11.67%

Table 1.1 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can make a task easier.

Table 1.1 shows that 88.33% (53 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can make their Academic Task easier

while 11.67% (7 out of 60 respondents) of the students disagree that using mobile phones

can make their Academic Task easier.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can entertain people 44 73.33% 16 26.67%

Table 1.2 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can entertain people.

Table 1.2 shows that 73.33% (44 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can entertain people while 26.67% (16

out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using mobile

phones can entertain people.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can help in emergencies 53 88.33% 7 11.67%

Table 1.3 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can help in emergencies.

Table 1.3 shows that 88.33% (53 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can help in emergencies while 11.67%

(7 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using

mobile phones can help in emergencies.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can help teachers increase student

engagement 47 78.33% 13 21.67%

Table 1.4 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can help teachers
increase student engagement.

Table 1.4 shows that 78.33% (47 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can help teachers increase students’

engagement while 21.67% (13 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College

Tagaytay disagree that using mobile phones can help teachers increase students’


Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can improve communication skills

48 80% 12 20%

Table 1.5 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can improve communication

Table 1.5 shows that 80% (48 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can improve communication skills

while 20% (12 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree

that using mobile phones can improve communication skills.


Effect of using mobile phones Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Can cause stress 45 75% 15 25%

Table 1.6 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can cause stress.

Table 1.6 shows that 75% (45 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can cause stress 25% (15 out of 60

respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using mobile phones

can cause stress.


Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can cause lack of sleep 52 86.67% 8 13.33%

Table 1.7 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can cause lack of sleep.

Table 1.7 shows that 86.67% (52 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can cause lack of sleep while 13.33%

(8 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using

mobile phones can cause lack of sleep.


Effect of using mobile phones Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Can increase cases of

cyberbullying 49 81.67% 11 18.33%

Table 1.8 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can increase cases of

Table 1.8 shows that 81.67% (49 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can increase cases of Cyberbullying

while 18.33% (11 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay

disagree that using mobile phones can increase cases of Cyberbullying.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can cause trouble 50 83.33% 10 16.67%

Table 1.9 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can start trouble.

Table 1.9 shows that 83.33% (50 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can start trouble while 16.67% (10 out

of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using mobile

phones can start trouble.

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Effect of using mobile phones

Can cause illness 44 73.33% 16 26.67%

Table 1.10 The result of the survey if using mobile phone can cause illness.

Table 1.10 shows that 73.33% (44 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay agree that using mobile phones can cause illness while 26.67% (16 out

of 60 respondents) of the students of STI College Tagaytay disagree that using mobile

phones can cause illness.

If using mobile phone affect their academic performance Frequency Percentage

Yes 38 63.33%

Table 1.11 The number of students who agreed that mobile phone can affect their
academic performance.

Table 1.11 shows that 63.33% (38 out of 60 respondents) of the students of STI

College Tagaytay affect their Academic Performance when using mobile phones.

If using mobile phone affect their academic performance Frequency Percentage

No 22 36.67%

Table 1.12 The number of students who disagreed that mobile phone can affect their
academic performance.

Table 1.12 shows that 36.67% (22 out of 60 respondents) of the students do not

affect their Academic Performance when using mobile phones.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusions, and recommendations based on

the findings of the study.


This study was done for the purposes of knowing the perception of the random

students of STI Colleges Tagaytay. It includes the demographic profile of the respondents

in terms of age and gender. Also, this aims to know the insights of the respondents about

the effect of using mobile phone to the academic performance of the random students of

STI College Tagaytay.

The researchers utilized descriptive research design to determine the effect of

using mobile phone to the academic performance of the random students of STI College

Tagaytay. This study used a survey questionnaire. The respondents of the study were the

random students of STI College Tagaytay.

Based on the data gathered conducted by the researchers, most of the respondents

on STI College Tagaytay agreed that using mobile phones has a positive or good effects

which are it can make their task easier, help in emergencies, entertain people, help

teachers increase students’ engagement, and improve communication skills. Most of them

also agreed that it has a negative or bad effect which are it cause stress, cause lack of

sleep, increase cases of cyberbullying, start trouble, and cause illness. It is clearly stated

that it has an equal result. Half of the effects of using mobile phones towards the

academic performance of the students are good effects and half of it are bad effects. The

result reveals that using mobile phone may have positive effects towards the academic

performance of the students but it also has a negative effect.


The result of the study revealed that using mobile phones has effect in the

academic performance of every student in terms of searching, communicating and also it

is most convenient way to increase the knowledge and gain experiences that will add of

every student in their learning’s.

Based on the result that gathered from researcher's interview most of the students

of random students from STI College Tagaytay says that using mobile phones has effect

to the academic performance of the students.


On the basis of present study, recommendations for the beneficiaries in the

schools are drawn as follows.

To the Students of STI College Tagaytay

The researcher recommends for the students and encourage them to use mobile

phones for searching information and communicating. By using mobile phone, it would

be easy for everyone to reach each other. It can also be helpful in their studies but they

should control its usage.

To the Professors or Teachers of STI College Tagaytay

The researchers recommend to the teachers to be able to know the positive side of

using mobile phones and for them to show and guide their students properly on how to

use their phones in good way.

To the Future Researchers

This study may be used by the future researchers as a guide and reference in

conducting a related study regarding the effect of using mobile phones to the academic

performance of the students.


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