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Q) Exception handling in spring

@ExceptionHandler(EntityNotFoundException.class) -- methodlevel
@ControllerAdvice -- class level
HandlerExceptionResolver (i) -> resolveException()

Q) what is swagger ?
1. It is the most popular API documentation format for RESTful Web Services.
2. It builds around the OpenAPI Specification that helps developers to
design, build, document, and consume RESTful APIs.
3. It provides both JSON and UI support.
4. JSON can be used as a machine-readable format, and Swagger-UI is for
visual display, which is easy for humans to understand by just browsing the API.


public class SwaggerConfig {
public Docket productApi() {
return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2called)

Q)OOPS features ?

data hiding -> Our internal data should not go out directly.By using private
modifier we can impletememt data hiding.
abstraction -> Hiding internal Implmentaion and highliting set of services is
Abstract classes/Interfces we can implement abstraction.
encapsulation --> (datahiding + abstraction) binding of data and
corresponding methods into single unit.provide security
inheritance -> reusablity
polymarphism -> same method name with different forms -->
overloading ,method hiding (compile time)

overriding (run time)

Q)What is Encapsulation ?
Encapsulation in Java is a mechanism of wrapping the data (variables) and code
acting on the data (methods) together as a single unit. In encapsulation, the
variables of a class will be hidden from other classes, and can be accessed only
through the methods of their current class. Therefore, it is also known as data

To achieve encapsulation in Java −

1.Declare the variables of a class as private.
2.Provide public setter and getter methods to modify and view the
variables values.

Benefits of Encapsulation
1.The fields of a class can be made read-only or write-only.
2.A class can have total control over what is stored in its fields.

Q) How to make immutable classes?

1.Make your class final, so that no other classes can extend it.
2.Make all your fields final, so that they’re initialized only once inside
the constructor and never modified afterward.
3.Don’t expose setter methods.
4.When exposing methods which modify the state of the class, you must always
return a new instance of the class.
5.Make sure to always return a clone copy of the field and never return the
real object instance.

Q) Differece between static and instance methods in java ?

Instance Methods
Static Methods
1.require object to call method directly with class name keyword is required
2.use static keyword for method
3. from Static methods can’t access instance
3.FROM Instance method can access static variables and static methods
methods and instance variables directly

Q)What is different ways to create String object in java ?

String s = new String("abcd") ;// two objects created ,reference
pointig to heap
String s="Abcd" ;// one object created,reference point to scp
String s = "java online java";

Q) What are different types of inner clases?

Without existing of one type of object if there is no chance of existing
another type of object then go for inner classes.
1.Normal or Regular inner classes. eg:class inside a class
2.Method local inner classes eg: class inside a method.
3.Annonymous innner classes :
1. Annonymous inner class that extends class.
2. Annonymous inner class that implement interface.
3. Annonymous inner class that defined inside method
4.static nested inner classes.class inside a class with static keyword.

Q) What is use inner classes?

Inner classes are best for the purpose of logically grouping classes that are
used in one-place.
For example, if you want to create class which is used by ONLY enclosing
class, then it doesn't make sense to create a separate file for that.
Instead you can add it as "inner class".

Q) Contract deffence between == and .equals

1.if r1==r2 is true ==> r.equals(r2) is always true
2.r1==r2 is false ==> r1.equals(r2) may true/false
3.r1.equals(r2) is true ==> r1==r2 may true/false
4.r1.equals(r2) is false ==> r1==r2 is always false.
Q) Contract between .equals and hashcode ?
1.r1.equals(r2) is true => r1.hashcode() == r2.hashcode() is true
2.r1.equals(r2) is false => r1.hashcode() == r2.hashcode() is true/false
3.r1.hashcode == r2.hashcode is true ==> r1.equals(r2) is true/false
4.r1.hashcode()==r2.hashcode() is false => r1.equals(r2) false
Q) Differences between == (double equal operator) and .equals() method?
== (double equal operator) .equals() method
1.It is an operator applicable for both 1.It is a method
applicable only for object references
primitives and object references. but not for

2.In the case of primitives == (double equal 2.By default .equals()

method present in object class is
operator) meant for content comparison, but also meant for
reference comparison.
in the case of object references == operator
meant for reference comparison.

3.We can't override == operator for content 3.We can

override .equals() method for content comparison.
comparison in object references.

4.If there is no relationship between argument 4.If there is no

relationship between argument types then .equals() method
types then we will get compile time error simply returns false
and we won't get any compile time error and runtime
saying incompatible types.(relation means
child to parent or parent to child or same type)
5.For any object reference r, r==null is always false. 5.For any object
reference r, r.equals(null) is also returns false.

Q)Producer and Consumer in multi threading ?

Q)What is RACE condition ?

Executing multiple Threads simultaneously and causing data inconsistency
problems is nothing but Race condition
we can resolve race condition by using synchronized keyword.
Q) Difference between String and StringBuffer and StringBuilder?

String :If the content is fixed and won't change frequently then we should go
for String.
StringBuffer:If the content will change frequently but Thread safety is
required then we should go for StringBuffer.
StringBuilder: If the content will change frequently and Thread safety is not
required then we should go for StringBuilder.

Q) Object Class methods?

toString( ) ,hashCode() ,equals(),clone(), getClass(), finalize() ,
wait() ,wait(long ms),wait(long ms,int ns) ,notify(), notifyAll()

Q) In How many ways anobject of class can be restricted?

1. private default constructor.
2. make class as abstract.

Q)How many Ways to Create an Object in Java ? Operator
4.Object Serialization and Deserialization
5.reflection api

Q)Serialization and De-Serialization ?

Serialization: process of converting an object from java supported form to
either network supported form (or) file supported form
By using FileOutputStream and ObjectOutputStream classes we
can achieve serialization process.
De-Serialization : the process of converting an object from file supported
form (or) network supported form to java supported form .
By using FileInputStream and ObjectInputStream
classes we can achieve DeSerialization.

Q) Exeption vs Overrding :

While overriding if the child class method throws any checked exception
compulsory the parent class method should throw the same checked exception or
parent otherwise we will get compile time error.


Q) Exeption vs Constructor :

If Parent class constructor throws some checked exception compulsory Child

class constructor should throw the same checked exception (or) its Parent.


Q)Read indirectly write only state (or) RIWO ?

With in the static block if we are trying to read any variable then that read
is considered as "direct read" If we are calling a method , and with in the method
if we are trying to read a method , that read is called Indirect read
If a variable is in RIWO state then we can't perform read operation directly
otherwise we will get compile time error saying " illegal forward reference

Q)Java 14 features ?
Switch Expressions (Standard)
Records (Preview)
Text Blocks (second preview)
Patteren Matchig for instance of (preview)

Q)Java SE 16 Features ?
Sealed Classes (second Preview)
Patteren matching for instanceof

Q) Final features in java 14,15,16 versions?

1.Switch expressions
2.Sealed classes.
5.Pattern matching

Q)Various memory areas in java ?

1.Method Area
i)Method Area will be Created at the Time of JVM Start-Up.
ii)It will be Shared by All Threads (Global Memory).
iii)This Memory Area Need Not be Continuous.
iv)Method area shows runtime constant pool.
v)Total Class Level Binary Information including Static Variables Stored
in Method Area.
2.Heap Area
i)Programmer Point of View Heap Area is Consider as Important Memory
ii)Heap Area will be Created at the Time of JVM Start- Up.
iii)Heap can be accessed by All Threads (Global OR Sharable Memory).
iv)Heap Area Nee Not be Continuous.
v)All Objects and corresponding Instance Variables will be stored in
the Heap Area.
vi)Every Array in Java is an Object and Hence Arrays Also will be
stored in Heap Memory Only.
3.Stack Memory
i)For Every Thread JVM will Create a Separate Runtime Stack.
ii)Runtime Stack will be Created Automatically at the Time of Thread
iii)All Method Calls and corresponding Local Variables, Intermediate
Results will be stored in the Stack.
iv)For Every Method Call a Separate Entry will be Added to the Stack
and that Entry is Called Stack Frame OR Activation Record.
v)After completing that Method Call the corresponding Entry from the
Stack will be Removed.
vi)After completing All Method Calls, Just Before terminating the
Thread,the Runtime Stack will be destroyed by the JVM.
vii)The Data stored in the Stack can be accessed by Only the
corresponding Thread and it is Not Available to Other Threads.

4.PC Registers Area

i)For Every Thread a Separate PC Register will be Created at the Time of
Thread Creation.
ii)PC Registers contains Address of Current executing Instruction.
iii)Once Instruction Execution Completes Automatically PC Register will be
incremented to Hold Address of Next Instruction.

5.Native Method Stacks Area

i)For Every Thread JVM will Create a Separate Native Method Stack.
ii)All Native Method Calls invoked by the Thread will be stored in the
corresponding Native Method Stack.
Q)Difference between Runnable and calable ?
1) The Runnable interface is older than Callable which is there from JDK 1.0,
while Callable is added on Java 5.0.
2) Runnable interface has run() method to define task while Callable interface
uses call() method for task definition.
3) run() method does not return any value, its return type is void while the call
method returns a value.

Q)Class Loaders in java ?

1.Boot Strap ClassLoader(jdk/jre/lib)
2.Extension ClassLoader(jdk/jre/lib/ext)
3.Application ClassLoader (current working directory)
flow ( 3 -> 2 -> 1 -> 2->3)
*) ClassLoader follows Delegation Hierarchy Principle
*)Whenever JVM Come Across a Particular Class, first it will Check whether
the corresponding Class is Already Loaded OR Not.
*)If it is Not Already Loaded then JVM Requests ClassLoaderSub System to
Load that Particular Class.
*)Then ClassLoaderSub System Handovers the Request to
*)ApplicationClassLoader Delegates that Request to ExtensionClassLoader and
ExtenstionClassLoader in-turn Delegates
that Request to BootstrapClassLoader.
*) BootstrapClassLoader Searches in Bootstrap Class Path for the
required .class File (jdk/jre/lib)
*)If the required .class is Available, then it will be Loaded. Otherwise
BootstrapClassLoader Delegates that
Request to ExtensionClassLoader.
*) ExtensionClassLoader will Search in Extension Class Path
(jdk/jre/lib/ext). If the required .class File is Available then
it will be Loaded, Otherwise it Delegates that Request to
*)ApplicationClassLoader will Search in Application Class Path (Current
Working Directory). If the specified .class is
Already Available, then it will be Loaded. Otherwise we will get Runtime
Exception Saying ClassNotFoundException OR NoClassDefFoundError.
Q)Difference between ClassNotFoundException vs NoCLassDefFoundError ?

ClassNotFoundException is an exception that occurs when you try to load a class

at run time using Class.forName() or loadClass() methods and mentioned classes are
not found in the classpath.

NoClassDefFoundError is an error that occurs when a particular class is

present at compile time, but was missing at run time.

Q)Daemon Threads?
The Threads which are executing in the background are called daemon Threads.
The main objective of daemon Threads is to provide support for non-daemon Threads
like main Thread.
Q)Executor FrameWork?
*)Creating a New Thread for Every Job May Create Performance and Memory Problems.
*)Passing a Callable to the submit method is possible to get a Future object and
use it to retrieve the result of the asynchronous computation
How to Create an Executor:
// Creates a single thread ExecutorService
ExecutorService singleExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

// Creates a single thread ScheduledExecutorService

ScheduledExecutorService singleScheduledExecutorService =

// Creates an ExecutorService that use a pool of 10 threads

ExecutorService fixedExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10);

// Creates an ExecutorService that use a pool that creates threads on demand

// And that kill them after 60 seconds if they are not used
ExecutorService onDemandExecutorService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();

// Creates a ScheduledExecutorService that use a pool of 5 threads

ScheduledExecutorService fixedScheduledExecutorService =
Q)try with resources ?
1.The main advantage of "try with resources" is finally block will become dummy
because we are not required to close resources of explicitly.

Q)Process based multitasking ?

Executing several tasks simultaneously where each task is a separate
independent process such type of multitasking is called process based multitasking.
Q)Thread based multitasking ?
Executing several tasks simultaneously where each task is a separate
independent part of the same program, is called Thread based multitasking.

Q)Comparable vs Comparator ?
1. Present in java.lang Package 1.Present in
java.util Package.
2.It is Meant for Default Natural Sorting 2.It is
Meant for Customized Sorting Order.
3. Defines Only One Method compareTo(). 3.Defines 2
Methods compare() and equals().
4. All Wrapper Classes and String Class 4.The
Only implemented Classes of Comparator are Collator.

and RuleBaseCollator.

Q)Composition vs Aggregation ?
Without existing container object if there is no chance of existing
contained objects then
the relationship between container object and contained object is
called composition
which is a strong association.
Aggregation :
Without existing container object if there is a chance of existing
contained objects such
type of relationship is called aggregation. In aggregation objects have
weak association.
Q) HashMap updates in java8 ?

1.Before Java 8, the performance of the HashMap was poor due to the hash
2.The retrieval time of elements from HashMap increases from O(1) to O(n).
3.Java 8 hash elements use balanced tree instead of linked lists after a
certain threshold is reached.
4.HashMap starts with storing Entry objects in a LinkedList but after the
number of items in a hash becomes larger than a certain threshold.
5.The hash will change from using a linked list to a balanced tree.

Q) Why string class is immutable ?

In the case of String as several references pointing to the same

object, by using one reference if we are allowed perform the change the remaining
references will be impacted. To prevent this once we created a String object we
can't perform any change in the existing object that is immutability is only due to
But in the case of StringBuffer for every requirement we are creating a
separate object will be created by using one reference if we are performing any
change in
the object the remaining references won't be impacted hence
immutability concept is not require for the StringBuffer.
Q) Atomic number in multithreading ?

Java supports atomic classes that support lock free, thread safe programming
on single variables. These classes are defined in java.util.concurrent.atomic
package. Some of the key classes include AtomicBoolean, AtomicInteger, AtomicLong,
AtomicIntegerArray, AtomicLongArray and AtomicReference.
Some of methods in AtomicInteger : addAndGet(),compareAndSet(),
decrementAndGet(), doubleValue(), get(), getAndDecrement(),

getAndIncrement(),getAndSet(), incrementAndGet(), updateAndGet().

Q)Time slicing in threads?

Time slice is introduced in operating system for scheduling processes. With the
help of Time slice factor short time running process will get a chance to execute.
A task executes for a predefined slice of time and then re-enter the pool of ready

Q)what is thread scheduler in java ?

Thread scheduler in java is the part of the JVM that decides which thread
should run.
Only one thread at a time can run in a single process.
The thread scheduler mainly uses preemptive or time slicing scheduling to
schedule the threads.

Q) What is Volatile modifier in java?

1.Volatile is the modifier applicable only for variables but not for classes
and methods.
2.If the value of variable keeps on changing such type of variables we have
to declare with volatile modifier.
3.If a variable declared as volatile then for every thread a separate local
copy will be created by the jvm, all intermediate modifications
performed by the thread will takes place in the local copy instead of master
4. Once the value got finalized before terminating the thread that final
value will be udated in master copy.
5. The main advantage of volatile modifier is we can resolve data
inconsistency problems, but creating and maintaining a separate copy for every
increases complexity of the Programming and effects performance of the
6.Hence if there is no specific requirement never recommended to use volatile
modifier and it's almost outdated.
6.Volatile means the value keep on changing where as final means the value
never changes hence final volatile combination is illegal for variables.

Q)Thread Life cycle ?

start() TS allocate CPU
run() completes
new/born -----------> Ready/Runnable -----------------------------
| sleep()
| |
| 1.sleep time expire
Sleep state
| | 2.sleep thread got
inturrepted |
| |
| wait()
| |
| 1.if wait thread got notification
Waitng state
| 2.Wait time expires
3.if waiting thread got

| |
| |
| Suspend()
| |
Suspended state
| resume()

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