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CHAPTER-03 LEARNING OBJECTIVES This chapter will enable you to learn the concepts and application of: © The concept of sets * Types of sets and operation of sets © Venn diagram * Application of sets in business problem 3.1 INTRODUCTION George Cantor, a great mathematician developed the theory of set. This is one of the most fundamental concepts of mathematics and is now used in almost all branches of science, technology, commerce and economics. The theory has established co-ordination among different branches of mathematics namely geometry, algebra, calculus etc. The solutions of complicated problems of science and commerce become easier by the application of set theory. Not only that, the theory helps to base the subject probability on a solid logical foundation. In this chapter we shall elaborate and discuss the importance of set theory in the application of mathematics to real life problems. We often come across phases such as: a bunch of keys, a pack of cards, a class of students, a team of players etc. The words bunch, pack, class, and team all denote collections. Also the dictionary meaning of set is a group or a collection. In mathematics, the word set is used in the context of a well-defined collection of objects. 3.2 DEFINITION OF A SET Definition: A well-defined and well-distinguished collection of objects is called a set. By a well-defined collection, we mean that there exists a rule with the help of which we should be able to say whether any given object or entity belongs to the collection under consideration. ‘The following are’some examples of a set: i. The vowels in English alphabets. ii, Rivers in Bangladesh. ili. The planets: Sun, Moon, and Earth. iv. The positive even integers from | to 50. The basic characteristics of a set are. that it should be well-defined, its objects or elements should be well distinguished for easy recognition by description. CB camseanner 84||Business Mathematics ou ELEMENTS OF A SET @ ‘the objects that make up a set are called the elements or members of a set. ThE rea in the sot must be distinct and distinguishable. By ‘distinct? we mean that Nr oo repeated and by ‘distinguishable’ we mean that given any object, it is either 7 not in the set. ‘The set is generally denoted by capital letters A,B,C. gaes : elements by small letters a,b,c,x, J, Z.€te. : ‘The syrnbot € (epsilon, a Greek alphabet) is used to indicate that a particular clement oot spelongs to a set” ot 'a member of a set’. For example, if x is an element of aa A they symbolically we wtite x.€ A, which is read as “xis an element ofthe set A” OF xbelongs to set A", The symbole is used to indicate that a particular element or object ‘does not belong toa set’ or ‘is not.a member of a set’. Thus, if not an element of a set A, then symbolically we smrite xe A. which ig read as “xis-not an element of the set A”. Thus given & set Aand a object x, one and only one of the following statements is true: (i) x € A. Gi * eA. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A COLLECTION AND A SET Let us make a clear Difference between a ‘collection’ and a ‘set’. |. Every collection is not a set. For a collection to be a set, it must be well-defined. Fort collection to be well-defined, it should be known whether a given object does or does net belong to that collection. For example, consider the following collection: ‘A= the collection of any five positive integers. B= the collection of first five positive integers. ‘The collection A is not well-defined because, the positive integer 4 (say) may or may mi belong to A. On the other hand, collection B is well-defined because, the members of tit collection are 1,2,3,4,5. Therefore, the collection B is a set. 2. Collection of qualitative attributes in certain objects such as honest persons, rich pers0" beautiful women, good players, ete do not form set. 3.3 METHODS OF DESCRIBING A SET Te expesion of the set has to be compact and clear, otherwise the basic quality of the set be well defined and distinctive is lost. Following are the most co ibing a mmon f deseribing @ a. Tabular, or Roster, or Enumeration method and ea b. Selector, or Property builder, or Rule method. a, Tabular method: Under this method, a set can be described by actual listing all the - i i : ¥ objects belonging (0 it within braces ie.{ }. For example, t 1 V of al vowels in the English alphabets can be represented fa nemo of. V=(4,¢,i,0,u}. Theory of Sets ||85 's not possible to list all the elements, but after knowing a few elements we can see as to what the other elements are. For example, the set N of natural numbers may be written as: N={1,2,3,...} ‘ Here the dots indicate that the set contains all the natural numbers. Similarly, the set of squares of positive odd integers is written as: S={1,9,25,49,...} Remark: No element in the set should be repeated: For example, we never write {3,5,5}, but rather write {3,5}. Also became a set is a collection of objects in a well-defined ‘Manner, the order in which the elements of a set are listed does not make any difference. The three sets: {2,4,3}, {4,2,3} and {3,2,4} are different listings of the same set. The elements of a set distinguish the set but not the order in which the elements are written, b, Selector method: In this method, the elements of a set are represented by mentioning their qualitative or quantitative or both characteristics. We may state some characteristics, which an object must possess in order to be an element in the set. To understand this method, let us consider the set . A=(2,4.68,..) i, B=(a,e,i,0,u) If we try to search out some Property among the elements of the sets A and B, we find that all clements of set A are even positive integers; all elements of set B are vowels of English alphabets, ‘Thus we can use the letter ‘x’ to represent an arbitrary element of the set together with the Property of x. Therefore sets A and B may be represented as: A=(x|x is an even positive integer) B=(x|x isa vowel in English alphabet). The symbol " after x stands for ‘such that’. Sometimes we use “Y to denote ‘such that’. For. exampl A= (x: xis an even positive integer). twill be clear from the above di SOME STANDARD SETS i, N=(1,2,3,4,...},, the set of all natural numbers. T={...-3,-2,-1,0,2,3,...}, the set of 1, ={1,23,...}, the set of all positive integers. Q=(x:x= p/q, where Pand qare integers and q #0}, the set of all rational numbers, Qe the set of all posi ional numbers. Q'= the set of all irrational numbers. integers, 86|| Business Mathematics R= the set of all real numbers. P’= the set of all prime numbers. ix, C= {x:x=a+ib;a,be R,i=V—1)}, the set of all complex numbers. For example-1; Represent the following sets in set notation: i. Set of all alphabets in English language, ii, The set of all odd integers less than 25, iii. The set of all odd integers, iv. The set of positive imegers satisfying the equation x? +5x+7=0. Solution: : i, A=(x:2 isa alphabet in English language), - ii, T= {x:x is an odd imeger <25}, iii, 1={x:x=1357...}, iv. 1={x:x is the +ve integers satisfying the equation x” +5x-+7 = 0}. For example-2: Rewrite the following sets in a sét-builder form: i A=(a,e,i,0,u},ii, B=(1234,,..)iii. C is a set of integers between 15 and +15. Solution: i. A={x:x is a vowel in English alphabet), ii, B ix isa +ve integer}, i, C= (x:-15 xe B, which is read as ‘A is a subset of B’ or ‘A is contained in B’. aX CB camseanner 88||Business Mathematics If ACB, then B is called the superset of A and we write: B2 A which is read as ‘3), superset of A’ or ‘B contains A’. ol . If A is not a subset of B, we write: AG Bif xe A= xe B, which is read as ‘A is ny subset of B. \- Examples: a. Suppose A=(1,3,5},and B ={5,3,4,2,1}.Here each element of A are also the elene, of B. Theréfore, AC B. . Let A={3,5,6} and B = (5,3,6}.Since each element of A belongs to B and vice-ves, therefore A = B Thus it follows that every set is a subset of itself. c. The set A= {I,3,5} is not the subset of the set B = {1,3,6,7}, sinceSe A but 5¢ B. d. Null set 6 is a subset of every set. . Proper subset: The sct A is a proper subset of the set B if and only if element)it ‘ set A is also an element of the set B and there is at least dhe element in tl B that is net the Set A. Symbolically, this is written as “Ac Band is read as ‘A is a proper subs: ‘superset B’. For example: Let A = {1,2,3,5,8,9}and B= {1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9}. Here ACB. Remarks: (i) If A is a subset of B, then B is called the superset of A. (ii) A set is always a subset of itself. i) The null set is unique and is a subset of every set. Example: A= (1,2.3.8,9},B = (2,4,6,8},C = (13,5,7,9},D = {3,45}, E ={3,5). ‘What is the S if (i) SCD and § ZAi)S CBand SZC. Solution: (i) When $ = {4,5}. = {4,5} [Ans.] Gi) When $ = (2,4,6}, then S is a pro i 4,6), S a proper subset of B, while S is not tal «§=(246) ties Not a proper subse! »then S is a proper subset of D, while S is nota proper subset of Example: Write down al the subsets ofthe sets: B= (68,11), Solution: Given B=(68,11). Required all possible subsets of set B are 4, (61-(8)-(111,168), 6.11) 4811), (68,1 [Ans.] ily of sets: If a o Fass SS sat clement of a set are sets themselves, then such a set is?! prample: IW AR(4b).then the set (6,(4 ements are subsets of the set A. Mb (ab)) is the family of sets” ele CB camseanner Theory of Sets||89 Note: connects an element and a set, A=(a,b,c}then ae A, {a}CA are come incorrect statements. whilec and © connect two sets, ie. if ct statements whileac Aand {a}e A are 10. Power set: The family of all subsets of a Set is the family of all subsets of S is called the power set of S and is denoted by P(S). Example: If A= {a,b}, then its subsets are: 4, (a},{b),{a,b). Therefore power set, P(S) = (9,{a},(b}, {a,b} }. IfA isa finite set of n elements, then the total number of subsets of A are 2” Jn other words, the power set of A has 2” elements. Example: Let A={a,b,c,d}, where. a,b,c,d represent the members of a decision-making body, say a committee. List the elements of power set P(A). is called power set of that set. If S is any set, then Solution: Given.A = {a,b,c,d) . + P(A)=(9,{a}, {6}, (c).{4},{a,b}, (a,c},(a,d},(b,c},(b,d}, (c,d), {a,b,c}, {a,b,d},{a,e,d},{b,c,d),{a,b,c,d}} [Ans.] 11. Universal set: In applications of set theory, all the sets are considered as subsets of a fixed set. This fixed set is called the universal set. This set is usually derioted by U. Obviously, the set U is the superset of every set. Examples: (i) All people in the world constitute the universal set in any study of human population. : (ii) A set of integers may be considered as a universal set for a set of odd or even integers. (ili) A deck of cards may be universal set for a set of spade. (iv) If A= {a}, B ={b}, then U ={a,b}. 35 OPERATIONS ON SETS Two or more sets can be associated, obeying some rules to give rise to new set. The method of assigning such a new sct is called operation on sets. These operations on sets are defined to ‘evelop an algebra of sets. Different set operations are defined below: 1, Union of sets: The union of two sets A and B is the set of all elements which belong either in Aor in B or in both A and B. The union of the sets A and B is denoted by AU B. Itis sually ead as “A union B” or “A cup B”. Union is also known as “join” or “logical sum” of A and B. Symbolically, we write AU B= {x:xe Aor xe B}. In other words, X8AUBS> xe A or xe B. Example: If’ A = (1,2,3,4) and B= (2,6,8}, then AUB = {1,2,3,4,6,8}. “14 CB camseanner -yjoq aaneSau pur aatnsod st youes 1089 aay) 2 = ES TPU AD S16 azoym b= gy ug ywlofp are g PUR Y S198 24 ‘210j21041, 8 IMU WES ¥) wonsosionn sou, Uusyp qutofsip ame g pur y sios atp Jt ‘AleaID esymauttaja HOUTUIOD ou ani f Jas Inu yp stg oxy “= OU V Udtp “9s Kae sty JT “ras yn oyp st y0s duro ue YIM 198 Aue Jo HoNasI>NUT (p) ‘W=VUY Uwayp ‘19s Kuve sty JT “Jesu yes ayp st JJOsit ALAA 198 v Jo UONDasZaIUT (9) DU(ALy)=(QUA)UY uoWp ‘sias som Auv ame D pur ‘g “y JT “2atnerposse st sy9s Jo uonoosIoMul 24 (q) WU d= qUy wop ‘sis om Aur ame g pur y J] ‘SAH TEINWIWOD SI S1AS Jo UONOaSIaIUT (v) 95 Jo UoNDaszaqUY Jo sansadOLg MES*STx}= guy snyy-{osxs L:x}= pur (e5x50:x}=y PT) {lS)=auy wm tirecch=¢ pur (L‘9's*pe'7'T} = VIL) tojdurexgy : “q 3x puey ax = guy ax pom who. UE {gq ax py sx:z}=qUy aum om “Ayjeorjoquiky vf. d29 V,, 10 | UoNoasiOHUL Vy, se pear Ayjensn st 1 °g UY. Aq porouop st g pur ¥y sias otf p uonoesieiuy “ Pure V InOg or Suojaq Yor swaUID}2 4p Te Jo SuNsisuoD 19s oun st gq puL 888 O87 JO UOHOASIAVU ay ‘SpHOM 2{H0 UI “PUY Ss BYR toOg oF UOUILIOD xv Fon Mauro Ie JO 19S 9YB SF E PUL Y SiOs UAAIS OMI Jo UoHDOeSIOIN yy, “SIRs Jo UONDaSIONUT “Z IMAOV)= (OO A) OV wan ‘sis soinp Auw aw 3 pur “gy 31 “AANRIDOSSU SI SIaS Jo UoLUN oy], (2) V=VOV Uo Sos Aue sty J “JI9SIL 19S OU) St JOS YMA IOs v Jo UCU —(p) VOG=A OV warp ‘sos omy Kuv are g pur y J] “QANeINWIOD $1 SIS JO UO (0) ‘es Adwo ap si d ayn ‘y =O Ay voyp ‘os due si y yas Ada ue ut Ayodosd Ainuept ue sey syas Jo uouy (q) ‘TOV Dg pur Fqy Dy uowp ‘sias Aur awe g pur y J] “Worun ay) Jo sraquiour aw UoTUN v SuIsoduioo sjos jenpraipul sy, (@) :s}as Jo wopun Jo sonsodosg - sonewayyen ssauisng ||o6 yur ou 5! s=yn) {OV uowp ‘sroBoqut aarmeSou je Jo 10s = q pur s19F qu aantsod |@ JO 198 is a » b= quy uan'{c'9's}= a Pur {PET} =V A sorte PY AdtH FF Satsnjoxs Ayjeminui TO TWOP oq 07 ples are g pur Y SIS OMT ISOS uJOLsIG “E CB camscanner AsrTDalspa( zn =V-ONOG-V)=agyy ua ‘{cp'e) =a PUe{e'7'T} = Vy ardumexa “(VY — 2) 8 -V) = ayy £q parousp st gi pue ¥ JO 29Uar9431p oqsTOUMLUAS STH, UIOG UE IOU INA “EL 0140 ¥ oy Suojoq soa YOHYA syuautojo soup [TP SUILIUOD }} Jf doUaIE}IEP o1saWLUAS PIITED SI { pur y jo as 29ua19{JIP 4) Way, “s}as OMI 20 {I PUL Y IT “Stas atp JO FOUDIEL!P oUNOUIUUAS MN Pajyen Si S198 OM} JO SWousgja uoUSUN oy AjUo TuLAvy 19s OL +8105 JO souDIOMIC AOWIUES 5 “V =, y) 7 Nasu 70s op st as w yo tuowsajdusoo aup Jo wwoWa}dUoD ayy, (p) “= ,b ou pue = , 2 °F 98 TESHOATUN OMT St 105 Aydura oxy yo quawo|dwuoo axp pur ros Kiduso amp si 198 pess94qun ou) JO quautojduos ay (9) “A= VOW 21 19s jestoatun ayy sty TudWa}duI0D SIE PUP y 198 BJO woIUN ayy, (q) = jV UV 21 29s [Inu e St, uauUaydu1od s} PUR V 19S F Jo wor9ass9qu1 ay]. (e) squausajdusos Jo saprodory {6 9'9'PZ)=V— 0 = V=V Jo wouraiduros uayy “CUSETIEV PULLER LOS PETT= 2177 tdurexg, “{y ax pue 2 ax:x}=V—1=.V up Joquiks “y ~ 10,y ‘40 Y ‘30,V 44 Vv JO wauts|dwos Sy jo aurajdusos amp st V3! ‘yp alOUp 2AM “Y JO UOHUBoU pares Ose St IT “VW 12S Ol PUB /) 19S ]WSIOATUN Ot JO BoUDIENIP ‘ayy ‘Se YeYP “V 01 SUOJaq 10U OP YoIyA 1) 1S [eSIEAIUN BIN JO SWOUID[O ITE Jo 198 aMp s} 41-1288 Jesz@atun sy 07 yadsoa YIM PaULap st Y 19S ¥ JO WoWe|dwOD :3as B Jo yuotID|duIOD +s veva(a-v)G@) $=aU(a-y) ©) “yulofsip Ajjemmnu ar y—g pur guy‘g—y (p) _ | VS5a-vo v=o-v (@) o=y-ve) 15}96 O43 Jo aaurarajyIC_ Jo sonaodorg “(g'o'c}=V—@ pur {p'z}=g—y vom ‘OC O} =a pur (6''z‘0} = ysI :0jduexg, ‘{q Bx pue y ax:x}=g—y omim om ‘Kypeoyoquikg “uA snumus Y,, Aiduis 10 ,.g d0uss9yIp V ,, ‘se peau SI IY g ~ y 10 g—Y kq parouep SI € pur V Jo DOUDIOUIP OULL, “{ 01 Su0}aq OU ssop Ing y 0} sBuoj9q Yoryan siuaUta|2 JO € pur y Jo douazoy1p 24) Uayp ‘S198 OM AU axe gf PUL Y JT :sJ0s Om Jo d9UDIIITIC “t ‘a pur y sios qtofsiq :amn31q 16l] S125 yo Arooyy L CB camscanner smell OA -am3y soprsoq oxp wl umoys uuaaq sey V PUL JO UF ne yes. yeszoarun SH jo au0 aq (gGP'T}=V Pur : ‘eta. 1 saidurexs OM 8d {ESL Y' G “siuautoyo younwso2 ou aavy gf PUR y UoKM 4 09 Bunoasiaqut-uou are sajor19 say “TU9WI]9 ee auios ory Koy Jt samo yova dejsoao |) JO PI '¥ Siesqns 4) Funuosasdar sajou9.oUL ‘A[SuBjer OY) ULM UAeAp S2jort9 oY) apisuy sjurod Aq paruasozdar swuiod £q paquasaadon Ayjesoua’ si 9 398 JPSIOATUN OL, resSeyp uUDA “siosqns 1M 9]a19 up Aq poruasardas st A, Jo rasqns yous pue o[ueioes aame| & Aq paruasardan 51 1.998 estoatun e ‘sureseip-uuo, uy “sajaut0 Put sojsuejoar Jo ys1su0o suriSeIp 9804], “sup UUoA iduus 40 swes8ep s94n; WVaSVIC NNAA 9°¢ “9S otp Saxe stasqns sony, SHOPLET] aD “siasqns TH © 34130 UoIUN otf pur VoUoD st qwaW9}a Ou a1ouK LORNIEd Juoo9s ay UR ISNJ ay) yN0q Ut st Z ‘asneooq ‘uontued vou st LL'9's} {pz} {er MON *{6'g' PETIL= 0 197 ‘3Iduexg = 'VU'y “aojarous, “siesqns yp Pawo £uo puv duo or sBuojaq 1 uo ‘77 30 31 TIP YoNs sty A= ¥ONYOY=9 fs uo am tase jo uonnned Pores st ua “uoun Be MA WO[SIP axe yore ‘srasqns SIU! 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STuaWa,E¢ sas Jo juautapduyod U0 SUT B10 41-9¢ (y SMV SINVOUOWAC Lp ousu fonanv) “ | y ouguy ousuy usu pusuy puauy guy (auvJ0G-v anv’ any =!SMOT[OJ SU UMOYs ore WeISeIp UU, Jo sojdurexo JOyIO aus £6||s125 40 Aoayy MA, (uy) ah = g2h wypake= £ 10,y 94 (EN) 24 Som 4 Ne ac 4 as NORMED Aq wo, ,g-\V Jo mowaja Arenigre Aue aq 391 “UreBY (@) A VON'O axe gax ne) (ye gay D(qUV)* GV) 2x = Wg axloy axe qaxwy are (guy) axre(qUV) ax 198 9m ‘uomuNjap Xq way, -(g WY) Jo woWIO}e Aresuqae AuL 99 X 197] (2) (@UV) SEV AV S(aUV) :synso2 omy Suymoyoy anoad 0) pasinbas are am ‘,gryy =,(q UV) asd 01 s9pt0 Uy :joor, OW =(2 UW) 91 ‘squaura|duod s1ayp Jo VorUN atp st sjas OM Jo UoHoasIaIUt dIp Jo TuaW|dUIO; s;UDTHD}EIS CB camscanner Ae] PUODIS S,UBsIOJI-2C] (11) [pasoza] (O=ad=a50PwO3ae1 guVv=larv) 198 am *(Z) pur (|) Woy ‘syas Jo Ayyenba yo AOS a vy’ ax ed rx HIG POV) SOV (qay)ake (qv) ate gqadpury af = 7 3 puny 34 = (guy) 3€ yap £q way, "(.7U,¥) Jo wausa}e Kremque Kue oq 39] ‘uIeBy (Q) 1 arn gay Say)? 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8 f'a°p°g'D) = Ptmay Dd wimpy lye fp aga{woraDy=I0A suv] bf) = rxmap subd wm yl y Sf pr gQa(naeh yr f'av}=sQON T { [uy] {nubior' f'a'n} =(n'o'yanya( maby f'av}= ANN 1 “{matb“y fav) = {anbifos} = Nv : rCaiatarsbd wury yl y'8*f\p'o'g}= 2 {n'o'r'a'n} = A Yedxatanys abd owu py friy8' f'2'p'o'q'n) = y woatg ‘MoRnjog VD9 NVI 'STAUN VINA DUN TIAAN I 18198 SuMO|JOJ OU Jo syuaUID]D ay) 1S!'T “{oureu [Inj sok wy XoHA| & St x“ x)=Wy *(MUOSUOD v SIX 2x/=] *{ ]OMOA B SEX! X]=A “vas jessoatun op 9q {r0qUydTE YsI}BUg Ul ang] v SIX s xJ=y IO] igz-uoneNsny (nab fo} (2 suv] {°9)"'P)} = (49)? OY)\U[(H-Q(d-q)"(b-v)(d-v)} = Heb) x(q Olb'd)x{qo}1= (oxy)uigxy) ©) [suy] (OGM) = {b)xlq'} = [4bU{b‘d}]x{q‘y)= (Qu~)xy ©) Fsuv} {(4°9)\C'») (9) (dq) (b ‘v)‘(d‘v)}= {(4'q)\(B°q)(u'0) "(b'v)} ('9)(d‘q)\Gv)(d'y)} = [ed)xtaM lod de(qvy)= (Coxyyaigxy) @ Fsuv] {4°9)b'9)(d'9) (ay) (bv) (dv) = HEE ||S1@5 Jo Auooys CamScanner 6 112||Business Mathematics @ Mlustration-28: If the universal set is X = (xix NUSxS12},andA= (19,0), B={3,4,6,11,12},and C = {2,5,6} are the subsets of X, find the sets AU(BAC) and (AVB)M(AUC). Solution: Given A = (1,9,10), B = (3,4,6,11,12},C = (2,5,6). (i) Here (BAC) = (3,4,6,11,12) 0 (2,5,6} = (6) £-AU(BAC)=(1,9,10} U (6) = (1,6,9,10} [Ans.] Here (A U B) = {1,9,10} U (3,4,6,11,12} = (1,3,4,6,9,1 (AUC) ={1,9,10} U {25,6} = {1,2,5,6,9,10} (AUB) N(AUC)= (1,3,4,6,9,10,11,12} 0 (1,2,5,6.9,10) = (1,6,9,10) [Ans.} 12} and Illustration-2! Find AUB, ANB, A- Band BA @ If Asfe:x*=9,2x=4) B= {x:248=8} Gi)" If A={e:x?-72412=0} B= f: x? -10x+21=0} Solution:(ii) Here solving x? - 7x +12 = 0 wé'get, x=3,4 -A=,4} Again If x? =10x+21=0 we get, x=3,7 -B=£8,7} “AUB=§,4,7}, ANB= {3}, A-B= {4}, B-A={7}. CARDINAL NUMBER OF A SET The number of elements in a finite set A is called the cardinal number of the set A. It is denoted by n(A). For example, if A = {1,2,3,4}, then (A) =4 as A contains only four elements. Some important Results on Cardinal Number of a Set 1, (AUB) =n(A)+n(B)—2(ANB) A 2. n(A')=n(U)—n(A) OD) 3, n(AUB) =n(U)-n(AU8) 4, n(ANB!)= oe Anorak 5. n(A’ 0B) = n(B)- (AB) A oe n(A)+n(B)+2(C)=n(ANB)=n(BAC)=n(C nA) +m AABN 8, n(AU BY=n(U)—n(A)~(B) + (ANB) 6. n(AUBUCY=n(U)—M(A)—(B) —(C) + 0A B) + n(B AC) +n(C OA) Mt ACBOC) Theory of Sets|]113 CB camscanner 1.n(AUBUC) = nU)-n(AUBuC) 8 MANBAC) =n(A)—n ANB) =n ANC)+MAABAC) 9. WA NBC) = n(B)~n(B-A)-n(Brc)enlArBerc) 10. n(4°. B’ NC) = nlC)=n(Cra)-n( COB) +n(ANBAC) Me MAMBOC)=nANB)—n(ANB AC) 12, n(AMB’NC) = n(ANC)=n(AnBac) 13. A'ABAC)=n(BAC)=n(An BAC) 14, MA) = MA NBC) + nA BAC) + ANB'AC)+M(ANBAC) 15. MBE MA ABAC) + AQBAC) +A’ ABAC) +m AABAC) 16. W(C) = n(A' VB’ AC) +n(A' BAC) +n ANB’ AC) +n AABAC) nen! | knee 3.10 APPLICATION OF SETS IN BUSINESS PROBLEM Problem-01: A has 32 elements; and B has 42 elements and A UB has 62 elements, indicate the number of elements in A B. i Solution: Given n(A) = 32, n(B) = 42, n(AUB)=62, Requirement: n(AM B) =? We know, n(A.U B) = n(A)-+n(B)=n(ANB) = 62532+42-n(ANB) = n(ANB)=32+42-62 MAM B) = 12 (Ans.) Problepy A town has a total population of 50,000, Out of it 28,000 read Patriot and 23,000 read Daily Times while 4,000 read both the papers. Indicate how many read neither Patriot nor Daily Times? : Solution: Let U=Total Population P= Set of all population who read Patriot ‘T= Sct of all population who read Daily Times “17 114||Business Mathematics J a So we have , n(U/)= 50,000 , n(P)=28,000, n(T)= 23,000 n(P.QT)=4,000. Requirement: n(PUTY'=? We know, n(PUT)'= n(U)—n(P UT) = n(U)—n(P)— A(T) + n(P AT) = 50000— 28000-23000 + 4000; = 3000 (Ans.) Problem-03: In a group of 52 persons, 16 drink tea but not coffee and 33 drink tea. Find: @) how many drink tea and coffee both. (ii) how many drink coffee but not tea. Solution: (Try yourself). (Ans.(i) 17 (i) 19) Problem-04: In a class of 25 students, 12 students have taken economics; 8 have taken economics but not politics. Find the number of students who have taken economics, and those who have taken pi 's, but not economics. Solution: Let n(A) = Number of students taking economics n(B) = Number of students taking politics n(AU B) =Total number of students Given n(AU B)= 25, n(A)=12, n(ANB')=8 Requirement: (i) n(A 0 B)=? (ii) n(A'AB) =? (@ We know, n(AMB')=n(A)=n(ANB) => n(AMB)=n(A)—n(ANB') => n(ANB)=12-8 = n(ANB)=4 [Ans] (ii) We know, n(AUB)=n(A)+n(B)—n(ANB) = 25=12+n(B)-4= n(B)=17 We also know, n(A'AB)= n(B)—n(AB) =17-4=13 [Ans.] Pfoblem-05: A company studies the product preferences of 20,000 constimers. It was found that each of the products A, B, C was liked by 7020, 6230, and 5980 respectively, and all the products were liked by 1500; products A and B were liked by 2580, products A and C were liked by 1200, and products B and C were liked by 1950. Prove that the study results are not correct, Solution: Given n(A)= 7020 n(AMB)=2580 n(B) = 6230 n(BAC)=1950 n(C)=5980 (ANC) =1200 nANBAC)=1500 Requirement: To verify n(AU-B UC) = 20000, 2 We know, ‘Theory of Sets||115 n(AUBUC)=n(A)+n(B)+n(C)—n(ANB)-n(BAC)-n(ANC)+NANBAC) = 7020 + 6230 + 5980-2580 -1950-1200+1500 =15000 But 15000 # 20000 , So the study resul renot correct. [Proved] Projifem-06: Out of 880 boys in a school, 224 like cricket, 240 like hockey and 336 like basket ball; Of the boys total 64 like both basket ball. and hockey; 80 like cricket and basket ball and 40 like cricket and hockey; 24 boys like all the three games. @ How many boys do not play any game? (ii) How many like only one game? Solution: Given n(U) = 880, n(C) = 224, n(H) = 240, n(B) = 336, n(H 7 B)=64, n(C BB) = 80, n(CAH)=40, n(C AH AB) =24, Requirements: (i) n(C UH UB) = and n(COH’ OB) + n(C’ OH OB)+AC'AA’OB)=2 We know that, n(C UH UB)= nC) +n(H)+n(B)-a(C 0 H)-n(it AB)=n(CNB)+n(CAH AB) = 224 +240 +336 - 40-64-80 + 24 = 640 sn(CUH UB) =n(U)-n(CUH VB) = 880-640 = 240 ie. 240 boy’s do not play any game (Ans.) ¥ (ii) We know that, ant CAH’ NB’) =n(C)—n(COH)-n(C OB) +n(C OH mB) cs =224—40-80+24 a = 248-120 =128 Similarly have to calculate: n(C’ 0H OB’)=160 and n(C’ HH’ B)=216 £128 +160 +216 = 504 504 boys like only one game. (Ans.) CB camscanner w@ Problem-07: A TV survey gives the following data for TV view: 60% see program A, 50% program B, 50% program C, 30% Program A and B, 20% Program B and C, 30% program A and C and 10% do not view any program. Draw a Venn-diagram and find the following:- a) What percent view A, B and C? 'b) What percent view exactly two programs? c) What percent view only A? Solution: (a) Let x% view program A, B and C. 116||Business Mathematics ' CB camscanner U=100 c 10 Fig: Venn-diagram We know that, * . n(AUBUC)=n(A)+n(B)+2(C)=n(ANB)-n(BAC)-n(COA)+n(ANBNC) => 100-10 = 60+ 50 + 50—30-20-30+x => 90=160=80+x = x=90+80-160=10 ie. 10% view programs A, B and C Ans. b) n(ANBOC’)=30-x=30-10= 20 (from Venn diagram) n(A’ABAC)=20-x=20-10=10 and n(AB’NC)=30-x=30-10=20 en(AABac’)+n(a'r BOC)+n(AN BNC) =20+10+20=50 ‘ Hence 50% view exactly two programs. Ans. : ©) Only A=60—[(0-x)+x+ (30-x)] _. (from diagram) P =60-(60-x) =60-(60-10) =60—-50=10 — i.e, 10% view only A. (Ans.) ‘ CamScanner L 4 , "Theory of Sets ||117 Problép4)8: In a survey conducted of J ted of 2000 clerks in an office it was found that 48% preferred coffee (C), 54% liked tea (Ir) and 64% used to smoke (S).Of the total 28% used C and T, 32% used T and S and 30% preferred C and 8. Only 6% did none of these. Find (i) the number having all the three, (i) T and S but not C, (iii) only C. Solution: Given n(U) = 2000 n(C) = 48% x 2000 = 960, n(T) = 54% x 2000 = 1080 n(S) = 64% 2000 = 1280, n(C AT) = 28% x 2000 = 560 n(T AS) =32% x 2000 = 640, n(C MS =30% 2000 = 600 n(CUT US)'= 6% x2000 = 120 Requirement: (i) MCAT AS)=2 (ii) nC’ AS)=2 (i) We know, n(CUTUSY= n(U)—n(C)—(T)-(S) + (COT) +n AS) +(CNS)-nCAT AS) = 120 = 2000-960 — 1080 - 1280 + 560 + 640 + 600—n(C AT OS) = n(CAT OS) = 2000—960—1080 - 1280 + 560 + 640 + 600-120 =>mCOTAS)=360 - [Ans] Gi) CAT AS) =n(T.A8)-n(CAT AS) —=640-360=280 . [Ans.] Gil) MCAT AS) =n(C)-n(CAT)=n(CAS)+n(CATAS) =960~560-600+360=160 [Ans] n(CAT'AS') =? Problem-09: Complaints about work canteen fell into three categories. Complaints are about (i) Mess (M), (ii) Food (F), (iii) Service (S). Total complaints 173 were received as follows: n(M)=110,n(S) =67,n(M AF OS)'=20,n(M AS AF) =1,n(F 0S 0M')=16,n(F)=55. Determine the complaints about (i) all the three, (ii) about two or more than two. Solution: Given n(M UF US)=173 n(M)=110, n(F)=55, n(S)=67, (MOF AS')=20, nM OSOF')=11 nF AS OM") =16 i Requirement: (i) n(M AF OS)=? (i) nM AF AS!) +n OS OF) +E OSOM') 40M OF OS)=7 (i) We know, . : : . nM OF US) =n(M)+n(F)+n(8)- 0M OF OS!) nM OS OF nF OS OM’) ~2n(M NF AS) 173 = 110455467 -20-11-16-2n(M AF OS) 118||Business Mathematics => 2n(M AF OS)=1104+55+67-20-11- 16-173 => 2n(M AF OS)=12, > n(M OF OS)=6 [Ans] Gi) (MAF A S')+n(M AS OF')+nF OSOM') +0 OF OS) =20+11+164+6=53 [Ans.] yblem-10: Out of the total 150 students who appeared for MBA Examination from a center, 45 in Accounting, 50 failed in Business Mathematics, and 30 failed in Costing. Those who led both in Accounting and Business Mathematics were 30, those failed both in Business Mathematics and Costing were 32, and those who failed both in Accounting and Costing were 35, The students who in all the subjects were 25. Find out the number who failed at least in any one of the subjects, Solution: Let U=Total Students, AzAccounting, M=Business Mathematics, C=Costing Given -n(U)=150 n(AQM)=30 n(A)=45 n(M AC)=32 n(M)=50 n(ANC)=35 n(C)=30 n(AQM NC)=25 Requirement: (i) n(AUM UC)=? We know, nAY, UC)=n(A)+n(M)+n(C)—n(AQM)— nM AC)—n(ANC)+n(ANM 0) = 50+30-30-32—35+25 =53 [Ans.] 3 roblem-L1: A survey of 400 recently qualified Chartered Accountants revealed.that 112 joined industry, 120 started practice and 160 joined thejfirms of practicing chartered accountants as pais assistant. There were 32 who joined service ahd also did practice; 40 had both practices and assistantship and 20 had both job in industry and assistantship. There were 12 who did all t three, Indicate how many could not get any of these and how many did only one of these. Solution: Let U=Total Chartered Accountants A=Industry, B=Practice, C=Assistant Given. n(U)= 400 n(ANB)=32 n(A) = 112 n(BAC)=40 n(B)=120 n(ANC)=20 n(C)=160 n(ANBOC)=12 Requirements: (i) "(AU BUC)'=? Gi) HANBOC')+n(A'NBOC')+ n(A'NB'NC) = ? oz Theory of Sets||119 (i) We know, nAUBUC)!=nU) —n(A)—n(B) -, nO +iAMBEMBROeMADOS nMANBOC) = 400-112 -120-160+32+40+20-12 =88 [Ans. ai) NAQBOCI EMA B NC) entadi cs =[n(A)=n(ANB)—n(ANC) + ANBAC)] +[(B)-(ANB)-n(BAC)+nANBAC)] . +1(C)-n(ANC)=-n(BAC)+n(ANBNC)) =[112-32-20+ 12] +[120-32— 40+ 12] +[160- 20-40 + 12] =7 ere {Ans} Problem-12: (i) In a survey of 100 students it was found that 50 used the college library, 40 had their own and 30 borrowed books, 20 used both college library and their own, 15 borrowed books and used their own books, whereas 10 used borrowed books and college library, Assuming that all students use either college library books or their own or borrowed books, find the number of students using all the three sources. (ii) If the number of students using no book at al 10, and the number of students using all the three is 20, show that the information is inconsistent. Solution: Let A=College books, B=Own books, C=Borrowed books Given n(AUM UC)=100 nAAM)=20 nga) =50 nM AC) =15 n(B)=40 nANC)=10 n(C)=30 . Requirement: (i) n(AMBAC)=? We know, MAU BUC) = n(A)+n(B) +0) — AO B)—n(BAC)—n(ANC)+n(AQBAC) = 100=50+40+30-20-15- 10+MANBNC) > mANBNC)= 25 [Ans.] i) In this case, we are given NAUBUC)'=10, (AABOC)=20 Requirement: To show n(U) #100. We know, é MAU BUCY= n(U)—n(A) —n(B) ~ n(C) +n(A0 B) + n(B AC) +A NC) =n ANBNC) 3 10=n(U)- 50-40-30 + 20+15+10-20 => n(U)=105, Here 105 #100. Hence the information is inconsistent. [Proved] 120||Business Mathematics . w Problem-13: A class of 60 students appeared for an examination of Business Law, Statistics and @ ‘Accounting, 25 students failed in Business Law, 24 failed in Statistics, 32 faited in Accounting, 9 failed in Business Law alone, 6 failed in St s alone, 5 failed in Accounting and Stat only and 3 failed in Bi ss Law and Statistics only. Find: (i) How many failed in all three subjects? (ji) How many passed in all the three subjects? Solution: Let M=Business Law S=Statistics A=Accounting n(U)=60 n(M OS'NA')=9 n(M) = 25 n(M'AS VA) =6 n(S)= 24 n(M'NS 0 A)=5 n(A) = 32 “n(M ASO A)=3 Requirement: (i) n(M AS AMA)=? (i) nM USUAY=? (i) From the above figure, we get n(M 1S MA) =n(S)-3-6-5=24-3-6-5=10 n(M US UA)'=n(U)=n(A)-9-3-6 =60-32-9-3-6=10 —_[Ans.] Problem-14: A market research team interviews 100 people asking each whether he smokes any or all of items; A - cigarettes, B — cigars, C — pipe tobacco, The team returns the following data: Category Number Category Number ABC 3 A 42 il AB 7 B 17 BC 13 c 2 AG” 18 Total 100 Are the returns consistent? Solution: Given n(AUBUC)=100 n(ANC)=18 MANBNC)=3. nA) = 42 n(AQB)=7 n(B)=17 n(BOC)=13 n(C)=27 Requirements: To verify n(AUM UC)=100, We knovi, n(AU BUC) = nA) +2(B) +0) — A B)~ n(B AC) = n(A A C)-#n(ADBOC) =424174+27-7-13-18+3 =51 But $1#100, Hence the returns (ests) are inconsistent, [Ans] <_ Theory of Sets||121 BRIEF REVIEW oe CamScanner petiniton) Set: Every well-defined and well-distinguished collection, class or list of objects is called a set. ‘The objects in a set are c: led its elements or members. Sets are usually be denoted by capital For Example: A = {a , e, 0 .u} isa set of vowels. Finite Set: A set having finite number of. different elements is called finite set. Infinite Set: A set having infinite number of different elements is called infinite set. Nall Set: A set which has no elements is called null set or empty set . It is denoted by (Phi). Singleton Set: A set which contains only one element is called singleton set. : Equal Sets: Two sets “A and B are said to be equal if every element of Ais also an element of B, and every element of B is also an clement of A and we write A= B. . Equivalent sets: Two sets having same number of different elements are called equivalent sets. If sets A and’B are equivalent then we write A = B. Subset: If every clement of a set A is also an element of a set B, then A is called a subset ofB and is written as A CB. Proper Subset: If A < B then it is still possible that A = B, When A ¢ B but A +.B, we Say that A is a proper subsct of B and we write A cB. : If all the clements of a set are sets themselves, then it is called a set of Power set: The family of all the subset of a given set A , is called power set of A... Power “Of A is denoted by P(A). Universal Set: tn any discussion of set theory all the sets are considered as subsets of a fixed set, This fixed set is called the universal set. I is denoted by U. nion of two Sets: The union of two sets A and B, denoted by AUB, is the set of all "Se elements which belongs to A or B or both. Mathematically, “18 122||Business Mathematics AUB={x:xe A or xe B} tion of two sets A and B, denoted by ANB, is the Intersection of two Sets: The intersec to both A and B. Mathematically, set of all those clements which belongs AnB={x:xe A and xe BY Disjoint Set: Two sets A and B are said to be disjoint or mutually exclusive if they hay no common elements, ic. if ANB=9- The difference of two sets Aand B, denoted by A—B, is the sq Difference of two Sets: of all those elements which belongs to A but does not belong to B. Symbolically, A-B={x:xe A and x¢ B} of, B—A ={x:xe B and x¢ A} Complements of Set: The complement of a setA,, denoted by A‘ or A®, is the set of al those elements which belongs to the universal set U but does not belong to A. Mathematically, A’=U-A ={x:xeU and xé A} Symmetric difference of Set: The symmetric difference of two sets A and B, denoted AAB or A®B, is the set of all uncommon elements of Aand B . Mathematically AAB=(A-B)U(B-A) Ordered pair: An ordered pair consists of two elements, say a and b, in which one them, say a, is designated as the first element and the other as the second element a ordered pair is usually denoted by (a, b). Cartesian product of two Sets: The Cartesian product of two sets A and B, denoted by’ B, is the set of all distinct ordered pairs whose first member belongs to A and seco! member belongs to B. Symbolically, AxB = {(x, y): xe A and ye B}. the pictorial representation of sets named after English losic™ John Venn. In this case, the universal set is shown by a rectangle and one or more sets are sto through circles or closed curves within the rectangle. Venn diagram: Venn diagr: CB camscanner

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