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Basic Parameters of Sound Waves ° subjective Questions Worki Direction (0. Nos. 1-4) These questions aro subjective in nature, need to bo solved complotely on 4 _ |, What experimental evidence can be cited to show that the speed of sound is the same for all wavelengths? . Explain, if an observer places his ear to one end of a long iron pipeline, he can istinetly here two sounds, when a work man hammers the other end of the pipe line. Aman stands on the ground at a fixed distance from a siren, which emits a clear sound during night than during day. Explain why? 2 The equation of a travelling plane sound wave has the form y = 50cos (1800f ~5.3x), where y is expressed in micrometer, t in second and x in metre. Find i, the ratio of the displacement amplitude, with which the particles of medium vibrate, to the wavelength. ji, the velocity oscillation amplitude of particles of the medium and its ratio to the wave propagation velocity, 3. Asound wave of frequency 100 Hz is travelling in air. The speed of sound in air is 350 ms“. i. By how much is the phase changed at a given point in 2.5 ms? ji, What is the phase difference at a given instant between two points separated by a distance of 10 cm along the direction of propagation? 4 The equation of a sound wave in air is given by Ap = 0.02 sin (3000t — 9x), where all variables are in SI units. i. Find the frequency, wavelength and the speed of sound wave in air. il, Ifthe equilibrium pressure of air is 1.01% 10° Nm, what are the maximum Pressure and minimum pressure at a point as the wave passes through that point? © Only One Option Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. §-13) This section contains 9 multiple choice questions. Each question has four ‘choices (a), (b), (¢) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE Is correct. 5 An aeroplane is going towards East at a speed of 510 kmh™ at a height of 2000 m. At a certain instant, the sound of the plane heard by a ground observer ‘appears to be coming from a point vertically above him. What is the horizontal distance between the observer and the plane? Speed of sound in air is 340 ms", a. 833 m b. 1000 m c. 933 m d. 733m buildings. A motorlat rnoving ww 8 Arona runs midway botwoon two et oa ws fi ane see ond meh st mate fuine Spnod of sound In oi a om Ins uit of anna ang Ounding the hom) he fara the See a a © am 24 4. 300.2m, 1.6.8 ote nits at a distance 7 An onaina approaches a hi wih a constant sod, Wan atior B6, i the spoed 0.0 km, bows whi, won ocho le Hod byt ' Of Round in air in 330 ma”, the spood of the ongina tf td. 68 km 8.120kmn b. 90kmnt =e, 108 km thunder clap 8 6 8 Froma cloud atan Angle of 30° to the horizontal, Le te ims" The holght After seeing the lightning flash, Tho spoad of sound in al ‘of the cloud above the ground is km 8. 2,32 km b. 1.46 km ©. 0.98 km 4. 1.82 8 The pressure variation in a sound wave in alr is given by ‘4 Ap = 12sin (8.18x ~ 27001 + 2) Nm". If density of airis 1,28 kg m”®, the displacament amplitude is 8, 0.089 x 10° m b. 1.044x 10° m © 2.011x10% m d. 2.732x 10m 10 Speed of sound in water 's 1450 ms“ wavelength of sound in water, respectively are 8. 72.5 cm, 72.5 m ©. 72.5 mm, 72.5 m . The minimum wavelength and maximum, for audible range of an average human ear, b. 7.25 mm, 7.25 m | 4. 7.25m,72.5m | 11° Calculate the bulk modulus (6)of air from the folowing data for a sound wave of (ros nat 36 om traveling in air. The pressure sta Point varies between (10° 2 14)Pa and the particles ofthe af vibrate in SHM with amplitude 55x10 m 8 242x10°Pa ob. 1.22 105 pa © 1S2x10%Pa d. 1.42% 108 pa tudinal displacement y igure. If bulk modulus (B) est represented by a function of x as shown in the f + the variation of excess pressure is be X(m) yr 3 Asound wave is propagating through a gas medium whose displacement (5) 13 Jersus x graph Is shown in the figure. Its pressure (Ap) versus x graph is One or More than One Options Correct Type i 14-16) This section contains 3 muttiple choice questions. Each quo ue 44 Speed of sound in air is 340 ms“' and density of air is 1.29 kg m~, The pressure amplitude for @ sound wave having a frequency of 100 Hz is 10 Pa and its displacement amplitude is 4,, The displacement amplitude for a sound wave having a frequency of 300 Hz is 10°” m and its pressure amplitude is (AP) mg. Then, a. A,=3.63x 10m b. Ay=4.63x 105m ©. (8P)ng = 8.2610? Nm? 4. (QP) mg = 9.26 x 10-2 Nm? 15 Atypical sound wave has a frequency 1000 Hz and has a pressure amplitude 10 Pa. Density of air is 1.29 kg m” and speed of sound in air is 340 ms“!. The maximum value of displacement at any time and place is A. At f = 0, pressure is maximum at some point x, and the displacement is y,. Then, 16 Inthe figure is shown, an instantaneous displacement y versus position graph of a sound wave travelling in air along es +x-direction. Choose the correct options. a. ALA, pressure is maximum b. ALB, pressure is minimum ©. ALC, pressure is minimum | d. AtB, pressure is atmospheric ©Comprehension Type | Direction (Q. Nos. 17-24) This section contains 2 paragraphs, each describing theory, experiments, | dla, ec. Eight questions related fo the paragraphs have been given, Each question has only one correct ‘answer among the four given options (a). (2). (c) and (3) Passage | Aplane pressure pulse triangular in shape approaches a rigid wall along normal | ata speed 400 ms“. The situation at t = Os is shown in the figure. The peak Pressure is 100 Pa. By the wall pulse gets reflected and pressure near the wall gets doubled. Height of the wall is 2 m anid width is also 2 m. A detector on the Wall records a minimum excess pressure of 16 Pa. 400 ms" | | uro pulso? 17 Whon for tho fst timo, datoctor wit record the proes ML Nono of thoe® a, 31.5x1078, b, 22x 1078 o, 2ix10"s : 48 Forhow much tino tho detector wil rocord tho PHB ang of thoso a a4sxto7s —b, a7sxtots 6 SSRI 49 Whatis tho maximum forco appliod by the pulso on tho wall? &, 200N b. 400N ©. GOON d, None of thes 20 Total impulse im Ht wil bo parted by tho pulso on the wal née a, 150 Ns b, 300Ns c. 750NS None of thos Passage Il ‘The speed of longitudinal waves in a rod given by a pene where Y is the Young's modulus and p its density, Longitudinal ik | waves are set up in a rod of variable density, by striking at one % of the ends (LL’ )of the rod. The density varies as| (1 + BX). A where x is the distance from the struck end and pis @ constant. The vibrations se! tip by a simple harmonic source have angular frequency and the amplitude at the end LL’ is Ag, Assume that, the Young's modulus of elasticity Y is constant throughout the rod, (The cross-section ata distance xis MM’ and there is no loss of energy) 21 The amplitude of vibrations, as a function of x, along the rod is | A jt sue | 8D VIF Be >. Aaliepe } ‘ 4 jas | > & AND Bx +e | 22 Wavelength as a function of x is 1 7 = [eave — beams | © Veo(t+ Bx) @ V2q(1* Bx) | o, 22 [ ¥ , 28 | @ Voott+ Bx) ‘@ Vell BX) | 23. Time taken to travel a distance xis tbat ai 2 Beaver | * Pe v2 ya Bx) in| < 2 fe sp0" . None of these | 24 Equation of longitudinal wave set up in the rod, at cross-section MM’, is i _ a enolt- pate) | wo yehaf oe snel CBI.,| Z pot Bx) pon Eon - ED] | 7 a pate») 4. y= Ao aml! Vy pia Speed of Sound o Only One Option Correct Type tlon (Q. Nos, 1-14) This section cont Ores (a B ) ana ty owe Ont one chon 1. Calculate the (approximate) ; temperature, if the velocity ® four Y Of Sound for 1°Crige of Of Sound at o%¢ jg 332ms~! a. 0.41 ms~" b. 0.51 mg-! ©. 0.61 ms~! 4. 0.71ms"1 2a what ‘empersture will the speed of Sound in alr becomes’ double of its value at oc a. 1092°C b. Bierce ©. s19°¢ 4. 719° 3 The planet Jupiter has an mosphere mainly of methane at a tem tr perature ~180°C. Calculate the velocity of Sound on this planet @ssuming y for the mixture to be 1.3. (Given, gas Constant, R = 8.3 Jmoltec-ty a. 3114ms~? b. 292ms-1 ©. 275ms~ d. 332ms"* 4 How long will it take between the points / rly from T; to T» ? The ‘qual to v = aT, where o is a constant, Amixture of two diatomic gases exists ina closed cylinder, §2828 are V, and Vo (the volume of the cylinder ie Yi + Ve). The speeds of sound in these gases are V1 and v2 respectively. The speed of sound in the mixture is Vivo [Wavy a yy, {MaMa b. ite treet Vvi + Vv? 2+ VeVi oe Me | Ya d. None of these 2 Wve +VevF Atmixture of two diatomic gases are obtained by mixing m, mass of fre gas and ‘M2 Mass of second gas, The speeds of sound In two gases are v, and v, "sSpectively. The speed of sound in the given mixture is Z 2 im 2 z 2(mwvi +meV2) « » [MV a, (Owe + mv} b. [een 2(m,+m,) mye The volumes of two ancy 250 Hz are 9 tna liquid with donsity 900 kgm, longitudinal aH found to have wavelength 8m, Tho bulk modulus Of i saves b, 1.8% 10°PA aeons d, 1.8% 10°Pa , -3, Longitudinal soun 10 A metal bar with a length of 1.5 mhas a density ee Neale, ie Waves take 3.9 x 10°* sto travel from one ond of the modulus for this metal is 8. 9.47% 10!Pa ©. 9.47% 10"'Pa b. 9.47% 10°PA 4d, 9.47 10°Pa will be heard at pol ted much closer t0 P ill be possible int Pp, that is far 11 There are cases, when an explosion at point P, than to Pp, away from point P,, while In a certain ragion local the explosion is not heard due to obstacle. This wi Zone of silence By Pa a. if air temperature increases with altitude b. if air temperature decreases with altitude C. if airis blowing from P, to P, d. if airis blowing from P, toP, © One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. No. 12) This section contains 1 mulile choice question. Each question has four choices (6), (0), (6) and (4), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE are correct. 12 The speeds of longitudinal waves in the following gases at 0°C and 1 atm (= 10°Pa) respectively are v, and v, |. Oxygen for which bulk modulus is 1.41x 10°Pa and density is 1.43 kgm™> I. Helium for which bulk modulus is 1.7 x 10°Pa and density is 0.18 kg m~* b. 972ms" 4. 872ms"' a. 314ms* ¢. 332ms™* © Matching List Type Direction (Q. Nos. 13 and 14) Choices forthe corect combination of eloments from Column | and ‘Column Il are given as options (a), (0), (6) and (d), out of which one is correct. 43 Regarding speed of sound in a gas, match the following columns and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column t | Column i "Temperature of the gas is made 4 times] p. [Speed becomes 2,2 tmas |and pressure 2 times Only pressure is made 4 times without) g. |Speed becomes 2 times [change in temperature (Only temperature is changed to 4 times |Speed remains unchanged iv, [Molecular mass ofthe gas sade 4times| s._|Speed becomes halt Codes ii ti wv pre il Ww q's Pars ar P adsrqop oqr as Working « 44 Match the items In Column 1 with roapective Proportion In Column tl and mark the correct option from the codos Alven below, { a { ' solumn | Column th [rvohaction 1 [Shed of wave dooa not ie | fehango b {In roflectio & In roftection A. fWavotongih tn dcranned fi, 9 retraction thom rarer to dons {rectum Frequency doa not change Inrofloction trom a conse > anton adonsermindkin| 9 Phawo chang of r takes place i ii iv qs Br Qt prs ros p Codes: i Pp t q s parps aoge © One Integer Value Correct Type Direction (0. Nas. 18-19) This section contains § questions, Whon cod out will fom to § (both inclusive), q }on Worked out wil resull in an integer F 15 The stress (G}in @ Stretched wire of a material (whose Young's modulus is Y), for the speed of longitudinal waves to be equal to 30 times speed of transverse | waves, is ——. Find the value of x, 100x i | 16 Aplane sound wave passes from medium 1 to medium 2. The speed of sound in medium 1 is 200 ms~' and in medium 2 is 100 ms“. If the ratio of amplitude of the | transmitted wave to that of incident wave is z, then find the value of k. 17 The change in volume of 6 L of alcohol, if Pressure is decreased from 200 cm of Hg to 70 cm of Hg, is 158 cc. Find the value of . (Given, velocity of sound in alcohol = 1280 ms“, density of alcohol = 0.81g om", density of Hg = 13.6 gcm-? and g=9.81ms~*) | 18 A point source of sound is located somewhere along the X-axis, Experiments show that the same wavefront simultaneously reaches listeners at x = - 8 mand x =+2m A third listener is positioned on the positive Y-axis. What is his y-Coordinate (in m), if the same wavefront reaches him at the same instant as it does the first two listeners ? 19. The speed of sound in hydrogen at 0°C is 1200 ms". When some amount of ‘oxygen is mixed with hydrogen, the speed decreases to 500 ms“. If density of oxygen is 16 times that of hydrogen, the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen by volume in this mixture is Ha. Find the value of 0. BEM] Intensity of 5 ound © Only One Option Correct Type ach quoston has four rection (Q. Nos. 1-10) This section conta toc hots) Bland, eto nich ONLY ONE 1 is ins 10 mtplo choice quostion If the: ch at 70 4B. Consider that 10 identical sitars aro playing a note, 22} chorus, what will be the sound level? b, 90dB F ead d. 95 dB be 32 times Two loudspeakers are being compared and one is perceived to be jetweeen the louder than the other. What will be the difference in intensity levels be two, when measured in decibel? (Take, 'og9 32 = 1.5) a. 150B b. 7.50B c. 22.50B d. 30dB isotropi lar to the plane of a ring, A point isotropic source is located on the perpendicul 0 drawn through the centre O of the ring. The distance between the point O and ne source is / = mand the radius ofthe ring isr = 0.5m. Find the mean energy flow across the area enclosed by the ring, if at the point 0, the intensity of sound is equal to /y = 30pWm=, a. 10pJs™" b. 15pJs" ©. 20uJs d. 25pJs A point isotropic source with sonic power P = 0.1W is located at the centre of a round hollow cylinder with radius R= mand height h = 2m. Assuming the sound to be absorbed by the walls (both curved and plane) of the cylinder, find the mean energy of flow reaching the lateral curved surface of the cylinder, ne —— ne a 5 d same time from the same point, each delivering 1 mW of poy et o*king at the the sound level at a distance of § m2 (Take, logis (6.37) a. 70dB b. 75 dB c. 72dB d. 800B )= 0.8andiog,95 = 0.7) What is the maximum possible sound level (in dB) of sound wa of sound in air is 332 ms“? and density of air is 1.3 kgm". The PFESSUFE Pym = 1.01% 10° Nm, 2.2108 b. 180 0B ¢. 200 dB d. 190 dB ves in air? Speeg atmospheric y all are in { ae loud for total sound intensity (in x 10-5 Wim-2) on OY: Jengults you 2 a 10 b. 10 ©. 14.92 a, 13.2 40 Inthe above problem, what is the combin seer ‘ed sound level? a. 82.103 b. 81.28 ©. 82.208 4. 83.008 One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 11-15) This section contains 5 mul teh 8) Yao), och Seer SSRN Ge tsi Each on ar 41. The speaker of a public address system emits source, Sound level at a point 4 m away from it distance x from the speaker is g Then, 20 W power. Considering it a point itis B. And the sound level at a a. B=1200B b. B=1100B e =1.24km dd. x=2.24km 12 Suppose the sound level in Bengaluru has been increasing by about 1 dB annually. This corresponds to x percentage increase in intensity. In about y number of years, the intensity of sound is doubled, if it increased at 1 dB annually. Then, (Take, In2 = 0.693, In10 = 2.3026) 3% b. y=3yr ©. x= 33% d. y=25yr 13 A point sound source is situated in a medium having bulk modulus 1.6 x 10° Nm~2. An observer standing at a distance 10 m from the source, writes ‘down the equation for the wave as y = Asin(15nx — 6000nt)where y and x are in metre and ¢ in second. The maximum pressure amplitude tolerable to the observer's ear is 24n Nm“. Then, @. density of the medium is 1 kgm 5 ». displacement amplitude (A) of the wave received by the observer is 10"°m ©. displacement amplitude (A) of the wave received by the observer is 10° m 2 4. maximum power of the sound source is 8.93 x 10° W_ - is tr ling in 14 A plane longitudinal wave having angular frequency 500" is travelling " 3 dul Positive x-direction in a medium of density p = 1 kgm ee te bezOTaa! 4x10" Nm, The loudness at a point in the medium is obse : Assume at x = 0, initial phase of the medium particles is zero. Maximum pressure Change in the medium is (4P)max: Ther» (AP )mag = 10 Nm bs (Ap max = 2 10-4 Nm? t 9 sin( S00t — 3x) © equation of wave is y = 2x 10 an( 5 2 5 e10°@sin{ 500t 5x) ieee Oe und of 18 A point Qs located al a dialanca r = 1.6m from fail one veh ina le frequency 600 Hz, Tho powor of the source Is 0.0 W. as prossuro oscilation S40m8" and donsity of alr ts 4.20 kgm’, At tho point Do Thon, Amplitudo Is (Ap),y4, and displacement oscillation amplitu 1. (AP) ae 4.08Ne? 5. (AP)yng 6.08 Ni? © Am 2x 10m a. Ae 3x 10%m © Matching List Type Direction (0. No. 16) Choices forthe correct combination of alamants from Column 1 and Colum I aro Given as options (a), (d) (c) and (a), out of which ono is correc 16 A loudspeaker diaphragm 0.2 m in dlameter is vibrating at 1000 Hz with an amplitude of 0.01x 10~*m. Assume that the air molecules in the vicinity have the Same amplitude of vibration. Density of alr is 1.29 kgm"®. Speed of sound is 340ms~', Then, match the Column I with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes given below. Column t Pressure amplitude immediately in front of | diaphragm (in Nm?) ji | Sound intensity in front of the diaphragm a | (in wer?) ji, | The acoustic power radiated (in W) ' iv, | Intensity at 10 m from the loudspeaker 8. | (in wer) 27x10? 2.15% 10% 27.55 0.865 Codes | ii ii wv apo sove Pp s r q vvuaos © Statement Type Direction (Q. Nos.17 and 18) This section is basod on Statement| and Statement I, Select ‘answer from the codes given below. the conoct a. Both Statement | and Statement I! are correct and Statement Ilis the correct explanation of Statement | b. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Statement itis not the correct ‘explanation of Statement | Statement | Is correct but Statement Il is incorrect c Statement Il is correct but Statement f is incorrect 4. at If two people talk simultaneously and each creates an intensity level of uf 5008 ‘ata point Q, then total intensity level at point Qis 120 gp, ity level of Statement Il Sound level is defined on a non-linear scala, ‘Statement | In case of a plane progressive wave, intensity remains samo, " f no damping). | (in case of energy crossing unit area in unit time is same, 18 ‘Statement | The rehension Type 19-22) This section cont jon (0- NOS. 19°22) ns» pororap ction Ts related to ee age have been ice Ph, describing 1 i) Fire given 000075 (1). (6) ange” WEN Lae ‘weston has ony somes. data, oe ” The three bones present in the middl gtirup. Out of these the stirrup is the jddle ear to inner ear as shown in 4 connection with the inner ear limits le ear are nan smallest one he figure. The he sensitivity o area of stirrup and its extent of the human ear, Midcle ear : Outer ear Ossicies consider a person's ear whose movin spmm? and the area of stirrup is abo sound wave in air on eardrum and ossicles is same as the force exerted by assidles on the inner ear. This is because ossicles have negligible mass Consider a sound wave having maximum pressure fluctuation of 4 x 102 Pa from ‘isnormal equilibrium pressure value, which is equal of 10° Pa Frequency of sound wave is 1200 Hz. 9 Part of the eardrum has an area of about ut Smm?. As a result, force exerted by {8 Speeds of sound wave in air and in fluid (present in inner ear) are 332ms~' and 1500ms~* respectively. Bulk modulus of air is 1.42 x 10° Paand bulk modulus of fuidis 2.18 x 10° Pa. The pressure amplitude of given sound wave in the fluid of ier ear is 2. 008Pa b. 0.3Pa 2 004Pa d. O.4Pa ‘0 The displacement amplitude of given sound wave in ne fluid of inner ear is 2.442x10"'m b. 7.81x10-"'m © 821x10%m d. 3.65x10-"'m ity level b 1 the person is using a hearing aid, which increase the sound intensity vy a 40 4B, then by what factor the intensity of given sound wave cl byimer ear? 2 1000 b. 100 oe * 10000 d. None of the: is usy restaurant, TRS person (without hearing aid machine) is siting inside a busy eFe ave; fe aa rage sound intensity is 3.2 x 10° Wm'*. How much energy in the form und it 5. of 1h? | sound is taken up by the person in his meal aie 7 Bx 405) b. 1.8% * ax tosy d, 36x10 Wo rmstione, Won worked OU will reault In. an fnteger tons © One Integer Value Correct Typ! 26) This section contains 3 au eof 5m of 25m Direction (Q. Nos. 23+! from 0 to 8 (both inclusive) 23 Tho intensity of sound from a from the source, What will be U from the source? 24 The resultant loudness ata point AI8N fom one of the two identical sound sources S; aN i ka, 1oQyo 4» 0.8) reaching at point Ain phase. Find the value of n, (Take, 10910 int source at a distance of 70 cl ard? oo win? ata distanc int source Is 1 t " Pr the intensity (in 10 10 wi? ata distan hyo loudness of Sy, which is jor than tl ng high Which sound waves Aro m Is 20 dB. 25 Loudness of sound from an Isotropic p' What is the distance (in metre) at which it Is not he © Subjective Questions Direction (Q. Nos. 26 and 27) These question are subjective in nature, need to be solved complotely on notebook 26 Airport authority has made the regulations that maximum allowable Intensity level detected by a microphone situated at the end of 1.63 km long runway can be 100 dB. An aeroplane when flying at a height of 200 m produces an intensity level of | 100 dB on the ground. While taking off, this aeroplane makes an angle of 30° with horizontal. Find the maximum distance this aeroplane can cover on the runway, so that the regulations are not violated (assume no reflection). 27 i. The power of sound from the speaker of a radio is 20 mW. By turning the knob of volume control the power of sound is increased to 400 mW. What is the power increase (in dB) as compared to original power? ii, How much more intense is an 80 dB sound than 20 dB whisper? pe Doppler Effect-I oonly One Option Correct Type 9, Nos. 1-11) This soction containg 14 ore 1) and ou of winch ONLINE lee aueatons. Each question has four 4 Apoliceman on duty detects a drop of 10% of the frequency of the horn of a moving car as It crosses him. If the speed of sound is 330 ms~', the speed of the cars a. 36.67 ms" b. 17.4 ms" ¢, 23.32 ms 4, 19.97 ms 2. Alocomotive whistling eet a frequency 256 Hz, is moving towards a stationary observer with a velocity 20" of that of sound. What will be the frequencies of the notes heard by the observer before and after the engine passes him? a. 269.5 Hz, 243.8 Hz b. 243.8 Hz, 269.5 Hz c. 267.5 Hz, 245.8 Hz d. 245.8 Hz, 267.5 Hz 3. Asource of sonic oscillations with frequency fy = 1700 Hz and a receiver R are located on the same normal to a wall. Both the source and receiver are stationary and the wall recedes from the source with a velocity 6cms~'. The speed of sound is equal to 340 ms~'. What is the apparent frequency (of the reflected sound from the wall) heard by the receiver ? a. 1698.2 Hz b. 1699.4 Hz ©. 1699 Hz d. 1698.6 Hz 4 Avibrating tuning fork tied to the end of a string 1.988 m long is whirled round a circle, ifit makes (@fevolutions in a second, calculate the ratio of the frequencies | of the highest and the lowest notes heard by a stationary observer situated in the Plane of rotation of tuning fork at a large distance from the tuning fork. Speed of Sound is 350ms~*. (In both, the observer is assumed to be along the line of Velocity sound). . a. 1.732 b. 1.154 © 1.278 d. 1.000 5 Asource of sonic oscillations with frequency fy = 1700Hz and a receiver are located at the same point. At the moment ), the source starts receding from the receiver with constant acceleration a = 10 ms~?. Assuming the speed of sound ‘0 be equal to v = 340 ms~’, find the frequency registered by the stationary ‘eceiver att = 10s after the start of the motion. @. 1650 Hz b. 1414 Hz © 1314 Hz d. 1350 Hz § Alocometive approaching a crossing at a speed of 80 mile h, sounds a whistle frequency 400Hz, when 1 mile from the crossing. There is no wind and the ‘Peed of sound in air is 0.2 mile s~*. What frequency is heard by an observer 0.6 Mile from the crossing on the straight road, which crosses the rail road at right angles 2 2450 He b. 442 Hz © 420 Hz d, 432 Hz is moving away from the nf away from the observer ia from the observer to tho ive 61,6 Hz. An obsel “ we the source Is a lirocl ane hoard by the observor Is i 7 A-source emits a frequency oy source with a velocity 20 ms" aM ‘gh with a velocity 10ms The wind i blow : 4 i i source with a velocity Sms", The appare (Take, velocity of sound = 343ms~) a. 244 Hz ©. 239 Hz b. 22 He d, 207 He ‘ound navigation and ranging) to detect d a sensitive microphone, both 1d are emilled from the source one. The time interval between ition of the object, whereas 8 Naval vessels use sonar (an acronym for s submarines, A sonar has a sound source ant placed below the waterline, Short bursts of sm and any reflected sound is detected by a microp ‘emission and detection can be used to locate posi angele Seeasechiee weieas Wo Rear wars. the floor of the ocean, Antonan conor oie dso Eatat isto A submarine is heeded dct towards the warship at 14ms~'. What is the value of the apparent ater ear by the microphone ? Source frequency is 8000Hz and speed of sound in se: water is 1470 ms~*. 8. 8131 Hz b. 8262 Hz ©. 8293 Hz d. 8111 Hz 8 A fighter plane is moving in a vertical loop of radius Rwith a constant speed. The Centre of the loop is at a height h directly overhead of an observer standing on the ground. The observer receives maximum frequency of the sound produced by the Plane, when itis nearest to him, Find the speed of fighter plane. Velocity of sound in ais v. (Given, f= 200 units, R= 100 units and v = 340 units) (all units are consistent) @. 205 units b. 180 units ©. 195 units d. 215 units 10 Two listeners are Standing on the same line (which is r Perpendicular to a straight railway line) at different Gistances from the railway line. When a train passes them, each hears how the frequency ofthe train whistle changes. The change occurring along curve 1 is for observer 1 and that occurring along curve 2 is for observer 2. Which of the two observers ig standing closer to ; the railway line? at b.2 & Both 1 and 2 atthe same distance from ralway track 4. Data is insuticient be predict any thing 11 A detector is released from rest over a source of sound The frequency observed by the detector at tine fee Dltagin nef = 1000 He speed of sound in airs (Take, g = 10ms-?) 18 graph. The a. 350ms* cc. 310ms* one or More than One Optio, o 12-14) This NS Correct rect (By tend oh oF a SER maine space Type oles E Or MORE THAN orm coe E8ch auestion has four ling at 10 ms~' soung, Acar travel S its horn which has a fre er ! second car is a orene, behind the first car in the same areciany with a city zoms~'. Sound directly coming from the tiret ction, with a velocity quency f, when heard by the dj, cond PPears to have an apparent Aes car by reflection froma wey ahead TH, ot: Sound is also heard in the Speed of sound in air is 340ms-" qAg08* This has an apparone frequency f, a S12.2Hz = 514.3Hz Chi 2 Hz, \ source of sound with nat 3 enh line separated trom 1800H2 moves uniformly along a Nebelly of source ts equal er by a distance Ly = 250m the the observer receives a frequency fon = fo isd. Then . a. f” = 4000Hz b. f= S000Hz 6:6 =. 250m a. d= 320m" 14 Adriver in a stationary car blows a horn which Produces monochromatic sound waves of frequency 1000 Hz normally towards a reflecting wall. The wall approaches the car with a speed 3.3ms~". Speed of sound is 340 ms~'. Then, choose the correct option(s), a. The frequency of sound refl b. The frequency of sound Teflected from wall © The percentage increase in frequency (as Teflection from wall is 2% d. The percentage decrease teflection from wall is 2% | and heard by the driver is 980 Hz heard by the driver) of sound after in frequency (as heard by the driver) of sound after Matching List Type | __Biwetion (2. No, 15) Choices for the correct combination of elements from Column | and Column 1! are | #enas options (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of wich nn ts corrett. 18 The hom of a car Gives a sound of frequency 800 Hz. The listener is on a bicycle. | ‘Match the Column | with Column Il and mark the correct option from the codes siven below. Speed of sound is 343ms~" and there is no wind. ____ Column! | Column tt 1] The frequency that the listener hears when ho moves | p. towards the stationary car with a velocity 15ms~!, car 733 He © I [The frequency that the listener hears when tho ca 14 moves towards the stationary listener, with a velocity | 1Sms", i ; i arand 6. 835 Hz "|The frequency that the listener hears, when the caro pet the listener move towards each other, each with a j Seria s. 836.6 Hz ar and ~~ |The frequency that the listener Peare when tha coro : the listener recede from cach other, velocity 15ms”, ad SE ing theory experiments, © Comprehension Type parapns, each descr a Direction (Q. Nos. 18-22) This scion a ate ‘Foon given ‘Each question has On” correct aun et, Sever ar gon cps (>) and (0 passant! es with a constant yuency mov" ; eat source moves directly ‘Ak source($), emitting a sound wave oa velocity along the X-axis as shown 9 the figure (i). TH sore atinaly towards a stationary dotector Dy and direc away OM i indicate detector 0, Te superimposed pots shown Me ‘detector Dy, detector pressure fluctuations p(x) of the sound wave 8 es y D, and by someone (D,)in the rest frame of source(s). sy Dy H Detector pk Fo@ 46 Which of the plots may correspond to the measurement done by detector D,? at b.2 | a3 d. These plots are not possible 17 Which of the plots may correspond to the measurement done by. detector D2? { at b.2 | «3 d. These plots are not possible | 4B Which of the plots may correspond to the measurement done by detector D;? b.2 d. These plots are not possible | ad c3 49 Now, the source stops and begins to move along Y-axis with same speed, the plot which may be correspond to the measurement of D, now is | at b2 3 d. None of these | Passage Il | ‘Aman of mass 50 kg runs ona plank of mass 150 kg with a speed of 8ms~" ‘shown in the figure. Both were Initially at rest. The velocity relative to the plank as setaryn wth respect 10 ground remains consiant. Plank I placed on @ smooth horizontal surface. The man while running whistles with frequency 500 Hz. A Getector (0) fixed to the plank detects in frequency. The man jumps off with same velocity (w.rt ground ) for point D and slides on the smooth horizontal ‘of sound in alr is 330ms"', Answer the following questions. surface. The speed 1 the whistle and detector are on the same horizontal line) [Assume thal frequency detected by detectoy D. before 4 ’ feat . Meare Jumps off the plank is ‘ iz 50805 Hz 4. 504.35 Hy ency detected by deter 4m we 3 ‘8, after the man Jumps off the plank is rg _ te b. 496.4 He o, 488. 4. 489.4 Hz choose the best plot between the fe ‘SWency (dete, 2 pastion of the man relative to detector, "elected by doactr 0 lead . . t }500 Hz foun 7 00 id “pam omen Poslon ofan rete to detector ‘eve deer . a rae 500 He ¢ . Poston alman Postion ofan lative to detector flav o detector oSubjective Questions Iason (© Nes.222) These questions are suet inate, nado be solved completely on abook. 48 -Aboatis travelling in a river with a speed 10 ms-! along the stream flowing with a ‘peed 2ms~, From the boat, a sound transmiter ie lowered into the river through arf suppor. The wavelength of the sound emitted from the transmitter inside ‘hewaeris 14.45 mm, Assume that attenuation of sound in water and air is ‘egligible. The frequency detected by a receiver Kept inside the river downstream iff transmit ‘and the receiver are now pulled up into the air. The air is blowing 1) '@8peed 5ms~ in the direction opposite the river stream. The frequency oa by the receiver (.¢. detector) now is f. Sve , Tetpeature of rand water = 20°C, Dens of ver water= 1000 kgm, B Mod Int Kot ulus of water = 2.088 x 10° Pa, Gas constant = 8.31 Jmol” K~*, Mean G, - 1 > or ain 1 0 Molar mass of air = 28.8 x 10° kg- mol zee 14) Tike values of and location of a ni = 0. The source fa source and detect om be os s 10 ; Determine the frequency of is 100 Hz. De! } foyetihe moment, when the source crosses tector 24° The figure shows the | and detector are movin respectively. Frequency 0 signals received by the detector (( orn. Speed of sounds 330™S" hown, the source has frequency 500 Hz. Mass of the source and fs Qatects ko and 8 kg respectively. The system is released from rest at time jegiiver Al basil of string on each side is 1 m. Find the frequency Pulley to be ef ae oe before the source strikes the pulley. Assume the same tne. (Take oo so ay motion of the source and detector is along the * 9= 10ms~ and speed of signal = 330 ms =) 25:29 oa nia detector are 2 pe Doppler Effect-I1 ne Option Correct Type (2, Nos. 1-8) This section contains 8 mutipte eno, iple choc ton ( ae (0), (c) and (a), out of which ONLY OE "0 questions. Each quoation has four source of sound S starts falling from ah 1 Aen horizontal surface under gravity ang sons soo Source nd emits 5500 Hz d continuously. The distan Stallonan ! oe observer alan instant, hen the ee oe ta observer I ls0 5500 He, is (speed of sound in arg een gg0ms"* and collision of source with surtaceis perfect, | inelastic) te 2, 55V80m b. 65/55 m ie «. 55V65m 4. 55075 m 2. Asource of sound S and observers are placed as shown in the figure. $ atrest and O, and O, start moving with speed vo each att = Das cham Ai t= 5s, and ff represent apparent frequencies of sound received by O, and O» respectively. Then 7 is (SO, and Vo are not along same line) 3 a. zero a1 3 Asource of sound is moving with velocity 5 and two observers R, and Rp are Moving with velocity u as shown. If the velocity of sound is 10.u, then the ratio of Wavelengths received by R, and R; is A iB 17 aT “3 a z dae a dF Se 5 ‘ » the wo cars Cy a art simultaneously from the same position and in the chon on sarah ‘starts with initial velocity 2ms~' and sale direction on a straight road. C; st “celeration 2ms~?, while C, starts wil G2; hears a sound of frequency 362 Pind the actual frequency of the sound @1 330 ms~ i b, 372.23 Hz 8. 370.12 4 © 377.45 te d. 374,86 Hz ith constant velocity 2ms~'. The driver of Hz emitted by car C2 after 10s, after the mitted by C>. Velocity of sound is 4 gounds a whistlo of frequency with a spoed of Velocity of sound in air yard by an observer on 5 Atrain ap; i eed of 40KMN proaching @ hill at a spe ind 580 Hz, when itis al a distance of 1 km from @ ha vol 40 km his blowing in th direction of mation of 0 Be is v= 1200km h"*. Find the frequency of the whistle a the hil habaaiia: b. 598 Hz 0, 592 Hz is placed ata large distance from 6 A source of s f onic oscilations with trequency fo tent 8 detector. The source starts moving towards tho detector witha TT acceleration a. Find the frequency corresponding to the wave em the source starts, The speed of sound in tho medium is V. 2 d, 595 Hz d, None of these 7 Asource of oscillations with frequency fy and a detector are located at the samo Point. At the moment t = 0, the source starts receding from the receiver with constant acceleration a. Assuming that the velocity of sound Is v find the ‘oscillation frequency registered by the stationary observer after the start of mation, 2vh oa 4d. None of the above 8 Awhistle of frequency fy= 1300 Hz is dropped from a height h = 505m above the ground. At the same time, a detector is projected upwards with velocity = 50 ms~* along the same line. If the velocity of sound is v = 300 ms", then find the frequency detected by the detector after t = 5s. (Take, g = 10ms~2) a. 1450 Hz b. 1600 Hz c. 1400 Hz d. 1500 Hz © One or More than One Options Correct Type Direction (Q. Nos. 9 and 10) This section contains 2 multiple choice questic | ‘holees (0), (0). (0) and (9), out of which ONE or MORE THAN ONE ot congener" Weston has four 9 A source S of sound wave of fixed frequency fy and an observer O are located in air initially at the space points P, and P>, a fixed distance apart State in which of the following cases, the observer will not se any Doppler effect and will receive same frequency fy as produced by the source. 2. Both S$ and O remain stationary but a wind blows with a constant speed in arbitrary direction nae . The observer O remains stationary but the source $ moves parallel to a >. Time direction and with the same Velocity asthe wind nd in the ¢. The source S remains stallonary but the observer and the wind have the same speed away from the source The source and the observer move directly against the wind but both with the | d. same speed 10 stationary observer receives moving on a straight line on which f frequency fy = a : obser, fo = 2000 Hz. The source is uency f’ varies with er is not Bieesiie c lime as shown in the nee sent Choose orrect alternative (s) ‘gure. Speed of sound is 300 ms~ (He) 8 sound of a. Speed of source is 66.7 ms~! b. f, Shown in the figure cannot be c. Speed of source is 33.33ms~! 4. fy shown in the figure cannot be greater than 2250 Hz greater than 2500 Hz Comprehension Type Direction (Q. Nos. 11-16) This section contains dsl, ete. Six questions related to the paragraphs have bea " 2 Passage | Asource (S) emitting sound of frequency fy = 960 (s fo = 960 Hz is projected with velocit 102 ms at an angle 6 = 45° with the horizontal. Simultaneously, a detector (0) is projected vertically upwards with a speed 10ms~'. There is no wind and speed of sound in air is 310 ms~". After the source and detector fall to the ground, they come to rest. ( Take, g = 10ms~) 45° O° Ss The maximum apparent frequency received by the detector is equal to a. 992 Hz b. 952 Hz c. 682 Hz d. 930 Hz The graph of apparent frequency (f’) versus time (t)is best represented by (for time 0 < t < 2s) t Us ite direction in opposite os the correct options. rojected hor igure. 13 Suppose the source and detector are p Then, choost from the top of a tower as shown in the fi constant till the source and the detector fall on to the ground ; crease till the b. The apparent frequency received by detector will continuously dot sound and detector fall on to the ground the sbbree at ©. The apparent frequency must be same as the frequency emitted by least once during the complete journey ase tll the 4, The apparent frequency received by the detector will continuously incre ‘source and detector fall on to the ground Passage Il 3 ie ‘Two trains 7, and T, are moving with velocities 20 ms~' and 30 ms respect in the same direction on the same straight track. 7, is a head of 7,. The engi are at the front ends. The engine of train T, blows a long whistle. Assume that the ‘sound of the whistle is composed of components varying in frequency from fo, = 800 Hz and fyy = 1120 Hz, as shown in the figure. The spread in the frequency (highest frequency — lowest frequency) is thus 320 Hz. The speed of sound in still air is 340 ms~' and there is no wind, Intensity Se for ‘oe Frequency 14 The speed of sound of the whistle is f @. 340ms" "for passengers in 7, and 310ms"' for passengers in th b. 320ms™" for passengers in T, and 310ms~ ‘for passengers in T, c. 360ms~" for passengers in 7, and 310ms~' for Passengers in T, d. 310ms"" for passengers in T, and 360ms~' for Passengers in 7, 15 The distribution of the sound intensity ofthe whistle as observed by the passengers in train 7, is best represented by Intenaty Intenty b. a 1 | 1 i i | tat dea Tor tee Frequency ‘or baFrequaney Intensity riety eld, afJ OL Li j __s, i lee vor tea Frequency Toy Frequoney | 16 The spreed of frequency as observed by the passengers in train Tis b. 310 Hz Hz a. 330 ae c. 350 Hz gut ective Questions 6 (0. Nos. 17-20) These questio ‘ out « uestions are subjective in nature, need to be solved completely o7 pats emit sounds from {heir nostrils, then listen the frequency of the sound reflected from thelr prey to determine the prey's speed. A bal fying at a speed ey Se Hed hang ft. The sound it hears is reflected from an insect meee te vera eee fq. Show that the speed ofthe insect iinet “| Fog = Va) (2 Vg ‘I v, Where vis the speed of sound, 4g Asource of osclations Sis fixed fo the riverbed ofa river wih stream velocity v. qwo receivers R, and Ry also are fixed to the river bed. If the source generates @ frequency fy, Whal frequencies are received by receivers R, and R,? 4g Asource ‘of sound is moving along a circular orbit of radius 3 m with an angular velocity of 10rads~'. A sound detector located far away from the source is ‘executing linear simple harmonic motion PQ with amplitude PM = MQ = 6m. The equency of oscilation ofthe detectors 5 ber second, The source is at point N i when the detector is at point P. Ifthe source emits @ continuous sound wave of frequency 340 Hz, find the maximum frequency andthe minimum frequency recorded by the detector. Speed of sound is 330 ms", ‘Assume that the time taken by the sound to reach the detector from the source is integral multiple of time period of rotation. 10. By observing an alternating Doppler shit of @ spectral line, the astonomers can edluce the existence of a binary star system, which otherwise cannot be resolved visually. Suppose that an astronomical ‘observation shows that the source of light is ecipsed once every 18 h. The wavelength of the spectral line changes for a maximum of 563 nm to a minimum of 539 nm, Assume that, the binary system consists of two identical stars. Determine the separation between the objects and the mass of each object. Revisal Problems for JEE Main © Only One Option Correct Type Working 5. Direction (@. Nos. 1-21) This section contains 21 multiple choice choices (a). (b). c) and (d), out of which ONLY ONE option fs correct. 4 Seven grams of nitrogon is mixed with 12 g of oxygen in a tube and th velocity of sound through the tube at27°C is questions. Each question has four yen sealed. The a. 338.6ms"" b. 328.6ms! ©. 334,6ms"* d. 3306ms"" 2 Itthe sound level in a rooms increased from 50.8 10 60 dB, by wha factors the pressure amplitude increased ? a. 50 b. 10 ©. 100 d. 150 3 Aire work charge is detonated some metres above the ground. Ata distance of 400 m from the explosion, the acoustic pressure reaches a maximum of 10Nm” *. Assume that the speed of sound is constant at 343ms” ' throughout the atmosphere over the region considered, Also, assume the ground absorbs all the sound falling on it and the air absorbs sound energy at the rate of 7 dBkm™ '. The sound level (ind) at 4 km from the ‘explosion is (Py, =1.2kgm™ *) a. 45.608 b. 55.648 c. 75.605 d. 65.608 i | | | 4 Aplane longitudinal wave of angular frequency 1000 rad s ‘is travelling along negative | 2edirection in a homogenous gaseous medium of density p = 1kgm™ *, Intensity of the | wave is | = 10" ° Wm" and the maximum pressure change is 2x 10 Nm“. Then | displacement equation is | ‘| | | a y= 10° sin(t0001~ 5x+ $) b. y=10"® cos (1000¢ + 5x) c. y=10°® tan (10001 - 5x) d. y=10"® cos (10001 - 5X) 5 When a person wears a hearing aid, the second intensity level increases by 30 dB. The sound intensity increases by | ae? b. 30 c. 1000 d. 100 6 Anengine running at speed w sounds a whistle of frequency 600 Hz. A passenger ina train coming from the opposite side at a speed % ‘experiences this whistle to be of cy 1. Itvis the speed of sound in ar and there Is no wind, "Is nearest to frequen a. 711 HZ b, 630 Hz d. 610 Hz c. 580 Hz 7 Asource of sound produces waves of wavelongth 60 cr, when tis stationary. the speed | Aad imalris 300m" ‘ and soutce moves witha speed 20ms"', the wavelength of | ose in the forward direction willbe nearest 10 | b, 60cm | é a ES d. 65cm | c | 10 1" 12 2 4 5 . you drop the clack radio. ground. As, you listen to the falling lust befor it str ? erat cound 9 me) 1st before you hear it striking the ground 2 sot Hz b. S81 Hz ‘Asouroe S emitting sound of 300 Hz is fixed o, hown. Th datector D fixed of spring 1 as sl Red on block B attached to the tree end of spring 2 detects this sound. v block Aand Bare simultaneously displaced towards each other trough @ Pee Sound Te Soyo 19 vibrate, the vibrational Irequency of each block ig 2 Hz an is 340 ms~ the maxi it yencies of sound detected by D, respectively are MUM and minimum frequencies of Sb wroNT a. 320 Hz, 275.6 Hz b, 923 Hz, 278.6 Hz ¢, 326 Hz, 281.6 Hz . 317 Hz, 272.6 Hz The apparent frequency of a whistle of an engine changes in the ratio 6 : 6 as the engine passes a stationary observer. If the velocity of sound Is 330ms" ', then the velocity of the engine is a, 66ms~* b& 15me"* ¢. 90ms* 4. 033ms"! Atrain is moving in an elliptical orbit in anticlockwise sense with a speed of 110 ms ' Guard is also moving in the given direction with same speed as that of train, The ratio of the lenaths of major axis to minor axis is 4/3. Driver blows a whistle of 1900 Hz at P, which isreceived by guard at S. The frequency received by guard is (velocity of sound = 330 ms~ t s o a. 1800Hz b. 1900 Hz . 2000 Hz d. 1500 Hz Ina car race, sound signals emitted by two cars are detected by the detector on the Straight track at the end point of the race. Frequencies observed are 330 Hz and 360 Hz ‘and the original frequency is 300 Hz for both the cars. Assume that both cars move with Constant velocity and velocity of sound is 330 ms~ '. Race ends with the separation of 100 m between the cars. The time taken by winning car is a 10s b. 8s £ 4s d. 128 ‘The intensity of sound wave gets reduced by 20% on passing through a slab. The ‘eduction in intensity on passing through two such consecutive slabs is a. 40% b. 36% ©. 30% d. 50% In@ sports meét the timing of a 200 m straight dash is recorded atthe finish point by Sarting an accurate stopwatch on hearing the sound of starting gun fired at the starting Point. The time recorded will be more accurate @ In winter b. insummer © Inall seasons d. None of these Two radi rogrammes at the same amplitude Ag and intensity /o, The feces Speen e000) Hz). A detector receives from the two stations Simultaneously. it can detect signals of intensity 22 ly. Find the time for which the detector ‘emains idle in each cycle of the intensity of the signal. 8 333.3345 b, 260ns 750 us d. 500ps power with inten’ 416 Apoint source of sound emits a constant as ‘1 i square of the distance from the source, By how many or t om so times fevel drop, when you move from point P10 Fa? Distance O°" the distance of source from P,. a. 6d8 b, 408 ©. 848 a, 1008 requency 500 H2, 17 Acar apponeing across ata speedolz0r# gourds 2p gi requency is hear aon eae # cossing, Speed of sound in a8 330, crogges CaF road at by an obsorver 60 m from the crossing on the straight road. right angles ? a, 530Hz b 65g He 0 Hz c. 8255 Hz di. 82 ty level ir sil 48 By what factor must be sound intensity be increased (0 increase the sound inten by 130B ? (Given, (10)°? =2) a. 12 c. 20 vb. 13 d. 22 419° Ititwere possible to generate a sinusoldal 300 12 sound wave displacement amplitude of 0.2 mm, What would be the sound v= 330 ms” "and py, = 1.29kgm" '). (Given logyp 3= 0.447) a. 145.708 b. 140.70B c, 124.708 d. 134,708 joducing surface 20 Aswimming duck paddles the water with its feet once every 1.65, pr waves with this period. The duck is moving at ‘constant speed in a pond, where the speed of surface waves is 0.32ms” ' and the crests of the waves ‘ahead of the duck are spaced 0.12 m apart. The speed of the duck is a. 0.245ms"* b. 0.300ms"" c, 0.255ms"* d. 0.275ms" in air that has @ evel of the wave? (Assume 21 Asien creates a sound level of €0 dB at location 500 m trom the speaker, The siren Is powered by a battery that devers a total energy of 1000 J. Assuming that efficiency of siren is 30%, the total time the siren can sound is a. 105s b. 95s c. 905 d. 110s © Statement Type Direction (Q. Nos. 21 and 22) This section is based on Statement | and Stat eo ‘answer from the codes given below. Cocke kt Resoged oes ‘a. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct i Boh Staten and Statement Ils the correct explanation of bb. Both Statement | and Statement Il are correct but Sta i enone tement Il is not the correct explanation of ¢. Statement | is correct but Statement lis incorrect 1d. Statement Il is correct but Statement | Incorrect 22, Statement| An observer is approaching a stationary point frequency heard by him is more than the real Hequstey because ctdeseecs ee ‘wavelength of the sound wave, decrease of Statement It if there is no relative motion between sourc { frequency is equal to actual frequency. € and observer, apparent 23 statement | Ina longitudinal wave, pressue is maxinum where csp { cement is zero Statement Il There is a phase difference of © between di spla wave in case of longitudinal wave. e cement wave and pressure Revisal Problems for JEE Advanced only One Option Correct Type fon (0. Nos. 8) This section contain mut one 0) (ad, owe ONLY Ong sles Each questo sour our of sounds traveling with velocity of som! acual frequency of source is 1000 Hz and the wing ml bh Soke al 6 whe econ olmoion ot soues re pyobsere (speed of sounds v = 40m” a 10a4He b. 10H 1085He 1082 He ‘owards a stationary observer. It loving with a velocity 20 ms” ‘in a fen the apparent frequency heard ical jad ra fe permed ein in all directions from a point soutce. The vation in SOU «a function of distance r trom reagan) the source can be written as bpe-bbae b. Bh ~k, (ogi? eBh-e d. B=k,-kylogr 4 Treaiference between the apparent frequencies of a source of sound as perceived by a sttionay observer during its approach and recession is 23% ofthe actual frequency of the ‘soutee If the speed of sound is 300 ms” ', speed of source is 23ns! b. ams 2 ons’ d. 1.5ms" 4 Theater of a car approaching! a vertical wall notices that the frequenoy ofthe horn of his car changes from 400 Hz to 450 Hz on receiving afer reflection trom the wall. Speed of ‘sound is 340 ms” ', The speed of approach ofthe car towards the wall is atoms"! b. ams"! 6 ams” d. 30ms"" 5 hen source and observer are stationary and the wind is blowing ata speed, (rom ‘ourveto dosent), the apparent wavelength is related othe actual wavelength 2y by (ls speed of sound in at) oy veto aden, b. Westy tial) 4 Wey oe VM v a 10e X along the direction of eae sonny, ne displacement Yess stance Xorg Fopagaton of a longitudinal wave. Te pressures ™ ay Ba a sound wave of 7 Consider a source of sound and an observer O, The source emis frequency f. The frequency observed by 0 is found to be i. 4.10 approaches $ and is stationary il ts if approaches O andO is salary BU iil, f, if bot t with the sé ir inal thn ciaue cleberepeoaa Wr {.Ois the same. Choose the incorrect option. a hehes bv. x b.x> 54 0.54> x> 36 d. 36> x>18 ‘Asound absorber attenuates the sound level by 20 DB. The intensity decreases bya factor of (AIEEE 2007) @. 1000 b. 10000 10 d. 100 1500 Hz and above is The velocity of sound in air is maximum of 10000 Hz, the {AIEEE 2006) Avhistle producing sound waves of frequencies & @pproaching a stationary person with speed ¥ mS ifthe n hear frequencies upto & is" if the person can hear frequ e can hear the whistle Is maximum value of v upto which hi . 153 ms? b, 152 ms™ 8. 15ms- d. 30ms simultaneously, 4 beats ng of the fork 2. are heard. Ifthe of fork 2? {AIEEE 2005) 1d 1d fork 2) are sounde tape is attached on the Pre 6 beats per second the original frequency Whien two tuning forks (fork 1 an Per second are heard. Now, som en the tuning forks are sounded again, equency of fork 1 is 200 He, then what wil Pe 8 2002 bp, 202 Hz ©. 196 Hi g, 204 He 10 W 12 nd, with a velocity one-fifth e in the apparent (AIEEE 2005) move: i source of SOU! towards @ stationary Fond ee oy of pee What is the percentage in of the ve 1. nee b. 05% om d, 20% 5% | ! ireque! es 5 beats per second with the 4 cng eget t decreases to 2 beats per secon vibrating string of a piano. The beal a Oa ote when the tension in the piano string is slightly increas iit 2668 piano string before increasing the tension was ney 256 Hz mak frequency a. 256+ 2)Hz b. 256 -2)Hz ©. 256 - 5Hz d. (256+ 5)Hz When temperature increases, the frequency of a tuning fork (AIEEE 2002) @. increases b. decreases ©. remains same G. increases or decreases depending on the material A tuning fork arrangement (pait) produces 4 beats per second with one fork of frequency 288 cps. A little wax is placed on the unknown fork and then it Produces 2 beats per second. The frequency of the unknown fork is (AIEEE 2002) & 286 cps b. 292 cps ©. 296 cps d. 288 cps JEE Advanceq & (Compilation of Last 4 vehicles, each moving with speedy on the me horizontal straight read, are approaching hother. Wind blows along the road wth velocity (One of these vehicles blows a whistio of W yency f, AN observer in the other Vehicle hears ie requency of the whistle to be. The spec a din sill aris v. The correct statement(a ig 5) (@DISAdr, One oF More than One Options Comeet Type) a. Ifthe wind blows from the observer tothe source, >h be Fiore blows from the source to the observer, oh a aces blows trom the observer to the source, eh 4. Hite wind blows ftom the source tothe observer, bch Aperson blows into open-end of a long pipe. As a result, a high-pressure pulse of air travels down the pipe. When this pulse reaches the other end of the Re. (202, One or Mere than Gne Options Corect Type) 4 atigh-pressure pulse starts traveling up the pips, i the other end of the pipe is open .alow-pressure pulse starts travelling up the pipe, it ‘the other end of the pipe is open alow-pressure pulse starts travelling up the pipe, if the other end of the pipe is closed 6 ahigh-pressure pulse starts travelling up the pipe, if the other end of the pipe is closed 3 Astudent is performing the ‘experiment of sonance column. The diameter of the column ‘be is 4.0m. The frequency of the tuning fork is ~ 5I2He. The air temperature is 38° C in which the £80 of sound is 336 ms™. The zero of the meter Soincides with the top end of the resonance ‘ube. When the first resonance occurs, the of the water level in the column is (2012, Only One Option Correct Type) £1406, b.1520m c. 16.4cm d. 17.6cm A pote car with a siren of frequency 8 kHz is ia With uniform velocity 36 kmh™ towards a i Which reflects the sound waves. The ma pound in ai is 320 ms"! The frequency of "en heard by the car driver is ‘eas; at ony On tena) tre b. 8.25 kHz Te d. 7.50 kHe IIT JEE Archive 3 Years’ Questions) 5 Astudent performed the experiment to Measure the speed of sound in air using fesonance air-column method. Two fesonances in the air-colurnn were obtained by lowering the water level. The resonance vaith the shotterair-coluenn is the first fesonance and that with the longer ait colurnn is the second resonance. Then, (2008, One ar More than One Options Corect Type) 2. the intensity of he sound heard atthe frst fesonance was more than that at the second resonance 'b. the prongs of the tuning fork were kept ina horizontal plane above the resonance tube ‘C. the amplitude of vibration of the ends of the prongs is typically around 1 cm d. the length of the air-column at the first Fesonance was somewhat shorter than 1/dth Of the wavelength of the sound in air Passage for Q. Nos. (6-8) Two trains A and B are Moving with speeds 20ms~ and 30 ms“ respectively in the same direction on the same straight track, with B ahead of A. The engines are at the front ends, ‘The engine of train A blows a long whistle. Intensity fy fe Frequency Assume that the sound of the whistle is ‘composed of components varying in frequency trom f, = 800 Hz to f = 1120 Hz, as shown in the figure. The spread in the frequency (highest frequency-lowest frequency) is thus 320 Hz, The speed of sound in air is 340 ms”, (2007, Comprehension Type) The speed of sound of the whistle is a, 340 ms" for passengers in A and 310 ms~' or passengers in 8 'b. 360s” for passengers in A and 310 ms“! for passengers in B ¢. 310 ms"" for passengers in A and 360 ms" for passengers in B dd. 340ms™ for passengers in both the trains intensity of the i the sound inter ta ae are by the passengers in whistle a is best represented by jin A » Intensity Intensity Intensity a Intensity "2 Frequency 8 The spread of frequency as observed bythe Passengers in train B is 2&8. SOHz b. 330Hz ©. 350 Hz 0. 290 Hz 10 1 12 passage for Q. Nos, (9-11) Two plane harmonic sound way, expressed by the equations. yi t= Acos (0.512 ~ 100nt) Yo (Xt) = Acos (0.46nx ~ Sent) (All parameters are in MKS) S ate (2006, ¢, Pra, How many times does an obseny, er he; maximum intensity in one secong a4 b.10 0.6 a8 What is the speed of the sound? a. 200ms~ b. 180 ms~* c. 192ms* d. 96 ms! At x =O how many times the amplitud: is zero in one second? a. 192 c. 100 ot, b.48 d. 96 A tuning fork of 512 Hz is Used to produce fesonance in a resonance tube experiment. level of water at first resonance is 30.7 cr at second resonance is 63,2 cm. The ertorin calculating velocity of sound is (2005, Only One Option Comet Tpt b.110cms* d. 280cms* a. 204.1 mst ©. 58cms~ 3. Sound DPP-1 Basic Parameters of Sou 1. (9 Sound waves trom the different instruments of performers on Stage reach the aucience simutaneoust. This shows thatthe ‘speed o! sound is same for all wavelengths. ( Sound travels faster in ron than in at- So, thera is a ditference | between the ime taken by sound to travel through iron and at This is why the observer hears two sounds {f@) During the day, the temperature of at is maximum near the ground and it progresshely cinvinishes upwards. Therefore, the velocity of sound is greater near the ground and it ‘decreases as we move upwards (¥ = VT) The plane wavetronts, initaty vertcal, are turned upwards. So, the sound rays curl Up ‘dung the day. At night the conditons are reversed So, sound rays curl down, producing better, aut of distant sounds. 2. (GWEN, y = SO.cos (1800 ~ 53x) Note Hee, yonsx or oan the some fe ampitude, A =50}um k= 5.3rad mt (rom the equation) * PRs x ae 2m at.185m 53 A 50x 10% x 1185 $4.22 x105 2. ~ 50x 10°*(1800) sn [18001 ~ 53x] Required ratio Ov, =~ (0.09 ms“) sin [18001 ~ 5.34] Wave speed is av 1820 _ 539.6 ms"! * 53 Required ratio is Wolror - 0.908. 265104 v | 336 ‘Given. = 100 Hz, v = 350 ms“ 1 T=1-001 feos 2m = 2% 95 x10%)= at = 3B 5 x10") 350, Beasm 4, (9) The standard form of equation is 80 = (Ap) mar sin (ot — x) ‘Bp = 0102 sin (30001 ~ 9) even, a wo =90001ads" - fo = SD, 150 jp 7 2m $ 2 10 2 = 00D yg ze 8 Gp macrunvaftan presen ee (ons = 0028 esrnam pressure = (1.01 x10° + 0.02)P Minimum pressure = (1.01 x 10° ~ 0.02) Pa ind Waves 5, (a) Th stuaton is shown inthe figure: Tho sound oy, found observer was emit by te plane. wn. ont vertealy above his head. Thee taken by, reach the observer sf = 2000 _ 10, ‘340 re distance moved by he pane dur this pad 5/100 evt «(510 2)(1%) 03330 seve (80 5) TF) 6, pybastistavtingwin avec #3618 = 905% | i so. 10m ; Fetesstater srt Se when aves acest he hears fst echo (le. at 2). f Inti time, distance traveled by sound = MA + AD = 330m eo 65m | 2 YF + 5 2165? = y=1649m $0, required distance =2y = 329.8m Hehears the second echo, when he s at point. So, thee ate which he hears second echo is 2 seccnds from ine instark of 7. (6) Let the speed of engine is v. The distance traveled engine in 5 willbe 5 v. Distance traveled by the sound i += 900 + (900 ~ 5y) =1800~ 5 v sing = 2 = hes (snr) =2640% 3 o = 1320m=1.32 kn the given equation, rom % (Py =12Pa k= BAB Mando = 2709 got 2m. PR yy. 2700 k 1g 701 = = an oe WS rae = NOH I WOS x10 x88” 1M *10% m sn eanudblrange frequency = 20 He 1020000 iy 2 toe 20H an = 2000 jp Seed sound n waters = 14501 ge) d= 3S oer ag Me Don 226m Son 14. 0Ghen, A= 35x10? map, UPAR 55 x10 = 1794"! on SoMa ent. So, a0 pressure shouldbe minimum, Ar 18 90° out of phase with isplacement wave, join te madumis Whe) acne ‘Ne IoOw pressure i '3. Peso vr v fp Pe Bi bul modus he gas PGSeseosreace i), he, ka Ae 10 INT aax eon {toh =25pi4 . 52x314x 120940500 x10" =969x10%m 15. (0.6) et dsplacement at patel xis oven bY y= Asin(ut - 12) ‘Pen pressure atthe sare points given by 40= (801,605 (ot ~ #) a y? = 149124 Pa B= pi? = 1.29% (340) | tox ="! (22nd = 2n(1000) =2000 where (Ap), | Ghen, | Bk 149124 18.47 =363210%m Wiven AP is masimur, ys icin, s K=O 18. (2c)A1A parce ectonded, so mavmrum ressiea ones AIC, particles are displaced away from i So, # corresponds to Imritum pressure At B tht sce carcieg hae Ssblacernet and Wt ste partes Asplacement So, at gress 0215 ULbOINE (where, press tance between Rand te ware y= eg Now, 2p xe= am $*200~ 8 2229m 22 te Feros Faquted time inenal «typ; 8.26 x10 Nm? £0855 ~ 9219 0315 5 19, (0) Aono tho wail, Am2 x2 = Am? Maximum prossuro on tho wail = 100 « 2 = 200 Pa a Finn #200 x 4» 000 N 20. (a) Total timo that tho prossuro. eto tho wall 18 1 Ate Att at rd 0.126 4+ 0.258 03758 Average torco is 0+ 900 Fy, = 2 000 = 400N ss Impuleo is J = Fy, Aly + Fy Aly 400 x 0.125 + 400 x 025 = 150 Ne 21. (@) Attho cross-section MM’, the density isp = rol! + B4) tu. ue tt dl koe ‘Source Is simple harmonic. Energy at cross-section LL’ must be ‘equal to enegy at Mi" for a one dimensional wave. 2 *A? = constant orp? = constant Jico?, oe * PAS = plX)LALa)] = AUX) = eas o [2 = Ag, pat 7 af) f= rom conto a ex cron eton -- 7 “omy 7 “Gem on [— Fw Vogts By v= i Mone 23, (o)Woknow, WH) = pas poll + fix) on Wt Bey Gye Y ‘24, (@) Standard equation of th wavs y= Asin us - 7 A= A= Mole, and ke == 2 = o pate 80 ‘ = -@ Pais e y eee «PGE, a Af sinolt - fect 64 Aol a at) Here, [Note y onds ore along the some fine. DPP-2 Speed of Sound 1. ()Weknow,v = JT fa wavfie da) "nf =ve(1+ 25) Were vonde t 2x28, So, the increase in velocity per*C is vox $2 -o61ms" 56 2 i { B-pv? Ip 8» $00 2000)? = 36+ totem 716 10% 10. (a Speedot soundis v= Dblance 15, Alea, Time 397 10%5. = 3846 ms"! Density of metal isp = 6400 kg m9igiven) Wotrow, ve fF D ~ Yapv? or Y = 6400 (3646)? = 9.47 10°%R9 {t2- 98 we move up, il temperature increases speed of scund 08888 % IT} So, the atmosphere. ‘becomes rarer and rarer Py Pe (B_ fi.aixto> = Yo, = fF = PRI a, 12. (bv, EE Tato" « at4ms E THI op ng P a8 13. v= fe But change in pressure (withow change in ° Lemperati) Naso ect on speed of scund because density ‘also changes accordingly ve far My = ver Hance, () + (a). (1) + (1). Gi) —» (Q), (vp + (5) om pitta tate Searcy 14 greene am 50, Yewe < Aeraee us. intact kom rarer to Gener medium n da ere onan soem hearse renee Hence. 00)». (i) (0.0. (6) ray 15. (9) Given, vy, = 30¥r 7 : sistas A(R & where Ais cross- sectional area. Fe ow betas : soo f= fp 7 A 0 T0OxS . xno 46. (@) Let A, and A, ate the ampitudes of incident an ‘waves respectively. Then, Ayo Been RUM 2 eo kd Yew; 2004100 3 d tranemitted 17.6) natu speed otzcuni «2 x a=p? 2 i «v2 By definition p--v% ‘ —y@ avy = av= Loe * SB avip = ave Te jpould be located midway x 48. (4) Source S 8mang, Uy Soue ste sare wave 10 E8CN Dory, 2 XSpweens and (3) must be (rat ‘ yeas . y=4m 49, (2)1200= Let xis volume ofH and yvolume of>, Then, (+ YiPmic = Xr, +,YP02 = 10m, + Vy, xs ey ' on, y f yeu y, 509 = [tee 2 EE Dividing Eq, () by Ea. (i), we get a ae ‘sp = poly —pgH = 136 981 75 ~ 200) ‘o’ (eal = 1.667 x 10°%dyne om? a Vaty i gy = OX 10.867 109 9.7500 a x | “oan (.28x 107 y o avetSx5cc > 85 i \ DPP-3 Intensity of Sound , 4. (a) Lot ine intensity due to each sitar= “2. Power per unit solid angle is. | inl? 2; Then, 10 109,9-= 7008 (Given) ..0 P= Sele = ly Now, intensity due to 10 stars is ro Won sondien ‘eau! = tony B= ton 1 606 sondiod= 1068470 twma65 0) 20008 2. (a) Given. te = 32h, Bp-Br = 101002 — 100007 Io ty = 10009 = t0logio32 21508 3. (c) The solid angle subtended by fight circular cone is Q=2n(1- 0088) s /. incase of aspherical wavelont. the power pet unt soli anglais constant «2. Mean energy flow across the area enclosed by thering = P’ = Pq 2n(t - cose) ll?2n(1 ~ C080) = 90x? x et watae pa] Z zone Yr 025 Curved surtace 3 PaR ++ Py Pym P= (+P) R= Pe =E(t-coso) ~~ 4.0) P 108 bedamomana tn fon, a f= 637 x 10° Wor? "Due 10 dogs. Iq = Sh = 31.85 x 10% Wn? “Now, sound love is i = ene = tog 3186 10% i 1 1010910(31.85 x 108) =10110940(6.37 * 5)+ Glog gt0) = 10[109;06.37 + 10995 +6) =10108 +07 +6)~ 7508 & (9 For maximum possible sound intensity, maximum pressure “Rrpltude of wave can be at most equalto aimosphars freneee Ts, (8 Pas = 1.015 10°Nev? 1 ya?a’y = 1p[ Pha” ga, Am Lo lea) (APY i = 0.01% 10872 Saher 1 aaa ‘amesponcing sound levelis = 1.18 x 107 Wer? 1 010g 10 = 19048 B= 1009} 1109 1 B= 1009, 1 Tlogig+ = 60 ‘0 dato Dm fa x 108 = 1071? x 10° = 10°° We {Power of sound = x area = 10% x2 =2 mo *°nergy absorbed in 10 his =72md Ei J) Em Pxt =2 x 10 x (10x 60x 60) * BB, (tor ‘signal = B, (Vor noise) = 10100072 Wioa0 Mod S¥00.B, Ny = 65.48 W090 ~ 010949! = 65 Sa, = Hoa = 6 1000! = 65 = 10°ViO = 3.16 » 10" y= 10 io F110 5 10-7) wan? For your baby, fy = 107!" 10°" = Sid x 10-4 Wie? FOr 190 USC y= 10°. 10°" 10 7 40-8 He? The combined intonsty is ‘rat ™ bo + In = 82 10° + 10% 104 nee = 13.2 % 10°? Wen? 10. Bo = soe) « ‘(222 32*) or 1% 10)0950 (13.2 x 107) = 10f09,513.2 + logue 10”) = 1011.12 +7] =81.208, VW. 0.) 44 an oF + 005 10 ven? B= 1We[ 29532") ~ ego" = 11008 a 8 =8-ssaa B= Bass: , E "= 101090. = logy! = 55 r= temo of = 8 La ro8s = }O-"*(10°) = 9.16 x 10-7 Wn? e 7 20 s = 916107 a eGR Ee OF = = re22aKm 12. (ab) Sound evelpis given by = m6 J into, wl “ p10 7 2 x= 20% Jow, om the above equation, we get. . ‘of = 110 8 B= 910 0B. 10 @t Given, Do rae /yoar in2=02ax¢ yeaye k= 15m" 13, (a.b,0) From the wave equation, a = 9000 6 400ms veg Se B 1.6 10° ve fF pw Ba BNE co tigm? ep 7 oor 9 Pressure amplitude is Also, (0D Vax = BAK (8h «248 i faw (ADlom = 28 ‘Bk 1.6 x 10° = 15 on Inensity ata cstanco ris! = PORE we po SP 2pv : Powor _ (82) _ ‘ant ‘pw (2anyt x 4x (107 7 = Powor = 248 <4 10" 5 9.93 x 10°W ‘2 (1) (400) te 1210 Wm? 70 (This is constant fora plane wave) [B _ [axto" a vn B= J 200m = (Sena 5 = pv ' (82 brax = V2IBV OF (Bolger = 2 107 1% 200 =2 x 10-4 Nev 14, (0.6)20= 101090 I pat Aso, I= Jootaty = ae PEsaa ree Yin «6 or A=2x10%m bw Bw 50 2 So v "20072 So, equation of wave is yeox 1o*ei sor - 3 45. (a,c) = POM 08, 22.83% 10 7 (a = POM OB no 0283 107 so, t= i eine or (OP bras = fe x2.83 x10 x 1.20 x 340 = 4.98 Nm? 2 488 8x 10% © 749124 « 11.08 oy 16. (c) (y Pressure ampli 1019 (Ahm = BAK = pr A = pvAw = (1 29) (340) (10°*)- (2m x 1000) =27.54Pa 1 aved (i intensity is! = 7°? A 3 = 0.865 War or (A0)n 29) (2m x 1000}? (10°*)*(340) 2 tacean wher, 92.87 = (30 v8 «a 1 p= Ape (ip PoworisP = 5 #272 x 107W p= (0.865) x x 0.1" o 227X107 22.15 x 10° Wn? ( laretom * Free” 4x (OF (4001.91) Hence, (0-9 (f= 417, (atthe ntnsity duo to one POTS” ish Then, 60 = 10109107 a= 009%! = 101002 + loge? = 63.0108 gressive wave, if a total pover of 18. (a) in case of a plane pro *e Jower P crosses the Same area at al {roses an area, the same Pi locations. 19, (0) Force oxerted on inner ‘eardrum due to negligible mass Fras earn = Fran 82 (res * Aloseren = (Prax * Ase (a Pinac ome * Asin = (8 Pla oxacen % Accum 4x 107 x 50 x 10° (8 Pleas sine = gage OP ‘ear Is same as that exerted on the of ossicles. = d09 ay) 20. (¢) Displacement amplitude in fd is 041800 ) 2AB x 10” x 2n x 1200 =3.65%10°"m 21. (6) = 101097, whore is sound evel. Ba-B: olen ~0b04!= 10002 20 10lo%%9!2, = = 1000, 22. (a) Energy taken up by the person in‘ houris [9.2 «10° x 50% 10° x 3600] x2 (Hhrough two ears) 21.152 0 105Je12 x10 23. (4) Given, = 10°°Wmr4 = Sm m= 25m Ip Weknow, 10° = 4 10" Wer? ()h = Ka? = f;rosutant amplitude at Aisa + a =2a *. I= Kay = 4 Kat = 4), 1 f 10067 = [toe008] +108 10 loge = no = 10109944 =n = 1Ologio4 = 10(0.6) = 6 te 10205 © 07m hos, 20 101064! fo distance f, Sound level i. be equal Ol (where, fy = 0 Foot Monat at that pent 10% wns) 1 Jee = haley ila “psa ths in Ea. (), 20 = ‘obeae(2) . i (:) 210 = = 05% = 10107) <7 ae 12 Shee, FON rods ny 8 Urine of 200m om and sie gas manne at © die nares peenammner ace ‘gstnce ofthe plane trom microphone has tobe say Speedo v_ =? "Speed of sound is v = 330 ms? - Seedolbserveris vg % i frequency is f”. As source moves away equency is Pitre |aY v4Ve =| 28804 vs = 96667 =v, 0.9%, (given) from stationary observer, apparent 2.lalWnen the locomotive is ‘approaching the stationary observer, |r Fe 3 pane locomotives moving away romthe stationary observer: fefve iv Way, q [fitted sonitnetes haw apprei naire ted "evan (Y=t0), v m = 340- 0.06 Te vat “ndis, x 256 = 20 x 256 =2438H2 vee 20 x 1700 = 16997 Hz rellects the same frequency Le. 1699.7 Hz. When nis "ceived by the receiver, apparent frequency is p= 340 _ x 4699.7 = 1699.42 340 + 006 or t < ©trevolutions per second = 2 Urea othe ccle = 1.986m |S eocty ofthe tuning forks 2 ‘2 "PIR 2 = 42 x 1.988 =25m8 ‘ASbeiame = inte am, located on the let side a a large distance ne leaves THe earam shows the station exact Let the aeropiane leaves Prato. bere x mero of tha faction of microphone, Then. PAT is the shortest distance betwean the microphone aeroplane PM = xsinao® » £ 2a 20 + r= 400m 2 Required distance = 1690 ~ 400 = 1230 m 27. (0 Aa tetensiy is power por unt area, P = 1 i P, =D) = 101009 !2 = tolog® P= Dy = 10loy 2 = 10l0g 2 400 = 10iog 400 aor) B a= = 10109920 = 19.08 (Increase in loudness lavel of sounds ; Ba By = 10log,,/2 coe 19-20-03 ' loge = 6 mel b= 10°), DPP-4 Doppler Effect-1 (1% Apparent frequency, when the tuning fork is ‘approaching the listener is (Je @ 350 = 8g sory 50 =35 #1077 © (2)Apparenttrequency, when the tuning forkismoving @ away rom the istenerisf = le 350 i ssf, Beo+ a5 = 0885 flisthe highest note and is the lowest note, Now. 41077 s 4 5.0) Int0s, me dstance rvcey sources s = Lat? Or $= 3110)(107 = 500m ‘Atti instant, observer wil racive that sound whieh soutce had emitted attimet =, (Say), Attimet, source wasatadistance,s*« 200)? = Now ina timo (10 ~f) Sound tavels.a distance strom source to ‘observer Thus, we have, St? = 340 (10 -t,) = 5tf + 9400, ~ 34004, ‘; 12 + 68t, ~ 680=0 t, = 82 Nia = 409-680) _ = SNE — AN (680) En) 1) = 885 s (neglecting negative rot) Jot eovnoe atta Ve ay # AO BR) ye aagie! THR ends o ‘is espeney assent raf gittgg |e oy WS, revctygerver at 10818 ONE DY treatin seboonin te ee mais sores eat NN Ze Se ‘Joo ae OD LL 3 2 0867S andty'= Bomar (GN) yee ox chemi 6s 002z2mie 8 cS) ge woe 8 = (00222 (9.8578) = OHO es “The apparent requency cbsenved by he cbse ro(t)o-(aettaw soo 82h: gu3-20-8 -(g3sn3)en9 (ve is velocity of wind) 1B. (0) Fest, sound emitted by the source passes through the water [dnd trikes the submanne, which acts as alistener, Second, when Trefects the sound, the submarine acts ike a source and warship ss the tstener, + von Ya) (M7 14-13) ggo9 gtatliz (sack) (seme seul toe ta) pa [1870+ 954 13) op9y 0 e> (Coects)e- (Gietizneg}oe eee Here, ts veloety f medium ie. ocean current, 9. (a) Let me speed of the plane {source} vy. Maumum frequency wal be heard by the ‘observer. when sound emited at {reaches hi At the pointy 16 ‘songSO, The observer receives maximum frequency. when the plane 1s nearest to hm (given). That 1 as soon as the wave pulse reaches O trom Swit Speed the pane reaches S"fromS with speedy, . Hence, @ ° so. Vee a5 ei) ‘Thus, ye (340) = 205 ws gr age HO sn 10. = [52 12. (6.0) Fork vy = 10ms" vo = 20ms y,c080 rainroaos,coanseranann THY = Ya omios suddenly as 0 approaches Honea Ne ion ia 414, (o\Volocyat detector at timer isvo = ot = 10F oo rcvemanoyenesesbyinodac tot || ra(eeta)e orf ow | r= 1000 + 1000 ie From the graph slope = 2 a 0000 , 190 Ly 2 geome" y 3 s-(Hite)o= 340+ 20) 59 = vate) (EE ap) oo Stone Fork Frequency rested by walls 340 Wil es the same equeney I tequency & nd the wal wi bo Salona ou or secngcar $0,000 & (42) Ee +20 v Alternate Method [Note : This method of imo Note Ii metho of noes should at be se, when lastest ) ssa) = sist 2am" tome"! Cart Cara Asst ume the image of car 2, treating the wall as a mitror. Now f0"| car 1 is tho obs se sibeSbsrvr andinago af car2is he source wit Fo pa(Ytto), «(240-20 (si). (FRE) 00 sis st

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