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Lesson 4 and differences between groups and variables.

Writing a Research Statement for ● What is the difference between the quality of
Quantitative Research natural and synthetic ink?

Statement of the Problem ● How do Gen Z and millennials differ in terms

of dating attitudes?
• A statement of the problem is an
integrative but brief discussion of the Evaluative research questions are formed to
research problem, its context, and the assess a particular observation or phenomenon
questions of the study. based on an established model or theory.
• It is written as part of the introduction
● They are usually observed in organizations,
and provides a concise overview of the
workplace, programs, and effectivity of
topic in relation to the research
● How satisfied are you with the implementation
Research Questions
of the K-12 curriculum?
• A research question identifies the
● Did the art therapy program work for the
specific aspects of the topic that the
patients with post-traumatic stress disorder?
current study seeks to investigate and
may vary depending on the extent of Explanatory research questions are formed to
their focus. explain, predict change or outcomes on

A statement of the problem usually begins observed relationships between variables, and
with introducing your general problem determine how one variable may have an
statement followed by the specific research
effect on another.
questions that aim to address the research
problem. ● How does nurse intervention affect a patient’s
presurgery stress level?
Categories of Research Questions
● How does employment tenure contribute to
Descriptive research questions
productivity of workers?
● Descriptive research question are used to
Characteristics of Good Research Questions
describe certain patterns and focus on single
and noncomplex variables. Relevant

● It may also be used to quantify or categorize All research questions must be relevant to the
variables in the study research problem.

How frequent is the production of essential oils Specific

for herbal medicines?
It must not be too broad or too detailed.
What criteria are considered by customers in
choosing a store?
Research questions should use simple language to
Comparative research questions are mainly used
be comprehensible.
for comparing and contrasting similarities
Analytical ● It should contain the research topic, the main
objective of the study, and the variables.
It does not simply ask “yes or no” questions but
needs complex analysis. This study aims to find out the effect of
Facebook photo ‘likes’ on the level of
self esteem of female senior high school
The measurability of research questions indicate students in XYZ School.
their feasibility and is measured through
4. Refine the statement of the problem.
standardized tests or experiments.
● A refined statement of the problem includes
Writing the Research Statement
the research questions and the potential
The following guidelines may be observed in benefits of the current study.
creating a well-structured research
● The research questions should be written in
declarative sentences.
Writing the Research Statement
1. Finalize the research topic.
Keep the statement of the problem short and
This will allow you to draft a coherent statement simple. Make sure that the statement of the
of the problem and give you guided starting point problem reflects the research problem,
and inquiry. research questions, and the aims of the
Topic: Effects of Facebook photo “likes” on
the self-esteem of teenagers The statement of the problem provides
context to the research problem. It is usually
Independent variable Facebook photo ‘likes’
included in the introductory part of a
Dependent variable Self-esteem of teenagers research study.

2. Draft the research questions. The research questions are the basis of the
statement of the problem. There are four
Based on the finalized research topics, the
main categories of research questions,
draft of the research questions will reflect the
namely: descriptive, comparative, evaluative,
aspects that the research is focused on. and explanatory research questions.

Explanatory Quantitative research questions must be

relevant, specific, clear, analytical, and
How do Facebook photo ‘likes’ affect the self-
esteem of female adolescents?

Statement of the problem – surroundings
What are the factors that affect the number of
Facebook photo ‘likes’? Research Problem

3. Write the general problem statement. Research Questions

● The general problem statement establishes Objectives

the overall goal and direction of the research.

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