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 In navigation, sight reduction is the process

of deriving from a sight, (in celestial

navigation usually obtained using a sextant),
and this sight is the information needed for
establishing a line of position.
Celestial Horizon
 Observer
 In north
 Pole
 The navigational triangle or PZX triangle is
a spherical triangle used in astronavigation to
determine the observer's position on
the globe.[1] It is composed of three reference
points on the celestial sphere:
 P is the Celestial Pole (either North or South).
It is a fixed point.

 Z is the observer's zenith, or their position on

the celestial sphere.

 X is the position of a celestial body, such as

the sun, moon, a planet, or a star.
 A spherical triangle on the celestial sphere is
called a celestial triangle.
 The spherical triangle of particular
significance to navigators is called the
 navigational triangle,
 Observer on earth has Latitude and
longitude.. It can be represent by DR or dead
reckoning position or usually In celestial
navigation they are the assumed position (AP)
of the observer.
 and the geographical position (GP) of the
body (the point having the body in its zenith).

 Can be determined from the bodies


 Declination and polar distance to the elevated

pole are compliment whose total is 90
If the polar
Distance of star
is 30 degrees,
Therefore the
Declination of
Star is 60 Degrees
 The line where Earth and sky appear to meet
is called the visible or apparent horizon. On
land this is usually an irregular line unless the
terrain is level. At sea the visible horizon
appears very regular and is often very sharp.
 However, its position relative to the celestial
sphere depends primarily upon (1) the
refractive index of the air and (2) the height
of the observer’s eye above the surface.
 Since the radius of the Earth is considered
negligible with respect to that of the celestial
sphere, these horizons become
superimposed, and most measurements are
referred only to the celestial horizon. This is
sometimes called the rational horizon.
 It is the celestial horizon if the plane passes
 through the center of the Earth, celestial
horizon is also known as the RATIONAL
 Observer’s Rational/Celestial horizon – it is a
great circle on a celestial sphere which is
perpendicular to the line of zenith and nadir
of the observer
 the geoidal horizon if it is tangent to the

 sensible horizon small circle that passes

through the eye of the observer at A
The Altitudes
 Angle at the center of the earth or arc of
vertical circle passing through celestial body
contained between observer’s zenith and line
joining the center of the earth to celestial
 Zx is a compliment
 Of altitude

 Zx plus altitude]
 Is 90 degrees
 Angle at the observer’s eye level contained
between his visible horizon and line joining
observer’s eye to Celestial body
 Visible horizon is the limit of area around the
observer which is under direct line of sight of
observer, the range will depend upon the
height of eye of the observer.


 Sensible Horizon is a small circle on celestial
sphere whose plane is parallel to rational
horizon and passes through the observer’s
eye level.

 Dip of Sea Horizon

 Angle at the observer‘s eye level between his

sensible horizon and visible horizon.
 Value of dip are tabulated against height of
eye in nautical table and also in nautical
almanac, which are based on following

 Determine Dip
Determine Dip using feet- 0.97 x (Square
Root of He (Height of Eye) in feet)
Determine Dip using meters- 1.76 x (Square
Root of He (Height of eye) in meters )
 Angle at the observer’s eye level contained
between his sensible horizon and celestial
 In case of sun and moon, it is easier and
more accurate to measure alt of upper or
lower limb of body than to observe estimated
center limb of the body.

 SD is thus correction to be applied to obtain

alt at the center of body.

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