TRANE Engineers Newsletter Ventilating Single-Duct VAV Systems

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providing insights for

today’s HVAC system designer

The Threefold Challenge Of …

Ventilating Single-Duct VAV Systems
From the editor … Quality,” defines the standard of care we conditions, Standard 62-1989 advises
Inside this first issue of the Engineers must exercise along the way: use of a ventilation control scheme
Newsletter for 1998, you’ll find a survey. that assures proper outdoor airflow to
It represents one of our resolutions for ■ Design for adequate ventilation every space at all load conditions.
the new year: to discover how we can capacity.
better tailor this publication to meet your Standard 62 directs us to use a
needs. Please invest a few minutes to multiple-space equation (MSE) when n
complete the questionnaire and return it calculating the required outdoor
to us promptly. We’d like to hear from airflow. The MSE assures proper Challenge 1: Design
you! accounting of both first-pass and Before we can find out required cooling
“unused” recirculated outdoor air. and heating coil capacities, outdoor
airflow must be determined. How much
Many modern buildings rely on variable outdoor air is needed to ventilate a
■ Operate for adequate ventilation at
air volume (VAV) systems for heating, air single-duct VAV system? By definition, a
all loads.
conditioning and ventilation. The fact multiple-space system always includes
that they provide many zones of control Standard 62 mandates that we
spaces with differing ventilation needs.
at relatively low cost and save fan provide each space with enough
One space, the “critical space,” receives
horsepower makes them a popular ventilation air to adequately dilute
precisely enough outdoor air for
system choice. They also do an excellent accumulated contaminants. Since the
adequate ventilation; all others are
job of indirectly controlling building amount of air delivered varies with
overventilated. Consequently, air
humidity since the air handler delivers thermal load, the outdoor air damper
returning from the spaces includes
constant-temperature, low-dew-point air must modulate to provide proper
“unused” outdoor air (suitable for
at all load conditions. ventilation airflow at part load.
ventilation) as well as “used” air
(unsuitable for ventilation).
The simplest and most common ■ Control to minimize the energy
system—single-duct VAV—comprises a impact of adequate ventilation. The amount of unused outdoor air in the
central VAV air handler and several local Recognizing that outdoor airflow exhaust air stream determines the
VAV boxes, one for each space or requirements vary with operating efficiency of the ventilation system: the
thermal control zone. See Figure 1. The
air handler delivers primary air (a
mixture of first-pass outdoor and Figure 1
recirculated return air) to the VAV boxes Simple Three-Space, Single-Duct VAV System
through a single duct. Then each VAV
box regulates the flow of primary air into VAV Rooftop Unit
the space to maintain the desired OA or Air Handler
sensible temperature.
Providing proper ventilation with this
simple multiple-space VAV system VAV Boxes

presents us with a three-part challenge

… and ASHRAE Standard 62-1989,
“Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Space 1 Space 2 Space 3
■ Vp = 5000 cfm ■ Vp = 5000 cfm ■ Vp = 5000 cfm
■ P = 25 people ■ P = 30 people ■ P = 47 people
■ DVR = 500 cfm ■ DVR = 600 cfm ■ DVR = 700 cfm
■ Eac = 1.0 ■ Eac = 1.0 ■ Eac = 1.0
■ Vm = 1000 cfm ■ Vm = 1000 cfm ■ Vm = 1000 cfm

© American Standard Inc. 1998 Volume 27, No. 1 January 1998 ■

higher the level of unused outdoor air, ■ Space 3 is an intermittently-used
the less efficient the system. Accounting conference room that accommodates
for ventilation system efficiency is 75 people. Since the average
The Multiple-Space
critical to proper VAV system design. occupancy is 47 and the per-person Equation …
That’s why Standard 62-1989 mandates ventilation rate is 15 cfm, the DVR is
ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 requires that
a multiple-space equation for calculating 700 cfm: DVR = 15 × 47 = 700 cfm.
designers solve the multiple-space
the minimum total outdoor airflow,
Equation 6-1 to determine the required
i.e. first-pass outdoor air introduced at
Air Change Effectiveness (Eac). This ratio of first-pass outdoor airflow to
the air handler, required for correct
characteristic describes how well air primary (supply) airflow—i.e. Y = X ÷ (1 +
supplied to the space mixes with air in X – Z). With that ratio, we can then
the occupied zone. (Some air may pass calculate the total outdoor airflow (Vot)
Space Ventilation. The first step is to
directly from the supply-air discharge to required: Vot = Y × Vpt.
find the design ventilation airflow, air
the return-air intake.) Properly selecting
change effectiveness and minimum Equation 6-1 can also be expressed in the
diffusers and minimum primary airflow
primary airflow for each space based on following form (dubbed “MSE”). The
settings usually yields effective mixing, so
its area, design population and design divisor represents ventilation system
let’s assume complete mixing (Eac = 1.0)
primary airflow. With that done, we can efficiency.
for each space in this example.
determine the worst-case ventilation
fraction (at minimum primary airflow) for MSE: Vot = Von ÷ Ev
each space. Minimum Primary Airflow (Vm). In a
single-duct VAV system, the primary The variable names and definitions
Design Ventilation Rate (DVR). Using airflow each space receives modulates in published here differ a bit from those in
the Ventilation Rate Procedure defined in response to its thermal load, but never Standard 62-1989, allowing application
ASHRAE Standard 62-1989 to establish below a minimum amount when to a broader range of VAV systems.
the DVR for each space, Figure 2, we find occupied. For this example, let’s assume
that: the minimum primary airflow must be at Other Equations
least 20 percent of design primary Von = ∑DVR [1]
■ Space 1 is a 5,000-square-foot office airflow (Vm = 1000 cfm) for each space.
DVR = P × Vo [2]
area with five occupants per 1,000 Ev = 1 + X – Z [3]
square feet. Per Table 2 of the Space Ventilation Fraction (z). Each
space receives the same fraction of X = Von ÷ Vpt [4]
Standard, proper ventilation (Vo)
ventilation air in its primary air stream, Vpt = ∑Vp [5]
means 20 cfm per person, so its DVR
is 500 cfm: DVR = 5 × 5000 ÷ but requires a different fraction. Properly Z = largest z [6]
1000 × 20 = 500 cfm. calculating the system’s ventilation z = DVR ÷ (Eac × Vp) [7] or
efficiency and first-pass outdoor airflow (DVR ÷ Eac) ÷ Vp
■ Space 2 is another office area that entails finding the worst-case (highest
requires 20 cfm for each of 30 possible) ventilation fraction for each
Equation Variables
occupants. Its DVR is 600 cfm: space. That condition occurs when the
DVR = space design ventilation
DVR = 30 × 20 = 600 cfm. primary supply airflow is at its minimum
requirement (cfm)
Eac = space air change effectiveness
ratio (usually 1.0)
Figure 2 Ev = ventilation system efficiency
Determining Total Outdoor Airflow With The MSE (fractional)
P = population (persons)
Vm = minimum primary airflow (cfm)
Vo = space ventilation rate (cfm/p)
Space 1 Space 2 Space 3 Von = total ventilation airflow (cfm)
Primary Airflow (cfm), Vp = 5,000 5,000 5,000 Vot = total outdoor airflow (cfm)
Ventilation Rate (cfm), DVR = 500 600 700 Vp = space primary airflow (cfm);
Minimum Primary Airflow (cfm), Vm = 1,000 1,000 1,000 Vp=Vd at design
Ventilation Fraction, zm
Vpt = total primary airflow (cfm);
= 0.50 0.60 0.70
Vpt=Vdt at design
Vpt = DF × ∑Vd = 10,000 cfm Using the MSE …
Von = ∑DVR = 1,800 cfm Vot = Von ÷ (1 + X – Z)
X = average ventilation fraction
X = Von ÷ Vst = 0.18 = 1,800 ÷ (1 + 0.18 – 0.70) Z = critical ventilation fraction
Z = largest zm = 0.70 = 3,750 cfm z = space ventilation fraction

■ 2 Trane Engineers Newsletter — Vol. 27, No. 1

of outdoor air in its primary air stream. In airflow to total primary airflow: X =
our example, Space 3 has the highest Von ÷ Vpt. For our example, average
Design Tip … ventilation fraction at minimum primary ventilation fraction X = 1,800 ÷ 10,000 =
Establish a space minimum primary airflow, so the critical ventilation fraction 0.18.
airflow that’s 25 to 100 percent greater becomes 0.70 (i.e. Z = zm3 = 0.70).
than the design ventilation rate. Using a Ventilation System Efficiency (Ev).
Vm that equals the DVR (an all-too- Average Ventilation Fraction (X). We now have enough information to
common design mistake) means that the Before we can find the lowest ventilation find the ventilation system efficiency. For
minimum primary airflow must consist system efficiency, we need to determine single-duct VAV systems, Ev is defined in
entirely of first-pass outdoor air. This the system’s average ventilation fraction. terms of average and critical ventilation
creates an added air-conditioning burden fractions; i.e. Ev=1+X–Z. For this
that’s unnecessary and costly. We’ll begin by calculating the total example, ventilation system efficiency is
ventilation airflow, Von, required for the 0.48 (i.e. Ev=1+0.18–0.70). In other
system. That’s simply a matter of adding words, the ventilation system uses only
the individual space design ventilation 48 percent of the first-pass outdoor air
setting (Vp = Vm). To calculate worst-case rates: Von = ΣDVR = 1,800 cfm. introduced for ventilation; the other
ventilation fraction zm for each space in 52 percent exhausts from the building
Figure 2, divide the design ventilation Next, we’ll determine total primary without actually diluting contaminants.
rate by the minimum primary airflow; airflow Vpt when ventilation system
then correct for air change effectiveness: efficiency is lowest. (This happens when Total Outdoor Airflow (Vot). Finally,
zm = DVR ÷ (Eac × Vm). the critical space is at minimum primary we can calculate the required worst-case
airflow and all other spaces are at or near total outdoor airflow, accounting for
System Ventilation. Now, let’s turn design primary airflow.) For most VAV ventilation system efficiency: Vot=
our attention to system-level needs. VAV systems, lowest ventilation system Von ÷ Ev = 1800 ÷ 0.48 = 3,750 cfm.
systems require highest outdoor airflow efficiency occurs at design primary
at the lowest ventilation system airflow, and it’s usually determined by Notice that the percentage of first-pass
efficiency. Lowest ventilation system accounting for load diversity; i.e. Vpt = outdoor air required in the primary air
efficiency occurs when the critical space Vdt= DF × ΣVd, where load diversity stream (3,750 ÷ 10,000 or 37 percent) is
requires minimum primary airflow factor DF is defined as Block Load ÷ Peak less than the percentage of ventilation
(worst-case ventilation fraction) and total Load. For our example, let’s assume a airflow required by the critical space (70
primary airflow Vpt is at design. load diversity factor (DF) of 0.67 to find percent). Is the critical space properly
the total primary airflow at design: Vpt = ventilated? Yes, because the unused
Using the space-related information Vdt= DF × ΣVd = 0.67 × 15,000 = 10,000. outdoor air in the recirculated air stream
determined above, we’ll find worst-case provides the balance of the ventilation air
ventilation fraction Z for the critical space Now we can calculate average ventilation needed in the critical space.
and average ventilation fraction X; then fraction X as the ratio of total ventilation
lowest ventilation system efficiency Ev.
Finally, we’ll calculate worst-case
(highest) minimum total outdoor airflow
Table 1
Vot using the MSE; see Table 1.
Outdoor Air, Vot,
System Required Per ASHRAE
Critical Ventilation Fraction (Z). The Load Characteristic Space 1 Space 2 Space 3 62-1989
space with the highest ventilation Primary Airflow, Vp 5,000 cfm 4,000 cfm 1,000 cfm
fraction at minimum primary airflow
Ventilation Rate, DVR 500 cfm 600 cfm 700 cfm
becomes the ventilation-critical space for 100%
37% or
the system, defining the critical Ventilation Fraction, z 0.100 0.150 0.700 3,750 cfm

ventilation fraction (Z = largest zm). The Avg Ventilation Fraction 0.180

critical space needs the highest fraction Primary Airflow, Vp 1,000 cfm 3,000 cfm 3,000 cfm
Ventilation Rate, DVR 500 cfm 600 cfm 700 cfm 34% or
Ventilation Fraction, z 0.500 0.200 0.233 2,380 cfm

Avg Ventilation Fraction 0.257

Primary Airflow, Vp 1,000 cfm 1,500 cfm 1,000 cfm
Ventilation Rate, DVR 500 cfm 600 cfm 700 cfm 63% or
Ventilation Fraction, z 0.500 0.400 0.700 2,210 cfm

Avg Ventilation Fraction 0.514

“providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer” 3 ■

Notice, too, that the percentage of first- airflow (Vp = 4,000 cfm) and Space 3 = 0.757). Since average ventilation
pass outdoor air in the primary air requires less than 20 percent of design fraction X increases from 0.180 to 0.257,
stream (37 percent) is higher than airflow (Vp = Vm = 1,000 cfm). Full-load less overventilation occurs in non-critical
average ventilation airflow (18 percent) (design) ventilation system efficiency, spaces so less unused outdoor air
required for the system. Is the system calculated earlier (Ev = 0.480), results in a exhausts. The higher ventilation
overventilated? No, because the critical worst-case total outdoor airflow (Vot) of efficiency means that the system requires
space needs significantly higher 3,750 cfm. For proper system ventilation less total first-pass outdoor airflow (Vot
ventilation airflow than the system at design, the air handler must provide = 1,800 ÷ 0.757 = 2,380 cfm) even
average; the non-critical spaces are primary air that contains 37.5 percent though space design ventilation rates
overventilated and return unused air to first-pass outdoor air. (DVR) remain unchanged.
the air handler for recirculation.
70 Percent Load. On a cool summer For proper ventilation at 70 percent load,
Now, using worst-case total outdoor morning, the load experienced by our 34 percent of the total primary airflow
airflow Vot, the cooling and heating coils example system may be only 70 percent. delivered by the air handler must be first-
can be selected to accommodate both At this condition, assume Space 1 pass outdoor air.
space and ventilation (outdoor air) loads. requires 20 percent of design airflow,
while Spaces 2 and 3 each require 60 35 Percent Load. Now let’s consider
percent. To provide proper system the 35 percent load of an autumn day.
n ventilation at this part-load condition, we Assume Spaces 1 and 3 each require 20
Challenge 2: Operate must determine these values: percent of design airflow, while Space 2
The design procedure just described requires 30 percent. As was true for the
identifies the worst-case total outdoor ■ The current ventilation fraction 70 percent load condition, we must
airflow. What happens to ventilation for each space. In Space 1, account for the current ventilation
requirements during normal operation? z = 500 ÷ 1,000 = 0.500; in Space 2, system efficiency to assure proper
Let’s find out by examining our example z = 600 ÷ 3,000 = 0.200; and in ventilation.
single-duct VAV system at three load Space 3, z = 700 ÷ 3,000 = 0.233.
conditions: full (100 percent), 70 percent ■ The current critical space ventilation This time, the ventilation fraction for
and 35 percent. See Table 2, Column A. fraction. In this case, Z = Space 1 z = Space 1 is z = 500 ÷ 1,000 = 0.500; for
0.500. Space 2, it’s z = 600 ÷ 1,500 = 0.400; and
Full Load. At full load on a sunny in Space 3, it’s z = 700 ÷ 1,000 = 0.700.
■ The current average ventilation
summer afternoon, assume Space 1 Since Space 3 has the highest ventilation
fraction, i.e. X = 1,800 ÷ 7,000 =
requires design airflow (Vp = 5,000 cfm), fraction, critical space ventilation fraction
Space 2 requires 80 percent of design Z = 0.700. Using this value and the
current average ventilation fraction
The system achieves a higher ventilation (X = 1,800 ÷ 3,500 = 0.514), we can
system efficiency at this load condition calculate the ventilation system efficiency
than at full load (Ev = 1 + 0.257 – 0.500 at this condition: Ev = 1 + X – Z = 0.814.

Table 2
Outdoor Air, Vot, Delivered
Outdoor Air, Vot,
System Required Per ASHRAE Fixed Damper Fixed Flow Ventilation
Load Characteristic Space 1 Space 2 Space 3 62-1989 At “N” At Max Reset
Primary Airflow, Vp
Ventilation Rate, DVR
5,000 cfm
500 cfm
4,000 cfm
600 cfm
1,000 cfm
700 cfm
37% or
18% or
37% or
37% or
Ventilation Fraction, z 0.100 0.150 0.700 3,750 cfm 1,800 cfm 3,750 cfm 3,750 cfm

Avg Ventilation Fraction, X 0.180

Primary Airflow, Vp 1,000 cfm 3,000 cfm 3,000 cfm
Ventilation Rate, DVR 500 cfm 600 cfm 700 cfm 34% or 18% or 54% or 34% or
Ventilation Fraction, z 0.500 0.200 0.233 2,380 cfm 1,260 cfm 3,750 cfm 2,380 cfm

Avg Ventilation Fraction, X 0.257

Primary Airflow, Vp 1,000 cfm 1,500 cfm 1,000 cfm
Ventilation Rate, DVR 500 cfm 600 cfm 700 cfm 63% or 18% or 100% or 63% or
Ventilation Fraction, z 0.500 0.400 0.700 2,210 cfm 630 cfm 3,500 cfm 2,210 cfm

Avg Ventilation Fraction, X 0.514

■ 4 Trane Engineers Newsletter — Vol. 27, No. 1

Again, the system achieves greater 1989. Can we achieve compliance by
ventilation system efficiency since the delivering a constant volume of outdoor
average ventilation fraction is high (X = air?
Design Tip …
0.516). The result is less overventilation Many indirect (e.g. temperature-based)
in non-critical spaces; therefore, less Suppose we specify a minimum fixed airflow-sensing schemes are unable to
unused outdoor air in the exhaust. outdoor airflow that introduces the meet the 10 percent accuracy criterion
design outdoor air volume at all load typical of air balancing requirements.
Total first-pass outdoor airflow drops conditions. In other words, we calculated Direct-sensing methods such as
(Vot = 1,800 ÷ 0.814 = 2,210 cfm) even ventilation system efficiency (Ev) and independent airflow-monitoring stations
though space design ventilation rates total outdoor airflow (Vot) at design, can be costly (require field-installation
(DVR) haven’t changed. then provided the means to sense and -calibration) or difficult to apply
outdoor airflow and maintain it at the (short outdoor air ducts often limit their
For proper ventilation at 35 percent load, desired value. This strategy requires use). Several air handler manufacturers
the primary air stream must include 63 accurate sensing and control of outdoor offer an alternative: factory-installed and
percent first-pass outdoor airflow. airflow, and assumes a constant low -calibrated airflow sensors that require
ventilation system efficiency (Ev < 1.0) at very little straight duct, reduce
Fixed OA Damper. Traditionally, most both design and part-load conditions. installation costs and sense accurately
VAV system designers set the outdoor air over a wide range of temperatures and
(OA) damper to a fixed position and Table 2, Column C, shows the effect on airflows.
allow actual outdoor air intake to vary our example system. Total outdoor
with system primary airflow. Can the airflow (Vot) is sensed and maintained at
ventilation requirement be met with a the design value (3,750 cfm), and the
fixed-position outdoor air damper? system is properly ventilated at full load.
But when the load is 70 percent of ventilation at part load, assuring proper
Suppose we specify a minimum fixed design, the system delivers 3,750 cfm of ventilation without overventilating and
OA damper position yielding a design outdoor air when it needs only 2,380 unnecessarily increasing operating costs.
outdoor airflow that reflects the average cfm. And, at 35 percent load, the system
system ventilation requirement. In other delivers 3,500 cfm of outdoor air when it ASHRAE Requirements. ASHRAE
words, we calculated average ventilation requires only 2,210 cfm. (Since primary Standard 62-1989 states that “… when
fraction X by summing the space airflow is less than 3,750 cfm, all primary mechanical ventilation is used, provision
ventilation rates (Von) and dividing by air is first-pass outdoor air.) In short, for airflow measurement should be
the design primary airflow (Vpt). We then maintaining total outdoor airflow Vot at included,” and that for VAV systems, “…
set the OA damper position to provide the worst-case condition yields proper provision shall be made to maintain
this fraction of outdoor air at all load ventilation at full load, but excessive acceptable indoor air quality throughout
conditions. This is a common design (and costly!) ventilation at all part-load the occupied zone.” Here, we can
mistake! Table 2, Column B, illustrates conditions. interpret that “provision” for airflow
why … measurement is an outdoor airflow
This begs another obvious question: Can sensor and that “provision” for
Even though the system requires the total outdoor airflow setpoint be maintaining acceptable IAQ is a control
37 percent (3,750 cfm) outdoor air at full reset at part-load conditions to match scheme that delivers proper ventilation to
load for proper ventilation, the fixed actual ventilation requirements? The all spaces at all loads.
position of the OA damper delivers only answer lies in control.
18 percent (1,800 cfm). At a 70 percent With regard to multiple-space system
load, the system delivers 1,260 cfm (i.e. ventilation, ASHRAE Standard 62-1989
18 percent of 7,000 cfm) while it needs n also states: “When more than one space
2,380 cfm. And at a 35 percent load, it is served by a common supply system …
delivers only 630 cfm from outside when Challenge 3: Control the system outdoor air quantity shall
2,210 cfm is needed. In effect, fixing the The previous design procedure yielded then be determined using Equation 6.1”
OA damper to introduce 18 percent worst-case total outdoor airflow. But as and the multiple-space equation (MSE).
outdoor air at any primary airflow we’ve seen, ventilation system efficiency
underventilates all spaces at all load goes up during normal operation since In other words, proper ventilation for
conditions. multiple-space systems exhaust less multiple-space VAV systems must be
unused air at part load. That means we determined using the MSE; outdoor
Fixed Outdoor Airflow. It takes the can meet part-load ventilation airflow measurement and control are
right volume, not percentage, of requirements with less total outdoor encouraged. It follows that a control
outdoor air to meet the ventilation airflow. As designers, we’re challenged scheme that senses actual space airflow
requirement in ASHRAE Standard 62- to devise a system that controls and solves the MSE dynamically to reset

“providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer” 5 ■

the total outdoor airflow setpoint (Vot) controllers, a building automation (X = Von÷Vpt), then the ventilation
will satisfy Standard 62’s ventilation system (BAS) with simple equation- system efficiency (Ev = 1 + X – Z), and
requirements. The term coined for this solving capability, and an air handler with finally, a new outdoor airflow setpoint
control scheme is ventilation reset. a DDC controller and the means for (Vot = Von÷Ev) that it sends to the air
sensing outdoor airflow and maintaining handler controller.
Basic Ventilation Reset. Though it at a setpoint value. See Figure 3.
space ventilation requirements remain When the air handler’s DDC controller
constant, our example load conditions In operation, individual DDC/VAV receives this value, it modulates the OA
illustrate that decreased primary airflow controllers sense the primary airflow (Vp) damper as required to maintain outdoor
leads to increased ventilation system in the spaces they serve. Each controller airflow at the new setpoint.
efficiency. Since ventilation system includes a setting for its design
efficiency increases at part load, the total ventilation requirement (DVR). Using What’s It Worth? Ventilation reset
first-pass outdoor airflow required to sensed primary airflow, each DDC/VAV control saves operating costs, but may
properly ventilate all spaces drops (from controller (or the BAS) calculates the increase the first cost of the system. Can
worst-case) as the load decreases. current space ventilation fraction: it be justified?
z = DVR ÷ Vp (if air change effectiveness,
Ventilation reset control takes advantage Eac, is 1.0). Each controller must also We used the TRACE® building energy
of increased ventilation system efficiency include a minimum airflow setpoint and economic analysis software to model
at part load to reduce the system’s (Vm). That value determines the required a three-story building with a single-duct
operating cost. A basic ventilation reset worst-case outdoor airflow and is used VAV system. We compared the HVAC
control scheme senses airflow in each to size the cooling coil during the design operating costs of three different
space and uses these values to calculate process. ventilation schemes in four geographic
the current required airflow setpoint (i.e. locations:
solves the MSE to find Vot). The control The BAS continuously polls each DDC/
system then senses and modulates VAV controller to collect ventilation data ■ The simple, traditional fixed-damper
outdoor airflow to maintain the new from every space, including primary approach, which underventilates at all
setpoint. airflow Vp, design ventilation loads and doesn’t meet the ventilation
requirement DVR, and ventilation requirements of ASHRAE Standard
Implementation. Practicing ventilation fraction z. It then calculates total primary 62-1989.
reset in a single-duct VAV application airflow (Vpt = ∑Vp), total design ■ Controlled outdoor airflow fixed at
requires communicating controls ventilation airflow (Von = ∑DVR), and the worst-case value, which
throughout the system. Specifically, it the critical space ventilation fraction overventilates and exceeds ASHRAE
requires VAV terminal units with (Z = largest z). Using these values, it finds requirements. And …
pressure-independent (DDC/VAV) the average ventilation fraction
■ Ventilation reset, which meets
ASHRAE requirements without
overventilation (Table 2, Column D).
Figure 3
Air Handling System With Ventilation Reset
As Figure 4 shows, improper ventilation
costs the least to operate, worst-case
RA ventilation costs the most to operate,
and properly controlled (reset) ventilation
Means To Measure And Central-Station Air Handler approaches the low cost of improper
Control Outdoor Airflow With Controls
ventilation. Notice, too, that the value of
ventilation reset changes dramatically
OA SA with geographic location.

Enhanced Ventilation Reset.

Communicating BAS DDC/VAV With the equipment, controls and
Terminals information-processing system for basic
ventilation reset in place, several
■ Required Ventilation (DVR)
■ Primary Airflow (Vp)
■ Space Ventilation Fraction
(z = DVR ÷ Vp)
■ Totals (Von, Vpt)
■ Average Ventilation Fraction (X)
■ Critical Ventilation Fraction (Z)
■ Minimum Outdoor Airflow Setpoint (Vot)

■ 6 Trane Engineers Newsletter — Vol. 27, No. 1

advanced control schemes become Figure 4
feasible. A brief discussion of them A Comparison Of HVAC Operation*

Critical Minimum Reset. During 90% * Data was obtained using

% HVAC Energy Consumption

normal operation, the primary airflow to TRACE® 600 load, energy
and economic analysis
the critical space significantly impacts 80% software.
ventilation system efficiency and required Legend
total outdoor airflow. Why? Fixed Damper,
Minimum Position
60% (Non-compliant
Recall that efficiency depends on the with ASHRAE 62-89)

critical ventilation fraction (Ev = 1 + X – Z) 50% Fixed Flow,

and that this fraction, in turn, depends Maximum OA
on the critical space primary airflow (Z = Ventilation Reset
z = DVR ÷ Vp). So, raising the critical 30%
space primary airflow lowers the critical Miami Minneapolis Seattle Toronto
ventilation fraction which, in turn, raises
ventilation system efficiency.
average ventilation fraction (X) increases
Primary airflow to the critical space can which, in turn, increases ventilation In A Nutshell …
be increased simply by resetting the system effectiveness (Ev) and decreases ■ You can design single-duct VAV
minimum primary airflow setting (Vm) total outdoor airflow (Vot). Operating- systems that meet ASHRAE Standard
upward. Of course, since the space cost savings related to outdoor air 62-1989 requirements for proper
thermostat requires less than the new preconditioning can be significant, ventilation. Just be sure to use the
minimum primary airflow, the supply air especially for spaces with high occupant multiple-space equation.
to the space must be tempered density and predictable patterns like
■ Supply airflow varies during normal
(reheated) to assure thermal comfort. churches and classrooms.
operation, so proper ventilation
Usually, the operating-cost savings of
means maintaining the required
reduced outdoor airflow dwarfs the Estimated Occupancy Reset. Sensing
volume. No more fixed dampers!
operating-cost penalty of tempering. or estimating actual occupancy can
improve the “predicted occupancy reset” ■ Well-thought-out control schemes
Predicted Occupancy Reset. Single- scheme just described. An accurate can minimize the operating-cost
duct VAV systems often include a mixture estimate of the current population (P) in impact of proper ventilation at part
of occupied and unoccupied spaces, all a space can be used to reset the “design” load. Make sure your control schemes
served by the same air handler. Many ventilation rate to a lower level; recall dynamically solve the multiple-space
spaces exhibit predictable occupancy that DVR = P×Vo. An office designed for equation for current operating
patterns … patterns so predictable that 30 people (DVR = 30 × 20 = 600 cfm) but conditions. ■
the BAS can be programmed with an occupied by 10 requires only one third of
occupancy schedule. the design ventilation rate: DVR’ = By Dennis Stanke, applications engineer,
10 × 20 = 200 cfm. Reducing the design and Brenda Bradley, information
An unoccupied space typically needs no ventilation rate in one or more spaces designer, The Trane Company.
ventilation or primary airflow. Scheduling decreases the total ventilation airflow. It
one or more spaces as “unoccupied” also yields a lower average ventilation If you’d like to comment on this article,
decreases total ventilation airflow (Von) fraction, a slightly lower ventilation send a note to The Trane Company,
slightly and total primary airflow (Vpt) system efficiency and a significant Engineers Newsletter Editor, 3600
more significantly. Consequently, the decrease in total outdoor airflow. Pammel Creek Road, La Crosse WI 54601
or visit Trane on the Internet at
As we’ve already illustrated, operating-
cost savings can be significant at partial
occupancy, especially for spaces with
highly variable populations such as
theaters and airport terminals.

“providing insights for today’s HVAC system designer” 7 ■

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■ How do you use this publication? as a technical reference

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■ Has the Engineers Newsletter positively influenced your yes

opinion of The Trane Company? no

■ What is your job title? design engineer

project manager
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building owner
Please tell us how we’re doing … We’d like to know what you think of the Engineers Newsletter
and discover how we can tailor it to better meet your needs. Are we, in fact, “providing insights for today’s
HVAC system designer”? Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions and mail your
response. (The other side of this sheet is pre-addressed, and we’ll pay the the postage.) If you prefer, fax your
response to us at 608.787.3005. Thanks for your time and feedback!

■ How do you usually receive this newsletter? by mail

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■ How would you prefer to receive it? by mail

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delivered by my Trane rep
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■ Do you read the Engineers Newsletter? yes, in detail

yes, I skim it

■ Do the topics covered interest you? yes


■ In general, how would you describe the level of detail too little
that’s provided? too much
just right

■ How do you use this publication? as a technical reference

(Check all that apply.) as a source for innovative design ideas
to develop specifications
for personal or in-house training
for problem-solving

■ Has the Engineers Newsletter positively influenced your yes

opinion of The Trane Company? no

■ What is your job title? design engineer

project manager
facility manager
building owner

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