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GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Ministry of Environment and Forests (Regional Office, Southern Zone) Bangalore-34 MONITORING REPORT PARTI F. No, EP/12.1/ 235/Karnataka 1 Name of the projects Expansion of Electroplating unit of M/s Proseal Closures Limited at Jigani Industrial area, Bangalore 2 Clearance letter No.& date No. No. J-11011/39/4005 1A-II (1) dt. 05.08.2005 3 Location: District & State / UT KIADB Industrial Area, Jigani, Anekal, Bangalore 4 Address for correspondence: Mr. L.H. Siddeswara, Head, HR & Admin, M/s Proseal Closures Limited Piot No. 51, Road -No.3,, KIADB Industrial Area Jigani, Bangalore - 560 105 Cell: + 9448053310 Tel: 080-27825 352-55 5 Date of site visit for this 30.03.2017 report 6 Date of previous visit(s) ifany 10.08.2006 & 30.03.2009 7 Brief on the project along with the present status: ‘The site visit to this unit was carried out along with Mr. L.H. Siddeswara, Head, HR & Admin and Mr. Ayli Jeyanna, Manager of the unit. Environment clearance for the unit was granted by the Ministry in 2005. The unit has valid consents to operate and authorization from KSPCB. Air Pollution Control: PA has provided arrangement for fume extraction from the plating area and water scrubber for the neutralization of the fumes. The scrubber water is treated in the ETP. The dust collector has been provided with boiler. The latest monitoring report produced by the PA shows the emission confirms the prescribed standards, ETP: The different stream of effluent like chrome, zinc are separately collected for the treatment. The metals are precipitated by correction of pH and addition of chemicals. The sludge containing metals are collected and handed over to the authorized agency. The car effluent is then passed through three stage of RO. The permeate is recycled and rejects is sent back to the ETP thus achieving zero discharge. Hazardous Waste: The hazardous waste such as ETP sludge, spent oil etc are collected and stored in a shed However, the empty drums/ can are stored outside the shed on ground without any impervious flooring. PA has been advised to provide flooring and roof for the same. For handling hazardous waste, authorization has been obtained. Green Belt The unit has developed certain green belt in an area of about 10000 sq ft and the treated sewage water is being used for gardening. The average quantity of treated sewage is about 6 KLD and entire quantity cannot be used for garden during winter, therefore, the PA has been advised to have additional plantation in and outside of the unit & give the treated sewage to the other units ) for garden application (M/s GCI Casting in the same industrial estate is in need of water for garden development. ) The PA has not submitted six monthly compliance report after 2009. PA was advised to submit the report regularly. Previous Monitoring: ‘The unit was monitored lastly in the year 2009 and reported satisfactory. The detailed point wise compliance for their environmental clearance is given in this report. Mer (E-Thirunavukkarasu) Scientist “D” fer vir yw PART-II Status of compliance to the Environmental clearance issued for the Expansion of Ekctroplating unit of M/s Proseal Closures Limited at Jigani Industrial area, Bangalore vide Ref: No, No. J-11011/39/2005 1A-II (1) dt. 05.08.2005 SLNo vii vii Compliance status in brief: Specific Conditions Treated effluent and stack emission to conform to standards Handling of hazardous waste Fume extraction and control system for bath section, Effluent treatment Sludge disposal and treatment Raw material conservation and Waste minimisation manual Green belt development in 45306 saft. Occupational health surveillance Rain water Harvesting General Conditions Shall adhere to the stipulations made by the KSPCB No further expansion or modifications without prior approval Adequate no of effluent monitoring stations Environmental Protection measures Adequate fund Allocation Six monthly reports to RO ‘Advertisement about obtaining of env. clearance in newspapers COMPLIANCE Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Complied Partially Complied Complied Agreed Agreed Complied Complied Complied Refer Part III Complied PART-IL A, Specific Conditions iii vi Treated effluent and stack emission to conform to standards The industry has provided treatment system consisting of metal precipitation and RO. The permeate from RO is reused. The dust collector has been provided with boiler. The latest monitoring report produced by the PA shows the treated effluent and emission confirms the prescribed standards. Handling of hazardous waste ‘The hazardous waste such as ETP sludge, spent oil etc are collected and stored in a shed However, the empty drums/ can are stored outside the shed on ground without any impervious flooring. PA has been advised to provide flooring and roof for the same. For handling hazardous waste authorization was obtained. Fume extraction and control system for bath section PA has provided arrangement for fume extraction from the plating area and water scrubber for the neutralization of the fumes. The scrubber water is treated in the ETP. Effluent treatment The different stream of effluent like chrome, zinc are separately collected for the treatment. The metals are precipitated by correction of pH and addition of chemicals, The sludge containing metals are collected and handed over to the authorized agency. The clear effluent is then passed through three stage of RO. The permeate is recycled and rejects is sent back to the ETP thus achieving zero discharge. Sludge disposal and treatment ‘The sludge generated from the ETP/ filter press is collected in the double lined bags and stored in closed rooms for the disposal to the authorized agency. ‘The unit has membership from the M/s Ramky-TSDF operator. Raw material conservation and Waste minimisation manual The unit had installed RO and the permeate is reused thus reducing the fresh water consumption. Further, in the process secondary rinses are used for primary rinsing to reduce rinsing effluent at source. vii viii Green belt development in 45306 sqft. The unit has developed certain green belt in an area of about 10000 sq ft and the treated sewage water is being used for gardening. The average quantity of treated sewage is about 6 KLD and entire quantity cannot be used for garden during winter, therefore, the PA has been advised to have additional plantation in and outside of the unit & give the treated sewage to the other units) for garden application (M/s GCI Casting in the same industrial estate is in need of water for garden development. ) Occupational health surveillance As per the records produced, the occupational health surveillance for the workers is carried out once in a year. Rain water Harvesting The PA has provided recharging pits within the project area. B. General Conditions : iii KSPCB stipulations to be adhered to ‘The unit has valid consent and authorization from SPCB and agreed to comply with any other conditions on improvement of environment. No further expansion without MoEF approval Agreed Adequate no of effluent monitoring stations ‘The performance of the ETP is being monitored regularly through the third party. PA has appointed an environmental engineer to ok after the operation of ETP. Environmental Protection measures PA has ZERO discharge ETP as explained at specific condition (iv). Adequate fund Allocation PA has invested and established zero discharge effluent plant and adequate fund is allotted for the operation of the same and other environmental measures. vi vii Six monthly reports to RO The PA has not submitted six monthly compliance report after 2009. PA was advised to submit the report regularly. Accordingly, PA has submitted the report and assured for regular submission in feature. Advertisement on EC in newspapers Already advertised in two local newspapers Uday vani and Hindu. OSes (EThirunavukkarasu) Scientist ‘D’ pr? he Me oped

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