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Transkrypcja nagrań


Nagranie 1.02
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 98. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Have you bought a present for Amy yet?

• Yes, I sent her a beautiful shopping bag with Santa Claus and some reindeer on it.
• Why did you send it? Isn’t she going to be at home for Christmas?
• I’m afraid she’s got other plans - she’s going to Paris with her new boyfriend. But, as far as I
know, she will be with us on New Year’s Day.
• But on the 24th, 25th and 26th our family have always been together...
• I know, I tried to convince her, but she said that she had spent Easter with us and she didn’t
even want to listen about coming home in December...
• Yeah, yeah, she has always been very stubborn.

Tekst drugi

• Have you heard about Adam?

• No, what’s wrong with him?
• He’s in hospital.
• I can’t believe it! Yesterday I swam with him in the pool and after that we went to the sauna
together. Then he decided to have another swim, but I was in a hurry and left. What's the
matter with him?
• He slipped on the wet floor next to the pool and fell over. The doctors say that he’s seriously
injured his head.
• I do hope that he will recover soon.

Tekst trzeci

• Harry, what on earth have you put in the fridge?

• Nothing special, but why are you asking?
• Something smells really horrible…
• Aah, I forgot to tell you that yesterday I bought a piece of French cheese.
• Do you mean to tell me that it's French cheese that smells so awful?
• Yes, but it tastes delicious! Would you like to try some?
• No, thanks. Just put it in a box and keep it closed tightly, please.

Strona 1 z 44
Nagranie 1.03
Zadanie 1., s. 99. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Have you seen my pencil case mum?

• No, but you’ve got such a mess on your desk that I’m not surprised that you can’t find it.
• I think I put it on my desk when I was doing my homework yesterday, but it isn’t there now.
• Have you checked your bookshelf?
• Yes, but there are only my books there.
• What about your schoolbag? Maybe you put your pencil case in it but you can’t remember
doing it?
• Let me see... You’re right, mum. Here it is! Thank you!

Tekst drugi

Dear students, I’d like to introduce you to your new IT teacher Mr. Philips. He’s going to teach you
how to become good computer programmers. But that's not all, Mr. Philips is also an international
judo champion and a qualified judo instructor. This term he is going to organise extra classes for any
students who would like to take up the sport. Mr. Philips, can you tell us a bit more about it?

Tekst trzeci

• Daniel, I asked you to fill in the questionnaire for our school library. Have you done it yet?
• Sorry Ms. Williams. I've had no time because of my little sister.
• Your little sister?
• Yes, my parents celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary by going for a meal at a
restaurant, and I had to stay at home and look after her.
• That’s very kind of you, but you should remember about your school commitments, too.
What about your homework?
• Oh, I managed to do that earlier.
• Well, that's something, but remember to give me your questionnaire back some time before
tomorrow and treat “tomorrow” as the final deadline!

Strona 2 z 44
Nagranie 1.04
Zadanie 2., s. 100. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Did you know that in China a university is offering a special programme for students who are
• No, what does it look like? Do they have extra fitness classes or something similar to help
their students lose weight?
• Unfortunately, they don’t. It would be great to get, for example, some extra swimming
classes, but the students there receive end-of-term grades which are based not only on their
knowledge, but also on whether or not they have got any slimmer.
• But that’s ridiculous! Losing weight shouldn’t influence the grades they receive!
• I agree but every country’s universities can decide about the rules they have.

Tekst drugi

• At last!
• What are you talking about?
• You have to read this article about cleaning up the oceans. You’ve always been so interested
in protecting the natural environment!
• What do you mean by “cleaning up of the oceans” – the removal of thousands of tons of
plastic bottles and other rubbish floating on the water?
• Not exactly ON but rather IN the water. In the Baltic, for example, specialist teams are
recovering discarded fishing nets. They say that there are about 800 tons of them in the sea,
and thousands of fish, birds and sea mammals die in them every year.
• At last somebody has started getting interested in the problem. Let me have a look...

Tekst trzeci

• Do you ever go jogging or do any other kind of sports, George?

• No, why?
• Then you fall into a high risk group...
• Could you please explain exactly what it is you’re talking about?
• With pleasure! We’ve done a project which showed that almost half of middle-aged people
aged between 40 and 50 don’t do any sport. What’s more, 40% of young people aged 20-30
don’t even have the time to go for a short walk. As a result, comparing the present situation
with that of the past, we – both young and middle-aged people – are generally 1/5 less active

Strona 3 z 44
than we were in the late 20th century. And one result is a weaker society and a growing
number of illnesses.
• Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a little, Tom?

Nagranie 1.05
Zadanie 3., s. 101. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• What are you doing?

• I have to find some information about Charles de Gaulle for the history day we are organising
at school.
• I’ve heard something about him on TV. Wasn’t he the President of France?
• Yes, and on 6th September 1967 he came to Poland on an official visit. He stayed here for a
week and visited Warsaw, Gdańsk, Kraków and Katowice.
• That’s interesting. Can I help out with your presentation?
• Of course. Anyone can take part.

Tekst drugi

• Do you know what is currently the world’s tallest building?

• As far as I know I live in the tallest block of flats but that’s only in my city. But joking aside,
I’ve heard that Dubai in the Arab Emirates is famous for its skyscrapers and that it now has
the tallest building in the world.
• Do you mean the one which was built in 2009 and has got 211 floors.
• Exactly, it is more than 800 metres tall.
• Have you heard that they are going to build another one?
• No.
• It is going to be a tower which will be a 1,300 metres tall entertainment centre.

Tekst trzeci

• Chris, do you ever listen to music on CDs or DVDs?

• I don’t. They are too expensive for me to buy, so I prefer using streaming services on the
internet. They are cheaper and there is no need to go to a music shop, so I also save time.
• I’ve heard about this type of the service but I usually buy CDs quite cheap at our Sunday
second-hand market. I must admit that I have never bought any music via the net.

Strona 4 z 44
• It’s becoming more and more popular, so much so that specialists believe that it will
generate huge profits for the music industry in the near future. It also seems that illegal
copying of CDs and DVDs will soon be the thing of the past!

Nagranie 1.06
Zadanie 4., s. 102. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Hi Kate! Have you chosen your extra activities for this year? I know that you are into sport,
so maybe football classes? I think I will attend the photography course with Mr Green. He is
amazing, and he organizes lots of competitions for students.
• I’m not sure. I like sport, but I’m more interested in IT. I’d like to become a web designer in
the future. Last year, my art classes were quite dull, so I think it’s time for a change. Mrs
Court taught my brother to create his own blog and now he has about 1000 followers. Can
you believe it? I’m sure I can get more than that.

Tekst drugi

• You look tired! What happened?

• I have been doing shopping since this morning and I still haven’t found a dress for Kate’s
wedding. There are dozens of clothes shops in this shopping centre, and I still can’t find an
elegant dress. I’m so tired. What about you? Have you managed to book the tickets for
Sunday’s concert? I really want to see Sam playing live.
• Yes, I have. Don’t worry about the dress. If you want, we can check some online shops. You
must be hungry. Let’s have dinner. There is a new Italian restaurant on the way home. We
can have pizza or some delicious pasta there.
• Don’t you remember? I’m on a diet. I will make some salad as soon as we get home. Just
keep driving. It’s getting late.

Tekst trzeci

• Your room is a mess!! What are you doing?

• I’m packing for my trip. I think I have almost everything.
• It looks like a tornado’s hit your room.
• I simply can’t find a few things. I have already packed my house key. I thought I had lost it,
but it turned out I had put it in my backpack.
• And where is your wallet? I can’t see it anywhere.
• It’s next to my phone, on the desk.
• No, it isn’t. Your phone is here, on the bed next to this pile of clothes and coursebooks.
• It can’t be. I’m sure I put it there. I was trying to find the charger so I went downstairs to look
for it and found it under the sofa. I have no idea where I put my wallet. Mum, can you check
my schoolbag? I was in the shopping centre with Jenny to buy Kasia’s birthday present. I
hope I didn’t leave it there. I’ll call Jenny if it isn’t in my bag, we can go back to the gift shop
to ask around.

Strona 5 z 44
Tekst czwarty

• He can play a villain, a vampire, a soldier. He is one of the most famous American actors,
known not only for his talent, but also his charity work. Brad Pitt became an international
star in the early nineties. His work earned him 5 nominations for the Academy Awards, best
known as the Oscars. The famous golden statue finally became part of his collection in 2016
for the film 12 Years a Slave. Brad said that the award would find its place next to the
precious BAFTA Award and Golden Globe. During his twenty-year career, Brad has won more
than 20 different awards and I’m sure we haven’t heard the last of him.

Tekst piąty

• Hi Sam! I won’t make it for dinner, I have to stay at work a bit longer. Remember to go round
to grandma’s. Call her and ask if she needs some shopping done? She may need some dog
food for her new puppy. Tell your sister to clean her hamster’s cage and make an
appointment at the vet to have her pet vaccinated. Dad is going to pick the dog up from the
vet’s clinic, but not earlier than at 7. Make sure everything is ready for Duffy. She will need a
new place to sleep and some new blankets. You can find them in the basement. Don’t take
her out for a walk. We have to be easy on her, poor old girl!

Nagranie 1.07
Zadanie 5., s. 103. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

It was quite a story. One day I was going to the mall with my brother. We wanted to buy a board
game for our parents. Tom insisted on going to the swimming pool later on, but I was too busy to go.
We were walking around trying to find the present, when I suddenly saw a strange man. He was
standing in the queue at the Italian cafeteria and was trying to steal a wallet from a girl’s bag. I
quickly found a security guard and told him what I had seen. The man got arrested. The girl thanked
me and invited me and my brother to the cinema. Her name was Jenny and it turned out that we
were in the same school. We have been best friends since that day.

Tekst drugi

I travel to many countries. I usually visit three or even four a week. Unfortunately, I don’t have
enough time to do any sightseeing. I have seen the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben, but only from inside my
truck. I sometimes feel like a guide – I can say a lot about the places I have visited, although my
colleagues aren’t interested in history or architecture. When I was young it was my dream to go to
university, but I had to help my dad with his business. Now I try to encourage my children to be
ambitious and study hard. My son wants to be a lawyer and my daughter is studying to be a teacher.
I don’t think they would be able to drive 1000 miles and wait patiently in traffic jams. We will see
what the future holds for them.

Tekst trzeci

• What are you doing here?

• I’m waiting for my friend. He is coming to visit me this weekend.

Strona 6 z 44
• Oh…Is he the tall boy with curly brown hair and freckles on his cheeks? The one I met at your
birthday party?
• No, that’s Sam, my cousin. My friend Peter has also got curly hair, but he hasn’t got any
freckles. He has changed a lot since my birthday party. He used to be very plump and wear
glasses, but he started playing football last year and has become very fit and slim. He
changed his glasses to contact lenses. My sister thinks he is very handsome now. We still
have one thing in common – a small scar on our foreheads, his is just above his left eye.
Anyway, he should be here in five minutes. We’re going to the cinema later on, if you want
you can come. I’m sure we will have a lot of fun together.
• Sure, why not! See you later and say hello to Peter.

Tekst czwarty

Hi Kate! It’s Tom. I’m calling to remind you about our date on Friday. Let’s meet outside the cinema
at 6 p.m. We can have coffee before the film starts. By the way, it was a great idea to buy my mum a
new scarf for her birthday. I would have never come up with such a brilliant idea. So, I owe you one.
Don’t worry about Sara. I’m sure she didn’t mean to be rude. It wasn’t your fault that her phone
stopped working. She should apologise immediately. Anyway, take care and see you soon.

Tekst piąty

• Hello Emily! Nice to see you again. I hope it’s not an upset stomach again? I have already had
3 patients today suffering from severe stomach ache and nausea.
• No, not this time, but my brother and mother got sick yesterday. I went to sleep at my
grandma’s house. I have an important competition next week and I can’t get ill. My dad still
can’t walk because of his accident and I’m here to collect his medicine. He broke his leg and
has been on sick leave since Friday. I hope they will all get better soon, because I can’t take
care of everybody. I have to study, but instead I have been listening to my brother
complaining since Monday. It gives me a headache…
• Don’t worry! They will all be OK soon and you will have enough time to study and relax. Just
remember to take your allergy pills.
• I know! See you soon and take care.

Nagranie 1.08
Zadanie 6., s. 104. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Have you been invited to Mary’s birthday party?

• I have, but I’m not sure if I want to go. I have nothing to wear! My sister is going to wear a
beautiful sleeveless red dress. I wanted to have it, but they didn’t have my size. I can’t wear
my blue dress because I wore it last week at Jim’s party. If I can’t get anything new, I will
probably choose my favourite black jeans and a white shirt. Maybe my mum will let me take
her vintage necklace. It would match my outfit perfectly. We will see, I still have some time
to shop. Maybe I will find something online.
• It’s good I don’t have the same problem. I’m going to wear my combat trousers and a white

Strona 7 z 44
Tekst drugi

• There is a new Chinese restaurant in town, let’s go and try it out. Tom told me they have
delicious vegetable soup with mushrooms. Later, we can get some ice cream or a chocolate
cake at Mary’s cake shop. I haven’t eaten any sweets for so long.
• Not Chinese again!! And you know that I hate mushrooms. I can’t eat ice cream remember.
I’m allergic to milk, but if you want, we can get some doughnuts on our way home. Let’s get
something healthy, maybe at that new vegan place in Marshall road. I’ve heard they serve
tasty falafel with humus.
• You know that’s too much trouble! How about going home and preparing some roast beef
and jacket potatoes. We don’t need any pudding, summer is coming!

Tekst trzeci

Greta Thunberg has probably been the most famous school pupil in the last couple of years. She
became known for her action called “School strike for the climate”. On school days, she sat outside
the Swedish parliament protesting against pollution. Her determination brought her international
attention and she was invited to give speeches in London, Davos and Brussels. She refuses to travel
by plane or car, and she often uses different means of transport like trains or bikes. Time magazine
named her one of the most influential teenagers in the world. Last year, she won many prizes for her
work. She is also a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize this year. In her everyday life she likes
spending time with her friends and she is a vegan.

Tekst czwarty

My family moved to London last year. I wasn’t very happy about it because I loved my previous
school, my teachers and my friends. It was very hard to get used to my new school. We live in the
suburbs, and I have to get up early to catch a bus to get to my classes on time. It’s hard because I
hate getting up early and I can’t concentrate before 9 a.m. Unfortunately, lessons at my school start
at 7. I have to admit my new teachers have impressed me. They are demanding but fair. They are
patient enough to help me almost any time. However, I miss my school canteen, here we don’t have
cooked lunches, we have to bring our own food. It’s not a problem, but I would like to have a long
lunch breaks to talk with my new friends and classmates. They welcomed me in the most pleasant
and friendly way. I haven’t felt bad for a single moment thanks to Sam and Jane.

Tekst piąty

Hi mum! I just want to tell you that I called dad and apologised to him for my behaviour yesterday. I
feel bad for what happened, and I promise not to lie again. I know I can trust you and dad, but I was
afraid to tell you about my maths grades. Dad told me that he would help me to pass my last exam.
Anyway, I won’t be home before 7. I’m at Sam’s house and he is helping me with chemistry. Don’t
wait with dinner! I will eat something on my way home! Love you.

Strona 8 z 44
Nagranie 1.09
Zadanie 7., s. 105. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Hello, Mr Green! How are you?

• Hello, Mrs Watson! I’m fine, thanks but you seem tired. Are you OK?
• Fine, thanks. It’s just this headache I’ve had since this morning.
• I should have some pills somewhere here. I can give you one.
• No thanks. I have to go to the pharmacy later on to get something for John’s cough so I will
buy some painkillers. I just have to wait for Tom. He wants to buy a present for grandma’s
birthday. I told him to get a big bunch of flowers from Mrs White’s florist’s, but he wanted to
buy a fancy pen at the new local stationer’s. Anyway, could I have a small bag of potatoes
and a cauliflower?
• Sure. Here you are. That’s 3 pounds 50.

Tekst drugi

I always spend the summer holidays with my family. Last year, we went to a beautiful seaside resort
and had a lot of fun. To be honest, I’m not very fond of swimming and sunbathing, but I like walking
on the sand and enjoy sunny weather. This year, my parents want me to go kayaking with them. I
don’t think it is a good idea. I don’t like getting wet, and the idea of spending many hours paddling is
not really my cup of tea. My friends are going climbing and trekking in the mountains. I have never
tried it before, so I think it is going to be great fun. I just hope my parents say yes to the idea. I hope
to have good grades, so maybe they will agree.

Tekst trzeci

I’ve decided to start working to earn some money for my holidays. My brother used to deliver
newspapers and he earned quite good money. Unfortunately, it isn’t for me. I hate getting up early,
and now people prefer using the web to find out the daily news. I can’t look after babies because of
my afternoon classes. It would be a great job for me as I want to become a teacher in the future.
Luckily, my neighbour was looking for somebody to take care of his house. He needed somebody to
vacuum his rooms, do the shopping and mow the lawn. I was happy to get the job because Mr Swan
lives just next door.

Tekst czwarty

The Zoo in Wrocław is the oldest and largest in Poland. It was founded in 1865. Today 10,000 animals
live there across an area of 33 hectares. You can see animals from every continent and environment
there, for example in the Madagascar and Sahara pavilions. For many years, the Zoo was directed by
Hanna and Antoni Gucwiński. They became very popular thanks to a TV programme called “Z kamerą
wśród zwierząt” (With a camera among animals). When you visit the Zoo, you can see animals being
fed. The feeding is shown to the public in the summer months. What’s interesting is that some
animals can be fed by visitors with food from special machines. There are pony rides for children
under the age of ten. The Zoo is open all year long. There are discounts for students, teachers and
senior citizens. Children under 3 and people over 75 are allowed to visit the zoo for free.

Strona 9 z 44
Tekst piąty

Taking up a new hobby is a difficult task. You have to find something that you like and have enough
time to practise it. For example, I started running five years ago when my doctor told me to lose
some weight and watch my cholesterol level. I bought the appropriate trainers and clothes. I also
browsed the web to find useful information about the right diet and distances for beginners. So, if
you want to start something new, it is important to find as much information as possible to make
sure you are capable of doing the thing you have chosen. Don’t give up easily, take your time and I’m
sure you will enjoy whatever you choose. You won’t be sorry!

Nagranie 1.10
Zadanie 8., s. 106. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

I want to become a vet in the future and I would like to look after dogs. I love them. They are so
smart and friendly. I wish I had one, but my mum says we don’t have space to keep it. I often take
care of my aunt’s cat. Polly is a small, brown cat, that my aunt took from the animal shelter after her
parrot passed away. She often brings Polly to me, so I feel like I own her. Unfortunately, the cat hates
my hamster, so every time Polly gets close to Daisy’s cage, she starts hiding or running around like
crazy. I don’t think they will ever like each other.

Tekst drugi

• Can you help me? I’m looking for a birthday present for my little brother. He wanted a T-shirt
with his favourite hero on. I can see one just like it there on the shelf!
• What size is your brother?
• I’m medium, and he is about 20 cm shorter than me. He is an S size, I guess. He is the tallest
in the kindergarten. The blue one looks nice!
• Sorry, but size S will be much too big for him. S, M and L sizes are for teenagers and adults.
You are about 154 cm tall, so your brother will be about 130. This one will be the best for
him. It is for children from 5 to 7 years old, from 120 up to 135 cm. It’s on sale, so there is
20% discount for you today.
• Great, I’ll take the orange one.

Tekst trzeci

• So, Sam, have you moved to your new house yet??

• Yes, we have. Finally, I have my own room. It is quite big and there are two windows. On the
left there is a bookcase for my books and pictures. Opposite the bookcase, there is a brown
sofa with some cushions on it. I have a very comfortable armchair by the window. Near the
armchair there is a small table with a lamp on it. Next to the table there are two wooden
chairs for my guests. You must visit me soon. I will show you my mum’s new garden!! it is
awesome! Call me later! I’m free on Sunday.
• Great! I will bring some cake.

Strona 10 z 44
Tekst czwarty

After the strong wind and light showers yesterday morning and some fog, today you can expect a
fine and dry day with a good deal of sunshine and just patchy afternoon cloud. Winds will be light.
Tomorrow, high pressure will sit over the North Sea, bringing Londoners a warm day without any
rain. From Thursday, the wind will begin to shift to the east, bringing in some cooler air and the
chance of some cloudier skies, although it should stay mostly dry.

Nagranie 1.11
Zadanie 9., s. 107. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

I hate getting up in the morning. I’m always in a hurry and I don’t usually have time to eat a cooked
breakfast. I wish I could eat scrambled eggs on toast with orange juice every day. Unfortunately, I can
only have such a delicious meal on Saturdays when I don’t have to get up for work. During the week,
I often just grab a cup of coffee with a quick bite of a cheese sandwich. My mum always tells me to
slow down, but I don’t have enough time to prepare porridge with apple and cinnamon, and drink a
cup of lemon tea like her. My sister is even worse than me, she never eats breakfast. We know our
diet is not the healthiest, but hopefully it will change in the future.

Tekst drugi

My family is crazy about collecting strange things. My dad has one of the biggest collections of coins
in the country. He has almost 2 thousand of them. They come from different places, and some of
them are very valuable. I used to help my dad clean and organize them, but now I don’t do it any
more as I have my own collection of model tanks. I’ve got a collection of about 100. I usually buy
them online. My mum thinks it’s peculiar for a girl to be interested in this, she collects vintage
jewellery, especially earrings. She has even started to make them herself. I hope my brother will join
in our passion for collecting, but for now he is too little. He enjoys wooden toys. So, who knows,
maybe it will be the beginning of his hobby?

Tekst trzeci

Hello Tim! It’s coach Simson here. I’m calling to tell you that our Friday game has been put off to
Sunday. It means that our usual Thursday training session will take place on Saturday, so we can get
ready for the final. Remember to go to doctor Bain on Tuesday for a check-up before our camp. You
will have to bring all the papers by next Monday if you want to go. I’ve already spoken with your
parents and they agreed, so just make sure your grades are better at the end of this term!

Tekst czwarty

Hi Sally!! I just wanted to tell you that I’m OK, although I can’t meet you tonight. Don’t be angry,
please! Yesterday, my family had a little car accident. Nothing serious, but I had to have my leg
checked. The doctor thought it was broken. Fortunately, it’s fine. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able
to go to Sam’s party and I was almost in tears. You know that Paul will be there, I fancy him very
much and I hope we will have some time to chat. The problem is I don’t know what to wear and my
mum refuses to go shopping with me, so please can you lend me your yellow dress? My red one is
worn out and I don’t want to wear it because Jessica will make fun of me again! Call me as soon as
you can!

Strona 11 z 44
Tekst piąty

I hate chores. I know I have to do them, but to be honest mopping the floor or vacuuming the carpets
is not what I like. It’s good that my sister loves cleaning and she always does it. My dad often washes
the dishes, but he prefers mowing the lawn. My main task is to tidy my room. I usually do it once a
week. My mum wants me to look after our dog, but I don’t have enough time for it. Sally, my younger
sister, is the luckiest, she is too small to do anything. I hope she will start putting her toys back into
their boxes soon. They are everywhere - even in my room!! Or maybe she will take care of our dog!

Nagranie 1.12
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 108. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

The Lake District is one of the most beautiful regions in Great Britain. It is situated in the north-west
of England and is visited by thousands of tourists every year. This mountainous area with many
beautiful lakes is a very popular tourist destination. One of the peaks which is really worth getting to
the top of, is the Old Man of Coniston. The weather on the top of the mountain can change really
quickly, however. Sometimes, when the sun is shining, the North Sea is visible from the top, but a
few minutes later you may find yourself walking in the clouds. All the paths to the top are usually
well-marked. The peak isn’t very high – just 803 m, but the views from the top are spectacular. The
mountain lies to the west of the village of Coniston. There is also a lake called Coniston Water
nearby. You may see some of the sheep that live on the mountain. They are usually afraid of people
and when somebody tries to get close to them, they simply run away.

Nagranie 1.13
Zadanie 1., s. 109. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

Generally – I enjoyed Christmas in the mountains a lot, but it was also quite stressful for me because
I was both having a rest and looking after my younger brothers. I got to know how it feels to be
responsible for children and, I must say, it wasn’t easy.

One afternoon while I was playing table tennis in our hotel and my two younger brothers were skiing
on the nearest hill, I heard that there had been a very serious accident on the ski slope. A man told
me that two skiers had crashed into each other and had been taken to hospital. I called my brothers,
but they didn’t answer the phone. I tried again and again and started to get nervous. Then, after
about half an hour, just as I was calling them again, they walked into our hotel room.

Fortunately, they weren’t hurt, but I was furious because they hadn’t contacted me, although they
knew I had called them several times! And do you know what they said when I told them not to do it
again? “Don’t give us orders! You are not one of our parents!”

Strona 12 z 44
Nagranie 2.02
Zadanie 2., s. 109. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

When you are in London you mustn’t forget to see Big Ben – it’s one of the city’s icons. But what
exactly is it? The name is usually associated with the clock but in fact it is the nickname for the huge
14 ton and more than 2-metre-tall bell in the clock tower on the north side of the Houses of
Parliament. It is said that the clock was named after Sir Benjamin Hall - a Welsh civil engineer and
politician. Big Ben’s clock has got four faces, which are situated 55 meters above the ground. Each of
the faces is about 7 metres in diameter. The clock keeps wonderful time and has rarely been late – it
was once when birds sat on the minute hand and, another occasion was after a heavy snowfall. It has
also stopped ticking occasionally. On the 21st August 2017, however, the bell in the clock chimed for
some time to come. Because of renovation works it has been silenced, and we won’t be able to hear
it for the next four years.

Nagranie 2.03
Zadanie 3., s. 109. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

It was just before Christmas. I had bought some beautiful decorations for the Christmas tree and
some fir branches, which smelt of the forest, for our Christmas wreath. After putting them on the
back seat of my car, I got in to drive home. It was early morning, and the sun was just rising. I could
see its pretty orange face starting to look over the horizon. The sky was still partially dark, but it was
only a matter of minutes before it would become a beautiful sunny day. There was no snow around
but it was still freezing, so the air outside was refreshingly cold. I was really glad that I managed to
buy everything I had planned to. Smiling to myself, I turned on my MP3 player. The music was loud
but it made me feel wide awake. And then I started the car. The streets of the city were still empty –
just a few cars. Suddenly, just as I was turning left into the street that went straight to my front door,
something awful happened. I heard a loud bang and was jerked backwards. I was terrified but woke
up, sweating all over… Thank goodness, it was just a nightmare!

Nagranie 2.04
Zadanie 4., s. 110. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

When you visit a new place, you are always faced with a dilemma – what is worth seeing? You will
definitely have this problem if you visit one of the most beautiful places in Poland – Poznań. It is one
of the largest Polish cities, located in central western Poland on the Warta river. In the heart of the
Old Market Square there is a beautiful Town Hall with a clock with mechanical goats. The clock has
been there since 1551. When the clock strikes noon, a door opens and two goats appear. They butt
their heads 12 times and dance to music. You mustn’t miss the show when you are in Poznan. What’s

Strona 13 z 44
more, in the National Museum, you can see Poland’s only Claude Monet painting “Beach in
Pourville”. The painting was returned to the museum in 2010 after being stolen in 2009. Poznań is
famous not only for its historic buildings and museums, but also for the most delicious pastries. On
St. Martin’s day (11th November) people in Poznań eat around 250 tons of croissants. This event has
been celebrated since Medieval times, and it is a day full of parades, music and dancing. The
European Union protects this famous Polish recipe and allows its production under strict regulations.

Nagranie 2.05
Zadanie 5., s. 110. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

She doesn’t look like your average Hollywood star. She doesn’t wear size 0 and loves eating fast food,
but her voice is one of the most powerful in the history of the music industry. She wears stunning
dresses on stage, but when she isn’t working she prefers baggy, comfortable clothes. She often says
that her career is not her life. Her friends admire her sense of humour, honesty and reliability. Adele
is almost like your next-door friend. She became popular with the release of her first album called 19.
Her next studio record “21” featured hits like “Rolling in the deep” or “Set Fire to the Rain”. The
singer won an Academy Award for a song for a James Bond Film. The film and the song are called
“Skyfall”. After becoming a mum to a baby boy named Angelo in 2012, she returned to the music
charts with the song “Hello” in 2015. Recently, there have been many changes in her life – she’s
recorded a new album and she’s got divorced. No matter what she does, she touches the hearts of
millions with her singing style and personality. Her hard work has earned her 5 Grammys.

Nagranie 2.06
Zadanie 6., s. 110. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

Hi Tom, I’m sorry I haven’t written but I was busy. I want to tell you about my holidays – I’m on a
remote island near Australia on my grandparents’ farm. It is amazing – I’m staying in a wooden tree
house. It used to be my father’s. The house is in a forest near the ocean. The people here are very
nice, although not everybody speaks English. The older people usually speak French or Spanish. My
grandfather tells me interesting stories about his childhood here. We also dive and go fishing, but I’m
not very fond of it. I became a vegetarian last year, and my grandma doesn’t understand that I can’t
eat fish or meat. She says I will get ill. What’s more, people here drink sour milk with every meal. I
can’t stand the smell of it, but I love the local cheese and pavlova. It is a meringue dessert topped
with strawberries, kiwi and whipped cream. I’m coming back home in a week, so I hope to see you

Strona 14 z 44
Nagranie 2.07
Zadanie 7., s. 111. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

The new ‘Black Bay’ is now open. With over 200 rooms, it can house more than 500 guests. The hotel
is beautifully located. Guests can reach the amazing, sandy beach in less than 5 minutes. Most of the
rooms have a sea view. The historic town centre and a shopping mall are within walking distance.
From the bus stop just outside the hotel buses go to the Underwater National Park almost every
hour. There are also indoor and outdoor pools free for use by all our guests. The outdoor ones are
open from May to October, the indoor ones are available all year. Our salt cave is a unique
proposition for stressed people in need of relaxation and well-being. The cave is recommended for
people who have frequent colds and respiratory infections. It’s not recommended for children under
7. Each room is very comfortable, our guests can book single, twin or double rooms all equipped with
air-conditioning, hairdryers and irons. To book a room, call us on 897876875 or go online to

Nagranie 2.08
Zadanie 8., s. 111. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

We are looking for a competent and reliable gardener to maintain our company gardens. You will be
responsible for all tasks related to the garden, including planting new trees, maintaining the garden,
and looking after the machinery. Your main duties will include keeping the company van and tool
shed clean, and tools stored securely at all times. We will expect you to assist in marketing tasks such
as handing out flyers and promoting our business to new clients. To do this job, you must be
physically fit and able to do hard manual work, as well as being comfortable with working in all
weathers and seasons. You have to be able to work as part of a team or individually. Our future
employee should be a friendly person with excellent interpersonal skills. Experience is necessary.
Apply online or call on 097987565 Monday - Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Nagranie 2.09
Zadanie 9., s. 111. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

I have always wanted to help animals. When I turned 14, I decided to spend my holidays working at
the local animal shelter. I wanted to share my passion with other teenagers working there. Our local
shelter is open Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., but all the workers have to be there at
quarter to eight to receive their tasks. Volunteers have many different duties like cleaning the
shelters and cages, feeding the animals, walking the dogs and assisting in the rehabilitation of abused
or injured animals. The aim of these tasks is to give the creatures the best chance they can get in life.
In the case of cats and dogs, I was able to find people who then adopted them. During my time at the

Strona 15 z 44
shelter, I managed to learn how to clean wounds, train dogs and deworm them. It was hard work,
but also very satisfying. The most important experience was working with a vet. Doctor Grey showed
me how to vaccinate pets and clean their eyes. I organized a charity walk for my shelter at the end of
the holidays. All my friends took part in it and donated almost 1000 pounds. What’s more important,
over 10 kittens and puppies found new homes. These have been the best holidays in my life.

Nagranie 2.10
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 112. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

We’re looking for an engineer with experience in management. If you are interested and have
already prepared, conducted and evaluated training programmes for your employees, please send us
your name, contact number and email address. Not sure whether to apply? Call us to get more

Wypowiedź 2.

We know that a great company needs the right people when it is starting up. That’s why we believe
in the energy and passion of our future employees. We also believe that their work should be
challenging and that the challenge should be fun. We can assure you that if you have got an
innovative approach both to work and life, you are the right person to help start this great company
with us. For more information, visit

Wypowiedź 3.

We employ fully trained healthcare assistants and nurses. Our staff work mainly in residential homes
throughout Great Britain where we offer home help services such as cleaning, cooking or simply a
friendly chat. We pay up to £9.00 per hour for healthcare assistants and up to £20 per hour for
nurses. Do you want to join our team? Call us for more information 99807654.

Wypowiedź 4.

Our company offers a wide range of job opportunities for people with disabilities. Following
legislation introduced in 1973, disabled people can no longer be discriminated against by potential
employers. That is why we are able to offer positions to so many people with physical disabilities or
learning difficulties. And the number is constantly growing. Several job offers on our list, for example,
computer support specialist, accountant or statistician, are always very popular.

Strona 16 z 44
Nagranie 2.11
Zadanie 1., s. 113. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Haven’t you decided about your winter camp yet? You can join us from December 27th to January 2nd.
Campers should arrive before 8.00 p.m. on December 26th. Our new winter camp offers many
activities. These include indoor climbing walls and a full-size gym for basketball, volleyball, hand ball
or table tennis. If there is enough snow, there will also be special skiing and snowboarding courses

Wypowiedź 2.

Are you a girl or a boy aged 7-18 years? If yes, our winter camp sessions, which are either 1 or 2
weeks long have some great times in store for you. Each winter we welcome young people from all
over the world. Thanks to our experienced staff, we guarantee high levels of teaching combined with
maximum safety. The main activities on offer are skiing and snowboarding.

Wypowiedź 3.

Our winter camp is a foreign language course combined with a range of winter activities. Your
children can study French at the same time as enjoying outdoor winter sports such as skiing or
snowboarding. And all of this in the beautiful scenery of the French Alps. Have fun and make new
friends from all around the world! Contact us at 7896543

Wypowiedź 4.

Enjoy an action-packed and wide range of winter sports such as skiing, snow games, curling,
snowboarding, skating or sledging. We also offer an avalanche response training course when there
is no snow and every evening guarantee a fun programme of entertainment and sports. Don’t
hesitate! You can register online now at

Strona 17 z 44
Nagranie 2.12
Zadanie 2., s. 113. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Hi, I’m Rahul and I’m from India. I speak English and Hindi. I’m have quite a shy and down-to-earth
nature. I love literature – especially poetry, so I am a bit of a bookworm. I also like Indian film music.
By the way, have you heard of Bollywood – the Indian Hindi language film industry? I live in the city
of Mumbai, which is the heart of this industry, and I can assure you that I know a lot about it!

Wypowiedź 2.

Hello, my name’s Mary and I’m a software professional. I’m keen on travelling, adventure sports and
DIY. I simply love decorating and repairing things by myself. I always do all the alterations in my
house because my parents are absolutely hopeless at it. That’s why I always put up any new shelves
or wallpaper. I’m looking for someone who wants to share these interests with me.

Wypowiedź 3.

I’m a 14-year-old Portuguese boy and I’m searching for someone my age who would like to teach me
French, German, Italian or Japanese. My dad is English, so I already can speak this language fluently
because it is our second language at home. I able to offer any help with learning English in return. I’m
a diehard fan of Metallica and hope that I will find a trash music soulmate to get to know better.

Wypowiedź 4.

I’m Adrian and I’m looking for a friend to talk to. Tell me what is on your mind, your likes, desires,
secrets – anything you want to, and I will be always ready to chat about it. I’m also a volunteer at a
local animal shelter, which pretty much takes up most of my free time. I’m a professional musician in
an orchestra that plays classical music. If you are the kind of person that can keep a conversation
going, message me, please!

Nagranie 2.13
Zadanie 3., s. 113. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

I would never prepare anything like a “family dinner”, you know, soup, potatoes, some kind of roast
or fried meat and all the vegetables that go with it. I’d rather go for sweets or snacks, things like nuts

Strona 18 z 44
and seeds. An English-style birthday cake should be the most beautiful thing on the table, but I have
been thinking about baking some delicious chocolate and vanilla cupcakes. They’re always a real
delicacy for everybody in my family.

Wypowiedź 2.

My birthday is on the 25th of January, which is the same day that Robert Burns, the Scottish national
poet, was born, so I would like to prepare something which is our national speciality. It won’t be
easy, but I’m thinking about haggis – a sheep’s stomach filled with a savoury pudding containing the
sheep’s heart, liver, lungs, onion, oatmeal and seasoning. It will be quite interesting because I have
never made such a dish before.

Wypowiedź 3.

Food for my birthday party? Hmmm, I haven’t decided yet, but it won’t be anything extraordinary. In
fact, I’ve thought about two things: a standard supper with a lot of snacks and one main hot dish,
maybe a piece of meat with chips and vegetables. However, the other idea is to have different kinds
of snacks, probably sandwiches: cheese, ham etc., along with four or five different salads. I think it
would be perfect for my friends.

Wypowiedź 4.

I’m not interested in having “a traditional family party” because I have invited some of my
schoolmates instead. I think that the best option will be to order something by phone when they’ve
got here because then they can decide about what they would like to eat. There are some Thai,
Chinese, Italian restaurants very close to where I live, so meals can be delivered without having to
wait a long time.

Nagranie 2.14
Zadanie 4., s. 114. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Last year, I took part in music classes, though I don’t want to continue them this year. I want to try
something more exciting. I’ve heard Mr Swift is going to organize karate classes. I hope I still have
time to join them. If not, photography classes will be my last resort.

Wypowiedź 2.

I wish I didn’t have to take any extra classes at school. We have enough homework to do in the
afternoon. I wanted to join football classes with Mrs. Pine, but unfortunately this year she is going to

Strona 19 z 44
have volleyball lessons. Pity. I think I’ll have to attend Maths classes. Not my cup of tea, but it will
definitely improve my grades.

Wypowiedź 3.

All my friends have joined the IT course. I’m not into computers at all. I don’t even use social
networking sites. My dad wants me to participate in extra English classes, but just like IT, languages
seem boring to me. I’m worried my dad won’t be happy about that. I hope Mr Stanford will have his
chemistry classes, they are really cool! I have to see that exploding volcano again.

Wypowiedź 4.

I’m going to study physics at university, so I have to be really good at science. I don’t understand why
so many students think physics is hard and boring. I think it’s fascinating! Unfortunately, I can’t
attend extra classes because I still have to keep up with my classmates in athletics. To make that
possible I will join the school running team led by Mr Jackson.

Nagranie 2.15
Zadanie 5., s. 114. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

I still don’t know what to do at the weekend. My friends are going to a zumba competition, but I hate
dancing and it is a waste of time to be honest. I thought about going kayaking with my parents, but
they have decided not to go. I may just stay at home and work on my school project. There is a
concert in the park this Saturday, but hip-hop is not my thing.

Wypowiedź 2.

I was supposed to go a concert in the park this Sunday, but unfortunately, I promised my parents that
I would go to the cinema with them. I don’t think it’s a good idea, my dad always chooses boring
films, but I have no choice now. I hope I won’t have to visit the new museum with them. Well, we’ll
see, at least I’ll be able to have some caramelised popcorn.

Wypowiedź 3.

This weekend is very busy. I can’t wait. My friends are coming and we’re going to go cycling. The local
council has built a new bike path and it looks awesome. I love spending my time outside, but
unfortunately my job is so demanding that I don’t even have enough time to go to the gym. I’m so

Strona 20 z 44
excited that I have already packed my backpack and have had my bike checked. I just need to repair
my left brake. My girlfriend is going to an art exhibition. Boring…

Wypowiedź 4.

To be honest, I wanted to stay at home and catch up with my work, but my friend called and asked
me go to a food truck festival with him. I have never been to such an event. Tom loves it, and he says
it is a great chance to taste food from all over the world without spending a lot of money. Of course,
we could go to a fancy restaurant and get the same food served with a glass of delicious wine, but we
would miss all the fun. There will be a parade, live music and local bands playing until midnight.

Nagranie 2.16
Zadanie 6., s. 114. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

I have got a lot of clothes – both smart and casual. My mum thinks I’m a slave to fashion. I can’t help
it. I must admit I have some things that I like the most - for example last year I got a biker jacket from
my dad and I love it, but nothing compares to my beloved yellow T-shirt with a palm tree on it. I
bought it last year when I was in Italy. If I could, I’d wear it all the time. It’s a pity it can’t go under my
woollen jumpers. I hate winter!!!

Wypowiedź 2.

I don’t really care about clothes. I don’t spend much time thinking about my outfit. I like comfortable
and casual clothes. I usually buy second-hand clothes. They are cheaper and very original, like my
orange winter coat. The only thing I can honestly say I spent a fortune on are my high heels. I don’t
have a chance to wear them often, but all my friends say they are outstanding! They look awesome
with my little, black dress.

Wypowiedź 3.

The worst thing ever is waiting for my girlfriend to choose her clothes. She browses through skirts,
blouses and dresses for hours. I can get ready in five minutes – I put on my combat trousers and a T-
shirt and I’m done. I just hope my blue jeans will still fit me next year. I’ve been trying to lose some
weight and I can’t imagine my everyday wardrobe without them.

Wypowiedź 4.

I used to wear dresses almost every day. My wardrobe was full of them. One day, after watching a
documentary about children working in clothes factories, I decided to make a change. I gave almost

Strona 21 z 44
all of my clothes to charity. I’ve stopped buying new clothes. Now I have far fewer things and I’m
happy about it. There is only one thing I couldn’t get rid of. A couple of years ago, my grandma
knitted me a baggy, red sweater. It’s amazing and I can’t imagine my wardrobe without it. It matches
my black jeans perfectly.

Nagranie 2.17
Zadanie 7., s. 115. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Mrs Kingsley was an impressive woman. She hardly ever raised her voice, but there weren’t any
problems with discipline in classes. Thanks to her, I started reading modern novels and even poetry.
Her creative imagination and stories were incredible. She made difficult things seem easy and
important. Now I can help my children with their homework whenever they have to deal with
Shakespeare or Emily Dickinson. Somebody told me that Mrs Kingsley could speak 5 languages
including my favourite, French.

Wypowiedź 2.

I had a lot of problems when I was at school. That was until I met Mr Bowden. He persuaded me to
join our athletics team. I started training the high jump and the javelin. Two years later, I became
school champion and got a university scholarship. It was a turning point in my life. Nowadays, I work
for an international company and travel around the world. I’d have never done it without you, Mr

Wypowiedź 3.

The teacher I remember most was Mr Blackwood. He was the reason why I did history at university.
He asked us what we thought about things and listened to our opinions. He organized lots of trips to
interesting places like castles and museums. I’ll never forget the way he talked about them. He was
so passionate about it! I try to do the same – I’m a guide and I love showing visitors fascinating
places! I’m disappointed that my son is more into biology and thinks my job is boring.

Wypowiedź 4.

I invited her to my first exhibition. We hadn’t seen each other for almost 15 years, but she still looks
the same. Long, dark hair and a warm smile. I will never forget her classroom full of brushes, crayons,
pencils and sketchbooks. Miss Dawson taught me to admire modern painters, sculptors and
photographers. I’m now more keen on fashion design, but it’s still a form of art. Who knows, I may
become a Chanel designer one day.

Strona 22 z 44
Nagranie 2.18
Zadanie 8., s. 115. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Winter is coming, just like in The Game of Thrones TV series, but that’s not what we are going to talk
about. Peter and Sally will teach you how to protect your flowers and trees from strong winds and
the chilly autumn weather which is on its way. They will share some ideas about arranging bushes
and lawns. Watch us at 7 p.m. on Channel 4 just after the live music concert.

Wypowiedź 2.

This week, Gok visits Glasgow where he meets 5 different young women. None of them know what
to wear for their prom. Gok’s task is to find them outfits perfect for their different shapes and sizes.
Gok tries to convince shy Mary to wear a designer dress and stunning high heels, and ambitious Kate
to change her casual style and cut her long, blond curls. The final photo session is going to be taken
in the amazing city gardens with professional photographers and make-up artists! You can’t miss it!

Wypowiedź 3.

Hello there! It’s Thursday, August 2nd I’m Sam Smith. Chaos and confusion after a terrorist attack in
London. People are running for cover in the city centre. We are broadcasting live from Linley street
to give you an update on this tragic situation. Follow our team’s coverage on Channel 5 or go online.

Wypowiedź 4.

This week, are going to have a closer look at the most famous British musicians. We will not only play
their most memorable hits, but also interview them about their lives, career and interests. Our first
guest, who started his career as a plumber and then turned footballer, has been widely known to the
public since his rock song became a hit in 2016. Viewers will have a chance to vote for their favourite
band. Remember – there is a prize waiting for our viewers. If you take part in our online survey, you’ll
have the chance to win a golden ticket for this year’s football finals at Wembley Stadium.

Nagranie 2.19
Zadanie 9., s. 115. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

This is my favourite place in our house. I love spending time there, and last year my mum bought a
huge table so we can dine together. The room is spacious and there are two big windows
overlooking the garden, so it feels like a relaxing living room. My dad hates washing up, so he bought

Strona 23 z 44
a dishwasher to make sure we don’t have to spend extra time cleaning. My brother wanted to have a
TV set installed there, but my mum didn’t agree.

Wypowiedź 2.

My sister spends a lot of time there. She loves DIY and she can even operate a drill. Kate is keen on
woodworking and repairing cars. It drives me crazy sometimes because I have almost no room to
park my scooter. My mum had to move her bike to the shed in the garden because of her tools. My
dad always worries about not scratching his car while parking. I hope she will move some of her stuff
to the basement.

Wypowiedź 3.

I didn’t use to have it, but now it is a must. I’ve moved my company to my house, which is much
cheaper and more comfortable. My wife thought I would turn our home into a busy office.
Fortunately, we were able to divide our living room into two separate rooms. It is perfect, I go there
when I have to make a phone call or e-mail somebody. I have everything I need there, including
shelves and drawers to store all my documents.

Wypowiedź 4.

I’m definitely scared of this place. I can’t stand the creaky floor and the small windows. My dad, on
the other hand, loves it. He often puts our old stuff there, sometimes even our old toys and clothes.
We can’t store things in the basement anymore because my mum wants to have a laundry room
there. I think we should get rid of all the old, unnecessary stuff. The place would be perfect as my
brother’s room. It just needs some redecorating and bigger roof windows.

Nagranie 3.02
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 116. Uzupełnianie luk

Hi guys, It’s Adam here. Sorry, you aren’t at home and I can’t talk to you properly, but you must
know…have you heard what happened when we were on holiday? George and Sandra got married
on 31th August. The wedding was in the nearby village of Konington and the reception was held at
Green Hall. They spent their honeymoon in Greece. It was a great time to go there because in
September it is still warm and sunny but not boiling hot. At the moment they are buying a new
house. We must talk, so please call me back.

Strona 24 z 44
Nagranie 3.03
Zadanie 1., s. 117. Uzupełnianie luk

And now today’s most unusual news item. Villagers living by the River Amazon made a surprising
discovery. On the river bank they found a giant anaconda snake. It was 16 feet long and was lying in
the shallow water. It seems that the snake was resting after eating a relatively big animal which
probably explains why it did not try to escape. The villagers caught and killed the animal. Anaconda
snakes usually eat animals but they can also eat people. They can grow up to 28 feet long and are
extremely aggressive.

Nagranie 3.04
Zadanie 2., s. 117. Uzupełnianie luk

…and now for more information on the world’s biggest sleepout. This year more than 8,000 people
came to Princes Street Gardens in Edinburgh, in Scotland in order to sleep under the stars on one of
the coldest nights of the year in December. They wanted to draw attention to the problem of
homelessness. The participants experienced what it is like to be homeless and forced to sleep outside
in freezing conditions. To take part in the event, they had to pay a minimum of £100 per person. All
of the money raised was given to charities which work with homeless individuals in Scotland and who
sleep rough regularly.

Nagranie 3.05
Zadanie 3., s. 117. Uzupełnianie luk

Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea. It became a part of Italy in 1860 and is famous
for its volcano called Etna. Etna, which is also the most active volcano in Europe, has a height of more
than 3,000 meters. The island of Sicily has its own unique culture, music, art, literature and
architecture. If you want to travel around the island, the most comfortable option is to hire a car, but
before getting behind the steering wheel, every driver should get to know the parking rules. Most
places, especially big cities such as Palermo, have blue-lined parking spaces which usually cost €1 for
one hour. The areas with yellow-lined parking spaces, however, are private, while those with white
lines are for anyone to park in. They are also free of charge. There are also some red-lined areas, but
these are places where nobody can park.

Nagranie 3.06
Zadanie 4., s. 118. Uzupełnianie luk

We are looking for volunteers to work at our local animal shelter. If you love animals and want to
know how to take care of injured and abandoned animals, apply now. We are looking for teenagers
who are over 13 years old and are willing to work during the holidays. Our volunteers will only work

Strona 25 z 44
on Fridays or Mondays and they can choose the time they wish to help our employees. We are
looking for volunteers that can help with the following shifts – Monday 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and Friday 4
p.m. – 6 p.m. We expect our candidates to be patient and caring. You will also have to be confident
with handling large dogs and willing to walk them in any type of weather. Working with animals also
includes cleaning cages, doing laundry and washing dishes. You will also get the chance to help our
vets, and will be able to learn easy procedures such as cleaning wounds and treating small injuries.
Apply now online or call us on 786975098.

Nagranie 3.07
Zadanie 5., s. 118. Uzupełnianie luk

Last week, my sister had her birthday party at the Afternoon Room. It is her favourite place. The
Afternoon Room is a local club for families to get together for a chat or coffee and celebrate special
events with attractive parties. It was opened two years ago by my mum’s friend, Kate. She thought
that children in our town didn’t have a place to spend their free time in the afternoon. Kate found a
great place to open her business at the newly redecorated sports centre. In the club, you can take
part in different activities – there is a football club, a sponge ball pool and slides. The club offers
languages, yoga or art lessons. Many toddlers attend swimming and crafts classes. My sister loves
her ballet lessons. I used to attend a theatre group but I’m too old for it now. All the classes are for
children aged 1 to 10 years old. There is an entry fee of £37 paid annually. All extra classes have to be
paid for separately, which is about £19 per month. I wish they would organise a club for teenagers! If
you want more information, check out the website

Nagranie 3.08
Zadanie 6., s. 118. Uzupełnianie luk

I want to tell you a story about my family dog, Brownie. I got her from my grandparents for my 6th
birthday. It was the best present that day. Brownie is quite a large dog with brown fur. She is a
labrador mix. She’s got a lot of black and white spots on her fluffy tail. My dad says she looks like a
pirate with the black spot around her left eye. She was very scared of me at first because her
previous owner didn’t treat her well. She didn’t get enough food and water. Now, she is a different
dog. She loves fetching sticks, playing with my cats and swimming in our pond. Surprisingly, her
favourite food is warm milk with bread crumbs. She is my protector – she always barks when
somebody shouts at me. The only person she doesn’t like is Sam. He seems a bit scared every time he
puts our letters into the mailbox. She has disappeared and I last saw her two days ago. She ran away
on Stanton Road on Thursday, 10th February. If you have any information that may help, call me! I
offer my monthly packet money for finding her.

Strona 26 z 44
Nagranie 3.09
Zadanie 7., s. 119. Uzupełnianie luk

I’ve got a leading brand smartphone for sale. It was a present from my grandma. I want to sell it to
buy a new iPhone. The smartphone has got an excellent camera – 20 Mp with a double led flash. The
phone can be used to make payments via NFC. The screen is a bit scratched, but everything works
just fine. The warranty is still valid for 4 months. You can use all social media by downloading the
appropriate apps from the store if you have an internet connection. There are different ringtones
and a fingerprint reader for additional security. I am selling it with the charger, but I don’t have
earphones. I recently lost them on my way to school. There is 32 GB of internal memory and there is
an SD card slot. If you call me within 2 days, I will give you a selfie stick free of charge. If you want to
see some photos, check out my blog or call me on 3759347376. I’m available on weekdays after 5

Nagranie 3.10
Zadanie 8., s. 119. Uzupełnianie luk

As part of a science project, we would like to take students to visit Stanford lake on Friday 26th of
March. The children will take part in many activities, including solving a nature mystery, exploring the
lake and identifying garden birds. We will be leaving the school at 7.45 a.m. and returning at about
5.30 p.m. The children will be travelling by coach. Students must wear school uniforms and bring
waterproof jackets and hats in case of rainy and cold weather. They should also take a bottle of
water. Every child will be provided with a packed lunch. To order a vegetarian or lactose-free meal,
call Mr Smith. All children will have to take their student ID cards.

Our school is asking for a contribution of £25. A permission slip is essential for the visit, so please
return them by Thursday 21st February.

Nagranie 3.11
Zadanie 9., s. 119. Uzupełnianie luk

Taking exams is very stressful. We will make it easier for you by showing you how to improve the way
you study. Remember that you can’t study all day long, you need breaks every two hours. It is proven
that exercise can help your memory, so take a walk or go for a bike ride. You shouldn’t study for
more than 6 hours a day. Try to concentrate as much as you can, don’t go onto Facebook or
Instagram. You can use apps to avoid distractions. They can block websites for a certain amount of
time. Never stay up late before exams. When you are asleep, your brain is still working and is sorting
the information you have learned. Always eat breakfast before an exam, try not to use energy drinks

Strona 27 z 44
as they are very harmful. If you don’t mind, try studying in a group, but if you prefer work on your
own. A group helps you share resources, discuss ideas and interact with other members. There is also
good news for music lovers. Listening to classical music helps your brain and muscles to relax, and
can calm you down. So why not put some Mozart onto your playlist? The most important thing is to
keep calm. Good luck!

Nagranie 3.12
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 120. Odpowiedzi na pytania

It was spring and, as usual, we had birds’ nests on every corner under the roof of our house. Every
day we could listen to the baby birds calling whenever their parents were feeding them. Then we
observed how the adult birds taught their children to fly and look for food. One day, after having
done some gardening, my husband and I saw something lying on the ground next to the wall of the
house. When we got closer, we saw a small, almost featherless creature. We thought that it must
have fallen from its nest and been killed but, when my husband picked it up, the tiny bird opened its
eyes. And that started one of the most fascinating friendships between a man and a bird…

Nagranie 3.13
Zadanie 1., s. 121. Odpowiedzi na pytania

The small bird, which was saved by us one spring afternoon, appears to have been a blackbird – a
creature with shiny black feathers and a bright yellow beak. We called it Dracula because on its head
- it had two funny patches made of grey down, which looked like Dracula’s wig in Mel Brook’s
comedy Dracula: Dead and Loving It. To begin with, we kept it in a box covered by a piece of a
blanket. We gave it special food – a mixture of eggs, flour and other products containing vitamins
and water. Later, during the day we let it fly around the room before returning it to its artificial nest –
the box. It liked sitting on my shoulder when I was working on my computer or doing the gardening.
One day it flew off into the trees and didn’t come back until the next day…

Nagranie 3.14
Zadanie 2., s. 121. Odpowiedzi na pytania

One of the most popular devices we use nowadays is the mobile phone. Mobiles come in different
shapes and sizes, and there is a wide range of colours available. Each year designers are adding more
and more functions to make them into multifunctional devices that are increasingly similar to
computers. Their main advantage is the fact that they are small, don’t weigh much and can operate
with minimum levels of power. In the era of big-screen smart phones, it is hard to imagine that we
can use a mini mobile which is smaller than the size of a thumb and weighs less than the average
coin. But the fact is that a company is now offering such a phone.

Strona 28 z 44
It is about 5 cm long and weighs 13 grams. It’s possible to make calls, send text messages and store
contacts in a phonebook. It has got a microphone and a loudspeaker. The only disadvantage is the
fact that the mobile does not have internet access. The phone runs on a battery which will power a
180-minute conversation. In a super early bird offer it currently costs around €30.

Nagranie 3.15
Zadanie 3., s. 121. Odpowiedzi na pytania

Walking in the fields is something I always love. The fields and the river are just behind my house, so
whenever I walk my dog, I usually end up going there as often as three times a day and each walk has
something new and fascinating to see. It’s not just the grass, the bushes or the hedgerows, but also
the changes in them that occur from day to day. Three days ago, while passing a group of spindly
trees growing by the river, I noticed that some of them had been cut down. I imagined it had been
one of the local farmers, who usually needs a regular supply of wood to heat their house with, but
this time it was different. When I went back the following day, I was surprised to see that some of
the trees had been dragged into the water and I could see another tree that had been cut down and
even more partially cut down trees on the bank. But the big surprise came yesterday, when in the
same place, across the river, there was a large structure made of wood. As one of my friends, who is
a biologist, observed, it was a typical beaver dam. Beavers are those furry animals with big flat tails
and large teeth, which are used to cut down trees and build dams in rivers. It means that we have
some new animal neighbours nearby!

Nagranie 3.16
Zadanie 4., s. 122. Odpowiedzi na pytania

Harrods is London’s most famous department store, and one of the most popular tourist attractions
in the city. It is located on Brompton Road in Knightsbridge. It was founded as a family shop in 1894.
Henry Harrods opened a small grocery shop which soon became very popular, and a couple of years
later a lot of new departments were added. Nowadays, with more than a million square feet of
space, Harrods sells everything from clothes and electronic devices to toys and more in over 330
departments. In the luxurious interiors you can relax in restaurants, beauty salons and pas. The shop
has been owned by the state of Qatar since 2010. One of the many interesting facts about the store
is, for example, its policy that you are not allowed to enter the shop wearing cycling clothes, beach
shorts or flip flops. That’s why even popular celebrities like Jason Donovan, Luke Goss or the
Australian singer, Kylie Minogue have been asked to leave the shop. What’s more, female employees
have to wear smart uniforms and extremely high-heels. That was the reason for a strike in a store.

Strona 29 z 44
The Harrods motto is “all things for all people, everywhere”. Unfortunately, not many people can
afford to do their shopping there.

Nagranie 3.17
Zadanie 5., s. 122. Odpowiedzi na pytania

Have you ever eaten corn flakes? They are usually served with hot or cold milk and for a long time
have been one of the most popular breakfast cereals. Some people use the flakes to make ‘treats’ or
desserts by adding sugar, peanut butter, honey, or marshmallows. There are many brands of corn
flakes, but the most popular ones are made by the Kellogg’s company. The business was set up by
John and Will Kellogg at the end of the 19th century. Doctor John Kellogg, who invented corn flakes,
was interested in healthy eating. He encouraged his patients to go on a vegetarian diet, quit smoking
and stop drinking alcohol. He came up with many different ideas for healthy living – for example he
invented granola and peanut butter. The Kellogg’s company has been producing corn flakes since
1906. Although corn flakes may seem to be a great breakfast option, we need to remember that they
are full of sugar and low in protein. That means we will feel hungry fast. So, remember to balance
your diet by eating extra protein and vitamins.

Nagranie 3.18
Zadanie 6., s. 122. Odpowiedzi na pytania

If you want to be a good driver, you must remember some rules. First, never drive after drinking
alcohol. It is the main cause of road accidents. Alcohol slows you down and affects your skills. You are
also not allowed to use electronic devices like mobile phones or mp3 players. Many people get
injured or even die each year by texting or phoning while driving. Using a phone while driving means
that the driver isn’t focused on the road. Can you believe that smartphones are involved in more
than 1.6 million car crashes every year? You must remember to use a safety belt every time you are
in a car. By wearing seat belts, the risk of serious injury drops by 50%. Remember – always tell your
parents where you are going and who with, and check the brakes. Finally, be a kind and patient
driver - don’t shout or use the horn if you don’t need to.

Nagranie 3.19
Zadanie 7., s. 123. Odpowiedzi na pytania

Last year, I took part in a summer camp in the mountains. We didn’t sleep in tents but in a local
school. It was very comfortable because we could use the bathrooms and the kitchen. We also had
our meals in the school canteen. During the camp, I took part in many activities and I met many new
friends. Kasia is from Poland and she is keen on photography, but at the camp she took part in art

Strona 30 z 44
classes. I’m not really into art so I joined the volleyball team. It was great. Our coach was amazing
and very patient. He used to work with the national team so he was demanding and strict. We also
took part in problem-solving and team-building exercises. They were the best. I became more
confident and responsible after that. The weather was amazing. It was warm and sunny, not even
any drizzle for the whole two weeks. I hope you can come next year. I’m sure it will be a memorable
experience for you too.

Nagranie 3.20
Zadanie 8., s. 123. Odpowiedzi na pytania

Last week, my class organised a charity Art Festival. We wanted to raise money for our ill friend. It
was absolutely amazing. We took part in photography classes, painting and drawing lessons. Our
headmaster agreed that we could do huge chalk pictures on the school yard. We had a lot of fun. My
friends attended lessons with famous artists and photographers. They learned how to paint beautiful
still lifes and portraits. Mrs White showed us how to take beautiful pictures without using expensive
cameras. There were films and different presentations about famous painters and sculptors. We
organised a virtual walk through the most famous museums in the world. Mine and Kate’s mums
baked cakes and our siblings sold them to the participants. The local newspaper wrote an article
about our festival. I’m sorry you couldn’t make it, but I hope you will help us with the next event. It’s
going to be a charity walk for our local animal shelter.

Nagranie 3.21
Zadanie 9., s. 123. Odpowiedzi na pytania

I’ve recently put on weight and I don’t feel fit anymore. It was caused by my stressful lifestyle and a
bad diet. I didn’t have time to eat a proper breakfast. In the morning, I had a cup of coffee and two
hours later I had to eat something. It was usually a bar of chocolate or a sugary snack. I became
addicted to energy drinks and sweets. I didn’t have time to go to the gym or even for a walk with my
dog. I felt exhausted all the time and I had problems sleeping. I had frequent headaches and colds.
My doctor told me to start eating more fruit and vegetables. My diet was too poor in vitamins and
proteins. The lack of these nutrients caused headaches and sleeplessness. Now I am trying to cut
down on sweets and energy drinks. I have started to eat healthy, regular meals. I’ve joined cookery
classes to find out more about different cooking techniques and healthy eating. My dog is happy to
have long walks again. I hope I’ll be able to fit into my old jeans again!

Strona 31 z 44

Nagranie 3.22
Przykładowe zadanie, s. 126. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź 1.
Do you mind if I open the window?

Wypowiedź 2.
Sam, you look a bit tired today.

Wypowiedź 3.
I heard you met Mr. Watson. What does he look like?

Wypowiedź 4.
Excuse me, when can I see the headteacher?

Nagranie 3.23
Zadanie 1., s. 127. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź 1.
I’ve made my first cake today.

Wypowiedź druga
You were 2. from school yesterday.

Wypowiedź 3.
How about watching Riverdale on Channel 5?

Wypowiedź 4.
Where are you going to spend your summer holidays?

Nagranie 3.24
Zadanie 2., s. 127. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź 1.
Could you tell me the time, please?

Wypowiedź 2.
How often do you visit your grandparents?

Wypowiedź 3.
Lucy is such a clever girl. She has won another competition!

Wypowiedź 4.
When does your class have maths, George?

Strona 32 z 44
Nagranie 3.25
Zadanie 3., s.127. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź 1.
Is it still raining?

Wypowiedź 2.
Can you help me with my project today? It’s so difficult.

Wypowiedź 3.
I’m really surprised that John is moving to Barcelona!

Wypowiedź 4.
Would you like to get a ticket for the concert for your birthday?

Nagranie 3.26
Przykładowy arkusz egzaminacyjny, s. 224

Zadanie 1.
Tekst pierwszy
• John, have you received any messages from Amy?
• Yes. She’s going to visit us at the weekend.
• But when exactly?
• Probably on Saturday. She’s got a lot to do for Monday. She has already finished her painting
for art but she’s still working on a new geography project. If she finishes it on Saturday
morning, she will be here in the afternoon; if not, she’ll stay at home and come on Sunday
• Are you going to phone her?
• No, I’m also very busy preparing experiments for chemistry classes, but she has promised to
phone me when she has finished preparing the maps for her project.

Tekst drugi

• Are you going with us to the Atlas Arena to watch the Jimmy George concert on 28th April?
• I’d love to but I think it will be very difficult to get there by car or by bus because some of the
streets near the venue are closed, and the nearest car park or bus stop is about 15 minutes
away on foot.
• But we are not going by car. Haven’t you heard about the new train connection? It’s
absolutely great! You get off at an underground station underneath the arena, climb the
stairs or use the escalator and when you reach the exit, you can see the entrance to the
concert hall.

Strona 33 z 44
Tekst trzeci

• Oh no! It’s an absolute disaster! We’ve got eight lessons on Monday!

• Monday? Look at Friday! Two art classes plus English, maths and IT classes and some extra
activities from 4.00 till 6.00! It means the whole day at school!
• But I always play tennis matches in my sports club on Friday afternoon and I simply can’t stay
at school until 6.00.
• And on Friday at 12.00 we usually have rehearsals for our school play in the school canteen,
so no chance to have lunch...
• I think we should talk to Mr. Peterson. Maybe he can rearrange our extra classes. Obviously,
somebody has forgotten that Friday is the beginning of the weekend!

Zadanie 2.

Wypowiedź pierwsza

Yesterday afternoon I was surfing the net and decided to check my marks in our school online
register, but in my email box I also had some information about the competitions organised by our
school teachers. A few of them were very interesting, so I’ve decided to take part in one of them. It’s
time to start preparing if I want to win one of the great prizes!

Wypowiedź druga

It was a year ago when I decided to take part in the biology competition. The competition is
organised every year, and will be good preparation for my university entrance exams. I want to study
marine biology, and the competition has topics connected with the flora and fauna of the Baltic Sea.

Wypowiedź trzecia

Enter my competition and show off your talents. The competition is sponsored by me and The Artist
magazine - cash and other valuable prizes are to be won. The participants will have a chance to
present their works in 10 different categories. Photos of the winners and their works will appear in
the magazine. I also intend to show all the works submitted in a special exhibition.

Wypowiedź czwarta

Are you interested in helping people in need? If the answer is yes, it means that you should take part
in one of our charity contests. This year we are raising money to help elderly people. We are going to
buy special medical equipment for them. For more information on how to take part in the
competition and help out, visit our website at

Strona 34 z 44
Zadanie 3.

• Hi Lara. Firstly, I want to say that I’m really impressed. Can you really speak 13 languages?
• Yes, 13 foreign languages, but if you take into consideration my mother tongue, it will be 13
plus one.
• You are still only 23 years old, so when did you start learning?
• My family travelled a lot when I was young, and my dad was a self-taught polyglot. Twenty
years ago I had a friend who came from Germany. Our parents made friends, and we spent a
lot of time together, so speaking German came quite naturally.
• And next?
• I attended international schools with students from all over the world, so learning foreign
languages became an obsession.
• Does it mean that you were learning all the time?
• Absolutely. I spent hours on my speaking, reading, grammar and writing skills.
• Do you know someone who can speak more foreign languages than you?
• Yes, but not personally. I admire Alexander Arguelles a lot. He can speak 50 languages
• Plus one with his mother tongue?
• Exactly with his mother tongue – it’s 51.

Zadanie 4.

Wypowiedź pierwsza
What do you mostly use your mobile for?

Wypowiedź druga
My sister is really afraid of spiders.

Wypowiedź trzecia
Don’t forget to buy a carton of milk at the supermarket!

Wypowiedź czwarta
Why didn’t you do the washing up yesterday?

Strona 35 z 44
Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Look at this unusual piece of information on the board: Platform tickets priced at 50 pence
are available from the ticket office. The toilets here are for railway passengers only. These
are not public toilets. If you are not travelling by train and wish to use our toilets, you should
purchase a platform ticket in order to use the facilities.
• Does it sound strange to you?
• In Poland we never buy platform tickets to use the toilet. What’s more, we generally don’t
pay for just going onto the platform.
• Don’t you pay for toilets in public places such as airports or bus stations either?
• Of course we do, but in the toilets.
• I don’t understand why you sound so surprised. What does it matter where you actually pay
for using the facilities?

Tekst drugi

• What are you reading John?

• An article about a ship which is being built and which will be used from 2020 to clean up the
• Don’t we have anything like that already?
• Many countries are trying to do something to improve things, for example, fishermen
mustn’t dump rubbish overboard when they are at sea. If they get any litter in their nets,
they have to keep it on the boat and take it back to the shore and then put it into special
bins. But the ship I’m talking about, is going to be the first one which will be specially built to
both carry and recycle tons of plastic.
• Wow, it’s probably going to be enormous !
• Not as giant as some of the luxurious ocean liners, but it certainly will be huge - 180 metres
long with a crew of sixty, which will include several scientists and ecologists.
• Do you know who is going to pay for it?
• A Norwegian billionaire has donated the money for the project. His designers will cooperate
with the well-known ecological organisation the WWF
• The World Wildlife Foundation?
• That’s it!

Strona 36 z 44
Strona 37 z 44
Tekst trzeci

• I adore coffee and I’m a regular drinker of this amazing brew, but just look at my teeth –
They’ve got terribly brown stains as a result.
• Haven’t you heard about the colourless coffee which doesn’t stain?
• No. Do you mean coffee which is not brown?
• Yes. Two Slovakian brothers, David and Adam Nagy, came up with the idea. They used non-
traditional methods to make clear coffee from traditional high-quality Arabica coffee beans.
And you know what? It looks like water!
• Sounds interesting. But does it taste like the real thing?
• Yes, I tried it last week and I can assure you that it tastes just like the one you can’t live

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Wybór wielokrotny (kilka wypowiedzi)

Tekst pierwszy

• Why are you looking so fed up, Damian?

• Just look at me. I am unable to do much with my left leg as it is.
• What happened?
• I’ve hurt it and I can’t walk properly. But I’m lucky that I can still feel some pain...
• What are you talking about?
• I’ve read that there is a family in Italy who literally don’t feel pain.
• Lucky them!
• I wouldn’t say so. They’ve got a gene which minimises pain even if they are seriously injured.
But in everyday life lacking the ability to feel pain can be a real curse because it means that
we are often less careful in those situations which may result in injury!

Strona 38 z 44
Tekst drugi

• My granny always complains about lack of access to activities and places of entertainment
for elderly people. She doesn’t have a big pension and can’t afford to go out much, even
though she’d like to do it more often.
• But as far as I know, there are some quite interesting programmes for elderly people
available in our city which she could take advantage of. Every senior citizen aged 60+ has got
special 20% discounts to most theatres, the philharmonic hall, museums or cinemas. They
can also use the public library, paying half-price for membership. One of the swimming pools
offers free-of-charge swimming and aqua aerobics lessons. There are foreign language
courses with a maximum reduction of anything up to 70%, too.
• Where have you got all this information from?
• My grandad is a very active person and he’s engaged in organising many of the projects for
people in their sixties.

Tekst trzeci

• Another physics project?

• Yes, this time connected with astronomy. You know that our teacher is very demanding, and
that we have to do at least 4 projects a year.
• What is the deadline this time?
• We still don’t know exactly, but we are sure that our teacher will let us know later this week.
• What topic have you chosen this time?
• It’s about the Chinese space station which started working in 2011. It’s since broken up and
will probably fall back to Earth over the next few months.
• Are there any people still working on it?
• Of course not. The station was used for crew and non-crew space flights but it is now just a
huge piece of space rubbish. It weighs 8,5 tonnes. It’s believed that some of the pieces that
may hit Earth will weigh as much as 100 kg.

Strona 39 z 44
Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)
• Do you like pasta, Peter?
• Yes, very much, especially spaghetti with pesto.
• Is the shape important? You know: long vermicelli, fusilli, shells, macaroni, fettuccini,
tagliatelle, farfel, alphabet...
• Mary, hold on, please! I don’t even know what some of those are! Pasta is just pasta for me.
In my opinion the fact that it is tasty doesn’t depend on the shape or size...
• I’m afraid that’s where you’re wrong, but even if you don’t care about the shape of pasta,
there is something interesting about making it...
• OK, you’ve won – what is it? But, please keep it short...
• OK. Just a few sentences... Scientists have developed flat pieces of pasta which change their
shape when they are put into boiling water. This new type of pasta can take on many
different forms, even some quite complicated ones, for example, flowers.

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Wybór wielokrotny (jedna wypowiedź)

Last August, I was travelling from the south to the north of Wales. I must say that it was a fantastic
holiday not only because I was having a great time along with my colleagues but also because there
are some great mountains, which we all love so much, in this part of Britain. I also liked all the
Medieval castles which were on our route. One of them in particular, Caernarfon, was the most
interesting. On 1st July 1969 Prince Charles – the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II formally received
the title Prince of Wales there. I really like the fact that this tradition is maintained. Visitors to the
town are likely to receive a warm welcome in both English and Welsh, the latter being spoken
throughout North Wales. In previous centuries the warmth of this welcome depended on whether
you were an invading soldier, a sailor sailing into harbour, a local farmer visiting the market or a
member of the royal family. Nowadays, however, the Welsh are really friendly and hospitable to
everyone. At the Redline Indoor Karting Centre I also tried to become the next Formula 1 champion
but, unfortunately, was unsuccessful. I am also crazy about playing golf so it was a real pleasure to
visit an 18 hole parkland course next to the sea and enjoy both the game and the spectacular views
over the Snowdonia Mountains…

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

An electronic book, popularly called an e-book is a digital version of a traditional book and can be
read on the screen of any e-reader, such as a computer, tablet, iPad or smartphone. One of the
advantages of e-readers is the fact that you can upload a whole library onto it, which is great, for
example, for those who love reading while travelling for a long period of time.

Strona 40 z 44
Wypowiedź 2.

Reading paper books has a number of benefits. It has been proved that old-fashioned reading is good
for our health because it helps us reduce stress and can actually help us sleep better. By reading
traditional books, we can also memorise things better and recall much more information than by
reading e-books.

Wypowiedź 3.

Audiobooks are usually highly entertaining as they are read mostly by actors. These professionals
actually act out the books they read, which helps to make us more engaged in the plot. One of the
unquestioned pluses of such reading is the fact that you can do it while doing something else, like
driving a car or doing the housework.

Wypowiedź 4.

Book swap, also called book crossing, is really great. Leaving a book you have read in a public place
in order for it to be found by someone who also loves reading, is a proof of both your generosity and
your desire to share your goods with others. What is more it is much better than simply throwing a
book away or putting it into a recycling bin.

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Dobieranie

Wypowiedź 1.

Nowadays there is no need to go to an English-speaking country in order to feel the atmosphere of

the place. It is enough to turn your PC on and find a place that you are interested in. You will have a
chance not only to watch the place, but also listen to native speakers who will tell you interesting
stories connected with the place.

Wypowiedź 2.

It is a good idea to practise your English by listening to and singing English songs. If you have got a
favourite singer or band, it is high time to get to know exactly what they are singing about and try
doing karaoke. It is much easier to memorise new words when you use them automatically but
consciously, while you are singing.

Wypowiedź 3.

Are you going to spend your holidays working or maybe studying abroad? If you are, it is a good
reason to start learning English. Why English? Because it is the third most commonly spoken
language in the world and the so-called lingua franca – the international language of trade, show-
business, culture and science.

Wypowiedź 4.

Getting in touch with people from around the world usually forces us to also learn English. Online, we
contact people via social media, chat rooms or forums. We write or speak in English, using our
computers and often with web cameras, thanks to which we can not only speak, but also see the
people we are talking to.

Strona 41 z 44
Strona 42 z 44
Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Uzupełnianie luk
...And now for some historical facts which are sometimes hard to believe... Did you know that the
Polish Olympic Committee decided not to send Polish sportspeople to take part in the XXIII Summer
Olympic Games? On 17th May 1984 the announcement was made to the organisers of the Games
that were being held that year in Los Angeles, in the USA. In fact it wasn’t the decision of the Polish
Olympic Committee, but a politically motivated decision made by the government of the time. It was
a kind of tit-for-tat as western countries had boycotted the previous Olympic Games in Moscow,
following the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR in 1979. And now let’s come back to some current
sports events...

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Uzupełnianie luk

The official name for Saudi Arabia is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It is the fifth largest country in the
Middle East and the second largest country in the Arab world. It has access to both the Red Sea and
Persian Gulf. The country comprises mostly deserts and mountains, but if you see it from above, you
can also observe green circles on the ground. These are fields of grain, fruit and vegetables. Why are
they round? Because they are watered by special machines from a fixed point in the centre. Saudi
Arabian farmers use water deposited as ice during the Ice Age to water their fields. It lies deep under
the ground.

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Odpowiedzi na pytania

The Karkonosze National Park is just one of the protected areas located in the Karkonosze
Mountains. It is located in the south-west of Poland and covers the higher parts of the mountains. It
also contains the highest peak of the Sudeten Mountains, which is called Śnieżka. It is a unique region
because of many rare species of flora and fauna. Many of these are included in the Polish Red Book,
in which we can find a list of animals and plants which are in danger of extinction. For example,
grasslands and tundra provide a safe haven for protected species of flowers such as crocuses or
orchids and mammals like mouflons or grey wolves. Sheep, in contrast, are very common and
popular animals in the park. They roam freely but are there for a reason. It would be very difficult to
mow the grass on the hills, so the sheep are employed as ‘four-legged lawn mowers’. Without their
help the mountain meadows would soon become overgrown with grass and bushes.

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Odpowiedzi na pytania

The main goal for those individuals who are responsible for tourism in popular places, is to attract
the attention of potential tourists. But it appears that nowadays many of the people who live in
those places which are popular tourists destinations are now opposing tourism and the crowds of
people which go with it. They say that today’s model of tourism results in many locals moving away
as well as having a negative effect on the environment. That is why they have started organising anti-
tourism marches and protests. Recently, such events took place in Barcelona, Venice, Mallorca and
San Sebastian, which have millions of visitors a year. The authorities of some popular tourist
destinations, attempting to solve the problem, have decided to adopt some radical ideas. In Venice,
for example, the mayor’s office won’t allow any new tourist accommodation in the centre of the city.
In Rome, people are not allowed to eat or drink on the streets at night. In Milan you mustn’t use
selfie sticks. But the question is, will these bans really have any effect.

Strona 43 z 44
Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 1. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź pierwsza
Could you give me my book back? I promised to lend it to Jack.

Wypowiedź druga
How about ordering some pizza for dinner?

Wypowiedź trzecia
Are we going now? The show starts in half an hour.

Wypowiedź czwarta
Do you know where the staff room is?

Dodatkowe zadania, Zadanie 2. Dobieranie (zadanie z nagraniem)

Wypowiedź pierwsza
How was your trip to London, Ellie?

Wypowiedź druga
What should I do to get better marks?

Wypowiedź trzecia
Have a good time at the cinema!

Wypowiedź czwarta
How much did you pay for your new laptop?

Strona 44 z 44

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