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Printed in Canada Volume 117 Number 40

Obama invited to dedication, tug-of-war

By Duane Hicks Staff writer


With the annual international tug-of-war and dedication of the new James Oberstar Riverfront Complex both slated for July 2, International Falls is hoping to get U.S. President Barack Obama to visit Borderland. As first reported in Fridays Daily Bulletin, International Falls CAO Rod Otterness said last week that a letter written by Falls mayor Shawn Mason has been sent to Obama urging him attend the dedication of the facility, which is located across the river from the Sorting Gap Marina here and includes a new administrative building for

Voyageurs National Park. In her letter, Mayor Mason pointed out theres several excellent reasons the president should consider attendingthe first being the fact the complex is named after Congressman James Oberstar, who served the 8th District of Minnesota with distinction for 36 years and helped establish the park. Secondly, the dedication is scheduled to coincide with the annual cross-border tug-of-war between Fort Frances and International Falls. On Christmas Eve in 1814, Britain and the United States signed the Treaty of Ghent, ending the War of 1812, which included fighting between U.S. and British forces

in Canada, Mayor Mason wrote. The International Tug-of-War celebrates our nearly two centuries of neighbourly peace, and your administrations involvement would be an inspiration to citizens in both countries, she added. And third, such as visit would be an opportunity to pay tribute to the U.S. National Park Service. As a community partner committed to preserving and enhancing Voyageurs National Park, we believe the National Park Service and the 58 National Parks in the system represent a unique federal asset for all Americans, and that your administrations involvement in the days events would be a fitting tribute to Congressman Jim

Oberstar and the National Park Service, noted Mayor Mason. Its a lot of fun to think about President Obama coming, said Otterness. Our position is, Why wouldnt he come? Otterness added. We selected a date around the international tug-of-war so that he can also be present for that. You never know. If President Obama shows up and is at the first part of the rope, Ill tell you whatweve got our attention for the international tug-of-war! he enthused. Otterness said an international tug-of-war between Canada and the United States reminds people in the international community of

exactly what relationships between two countries should be like and what they can be like. I think thats a message that needs to get out there for all kinds of good reasons, but its also a message that can get out there and help both communities in terms of our efforts to keep our names in front of economic development people or visitors or tourists, Otterness stressed. I think its a great storyone of the things I like best about International Falls and Fort Frances is that connection. Im a big fan of it, and obviously President Obama would help us sell our local communities at the Please see Obama, A10

Internet ruling sparks protests

Love watching YouTube? Downloading the latest songs from iTunes? Watching news reports from around the world? Videoconferencing with relatives thousands of miles away? Have you signed up for Netflix?

See story on A2

District to probe regional airport concept

By Ken Johnston Editor, R.R. Record Controversy was flying around the room at the 20th-annual Rainy River District Municipal Association general meeting in Stratton. A resolution moved by Fort Frances Coun. Rick Wiedenhoeft, regarding the future of the Fort Frances Airport, was met with concerns from several other district communities. In the initial version of the resolution, concerns arose around two paragraphs. The first stated, And whereas the operational costs and the maintenance of this regional airport must be supported by all residents in the western portion of the District. The second read, And further be it resolved that this regional airport be funded by all the residents it serves in the western portion of the Rainy River District, including those in First Nations and the unincorporated areas. Lake of the Woods Township Reeve Val Pizey immediately spoke against the resolution. I think it is a little early with this resolution, she argued. We have no ideas on governance or financial information. I agree, echoed Emo Coun. Anthony Leek. We need to get more information, he stressed. This seems to be a little rushed. What does this resolution mean to individual municipalities? asked Pat Giles, clerk for both Dawson and Lake of the Woods townships. Can we, as individuals, decide on funding [without going back to our councils]? he wondered. We see this as conceptual, replied Fort Frances CAO Mark McCaig. There is no onus on individual communities [at this time]. This gives Fort Frances meat to explore funding avenues, noted RRDMA president and Rainy River Mayor Deb Ewald, who seconded the resolution. But Rainy River Coun. Gord Armstrong said he also had problems voting for the resolution without more information. It does not read like a conceptual resolution, he told delegates. I feel uncomfortable when our council has not said yea or nay. It needs to be re-worded and brought back later, he argued. Coun. Wiedenhoeft and Mayor Please see District, A10

Intern to look at energy use

With an eye to look at energy cost-savings, as well as possibly generating revenue from solar energy, the Town of Fort Frances is developing a community sustainability plan. Heading up the development of that plan will be sustainability co-ordinator intern Travis Rob.

Learning literacy
As part of Family Literacy Day, Isabelle Tanguay practised her letters and asked Calleigh Councillor for card during a game of Go Fish with Amelia Tanguay and Zaagi-idiwin Aboriginal Head Start program teacher Charity McMahon last Wednesday. The annual day (Jan. 27) was celebrated locally at schools and other programs to encourage families, adults, and children to learn and read together. Peggy Revell photo

See story on A5

District cattle Snow removal find homes proving costly in Kazakhstan

By Duane Hicks Staff writer By Peggy Revell Staff writer Rainy River cattle have landed in Kazakhstan. Ten Herefords originally from Cornell Farms in La Vallee were among the 400 cattle in a first shipment to the former Soviet republic at the end of December as Eastern European countries look to regenerate herds depleted since the fall of communism. And for Canadian cattle farmers, this international development means a market for cattle that hasnt been there in the last seven years due to BSE (mad cow disease), explained Kristi Guilford of Xports International, which oversaw the shipment. The company, based out of Clearwater, Mn., has been working to fill a number of international contracts to export live Canadian cattle to Russia and Kazakhstan. Rather than taking them to the auction mart and getting $1,000 or $1,100 for breeds, theyre getting $1,400, $1,500 for bred heifers, noted Guilford, referring to the prices Canadian cattle farmers are getting as exports to these countries increase. I certainly got more money than you would get in a breeding stock market here, so I mean that was the good thing, Kim Cornell of Cornell Farms said about the new market that has opened up for Canadian cattle. Its a little bit higher than a lot of these cattle would trade for in the breeding stock marketplace, he remarked. But while theres opportunity and higher prices, Cornell is cautious about putting too much weight into it being a solution for cattle farmers. Theres been a lot of cattle exported over the years, but its Please see District, A11 The Town of Fort Frances is keeping up its battle against the mountains of snow that have accumulated here since the holidays and fast on its way to spending more than it budgeted for. Operations and Facilities manager Doug Brown said yesterday that the town is now in Week 4 of a snow removal schedule, where it has been running two eight-hour shifts a day, five days a week, to haul away built-up snow from main routes. This schedule only has been interrupted by snow storms like the one last Friday, when the town had to shift its focus back to plowing the streets. But its costing the town, Brown added, noting the town is spending an extra $1,080 a day just to rent three trucks to help haul away the white stuff. Basically, we have run 27 shifts in the past three week, that cost me $29,160 to haul snow, he explained. Then we have a dump at the

Skaters shine on home ice

With snow pelting the area last Friday, those involved with the 2011 Sunset Country regional figure skating competition were a bit worried the inclement conditions would lead to some issues for the weekends events. But as the competition wrapped up Sunday, the general consensus was that things went off without a hitch.

See story on B5

east end of town that we rent off of George Armstrong [Company], Brown added. I have to pay for [them] to push the snow up on [their] land; [theyre] allowing us to use the land. Thats cost me about $3,500. Adding in the work done so far this week, Brown said the accelerated snow removal program has cost the town close to $35,000 so farand is expected to top $45,000 by the end of the week. The 2011 preliminary budget currently has $40,000 earmarked for snow removal vehicle rentals. By comparison, Brown said the town only spent $12,000 in 2010 to rent extra trucks to haul away snow. Brown noted the town has not been into the small residential areas yet to remove snow, but have done all the main arteries and collector routes (streets where the town plows snow onto from nearby lanes, like First Street East) oncealthough it may be hard to tell in some spots because Borderland has been hit with so much snow this winter. Please see Snow, A11

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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


District cattle shipped to Kazakhstan

More from A1 one of these things that are on again, off again in your career, he warned. It might be good for a year or two or three, and then something happens, whether its a health issue or an exchange issue. Theres so many external forces, he stressed. As well, demand for cattle can shift around the globe, added Cornell, noting that 20 years ago there was a big push to take cattle to South America. Theres so many external factors that I dont think youd want to count on it happening every year for the rest of your life, he said. Still, the chance to sell cattle at a bit of a higher price is nice, he conceded. Things have been difficult since 2003, so we need a few bonuses, he remarked. With 400 head already shipped to Kazakhstan, Guilford said they are looking to send a second shipment in the coming months of Black and Red Angusand hopefully more from there. Theres so much potential right now, she enthused. Its really a first in Kazakhstan, the business is really in its infancy right now. The market is certainly growing, and there seems to be lots of potential and the governments have been quite aggressive in making this happen in their country, she added. Since the fall of communism, there had been very little development in the agricultural industry in former Soviet states such as Kazakhstan and Russia, Guilford explained. And now the government is now providing incentives for anyone who is willing to invest in agriculture, she explained. Her companys clients are not specifically cattle people. But with the subsidies that are available, they see the industry as a pretty viable business and want to invest. Right now, in Russia anyway, 70 percent of the beef thats consumed is imported, Guilford noted. For a country the size of those countries, theres no reason why they shouldnt be self-sustaining. And so what theyre trying to do is theyre trying to expand their markets, their agriculture markets, so they can feed their population. So far, the Cornells are the only ones in Rainy River District who have gone this route to sell cattle, with Cornell noting cattle must be certified purebred to be exported. Through the difficulties, particularly in the last few years, people just stopped registering their cattle because they were trying to cut their costs, he explained. Twenty years ago, there were quite a few of us who registered Herefords, but now theres only one or two or three of us [in the district]. And shipping cattle to the former U.S.S.R. is no easy feat. First, all the needed permits need to be in place, said Guilford, and testing has to be done for each animal for it to be export ready. Each animal has to go through a minimum 30-day quarantine period before they can leave the country, she explained, noting this also includes being inspected and having blood tests done by Canadian Food Inspection Agency veterinarians. Once the animals leave quarantine, they are trucked to the airport in Winnipeg. Animals then were flown out on 747stwo planeloads of 200 animals each, with animals crated based on weight and where they are loaded on the plane. The cattle are flown to the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan, where they once again go through another 30-day quarantine period and the same testing. Cattle normally are shipped by boat to international destinations like Europe, Guilford noted. But while planes are costlier, theyre more beneficial to the animals. [The cattle] got a 16-hour plane ride rather than a 20-some hour truck ride out to the port, and then another three- to four-week boat ride to where theyre going, and then another how-many-hour long truck ride to wherever the farms are, she said. As well, where the animals are headed for in Kazakhstan often is quite remote from the ports, so shipping via boat didnt make much sense, she reasoned. Most of the places that theyre going to are large-scale farms, Guilford said. Those importing the cattle have money to spend, she added, with plans to have thousands of head of cattle over the next couple of years. Especially in Kazakhstan, the governments mandate and support for importing the cattle comes, in part, as a way to increase employment. Depending on what time of year it is, weve got around 1,000 head of cattle kicking around [our ranch] and it takes one or two guys to do chores for three hours in the morning and thats it, Guilford explained. Whereas over there, theyll have 400-500 people that are there to feed their 2,000 head of cattle. Importing Canadian cattle also comes with a benefit: the climates are similar and cattle can adapt more quickly. Theres certain areas which have imported cattle from Texas previously and those cattle just didnt perform as well theretheyre just not as accustomed to the climate, Guilford said. You take cattle that are used to warm weather conditions and you throw them in minus-30, they dont respond too well.

Meet the author

Dawn-Marie Danylchuk watched as her daughters, Wendy and Piper, had a book signed by Ranier, Mn. author Mary Casanova at Donald Young Schools Literacy Day festivities last week. Parents and other family members enjoyed a lunch of wild rice soup and bannock before visiting with Casanova, purchasing some of her books, and having them autographed. Dave Ogilvie photo

Snow removal proving costly

More from A1 We are planning to work the rest of the week hauling snow and then make a decision Friday, he remarked. We have got to see if the weathers going to change. We plan for a 21-week winter season . . . were in Week 11, so its half over, Brown continued. But if we get milder weather, the snowbanks will go down. Usually, you get a big melt in March but I dont know if were going to get that this year, he said. March and February can be painful and no one really knows. If I could predict the snow, Id stop hauling it, he stressed. I need places to store it. Were getting pretty jammed. How much more are going to do? I dont know, Brown admitted. Well make a decision. Well look at the weatherif we have two weeks without snow, maybe I can do it with our own forces instead of renting vehicles. Brown said the town continues to get complaints about high snowbanks, but added they are trying to move the snow in a cost-effective manner. Were getting complaints that on residential, low-volume roads, [motorists] cant see at the intersections .... People have to realize we have to take care of the higher-priority roads, the collector streets, the main routes first, before we can get to all of the smaller ones, he explained. When were not hauling snow, were plowing snow. Streets to be worked on for the rest of this week include First Street East from Portage to Mowat Avenue, Mowat Avenue from Second to Third Street East, through the underpass and along Sixth Street, and Fifth Street East near St. Michaels School.

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