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ISSN (Print) : 0972-2467

ISSN (Online) : 0976-2477

SRELS Journal of Information Management, Vol 57(6), December 2020, p.297-308 DOI: 10.17821/srels/2020/v57i6/154832

Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements

and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian
Nisha Kumari* and Shesh Mishra
Banasthali Vidyapith, Vanasthali - 304022, Rajasthan, India;,

The main purpose of the study is to compare the digital library job requirements and the curriculum offered in Indian LIS
departments. Data were obtained from two sources: 180 job advertisements obtained through online job sites and course outlines
obtained from the websites of 21 universities. The content analysis method was followed in the research for data analysis. The
findings indicate that employers demand good communication skills and ability of working on digital library software, handling
library management software, knowledge of basic computer skills, programming and markup languages. Job ads also indicate
that a bachelors’ and masters’ degree programme in library and information science are the minimum essential requirements for
employing digital library professionals. The study also found that there is no separate digital library programme offered whereas
digital library course contents are integrated into BLIS & MLIS programmes. The digital library topics such as training students
in using library management software, digital library software and content management systems; creating databases using MySql;
website designing are offered at both bachelor’s and master’s degree levels. This paper compares what is demanded in the job market
and what is offered by LIS departments and found that the curriculum does not fully address the needs of the job market, as certain
topics such as troubleshooting and problem solving skills were seen missing from the Indian LIS curricula.

Keywords: Academic Libraries, Digital Library Education, Job Requirements, LIS Curriculum

1. Introduction “Without well-educated digital librarians, digital libraries

cannot reach their full potential”. However, digital library
The continuous growth of digital technologies has had a education has become a topic of discussion and debates
significant impact on library functioning, the education within LIS community. Most of the research on digital
of library professionals, the expectation of employers of library education is conducted in European countries,
products of LIS schools, and on the curriculum in LIS United States and Canada. Very few studies have been
schools (Singh & Mehra, 2013) with the introduction done in India that illustrates the status of digital library
of digital resources, increasing number of positions in education in the Indian context. Therefore, in the current
academic libraries require advanced skills, particularly study, Indian LIS curriculum has been chosen as the
for the profile of digital librarians. Ma, Brian and subject of research. 
O’Brien (2006) highlighted that there is a shortage of
professionals with right combination of skills required in
digital resources management. Nowadays, creating and
2.  Literature Review
managing digital resources and providing access to them
have become a vital component in educational institutes This section reviews literature on digital library education,
all around the world. Many digitization projects could particularly about curriculum content, from a global and
not be completed because of the lack of expertise among Indian perspective. The key literature on digital library
professionals. Choi and Rasmussen (2006) have observed, education has been reviewed.

*Address for correspondence

Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian Perspective

2.1 Digital Library Education: library projects seeking their opinions about the
Global View skills and education desired in executing their daily
duties. They found that educational programs for
Spink and Cool (1999) analyzed the websites of 20 LIS digital librarians should cover topics related to website
schools offering courses in digital libraries. The authors designing and development, interface designing, digital
highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary digital preservation, digitization, information retrieval, metadata
library curriculum suggesting distinct curriculum standards, OAI-PMH, usability testing and improving
areas for digital library education: foundation of communication skills. Imparting project management
digital libraries, digital library technical infrastructure, skills through practical exposure of digital projects is also
knowledge organization, collection development, essential.
information access and use, economic and policy issues Pomerantz, Oh, Wildemuth, Yang and Fox (2007)
and roles of a digital librarian. Further, the authors also conducted a survey to analyze the syllabus for computer
recommended the topics on developing digital collections, science and LIS programs. Syllabi were collected from
information retrieval, creating databases, digital archives the institutional websites for the courses related to
and preservation. Based on the web analysis, Saracevic digital library. Their findings revealed that LIS and CS
and Dalbello (2001) examined the LIS programs offered programs view digital library topics differently. In LIS
in United States and Canada and found that 89% of LIS the topics are user focused such as reference services and
programs have included the digital library course content personalization, while in CS courses the topics are system
in their curriculum. focused such as web designing and database development.
Liu (2004) conducted a survey of digital library Koltay and Boda (2008) examined the digital library
course curriculum in universities of United States, courses offered in LIS schools of Hungary and found that
Canada, Europe and East Asia. She found that courses courses cover different areas such as information retrieval,
on digital libraries followed two approaches, including reference and information sources, web designing using
topics that teaches the basic computer architecture and markup languages, database designing, metadata, library
programming, and programs which teach the topics management systems, e-resources and their accessibility,
related to digital library operations and user services. She digitization, managing digitization projects, digital
further suggested that the focus of digital library course library software, open source software and open access
curriculum should be on organization of digital resources, technologies.
integration and interoperation of digital information, Abrizah, Noorhidawati, Hilmi and Azeana (2009)
legal issues, interface designing, building and evaluation analyzed the digital library curriculum offered in LIS
of digital libraries and collaboration balancing theoretical schools of US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and
and practical aspects. Malaysia. They found that the topics which are relevant
Ma, Clegg and O’Brien (2006) conducted a survey of to work in real world of digital libraries, e.g. Hands on
institutions offering digital library courses in USA, UK practice in using digital library software, copyright
and Canada. They focused on the digital library course issues, and funding, programming and user studies were
curriculum offered by both LIS and Computer science. included in their curriculum.
They found that the LIS curriculum has covered the Baro (2010) conducted a content analysis of digital
modules dealing with creation, maintenance, evaluation library courses curricula offered by the library schools in
and legalization of digital libraries, whereas the computer Africa. They found that the courses cover areas related to
science curriculum dealt with specialization in computer the types of e-resources and delivery, means of accessing
focused topics related to a digital library. Courses such e-resources and their integration with existing library
as information retrieval and designing user interface resources, different methods of information organization,
were included in both degrees’ curricula. They further basic computer knowledge, information storage and
recommended that library educators should work in retrieval and knowledge of programming and evaluation
collaboration with digital library practitioners to develop of information systems. The author further suggested
a well-rounded curriculum. the inculcation of topics such as digital preservation and
Choi and Rasmussen (2006) surveyed academic conversion, database management, metadata, archiving,
library practitioners engaged in digitization or digital copyright and intellectual property rights.

298 SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020

Nisha Kumari and Shesh Mishra

Howard (2010) conducted a survey to investigate the and e-publishing to produce the manpower who can work
skills required to manage a digital library environment. in a digital library environment.
The study seeks opinions from both academic library Kumar (2010) outlined the gaps between the
practitioners’ and LIS educators’ in Australia. The competencies demanded by employers and the
communication skills were ranked first by both competencies being taught in the LIS schools of India.
practitioners and educators. Both rated knowledge of The study found that communication skills, presentation
user needs, copyright, metadata and content management skills, library automation, digitization of library resources,
system as “highly desirable” skills for digital library e-resource acquisition and management are essential
professionals. The author also noted the discrepancy in employability skills. The author further suggested
opinions of practitioners’ and educators’ regarding the inclusion of courses on communication skills, hands on
requisite skills to work in digital libraries. The knowledge practice of digital library software and library automation
of programming languages and digital library architecture software in LIS programme.
was least preferred by academic library practitioners, Varalakshmi (2010) analyzed the course content of 27
whereas it was highly favored by educators. LIS departments of Southern India. She found that DRTC
Rasuli and Naghshineh (2014) surveyed 45 LIS and the universities of Madras, Andhra, and others have
educators and 66 academic librarians of Iran about their enriched their syllabi with courses like digital libraries,
views for a dedicated digital library education programme. webpage designing and development, e-publishing,
Results showed that according to 80% of library knowledge management, database creation, networking,
practitioners, the existing LIS curriculum is not offering content management system and semantic web. MS (LIS)
desired skills on digital libraries. Similar observations curricula of DRTC have balanced emphasis on practical
have been made by LIS educators also, which implicates and student centered learning. The LIS curriculum of
that current LIS curriculum could not impart the skills Pondicherry University provides hands on practice in
required to work in digital libraries. library automation and digital library software. University
Audunson and Shuva (2016) examined the digital of Mysore, Madras and Pondicherry offer a core course
library course curriculum offered in Europe. The results on communications skills.
of the study showed that 80% of LIS schools in Europe had Ramesha and Babu (2007) found that continuously
integrated the digital library courses in their bachelor’s emerging demand for digital libraries and database
and master’s degree programmes. Subject areas such as creation skills have contributed to restructuring of
architecture of digital libraries, information retrieval, curriculum in LIS schools of India. Most of the LIS
archiving, e-resource development, intellectual property courses in India are theory based. Library schools in India
rights were considered very important in the study. The must adapt themselves to the changing environment so
authors found that the digital library courses offered that they can turnout better professionals.
by computer science and engineering departments The findings of Satpathy and Maharana (2011)
concentrate more on practical aspects while the LIS concluded that the majority of the library practitioners
schools tend to focus on theoretical aspects. Approach possess the knowledge of web languages, digital library
of hybrid curriculum was proposed in the study to bring software, etc., but only few of them were able to apply
together strengths from varied departments. it practically. There is a need to incorporate educational
system experiential components, such as internships,
2.2  Digital Library Education in India placements, and other practical exposures (Tammaro,
2007). As many universities are digitizing their collections,
Panigrahi (2010) analysed the LIS programme contents of
LIS graduates should have practical knowledge of digital
universities in North-east India, Odisha and West Bengal
library software (Kumar, 2010). Theoretical knowledge
and found that there was no satisfactory balance in the
is not sufficient for LIS professionals to work in a digital
emphasis on theoretical aspects and practical exercises in
information environment (Pradhan, 2015). 
the syllabi. The author further recommended to include
courses on digital library, designing library website,
content management system, e-resource evaluation,
networking, library automation, knowledge management

SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020 299

Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian Perspective

3.  Research Methodology departments were found to have digital library courses in
their BLIS and MLIS curriculum and had uploaded the
In order to investigate the skills required for working detailed syllabi on their websites. The results are listed in
in digital libraries and the educational practices being Table 1. All URLs are valid when revisited on 09 August
followed to impart those skills and knowledge, a survey 2020. In similar studies, Ma, Clegg and O’Brien (2006),
of the job advertisements posted on online job sites Pomerantz, Oh, Wildemuth, Yang and Fox (2007), Baro
and BLIS and MLIS course curricula of university LIS (2010) and Kumar (2010) collected the course curriculum
departments’ was conducted. Content analysis method is from university websites to analyze the digital library
used for analyzing the content of textual data to discover topics being taught. Using websites and web pages to
data characteristics (Neuman, 2006). The content analysis collect data for analysis is now acknowledged as a valuable
of textual data on the websites from two different samples additional option for present day researchers (Bryman,
was used to study expected competencies from digital 2004).
library professionals and the subjects taught to impart
those competencies. Similar method has been adopted
in the studies by Spink and Cool (1999), Saracevic and 4. Findings
Dalbello (2001), Liu (2004) and Ma, Clegg and O’Brien
This section presents the findings of the study. Firstly, it
will present the results from job advertisements followed
The data collection was done in two parts. Firstly,
by the results from course outlines.
the authors collected the job advertisements from
January 2011- December 2019. The job advertisements Educational qualifications, knowledge and skills demanded
of academic libraries with the words digital, e-resources, by employers: The digital library based job ads retrieved
digital services, institutional repository, digital from LIS links and LIS portal were analyzed to identify
preservation, digitization, digital projects in a position the skills and competencies required by the employers. In
description, duties/responsibilities, or qualifications total, 180 job advertisements were found in a nine year
were included in the study. The job announcements were period i.e. from 2011-2019. The findings revealed that
gathered for positions at digital academic libraries from bachelor’s or master’s degree in library and information
the two job websites LIS links ( science or computer science and post graduate diploma
and LIS portal ( The selected job in computer applications are required for a position in
sites had wider use in India and they also provide archival academic libraries. However, most job ads indicate that
access. In similar studies, Kumar (2010); Ocholla and master’s degree in library and information science is ideal
Shongwe (2013) and Raju (2014) used the newspapers for the position in academic libraries. The knowledge and
and online job sites to analyze the LIS job market. skills required for managing digital academic libraries
Secondly, the researcher examined the university were also analyzed. The results discovered a typology of
websites of those offering LIS programs in India either 44 skills and competencies demanded in the job market.
at bachelors’ or masters’ level, during the period from Table 2 presents the results.
April to June 2020 to identify the content pertaining to
digital library. Further, the syllabi of the BLIS and MLIS Digital library courses in BLIS and MLIS curriculum:
courses was downloaded from the university websites and Programme outlines were used to analyze the digital
analyzed to assess the state of digital library education library courses. This was meant at identifying what is
in LIS departments of India. Topics related to the skills being taught in LIS schools. The results indicate that no
demanded by employers to work in digital libraries university in India offers a standalone programme on
(Table 2) such as digitization and digital preservation, digital libraries. A few digital library courses are offered
e-resource management, Metadata, computer networking at bachelors’ and masters’ degree programme of Library
and components, website development and designing, and information science. Table 3 shows the digital library
open access, classification and cataloguing of e-resources, course curriculum at bachelors’ and masters’ degree
were included in the study. In total, 21 Universities’ LIS level.

300 SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020

Nisha Kumari and Shesh Mishra

Table 1.  List of Universities’ in India covered digital library courses in the BLIS/MLIS programme

University Department Programme Syllabus available at:

Central University of Library & MLIS
Haryana Information Science Syllabus_(2017-2019).pdf
Babasaheb Bhimrao Library & BLIS & MLIS http://www.
Ambedkar University Information Science
Assam University Library & MLIS
Information Science uploads/sites/32/2017/11/MLibISc-Syllabus-2015.pdf
Mizoram University Library & MLIS
Information Science O8ViZrt/view
Kalyani University Library & MLIS
Information Science mlis_credit_structure_Final4(2017-19)%20(2).pdf
University of Library & MLIS
Burdwan Information Science
University of Delhi Library & BLIS & MLIS
Information Science in/Downlaod/BLISc%20II.pdf
University of Mumbai Library & MLIS
Information Science pdf
North Eastern Hill Library & MLIS
University Information Science syllabus_MLISc.pdf
Andhra University Library & MLIS
Information Science Syllabus-2015-2016.pdf
Gauhati University Library & MLIS
Information Science y1GUVk5NUF6aVJsdVRnZ0ln/view
Aligarh Muslim Library & BLIS & MLIS,
University Information Science
Tripura University Library & BLIS & MLIS
Information Science syllabus_libraryinfoscience_23092016.pdf,
Banaras Hindu Library & MLIS
University Information Science
Guru Nanak Dev Library & BLIS & MLIS
University Information Science OF%20LIBRARY%20AND%20INFORMATION%20
Indira Gandhi Library & BLIS & MLIS,
National Open Information Science
University English%202017%20%281%29.pdf
Pondicherry Library & MLIS
University Information Science ibI-Sc-%20%202018-2019%20onwards.pdf
Jiwaji University Library & BLIS & MLIS
Information Science C.B.C.S..pdf

SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020 301

Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian Perspective

Table 1. Continued
University Department Programme Syllabus available at:
University of Madras Library & MLIS
Information Science SYLLABUS%20-%202016-17_45.pdf
University of Library & BLIS & MLIS
Rajasthan Information Science Bachelor%20of%20Library%20&%20Information%20Science%20
Panjab University Library & BLIS & MLIS
Information Science blib2020-21.pdf?202005530608,

Table 2.  Required educational qualification, skills and knowledge

Educational qualifications Knowledge Soft skills
Bachelors’/Masters’ in LIS Library management software Good communication skills in English
BSc in information or computer science Digital library software Good analytical & problem solving skills
Post graduate diploma in computer Metadata encoding & standards
Bachelors’/Masters’ in computer Classification schemes
Btech in computer science Metadata harvesting
Cataloguing and Vocabulary control tools
Digitization/ Digital preservation
Project management
E-resource management
Indexing & abstracting
Basic Computer knowledge & applications
in libraries
Hardware and software maintenance
Operating System
Web designing
Website development & Maintenance
Web server management
Database management System
Implementing security system
Troubleshooting IT Systems & database
Storage technologies
Open source technologies & software
System analysis and design
Content Management System

302 SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020

Nisha Kumari and Shesh Mishra

Table 2. Continued
Educational qualifications Knowledge Soft skills
MS office
Institutional repository creation
Knowledge of e-resources/databases
Subscription and renewal of e-resources
Evaluation of e-resource for subscription
Licensing & negotiation
Open Educational Resources
Intellectual property rights
Tracking and preparing usage statistics
Providing access to eResources
Web 2.0 and 3.0 application
Electronic reference service
Online document delivery system
Conducting tutorials & information
literacy prog.
Reference management tools
E-learning system
  Information retrieval  

Table 3.  Bachelors’ and Masters’ digital library course curriculum

Digital library course curriculum in BLIS and MLIS programmes

Networking Knowledge organisation tools: taxonomies, folksonomies
Computer components: hardware and software Metadata harvesting: OAI-PMH, PKP-OHS
Operating system (windows, linux): installation & functioning Cataloguing standards (CCC, AACR2, RDA, MARC 21)
practice including cataloguing of e-resources
Markup languages (HTML, XML, CSS) for webpage designing Using vocabulary control tools and deriving subject headings
using SLSH, LCSH
Programming languages for website development Methods and techniques of digital conversion and preservation
Web servers Digitization process (material selection, steps & policy) and
Developing relational databases using MySql/PostgreSql Project management
Database recovery, Transaction management, Concurrency E-resource life cycle
control and deadlock
Open Source softwares: installation & configuration Keyword indexing (KWIC, KWOC); Pre-coordinate indexing
(PRECIS, POPSI); Post coordinate indexing (Uniterm) and
Online citation indexing tools
System Analysis & Design: Concept and Types Indexing and abstracting practice
Process of system development: Traditional Waterfall, Creating Institutional repository
Prototyping, Computer-Aided Software Engineering, Agile
Methodologies, eXtreme Programming, etc.
Installation and configuration of Drupal, Joomla, Mediawiki Types of e-resources

SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020 303

Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian Perspective

Table 3. Continued

Digital library course curriculum in BLIS and MLIS programmes

Creating word documents; powerpoint presentations; Acquisition/ Subscription of e-resources (consortias, publishers,
spreadsheets aggregators)
Access management and authorization for providing e-resource Budgeting methods and budgetary control
Library 2.0 applications- Chat & Instant messaging, RSS feeds, Cost analysis approaches
podcasts, webcasts, ask a librarian; E-alerts
E-Document Delivery Service Evaluation and Selection of e-resources
User orientation and information literacy programmes License and agreements on online resources (model licenses &
Reference management softwares: Mendeley, Zotero, Endnote Open access e-resources & educational resources (MOOCs,
E-Learning Management System (Moodle, ATutor, Claroline, IPR in digital era (copyright laws and digital rights management
Brihaspati) in India)
Search strategies & techniques in databases and search Plagiarism detection softwares (Tunitin, Urkund and
algorithms ithenticate) & Penalties for plagiarism
Information Retreival Models: Probabilistic Retrieval Model, E-resource usage analysis (COUNTER, SUSHI) & presentation
Language Models, XML Retrieval; Multimedia information of data
retrieval; Z39.50 protocol
Library management software (Koha, Libsys, Soul): Installation, Oral Communication skills
customisation and hands on practice
Digital library software (Content DM, Greenstone, Dspace, Report writing: Annual Report, Event Report, Promotion
Eprints): Installation, customisation and hands on practice Report, etc.
Metadata elements (Dublin core, EAD, METS, VRA core) Office Writing: Notice & Memo Writing, Writing letters to
publishers, booksellers, binders and others
Classification schemes (DDC, CC, UDC) practice Presentation skills at the time of Library meetings
Automatic classification, Classification in online systems and  
Web dewey ontologies

The study discovered varied knowledge and skills

5. Discussion
demanded by employers for digital academic library
Job sites scanning results revealed that digital library positions. Basic computer knowledge and Microsoft
employers in India require that candidates must have office skills are very important. Choi and Rasmussen
Masters’ or Bachelors’ degree in Library and Information (2009), Raju (2014), Gerolimos, Malliari and Iakovidis
Science (BLIS/MLIS) or computer science (BSc/ MSc) or (2015) and Ratledge and Sproles (2017) also highlighted
computer application (BCA/MCA) and Post Graduate the importance of basic computer knowledge in a
Diploma in Computer Applications (PGDCA). Similar digital academic library environment. Additional skills
studies by Choi and Rasmussen (2009) and Ratledge such as establishing authorization mechanisms for
and Sproles (2017) also concluded that masters’ degree providing online access, license negotiation and offering
in library and information science is required for the digital reference services were also discovered to be
position of digital librarians in academic libraries. important. This finding is supported by the results of
Further, Audunson and Shuva (2016) found that future Croneis and Henderson (2002). Employers indicated
LIS curricula will be more directed towards computer the troubleshooting skills, project management skills,
science, engineering and management science. Latest expertise of using library management software,
technologies such as robotics and satellite technology will knowledge of digitization and digital preservation
also have a significant impact on LIS curricula. processes, e-resources and information search techniques,

304 SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020

Nisha Kumari and Shesh Mishra

metadata standards, programming languages, website and subject cataloguing, vocabulary control tools,
designing and classification and cataloguing are required cataloguing of e-resources, centralized and cooperative
for the position of digital librarians. Similar results were cataloguing, hardware and software maintenance, library
found in the studies of Orme (2008), Choi and Rasmussen automation, open source technologies such as LAMP/
(2009), Bronstein (2015), Shahbazi and Hedayati (2016), WAMP architecture, installation of content management
Ratledge and Sproles (2017) and Maceli (2018). software’s such as wordpress, drupal and licensing and
Effective communication skills are widely sought by negotiation for e-resources.
academic library employers in the job advertisements. Table 4 compares the job market requirements to
Several studies has cited this as an important skill curriculum offered in LIS departments. The comparison
required to work in digital libraries (Bronstein, 2015; concludes that LIS departments teach what is mostly
Choi & Rasmussen, 2006; Gerolimos, Malliari & demanded in the job market. Though, it is also noticed
Iakovidis, 2015; Howard, 2010; Kumar, 2010; Orme, 2008; that troubleshooting skills and problem solving skills are
Ratledge & Sproles, 2017; Shahbazi & Hedayati, 2016). essential but they are not covered in curriculum.
Choi and Rasmussen (2006) and Kumar (2010) suggested
including communication skills in a digital library course
6. Conclusion
The results showed that LIS departments in India teach The study sought to compare the job market requirements
a wide range of subjects to impart the skills and knowledge and the curriculum offered in Indian LIS departments and
required for working in digital libraries. The present study to determine whether what is required by digital academic
revealed that curriculum seek to equip future digital library employers is taught in the LIS schools. Through
library professionals with skills of database creation, online job sites scanning, the study found that employers
installation and customization of library management require knowledge ranging from basic computer
and digital library software, programming, web page knowledge to traditional library functions. They also
designing and project management; knowledge of digital demand knowledge in database management, networking,
preservation methods and handling digitization projects, website designing and development, metadata standards,
system analysis and designing and copyrights laws; Microsoft office, library management and digital library
knowledge of different e-resources and their organization, software and soft skills such as communication skills and
retrieval and dissemination practices including metadata analytical and problem solving skills.
elements, access management and authorization for The study discovered that many LIS departments
providing access, information retrieval models, search have been established in India over the period of time
algorithms, online database search strategies; knowledge but no attention has been paid to a stand-alone digital
of computers including networking, windows or Linux library education programme development, although
installation, web server configuration and maintenance, there have been various studies that emphasized the need
installation and configuration of open source software, such as Rasuli and Naghshineh (2014) Mohsenzadeh
MS office suite and videoconferencing. Similar content and Isfandyari-Moghaddam (2011). The study also
has been found in the digital library course curriculum found that LIS courses in India train students in using
of Slovenia and UK (Bawden, David, Vilar & Zabukovec, library management and digital library software, content
2005), Hungary (Koltay & Boda, 2008), Africa (Baro, management systems, creating databases using Mysql,
2010) and Europe (Audunson & Shuva, 2016). website designing and various others. Based on the
The study found that curriculum also covers various comparison between job market requirements and the LIS
other important topics recommended by Tammaro curriculum, the study found that the topics on problem
(2007), Choi and Rasmussen (2009), Baro (2010), solving and troubleshooting skills were seen missing
Panigrahi (2010), Rasuli and Naghshineh (2014), from the Indian LIS curricula. Thus, the study concludes
Audunson and Shuva (2016) to include in courses that the curriculum is relevant but does not adequately
pertaining to digital libraries such as indexing and address the needs of the job market.
abstracting, classification schemes, semantic web, The study recommends that there should be a strong
automatic classification, classification in online systems, link between the academic libraries and academia
taxonomies, folksonomies, cataloguing standards recognized to strengthen the teaching of digital library

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Comparing Digital Library Job Requirements and Digital Library Course Curriculum: An Indian Perspective

Table 4.  Job requirements vs curriculum

Job market requirements Curriculum offered in LIS departments

Educational requirements-bachelors’ or masters’ degree in LIS Offered at bachelors’ or masters’ level
Job market demands skills & knowledge of LIS departments teach
Communication & problem solving skills Oral and written Communication skills
Microsoft office skills Designing presentations & working on spreadsheets, word
Website designing and development Programming and Markup languages
Indexing & abstracting Practicing indexing & abstracting
Library management & Digital library software Installation, customisation & hands on practice of library
management & digital library software
Metadata encoding & metadata harvesting Metadata elements & harvesting tools
Cataloguing Cataloguing standards including practice of cataloguing
Vocabulary control tools Deriving subject headings using subject heading lists &
Digitization & Digital preservation Digitization and Digital preservation process, techniques and
Project management Project management
E-resource management E-resource life cycle & usage analysis; Access management &
authorization for providing e-resource access
Database management system MySql/ PostgreSql for developing relational databases
Open source technologies & software Open access e-resources; Installation & configuration of OSS
Budgeting Budgeting methods, budgetary control
Licensing & negotiation Licenses on online resources & negotiation skills
Intellectual property rights Copyright laws and digital rights management in India
Information retrieval Searching techniques in online databases & Information
Retrieval Models
Computer knowledge Networking, Hardware & software components of computer,
operating systems and web servers
Web 2.0 & 3.0 application Library 2.0 applications
Classification Classification in online systems and Web dewey ontologies and
practice of classification schemes
Content management system Installation, configuration and working practice of Content
Troubleshooting skills Management softwares
Problem solving & analytical skills
System analysis & design System analysis & design
Reference management tools Reference management software’s
E-learning system E-Learning Management System

education. Library practitioners can advise digital library a standard digital library course curriculum. Moreover,
curriculum designers on which courses of the curriculum collaboration of LIS departments with computer science,
should be strengthened and which topics to drop. Digital management and business departments can assists in
library is an area where employers, practitioners, experts as creating an interdisciplinary curriculum. Keeping in
well as different LIS schools can work together to develop view the rapid advancements in digital technologies such

306 SRELS Journal of Information Management | Vol 57(6) | December 2020

Nisha Kumari and Shesh Mishra

as automatic metadata extraction, automatic indexing, 10. Gerolimos, M., Malliari, A. and Iakovidis P. (2015). Skills
artificial intelligence, data mining, personalization, block in the market: An analysis of skills and qualifications for
chain technology and various others, the course offerings American librarians. Library Review. 64: 21-35. https://
for digital library education should be revised at regular
intervals. 11. Howard, K. (2010). Programming not required: Skills and
knowledge for the digital library environment. Australian
The authors hope that the study is of interest to
Academic and Research Libraries, 41: 260-275. https://
digital library researchers and LIS educators in India and
worldwide. 12. Koltay, T. and Boda, I. (2008). Digital library issues in
Hungarian LIS curricula: Examples from three library
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