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Year 10 SEAC Assessment Task 1 Marking Scheme

Reading (40 marks)

A. Look at the pictures below. What do you think they are about? (2 marks)

B. Now watch this video and underline the correct option: (1 mark x 3 = 3 marks)

1) The video complements the story which features in magazine number:

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3

2) The duck in the video was having one of the __________ replaced.
a) legs
b) arms
c) feathers
3) At first the duck was feeling:
a) excited
b) afraid
c) happy

Before you read:

Look at the pictures again, read the information on each picture and underline
the correct option. (1 mark x 7 = 7 marks)

The pictures above are all (magazines, newspapers, books) about (animals,
humans, science). The front page shows the main (article, project, story) so that
the (writers, readers, critics) know what they will read about if they purchase a

In the (first, second, third) copy people will read about an engineer who helped
animals walk again. People who purchase the (first, second, third) copy will read
about music and how it helps you study, whereas those who opt for the (first,
second, last) copy will read about a bird scientist and what he came up with to
make birds` lives a little easier!

Now write the words prosthetic, 3D printer and anatomy under the correct picture
and next to the correct definition. (1 mark x 6 = 6 marks)

anatomy prosthetic 3D printer

a) A machine that creates 3D objects. 3D printer

b) A study about the parts in the body of a living thing to understand what they
do and how they work together. anatomy
c) A body part which is artificial, aimed at making one`s life easier. prosthetic

C. Now read the article in the next page and find out what Derrick Campana does
for a living. (1 mark)
1. The article is taken from the (first, second, third) magazine. I know this

because on the front page there is a picture which summarises the story of the

prosthetic leg which featured in the magazine. (1 mark x

2 = 2 marks)

2. Who wrote the article? (1


Jeanette Ferrara

3. Fill in using the correct words from the box. (1 mark x 8 = 8


engineer animals special patient

walk technology body models

The article shares the story of an (1) engineer who has come up with a company

that helps animals (2) walk again. Many of these (3) animals have lost their limbs

or were born without them. For this reason, Derrick Campana, the founder of the

company, uses modern (4) technology to create an artificial leg so that they can

live like the rest of the animals. Campana first studies his (5) patient and then

designs some (6) models which he continues to improve until he ends up with the

final and best product for the animal. Campana teaches us that all animals are

(7) special even though they might have a missing part of the (8) body and that a

little effort might change someone`s life forever!

4. Derrick Campana designs prosthetic limbs. Which of the following is an

example of a limb?
(1 mark)
 An eye
 An ear
 A nose
 A leg

5. Is Campana happy with his job? Quote a line from the text to support your
answer. (1 mark x 2 = 2 marks)

Yes. “Watching the animals take their first steps and seeing them happy and
mobile again is the best part of the job,” he says.

6. Pretend you’re one of the owners of the animals Campana has helped and
write a thank-you card to him. Say how afraid you have been before the
procedure and describe how he has changed your life.
(5 marks)

7. Just like Campana, sometimes we might need to go out of our comfort zone,
face our fears and come up with something rewarding. If Campana had let his
fear win, he would not have helped so many animals. (1 mark x 2 = 2 marks)

Look at the chart below showing the top 10 teenage fears.

a) What are they most

afraid of?
Terrorist attacks

b) Thinking about common

fears that people have,
what would you say you
are most afraid of?
Accept relevant answers

LITERATURE – Public Speaking (20 marks)

Look at the bar chart below. What are people most afraid of

Watch this clip taken from the movie New York Minute and discuss:

 What is the girl doing?

 How do you think she is feeling?

 Do you think she did well?
Read the poem overleaf. How does it relate to the clip you have just

I know you.
how you stop me from failing.
How you swell in my chest,
speak up, straighten my spine,
and whisper in my ear,
Okay, you say.
It’s going to be okay.
More than
the shoe, the step,
the doorknob turn.
More than a precipice.
A fall. A burn.
I fear you will abandon me,
evaporate and not return.
But every time,
when faced with
choice, a change or a speech
it is your voice that
cuts through clouds of gray.
Okay, you say.
It’s going to be okay.

1. Find words from the poem which have the following meanings.
(1 mark x 5 = 5 marks)

Evaporate to turn from liquid into vapour.

Failing to be unsuccessful in achieving one's goal.
Whisper to speak very softly using one's breath rather than
one's throat, especially for the sake of secrecy
Precipice a very steep rock face or cliff, especially a tall one.
doorknob the handle or knob by which a door is opened or closed

2. Underline the correct answer: (1/2 mark x 4 = 2 marks)

a. The persona is speaking with:

i. a friend
ii. a teacher
iii. a parent
iv. an inner voice

b) The theme of the poem is about

i. the persona’s fears of falling.
ii. a voice that whispers to the persona.
iii. how courage helps the persona to overcome fear.
iv. the difficulty of making choices

b. The poem is written

i. with a regular rhyme scheme
ii. without a regular rhyme scheme
iii. in rhyming stanzas
iv. with two lines that rhyme at the end.

c. The mood of the poem is:

i. joyful
ii. calm
iii. hopeful
iv. friendly
3. Tick the setting which is most appropriate for this poem: (1 mark)

 At home, in a relax environment.

 At work, before delivering a speech.
 At a vacation in a hotel.

4. Read the quote below and fill in the blanks with a suitable word from the box.
(1 mark x 8 = 8 marks)

chest non-human person persona

lines whispers problems readers

“How you swell in my chest,

speak up,
straighten my spine,
and whisper in my ear”

In these (a) lines courage is described as a (b) persona who helps the (c) person

face fear. The poet here is giving a human characteristic to something (d) non-

human and in doing so the descriptions are more vivid and more real. What is

more, this technique can help (e) readers understand, sympathize with, or react

emotionally to non-human characters which in this case is courage. In fact,

readers are guided to see courage as a person who fills up the persona`s (f) chest

and (g) whispers in the ear words of guidance.

5. Answer these questions in short. (1/2 mark x 2 = 1 mark)

a. What is the persona scared of?

The persona is scared of failing.

b. Quote a phrase that shows this.

“Courage, how you stop me from failing”

6. Read the following quote. “Okay, you say. Okay. It’s going to be okay.”
(1/2 mark x 2 = 1 mark)

a. Who is speaking in these lines?

The persona

b. Why do you think these lines are repeated in the poem?

To ensure the persona remembers that this is a temporary phase and that better
times will come soon.

7. Think about a time when you too felt afraid and write about how you managed
to overcome that fear. Write it below and then discuss in pairs. (2 marks)

Accept relevant answers




WRITING – On the Phone (40 marks)

A. Tick the correct option: (1 mark)

The text below is an example of:

 an email
 a text message
 a letter

B. Read the text below and find out who is writing and why. Write your answer
in the box provided. (2 marks)

The person who is writing is Daryl. He wants to know if Kelly is well and then he
continues to ask her about her English poem presentation.
1. Underline the correct option. (1 mark x 4 = 4 marks)

a. The writer is writing to a (teacher, friend, relative).

b. The text is (formal, informal).
c. The text is aimed to be read by (one person, two persons, three persons).
d. The messages are (long, short) and include a number of (emojis, questions,
pauses and hesitations).

2. Find an example of a word that is shortened from the text. Why do you think
words are shortened? (2 marks)

Accept any of the following:

I`m or that`s – words are shortened to save time when texting

3. Kelly would like to invite Daryl to go and watch a film with her to celebrate her
success! (2 marks)

a) Which of these openings would Kelly choose to open her message?

i) Hi + Name of friend ii) To whom it may concern, iii) Dear Sir / Madam,

b) Fill in the table below with information she can include in the message:

(1 mark x 9 = 9 marks)

Name of person you are writing to

Day when you are meeting
Where you are going
Place where you are meeting
Accept relevant answers and allocate
1 mark for each correct answer.
Other people invited
Price of tickets
What to dress
Time you will be back home

c) Write some questions Daryl can ask her to reply to her text messages. (5 marks)

Accept relevant answers

d) Write the conversation Daryl and Kelly have between them. (15 marks)

Coherence and cohesion / 2 marks

Register / 2 marks

Content / 3 marks

Grammar / 3 marks

Spelling /5

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