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Pepperdine University

Graduate School of Education and Psychology


PSY 612

Midterm Exam Study Guide

Writing Tips:
• The exam is comprised of 4 short essays (2 pages maximum). Each essay is graded out of
20 points. Grading rubric is provided. Writing proficiency is worth 20 points (APA
format, 1 citations, spelling/grammar, style and readability).
• Read the exam question thoroughly to make sure you understand exactly what is
being asked.
• If there is a case vignette or scenario, be sure to read the exam questions before
you read the vignette in order to focus your attention to the case details.
• Make an outline before you start to ensure that your essays are coherent, well
thought out, comprehensive, and incorporates all of the material you wish to
• Make your answers as concise, yet comprehensive as possible and address all
aspects of each question.
• Begin your discussion of each point with wording taken directly from the test
question as this will alert the instructor to the specific parts of the question you
are answering.
• Review your answers not only for content, but also for spelling and grammar
PLEASE NOTE: This is only a guide and is not intended to be comprehensive. Students are
responsible for all the material listed on the syllabus, covered in the class lectures, and class

Learning Outcome/Tasks Related Course Content

Explain the importance of theory and critical • Use of theory to guide treatment
thinking application of theories to counseling planning and intervention in counseling
and psychotherapy. and psychotherapy
• Application of theories in light of
socio-historical-political contexts of the
individual, family, and community
• Understand common elements of
psychotherapy and counseling

Classic Psychoanalytic Theory

Formulate working definitions and applications • Be able to name and describe the three
of theories that inform case conceptualization parts of the Mind
• Be able to name and describe the three
and treatment planning. Structures of the Mind
• The two instincts that drive behavior in
Demonstrate the analytic skills to integrate and this theory: sex and aggression
apply multiple, sometimes competing • Use theory of stages of psychosexual
perspectives to a specific case. development to a case vignette

Apply the concepts of various theories to a case Ego Psychology

• What are functions of the ego?
• Identify and explain Defense mechanisms?
What is adaptive? Maladaptive?
• What is Ego mastery? How can we tell
when a person has achieved ego mastery?
• Name, identify, and describe processes of
stress, coping, and adaptation
• Use stages of Erikson’s psychosocial
developmental theory to explain behaviors
in a case vignette

Relational Theories

• Humanistic and Existential Theories

• Adlerian Theory
• Object Relations Theory
Attachment Theory

• Bowlby and origins of Attachment theory

• Attachment Behavior (including natural
• Psychobiological attunement,
neurobiological development, and
• Identify and define different Attachment

Behavioral Theories

• Classical and Operant Conditioning

• Behavioral theory principles and concepts

Cognitive Approaches

• Social cognitive theory

Understand how different theories explain the

influence of ecological/environmental variables on
human behavior. • How does age, gender, class, race,
ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation,
Be able to demonstrate understanding and ability to disability, and religion play a part on the
critically evaluate application of theories to different development of the individual and his/her
genders, cultural, or ethnic groups. interaction with the social environment?
• How do specific theories account for the
Be able to demonstrate understanding and ability to role diversity factors on presentation of
critically evaluate application of theories to across behaviors?
different developmental stages or life.

Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of

key theories covered in units 1-4.

Critically evaluate the relevance of understanding

• Psychoanalytic Theory
key theories in understanding adaptive vs.
• Ego Psychology
maladaptive behaviors across the early lifespan and
• Relational Theories
development of treatment goals and interventions
• Attachment Theory
based on these theories.
• Humanistic and Existential Theories
• Behavioral Theories
Critically evaluate the way in which the values and • Cognitive Approaches
ethics of counseling and psychotherapy are
exemplified in these theories and where they present
ethical dilemmas for the practitioner.

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